How to install FitNesse on application server as war/ear - war

Fitnesse download page only has option for standalone.jar and this is also what the instructions are for. Is it somehow possible to install FitNesse on a separate app server, such as Tomcat? There's not directly any war/ear to download, but can I bundle one somehow?
I'm experimenting with acceptance testing frameworks and need to run the tests on a very specific test environment, and thus require a possibility for installing on an already running app container where the tests are executed. Changes for getting even java executable from command line in this environment are slim, and if possible, the process would take probably months to realize.

I do not believe it is possible, but even if you were to get the wiki running inside an app server, a test run would still try to start a new java process (by starting the java executable) so you still need access to that executable.
But does the test environment really need to be in the app server? I usually use FitNesse to test an application from the outside: the test framework makes remote (http) calls to an application running in an app server, but it does not run in that same app server itself.


Batch File: Wait until multiple dotnet run commands are finished before launching browser shortcut

I have a batch file that executes:
start cmd /k dotnet run -p projectName
For two separate projects and then launches a shortcut link to the angular project in browser. The only (semi) problem is that the shortcut launches before the dotnet run commands have finished and so the browser believes the site cannot be reached until the dotnet run commands are complete.
I'm trying to not launch the shortcut link until both projects have finished executing the dotnet run command so the "This site can't be reached" dialog never shows up. I don't personally mind it, but it's rather confusing to anyone thinking the application should just open without the need for a reload.
The projects I'm running are a .NET Core Web API & .NET Core (Angular) Web App. The angular app get's compiled and served via dotnet run, but both projects need to remain running in order to listen to their specific ports. And the shortcut link executed at the end of the batch file is just to open the browser at localhost:AngularPort#. I understand a desktop app would have probably been the way to go from the start but for v2, the plan is to host in azure and allow customers to access the site as well instead of just being an internal app.
I found a solution on npm with a package called 'wait-on' which in my case will wait until an http(s) request on that url returns a response with a status code in the 200 range before completing. There's a whole other assortment of use-cases with this package but I only needed it for that.
Here's a link to the package if anyone else runs into this problem:
Honestly this was only a problem because the laptop I needed to put the application on didn't have the best CPU stats, so it got hung up trying to serve a local api and angular application simultaneously.

Symbols not loading for remote debugging on ASP.Net app built and deployed from Azure DevOps Pipeline

I have an ASP.Net application who's code is sitting in an Azure Repo. The project has a build pipeline that builds on master branch merges. I then have a Deployment pipeline that takes the latest build and deploys local on my web server through a deployment pool I have running on my server. The web application builds with the VS Build task and deploys with the IIS Web App Deploy task. Both work fine.
I have one VM in with Visual Studio that I am trying to use to remote debug the web server. I have VS Remote Tools on the web server and it successfully runs. On my VM, I am able to open VS, attach debugger to a remote process on the web server successfully. The problem is that the symbols are not loading and I'm not sure what the correct sequence of items is here.
First, it doesn't appear that there are any .pdb files in the build produced by the Azure Pipeline. Second, I'm not sure what is the proper way to get the code onto the VM for debugging (Clone repo, vs download zip, etc). Third, I attempted to add a Publish Smybols task to my deploy pipeline, however its generating .pdb folders not files, and I'm not sure where to place these either on the web server, or on the vm.
My background is in classic local TFS setups, so working, building and deploying from Azure DevOps has me confused on how to get remote debugging to work.
OK this is not for the faint-hearted. It has taken me 3hrs to slowly work through this - but it's worth it. Many times has something worked locally, but then when you trigger an Build Agent with CI on a remote server you can't Step through the code with breakpoints.
So this info is if you are using the above situation - Azure build agent and Continuous Integration. If you are using a Publish Profile this doesn't apply.
First things first... The most important parts of this answer can be found in this blog:
I've added that Url to the wayback machine at in case it disappears.
So yes the problem is the .PDB files - they need to be included by adding Publish symbols task. in your VSO pipeline.
Note: I had to change the BuildConfiguration parameter to debug (different from Willy's instructions). Otherwise when you eventually start to hit breakpoints the code is optimized and you won't see variable values in the hover-over etc.
In VS 2019 Willy's instruction for Link to the symbols during remote debugging sessions needs reading carefully. I didn't. There is a better image on:
I include the screen capture here:
Importantly you need to add your VSTS hostname into the list of Symbol Servers
Now mine still wasn't hitting the breakpoints and I found this page (which is generally about using the slightly different method of Publish Profiles), but I noticed some more components were loaded into IIS... Yes! You may need these too.
So the most important image I will paste here:
You need to add IIS Management Scripts and Tools to your IIS installation.
That should do it. Also I run my remote debugger as Administrator, attach it to the w3wp.exe (show All Users Processes) and if it doesn't appear - reload the remote page and Refresh as if the pool goes to sleep you won't see it in the list
Good luck!

Run GUI application as part of BuildMaster deploy

I need to run a GUI application as part of BuildMaster deploy. Currently I added a PowerShell action that launches that application. The problem is the process is started but there is no GUI. I guess it is caused by the fact BuildMaster agent (that executes the PowerShell script) is a Windows Service. Is there any way to resolve it?
A Windows Service cannot launch applications with a GUI (as of Windows Vista / Server 2008 and newer at least), as they run in session 0 and will never be seen by an actual user. You might be able to hack around this by setting the "Interact With Desktop" flag, but that isn't really recommended at this point.
Is it possible to re-architect the application that has to be run into something that doesn't present a GUI and instead accepts command-line arguments?

How does Meteor Up work?

I recently created a droplet on Digital Ocean, and then just used Meteor Up to deploy my site to it.
As awesome as it was to not have to mess with all of the details, I'm feeling a little worried and out of the loop about what's happening with my server.
For example, I was using the console management that Digital Ocean provides, and I tried to use the meteor mongo command to investigate what was happening with my database. It just errored, with command not found: meteor.
I know my database works, since records are persistent across accesses, but it seems like Meteor Up accomplished this without retaining any of the testing and development interfaces I grew used to on my own machine.
What does it do??? And how can I get a closer look at things going on behind the scenes?
Meteor Up installs your application to the remote server, but does not install the global meteor command-line utilities.
For those, simply run curl | /bin/sh.
MUP does a few things. Note that this MUP is currently under active development and some of this process will likely change soon. The new version will manage deployment via Docker, add support for meteor build options, and other cool stuff. Notes on the development version (mupx) can be found here:
mup setup installs (depending on your mup.json file) Node, PhantomJS, MongoDB, and stud (for SSL support). It also installs the shell script to setup your environment variables, as well as your upstart configuration file.
mup deploy runs meteor build on your local machine to package your meteor app as a bundled and zipped node app for deployment. It then copies the packaged app to the remote server, unbundles it, installs npm modules, and runs as a node app.
Note that meteor build packages your app in production mode rather than the debug mode that runs by default on localhost when you call meteor or meteor run. The next version of MUP will have a buildOptions property in mup.json that you can use to set the debug and mobileSettings options when you deploy.
Also, since your app is running directly via Node (rather than Meteor), meteor mongo won't work. Instead, you need to ssh into the remote server and call mongo appName.
From there, #SLaks is right about how it sets things up on the server (from
This is how Meteor Up will configure the server for you based on the given appName or using "meteor" as default appName. This information will help you customize the server for your needs.
your app lives at /opt/<appName>/app
mup uses upstart with a config file at /etc/init/<appName>.conf
you can start and stop the app with upstart: start <appName> and stop <appName>
logs are located at: /var/log/upstart/<appName>.log
MongoDB installed and bound to the local interface (cannot access from the outside)
the database is named <appName>

What could be good ways to deploy ASP.Net Web Applications?

We currently deploy web applications by creating a database and running SQL scripts through query analyzer. Then we copy the output from "publish website" and set up that website in IIS.
We have seen websetup in visual studio, but that part seems to be thinly documented. For example, we are not clear how to ask the user for IP and password of SQL server. We also tend to get websites deployed this way coming up under folders like, instead of just
Then there are issues with AJAX.Net not being installed or some or the other patch not applied.
So far, we have physical access to the servers. Pretty soon though we are going to be shipping CDROMs. What is the practical tradeoff between manual intervention and automation?
Avoid Visual Studio deployment, and automate as much as possible. Web Deployment Projects and NAnt can be your friends!
Briefly, our deployment setup:
We use RedGate SQL to script differences between dev and live database.
An NAnt build file which calls MSBUILD to build the web deployment project (.wdproj), zips up the resulting compiled web app (along with the SQL change script) and then uploads the zip file to the server.
On the server side, there is another NAnt build file which takes the application offline, backs up the database, backs up the website. runs the SQL change script, unzips the new version and brings the app online.
Step 3 is usually run "manually" (one double-click), but sometimes scheduled for late at night. You could do exactly the same from a CDROM, or even write a pretty little Windows Forms app as a wrapper.
Quite happy to give details of the NAnt script if you're interested.
Have you tried using Web Deployment project? There is support for VS 2008 also now..
I deploy mostly ASP.NET apps to Linux servers. Here is my standard workflow:
I use a source code repository (like Subversion)
On the server, I have a bash script that does the following:
Checks out the latest code
Does a build (creates the DLLs)
Filters the files down to the essentials (removes code files for example)
Backs up the database
Deploys the files to the web server in a directory named with the current date
Updates the database if a new schema is included in the deployment
Makes the new installation the default one so it will be served with the next hit
Checkout is done with the command-line version of Subversion and building is done with xbuild (msbuild work-alike from the Mono project). Most of the magic is done in ReleaseIt.
On my dev server I essentially have continuous integration but on the production side I actually SSH into the server and initiate the deployment manually by running the script. My script is cleverly called 'deploy' so that is what I type at the bash prompt. I am very creative. Not.
In production, I have to type 'deploy' twice: once to check-out, build, and deploy to a dated directory and once to make that directory the default instance. Since the directories are dated, I can revert to any previous deployment simply by typing 'deploy' from within the relevant directory.
Initial deployment takes a couple of minutes and reversion to a prior version takes a few seconds.
It has been a nice solution for me and relies only on the three command-line utilities (svn, xbuild, and releaseit), the DB client, SSH, and Bash.
I really need to update the copy of ReleaseIt on CodePlex sometime:
