Remove product-category from url woocommerce - wordpress

Problem 1:
I'm using WooCommerce on a WordPress and it adds product-category to the URLs.
I need to remove 'product-category' from the URLs. Is there any way to modify the permalinks and remove them?
Problem 2:
Also, I want to change the permalink for the product.
Current url for product "Active AirClean (SF-AA 50) with TimeStrip" is:
I have a category structure for the product is:
accessories > floorcare > filters
So the url for the product shoud be

I believe that what you are trying to achieve is not possible with Woocommerce. My colleague tried to change this as well a couple of months ago without any success. If you do want to remove the slug from products+categories you can use a plugin. There are several plugins available, i don't know if I im allowed to post it here, but we used the Perfect seo url plugin for woocommerce. Although it costs a lot of money, it was a good choice.
Typically it will solve both of your questions. I would recommend not using too many 'subcategories' in your url structure. Try to use maximum 2 subcategories, for SEO reasons. Google will index only 3 levels.
Good luck!


WooCommerce - change custom base slug to product-category slug

I have tried figuring this out for two days with WooCommerce custom slug based.
I have links like and I want it to be
Yes, want to remove product or store name from the link to get good SEO.
I need to change my product permalinks with a custom base, but when I am trying to set "/%product_cat%/" then automatically it converts to "/product/%product_cat%/" or /%product_cat%/product/.
Finally, I want to set permalinks like this - Category)/t-shirts(Sub Category)/my-t-shirt-1(Product Name)
Would really appreciate some help!
I believe that what you are trying to achieve is not possible with Woocommerce.
If you do want to remove the slug from products or categories you can use a plugin. There are several plugins available, I don't know if I am allowed to post it here, Here what I've used -
1- Install free 'WOO CATEGORY BASE PERMALINK FIXER' plugin from
2- Set Product Category Base Permalinks to: shop
3- Set Custom Base Permalinks to: /shop/%product_cat%/
URLs will then look like
Seems to work fine for pagination and subcategories.

Achieving flat URL structure with woocommerce for SEO

In an attempt to make a multilingual woocommerce website with a flat url structure we thing would be best for our store's seo, we tried every combinaison plugins/features/sustom code/htaccess we know and could not make it happen.
I know WP suggests NOT to remove the base slugs from urls but the main reason is to avoid conflict between slugs and we intend on writing ALL slugs manually.
So, in short lets says we have categoryA and categoryAB (child of A) and a productnamedsomething associated to categoryAB.The usual URL of woocommerce would be:
while we would simply want:
up to there, the WP htaccess Control plugin was working wonderfull, but adding multilangual fonctionnality made it complicated.
We tried both polylang and WPML and could not achieve in any way our target URLs:
However, typing any of these URL in the address bar works and displays the product, without the category tree. But we cannot get menus, category menus and other links to point to a flat url structure.
So the main points here are:
Did anyone succeed in creating flat url structure in woocommerce and what was the wining combinaison of plugins/hack used?
If not, what would be the best way to go about it, manually removing categories using htacess or maybe overwriting theme functions to change widgets and menu links structure in php?
Is all this worth the hassle or is woocommerce's basic url structure
better than it feels for a shop's SEO?
Ask clarifications if needed, i'll be glad to discuss this.
Have you tried the WordPress rewrite API?

WordPress / WooCommerce: Remove "product-category" slug - SEO improvement

At the moment I'm working on SEO for different WooCommerce shops.
I know that Google likes "simple to understand urls ".
In the search results of Google I often see simple urls for product category pages from other shop systems, like: In WooCommerce the url would look like this:
I think removing the "product-category" slug would definitely be a SEO improvement. On the WooThemes Doc page I read that removing this slug isn't good for WordPress and it would be hard for it to detect whether the site is a normal page or the actual product category.
Recently I saw the plugin "Perfect SEO Url" it says it removes the slugs and the shop will work without duplicate content and old urls get automatically redirected to the new one. What do you think about? Will this plugin cause problems on the WordPress system? Should I remove this slugs to get the best SEO results? My shop is in a branch of industry where every SEO improvement is very important because the competition is pretty strong.
Removing those url's is definitely one of the major improvements in search engine optimization for any online store because then search engines will not take into account the unnecessary words in the link. So, the search for your products will become more precise. I also encountered this problem and tested most of the plugins that were available on the WordPress website. Now I definently can recomend Permalink Manager by Premmerce because it's free, very user friendly and simple plugin.
You can donload it in Wodpress site here:

Wordpress and Woocommerce: remove /product and /product-category from URL structure

Dear StackOverflow friends,
in a site with Wordpress and Woocommerce plugin,
I would like to change the URL of the pages of e-commerce in an SEO friendly structure and in particular I would like:
1) the individual product pages
to become
2) and the product category pages
to become
As regards the case 1 /product,
I have not found a plugin that could help me and I tried
A- to modify WordPress permalinks: inserting a slash followed by a dot /. products , URL takes on the structure that I want but the pages are no longer accessible and bring me an error of 'redirection loop'
B- to modify the .htaccess file, adding the following lines of code
// 301 Redirect Entire Directory
RedirectMatch* 301)$1
but probably I have not written/inserted that code correctly, because the site becomes inaccessible!
As regards the case 2 about /product-category,
I tried the plugin SEO Ultimate which has the function that suites my needs and I successfully converts the URL structure of product categories, but I'd prefer to get the same result without using it, because my friend wants to use SEO Yoast and there may be conflicts between these two plugins.
In conclusion, I wish URL wouldn't suffer broken links and redirections to be more acceptable to Google (maybe using the 301 redirection because it seems to be the only liked by robots) or even change the WordPress core code that determines the structure of the URL, but I have not been able to find it!
I read this Stack post and this Woocommerce documentation but I'd like to find an alternate way, if possible in your opinion.
I would also be happy to know your opinion about the usefulness of a modified URL structure, removing irrelevant words to the products sold in a e-commerce, to meet Google requirements (I found conflicting information about this subject).
Thanks for your advice and your help!
I would also be happy to know your opinion about the usefulness of a modified URL structure, removing irrelevant words to the products sold in a e-commerce, to meet Google requirements (I found conflicting information about this subject).
If you are looking to do this change to meet SEO Best Practices requirements, please note that this particular URL suggestion happened due to products that belong to multiple categories.
As such, urls that include categories can be detrimental. and point to the same product. However, the problem here is not /product/ but /drinks/ and /milkshake/.
a WooCommerce site with a default product url like is technically ok. I prefer to set my urls to as well as as it is more descriptive. You can do this on WordPress Admin>Settings>Permalinks.
That said, if WooCommerce documentation says it's not a good idea, I usually don't pursue it. :)
Its possible to change the url structure, use a plugin for this.
old situation:
new situation:
or with categories
You will have to buy a plugin to get it this way.

Remove uncategorized from Permalink

We are currently upgrading a shop from a hosted solution on big cartel to a wordpress e-commerce solution. So far it is going well, except for the product permalinks. From the products page, all links are in the form /products/uncategorized/*product_name*. How can I get it so that all it stops trying to put a category into the permalink? Sadly, it can't be avoided as there are already a large number of facebook likes, comments and other things that are based on the url being /products/*product_name* and changing to the new format will remove the likes count and comments.
there is a plugin you can use that will strip the category base from the url
