Retrieve Password in ASP.NET Identity System -

How to retrieve password back in original form in Asp.Net Identity System from PasswordHash column?

You don't.
The whole idea behind hashing algorithms is that they're one way processes. With some work you could swap out hashing for encryption of passwords, but A) if you've used the default (which is a hashing algorithm) and you've already got users in the database, you aren't getting those passwords back, and B) there are good security reasons passwords are hashed instead of encrypted.
If you just need to reset the password for the user and you have access to the source code, there's plenty of ways to do this. This SO Q&A is a good start.

Actually what i have to do is: In Admin module of my project i have to show existing users with their credentials ie username/email and their reset password wont work.


what methodology encryption drupal has used for username and password authentication and validation

Drupal site migrated into PHP Framework,
In new database and current drupal contents are migrated,
Show stopper ? is login authentication.
what methodology / encryption method drupal has used for username and password authentication and validation.
Drupal code is open source and, in the case of user authentication, quite easy to understand. One only have to look at the source (Clive already provided the link on the comment to the OP).
With Drupal core, user authentication is password based. User authentication is done in the user_authenticate() function. Actual password verification is done in the user_check_password() function. As one can see, this actually compare hashed passwords (the stored one, and the one provided as clear-text to the function). Password hashes are computed using the _password_crypt() function, using salt and repeated hashing to increase security.
If you need to re-use Drupal user authentication outside of Drupal but keeping the password unchanged, you will need to replicate the user_check_password() function and all it dependencies.

Storing encryption keys for desktop application(Email Client)[Duplication]

There are so many articles on stack-overflow and security.stackexchange on storing encryption keys, but I am still confused, so that's why I decided to ask again here.
Basically, I am creating an Email client for education purpose, in that Users can create account where they enter there Email-ID and Password. I am looking for secure way to save the information.
I will be
Encrypting the Email-ID and Password
and storing the encryption key on the user PC because I don't want the user to type in password every time he sends and Email
From reading I have understood that,
I need to store the encryption key in a separate location, so that it will be difficult to find by an hacker, But the problem here is that my application is written in Python and it will be open source application, so hacker can view the source code and get the path of the directory where the key is stored.
Second solution is that I can have a master password which will be used as a key, when the user opens the application for the first time after starting the computer, the application will ask for the master password, then I can store the key in RAM.
Looking at all the articles on internet on this topic this is a repetition, but I am sill learning to make applications and for the last two days I going in a loop with no success.
OS: Linux Ubuntu 14.04
Programming Language/Framework: Python/Gtk+
Your understanding is correct.
It's impossible to prevent a attacker with access to the local key from accessing the password. Obscuring the path where it is stored provides virtually zero additional security - any attacker with the know-how necessary to perform the decryption will easily bypass such a mechanism.
The only secure way to do this is storing the key (or a key to the key) out of the computer - in the user's mind, in the case of the master password mechanism.
If you end up using a master password, don't forget to use a proper key derivation function, ideally with a key-stretching mechanism, such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt. Never use a password as a key directly (or even a simple hash of the password.

Wordpress,Drupal, Membership Provider

I need to synchronize three of them but I have already 18k Asp.Net Members. (Offline synchronization)
So how can I convert default "Password Hashing" of Wordpress and Drupal to Asp.Net Membership's (SHA1 with Salt) ?
I don't know if you can. MD5 and SHA1 are uni-directional algorithms. This is why they are used. They provide security for the user passwords. So you will not be able to revert the hash back to the passwords. Nor can you convert from MD5 to SHA1 directly.
In this scenario I think you are stuck with resetting the Drupal and Wordpress user passwords when you merge. (See edits for alternate solution.)
EDIT: This post had a interesting idea / solution. Write some custom code to generate the SHA1 passwords upon your users first logging in. Collect the SHA1 hashes, and use those during merge. Any users you don't get, force them to do a password reset.

