I know that Jetpack's 'widget visibility' option can be used to display widgets on specific author pages. I would like to be able to do this in my theme's template file.
The list of conditional tags has options to see if one is on a specific author's archive page but not, seemingly, to check who the specific author of a post is.
This is basically what I want to do:
If author is Mr. Incredible, show some html. If author is Mrs.
Incredible, show different html.
Is this possible? I imagine it should be but I haven't been able to find any how to on it yet.
Sure! Your problem statement is a great start. Let's translate it into actual code:
If author is Mr. Incredible, show some html. If author is Mrs. Incredible, show different html.
if ( is_author('Mr. Incredible Nickname or ID') ) {
// echo some HTML
} elseif ( is_author('Mrs. Incredible Nickname or ID') ) {
// echo different HTML
} else {
// if neither, echo something else
The code should be readable, just like the problem statement.
You can read more about is_author() in the Codex.
Additionally, if you need to check the author of individual posts, you can use get_the_author().
You can get post author ID.
With use it, get author nickname or etc...
And check your want with this.
Tip for you:
in single.php
$ID = $post->post_author;
$nickname = get_the_author_meta('nickname', $ID);
if($nickname == "fors")
include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/fors-template.php');
include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/single-default.php');
I have a post type named 'Property'.
I want to show single post in two different way.
if anyone click on post then it will shows a simple layout with name of post and description.
Now i have also category for beds. now if anyone goes in category '2 Bed' then you can see all post with '2 Bed' categories('its done'). but now if anybody click on post then it have to show different single page.
my English is very bad so please excuse it.
You can set up individual templates for a single category by using the single_template hook.
Put this in your functions.php file:
function my_category_templates($single_template) {
global $post;
if ( in_category( 'property' )) {
$single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/single-property.php';
// Copy the above for your other categories
return $single_template;
add_filter( "single_template", "my_category_templates" );
You can then create individual single templates for each category, just add more conditions and point them to the template you create.
There is the concept of Category Templates as dictated by the
Template Hierarchy but because you are asking how to display a "single" post based on category, you will want to use the in_category() Conditional Tag in the Template file you use to display singe posts. The Loop article has an example of using in_category.
Or look at this concept:
Or this:
Or this plugin:
Or this plugin:
So according to the Wordpress template hierarchy there is only one single.php, that cannot be separated by category (like the archive page for example.)
So in this case I suggest you read the current category id in your single.php file and then adjust the content to your needs. You can use get_the_category() do do this (reference: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_the_category/) which will return you an array with categories. In my simple example I just pick the first category to do something:
$categories = get_the_category();
$category_id = $categories[0]->cat_ID;
if($category_id == 1) echo 'do something here';
Thanks for you help. I am done with it myself.
I create single.php for simple format and and in category result i didn't use the_permalink and call id of post and made a url like http://localhost/demo/page?id=$id
I'm trying to remove the word "Archive" from the page title.
How to remove it? By adding a filter?
My collections Archive | My sitename
Best to use Wordpress SEO by Yoast.
Within Titles & Metas go to the Taxonomies tab and update the Title template for Product Categories to remove the word Archive. Mine ended up looking like this:
%%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%
you can rewrite the filter in functions.php so it fails, causing WooCommerce not the render it.
function override_page_title() {
return false;
add_filter('woocommerce_show_page_title', 'override_page_title');
If you are using the Yoast SEO (Versión 8.1.2), the options were move to:
Yoast SEO -> Search Appearance -> Taxonomies.
In there look up by Product categories (product_cat) and open it.
Then remove the Archives string from the head.
I know this is an old post but I tried the answers here and it didn't work.
I found the solution basing it off renegadesk's answer, but in addition of going to the Taxonomies Tab I also had to change it in the Post Types tab. See below:
Get Wordpress SEO by Yoast if you don't already have it, then click SEO > Titles & Metas > Post Types. Scroll down and look for the heading "Custom Post Type Archives". On the "Products", you can edit the content of this title. Mine now looks like this:
%%pt_plural%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%
In woocommerce there seem to be 3 instances of Archives (case sensitive) one in
\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\woocommerce-hooks.php around line 50
and 2 in \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\woocommerce-template.php
around lines 240 ish
Perhaps one of those is what you're looking for and you may be able to modify code.
in addition to Ted C:
For this purpose Wordpress has already predifined functions starting with __return_.
In this case the function you are looking for is __return_false.
add_filter('woocommerce_show_page_title', '__return_false',10,0); will also work.
The last two params are the order of the function and the number of params passed to it.
It is always a good pratice to set them up but this is only necessary if you want to modify the default order (10) and the number of params passed (1).
You have this filter for all cases : "get_the_archive_title".
But then there are different cases.
For exemple for simple category you can do :
function prefix_category_title( $title ) {
$title = single_cat_title( '', false );
return $title;
add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', 'prefix_category_title' );
For custom post type you should do :
function prefix_category_title( $title ) {
$title = single_cat_title( '', false );
return $title;
add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', 'prefix_category_title' );
So finally you have many condition like :
Edit this file archive-product.php and remove the below 3 lines.
<h1 class="page-title"><?php woocommerce_page_title(); ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>
This will remove page title on shop page and all other pages.
i have created a Custom Post type Movie, and Also created a page Movies and Showed all the movies on that page. Great….
“But the Problem is”, When I click on that movie, Its’ going on the same single.php page, and that’s what I don’t want, I want a Saprate Single.php file for this movie section and seprate others like news, videos, so tell what i’ll do for this
Create single-movie.php file in your theme. Put custom code in there.
For any other custom post type use single-{custom-post-type-slug}.php
heres how to do it.
Delete everything in your single.php insert the following, and create multiple single.php files for your needs.
[note: in_category('id of your category')
$post = $wp_query->post;
if ( in_category(‘3′) ) {
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/single-photo.php’);
} elseif ( in_category(‘4′) ) {
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/single-video.php’);
} else {
include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/single-default.php’);
Good luck ^ ^
I am trying to get the terms of a specific taxonomy to display on a page. The code is located in a page template and when I use 'get_the_terms' the result that shows is 'array'. Can someone explain this?
It's corrent. As reported in the codex page for get_the_terms() return an array of terms.
You can then use the array later in your code.
$terms = get_the_terms();
to discover the structure of the terms.
This example prints out the name of the terms that are retrieved by the function.
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
echo $term->name
Slightly off-topic, but just yesterday I answered a question related to this over on wordpress.stackexchange.com. It uncovered some interesting variations on the theme of "getting taxonomies/terms associated with a post".
I'm looking for a plugin (or better yet, not a plugin) for wordpress that lets me generate standard content elements, or includes for posts and pages.
For example, my_content_1 could be:
buy it now for $23!!
Which could then be included in posts and pages using some kind of syntax (or whatever) like:
Welcome to my site, blah blah blah.. check out this product - %my_content_1%
Not looking for anything fancy, anything that does this sort of thing would be awesome.
The point of this being much like a regular php include I could have the same information updated in one place and applied over many pages/posts.
I found something that is pretty much what I'm looking for:
However, other suggestions would be good as I'm not too confident in the quality of the code for that plugin.
Not sure about a plugin, but how about simply creating something yourself? If you created a PHP page and set up variables such as
$content->title = "This is a title"
$content->smallText = "Insert some short paragraph here"
And then just include it in your header? You could store it in your theme directory and then call it like so
<?php $themeFolder = get_bloginfo("template_url"); ?>
<?php include($themeFolder."/content.php") ?>
Would that be suitable?
How about creating a few files and link them in using shortcode?
ie: open your themes/functions.php file add this..
function wp_my_shortcodes($atts)
'type' => '', //author, rss, adverts
), $atts));
switch($type) {
case 'author' : $display = wp_display_author_info(); break;
case 'rssview' : $display = wp_display_rss_info(); break;
case 'adverts' : $display = wp_display_adverts(); break;
default : $display = wp_display_author_info(); break;
return $display ;
add_shortcode('mycontent', wp_my_shortcodes);
function wp_display_author_info()
function wp_display_rss_info()
function wp_display_adverts()
using shortcodes inside your posts you can then bring in which ever piece of content that you want.. in the example above I've created 3 pages in the template root folder called
my_author_info.php, my_rss_info.php, my_adverts.php all of which speak for themself..
this page could use the the_author_meta() to populate a div box with included author info,
include your subscription box to let users subscribe to your blog
include 4x 125x125 adverts?
so in the post i could use
[mycontent type='author']
[mycontent type='rssview']
[mycontent type='adverts']
if no argument is added to the shortcode then the default view is shown, in this case..
would return the authorview as default...
this would then include that file in the content...
just remember to create the included files :)
I found something that is pretty much what I'm looking for: