I´m using PHPExcel 1.8.0 to fill a Excel5 file, but:
when I use:
A1 cell format is lost, but when I use:
A1 cell format is preserved as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
I would like to be able to filter my data like this:
Year ( + )
Month ( + )
Day ( + ).
At first i tought it's problem of cell formatting cause the format was set to General. So i did this:
And i worked. Now my cell G2 is formatted as date (at least excel says so). But i'm not able to sort this until i select cell and hit enter, after this ONLY this one cell is sortable. I have no idea why.
Thanks in advance for any help!
You need to set date values in cells as MS Excel timestamp values, not strings or unix timestamps.
Assuming from the way you're doing it at the moment that $row->user_created is a Unix timestamp value the, rather than
$formattedRow[] = date('Y-m-d',$row->user_created);
$formattedRow[] = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(
which will set the value to a MS Excel serialized date/timestamp
You still want to set the number format mask, so that MS Excel knows how the date should be displayed; but as it's stored in Excel format rather than as a string, it will be sortable or filterable, or usable in formulae, etc
I have a csv file and am unsure how to get R to interpret it as a table because all the title info is in one cell and all the data relating to the titles is in a separate cell. So all the info I need is in 2 cells but it actually needs to be split up.
The cell A3 has a value called 'Team' , this corresponds to the part in the cell A4 that says 'Visitor'. Then each part after than corresponds to the bit below it. ..sorry I don't know how to describe it, but ultimately it would look like this …
Looks like the field separator in your data is a ;
read.csv has a parameter sep to change the field separator and another parameter header to tell it there is an initial line containing the column names. Use read.csv like this:
data = read.csv(file="/mydir/myfile.csv", sep=";", header=T)
To test you can print out the first 5 lines of the data table with:
PHPExcel conditional formatting has some helpful conditions and operators...
I applied a condition like so:
$aCondition = new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional();
$conditionalStyles = $sheet->getStyle('B2')->getConditionalStyles();
array_push($conditionalStyles, $aCondition);
However, when I get to the excel document... it marks the cell yellow even though it should not be... but if I then go to the cell and press enter... the cell then loses its yellow... and then the conditional formatting works correctly...
I apply formatting for that cell's rows like so:
I found this little doozy:
PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel( strtotime( "03/25/2014" ) )
As soon as you apply this, the issue goes away.. This is because the formatcode is just a mask... the underlying data has to be of a special Excel date type.
I should read data from more than 4 different excel file with different cell formating but same data within, so how i can change the cell format then read the data using phpexcel?
If you're storing a numeric value that's longer than a 32-bit signed integer can handle (such as 435546567567345) then treat it as a string using
If you're reading this value from an Excel worksheet, and it is actually a number value rather than a string containing a numeric value, then it is likely being treated as a float by MS Excel, so there may well be some loss of precision already (unless the file was created using a 64-bit version of MS Excel), even before PHPExcel reads it. If it is a number created using a 64-bit version of MS Excel, then you'll need a 64-bit version of PHP to read it without loss of precision.
Try reading the raw, unformatted value using getValue() and then doing a var_dump() to see what datatype it actually is; or try using getDataType() to see what the value was being stored as in the Excel file
I am using PHPExcel library to read spread sheet data. This library is giving me trouble reading the 'DATE' values.
How to instruct the PHPExcel to read the 'DATE' values properly even if 'setReadDataOnly' is set as 'false'?
PHPExcel version: 2.1, Environment: Ubuntu 12
Here is the code block:
$objReader = \PhpExcel\PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($spreadSheetFullFilePathString);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($spreadSheetFullFilePathString);
$objWorksheetObject = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
Am getting 'integer' values for the 'DATE' column values by default.
I found that, the line '$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true)' is causing the trouble.
So, Changed it as '$objReader->setReadDataOnly(false)'.
I am getting the Date column value properly after this change. But now the reader is reading ALL the ROWS + COLUMNS found in the excel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);, then the only reader that can identify dates is the Gunumeric Reader. A date value can only be identified by the number format mask, and setReadDataOnly(true) tells the Reader not to read the formatting, so dates cannot subsequently be identified (Gnumeric is the exception, because it was written after the problem was identified, but none of the other Readers have yet been modified to read this information regardless of the setReadDataOnly value. If you need to identify dates, then the only option at this point is $objReader->setReadDataOnly(false);
However, for date cells, you shouldn't get an integer value; you should get a float: it's the decimal that identifies the time part of the Excel datetime serialized value.
If you know which cells contain dates, then you can convert them to unix timestamps or PHPExcel DateTime objects using the helper functions defined in the PHPExcel_Shared_DateTime class (and can then use all the standard PHP date handling functions).
You say that the reader is now reading ALL the ROWS + COLUMNS found in the excel: it should, irrespective of the setReadDataOnly value. If you don't want to read all the rows and columns, then you need to set a Read Filter.