Setting Membership Store Passwords

I'm migrating an application from ColdFusion to ASP.Net MVC and have a little problem I cannot seem to get my head around. The original application stores user's passwords in a MD5 hash format with no salt in the database. I'm using the ASP.Net membership store and would like to allow for as seamless a transition for the existing users as possible. Here's the possibilities I was thinking of...
1) Since I cannot decrypt the values of their current passwords, I was thinking of storing this old password in a table, checking against it on login... if it's not empty and their password matches, I prompt them to update their password, which would then set the password properly in the membership table and wipe out their old password, never to be checked again.
2) Users login with their email, not their screen name, so I was thinking of resetting everyone's password to their screen name and forcing them to change it after first login. The only problem is that I'm not sure I can update their password via SQL without the current password. Executing the aspnet_Membership_SetPassword proc doesn't appear to encrypt the password in its own.
What you say?
I've used a variant of #1 in a live application. It worked great, users never noticed the change as far as I was aware.
A couple of refinements:
You don't need to prompt them to update their password; they provided you the cleartext to log in (and you know it's the correct cleartext since it hashed correctly), so just go ahead and set that as their password.
Make sure you clear the legacy password hash if they use the password reset functionality.
I would under no circumstances use option 2; it's wildly insecure.
One other thing -- it is possible to set a password without knowing their current one, it just requires two steps.
Reset the user's password. You now know the reset password.
Use the newly reset password to set the password to a known value.
I had a similar situation recently- An old application of mine used a salted MD5 and I very much wanted to upgrade without affecting my users. What I ended up doing was wrapping the original hash in a better hash and then re-salting it to mitigate the loss of resolution.
For example my initial hash was MD5(pass + salt)
I upgraded everything to SHA256(MD5(pass+salt) +salt) - that way my app is secure and I never needed to find out the original passwords or reset anything.
Once your new authentication process is in place simply run an update script over all existing users in the DB. It is a little bit of a pain but is essentially seamless for you users.
Bah- I apologize, this isn't really tailored to membership as I'm using a custom auth class on my application. I still think it is one of the more sound methods for performing the upgrade, but i'm not sure of the membership specifics.
Option 2 is a pretty big security risk. If anyone knows the email of a screen name can log hijack that account before the rightful owner logs in. Knowing or guessing the email of most popular site users (ie. most tempting ones to hijack) may be more prevalent than you think.

How to Login to a ASP.NET application by knowing only encrypted password?

I am very new to web application (ASP.NET). I have source code and database for a complete project.
ASP.NET (Authentication) control is used for login. I don't know the password right now but i can get the login name and password in encrypt format from the database table.
How could I login to the application with only this little information available.
As the control are dynamically created on the pages, it is very hard to debug and find them on runtime.
How could i proceed for login by encrypted password? or is there a way to login by overcoming Authentication control.
The password is probably SHA1 encrypted. Basically what you have to do is SHA1 encrypt the password the user gives you and compare that to the password in your database. Because SHA1 always results to the same thing if the input is the same, you will know that the users given password is correct if both hashes match.
SHA1 encryption is a form of hashing and cannot be reversed.
No, hashed passwords in the database are non-reversible intentionally. This keeps anyone (a hacker?) from reading your database and being able to log in.
As Sam152 said, the passwords are likely SHA1 hashed, so if the passwords are not stored with salt, you can build a rainbow table to find the original password. If they are salted, you need to know the salt to build the rainbow table as well.
You could try implementing custom MembershipProvider by derriving from this class. Then you just override method ValidateUser to meet your requirements. Also remember to modify Web.config.
The point of hashed passwords is that a they can't be used by folks not knowing the decrypted password.
There should be a way to reset the password for users. You could do this and log in based on the reset password.
If you are trying to log in to an active user's account, you may want to consider the implications in doing so without their knowledge (if that is the case). However, if it is just a test user, reseting the password is probably the least cumbersome way. That functionality or procedure should probably be part of web app anyway.
If it's the standard ASP.NET membership stuff, I think it uses a stored proc to check the DB. Just change that and have it return true or whatever.
Adding to the above answers SHA1 encryption output is 40 byte. You should check the length of the encrypted password to get an idea about the kind of encryption..since hash algorithm has predefined no of output bytes, this would help you map with the kind of algorithm and then you should look for possibile salt usage as #MattGWagner the tables in database that stores user information seems like aspnet_users,aspnet_membership, etc? Then this should be the standard authentication provided by windows..Just google and see how it works
