How to accept mine if any conflicts occur while pull-rebase in JGit - jgit

I have a piece of code that does pull with rebase:
private void pullWithRebase(Git git) throws GitAPIException {
List<Ref> branches = git.branchList().setListMode(ListBranchCommand.ListMode.ALL).call();
String remoteMasterBranchName = "refs/remotes/origin/master";
for (Ref ref : branches) {
if (remoteMasterBranchName.equals(ref.getName())) {
PullResult result = git.pull().setRemoteBranchName("master").setRebase(true).call();
However it doesn't work if any conflicts occur while merging. If they do occur, I want to accept mine

I ended up just merging two branches and directly resolving any conflicts by modifying files.
private static final String CONFLICT_HEAD_MARKER = "<<<<<<<";
private static final String CONFLICT_BORDER_MARKER = "=======";
private static final String CONFLICT_UPSTREAM_MARKER = ">>>>>>>";
private boolean acceptHead;
public void resolve(File file) throws IOException {
File temp = new File(file.getParent(), "temp" + System.currentTimeMillis());
try(BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(temp))) {
String currentLine;
boolean removePartition = false;
while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (currentLine.contains(CONFLICT_HEAD_MARKER)) {
removePartition = !acceptHead;
} else if (currentLine.contains(CONFLICT_BORDER_MARKER)) {
removePartition = acceptHead;
} else if (currentLine.contains(CONFLICT_UPSTREAM_MARKER)) {
removePartition = false;
if (!removePartition) {
writer.write(currentLine + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
FileUtils.moveFile(temp, file);


How do you print TextArea to a USB Thermal Printer 58mm?(JAVAFX)

So I'm trying to make a billing system in which I want to print a receipt.I was able to do it with some code that I found online,but the font size is too big to print in the 58mm wide paper.I'm not able to adjust the font size.Any kind of help with this issue will be highly appreciated.Thank You.
Here is The Code :
public class PrinterService implements Printable {
public List<String> getPrinters(){
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService printServices[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
flavor, pras);
List<String> printerList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(PrintService printerService: printServices){
printerList.add( printerService.getName());
return printerList;
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int page)
throws PrinterException {
if (page > 0) { /* We have only one page, and 'page' is zero-based */
return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
* User (0,0) is typically outside the imageable area, so we must
* translate by the X and Y values in the PageFormat to avoid clipping
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.translate(pf.getImageableX(), pf.getImageableY());
/* Now we perform our rendering */
g.setFont(new Font("Roman", 0, 8));
g.drawString("Hello world !", 0, 10);
public void printString(String printerName, String text) {
// find the printService of name printerName
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService printService[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
flavor, pras);
PrintService service = findPrintService(printerName, printService);
DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();
try {
byte[] bytes;
// important for umlaut chars
bytes = text.getBytes("CP437");
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(bytes, flavor, null);
job.print(doc, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void printBytes(String printerName, byte[] bytes) {
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService printService[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
flavor, pras);
PrintService service = findPrintService(printerName, printService);
DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();
try {
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(bytes, flavor, null);
job.print(doc, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
private PrintService findPrintService(String printerName,
PrintService[] services) {
for (PrintService service : services) {
if (service.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(printerName)) {
return service;
return null;
public void printit(ActionEvent actionEvent)
PrinterService printerService = new PrinterService();
//print some stuff
printerService.printString("POS-58-Series", area.getText());

ServiceStack REST API path variables from root throwing exception

I am trying to write a REST web service using ServiceStack that accepts variable paths off of route. For example:
public class Entity : IReturn<SomeType> {}
This throws a NotSupported Exception "RestPath '/{collection}' on type Entity is not supported". However, if I change the path as follows (along with the associated path in AppHost configuration) to:
It works just fine. In order to integrate with the system that I am working with, I need to use /{group}.
ServiceStack now allows you to add a fallback route from the / root path to handle any un-matched requests, that's not handled by a catch-all handler or refers to an existing static file. So in v3.9.56 you can now do:
public class Entity : IReturn<SomeType> {}
An alternative option is to register a IAppHost.CatchAllHandlers to handle un-matched routes, but you would need to return your own IHttpHandler to handle the request or alternatively return a RedirectHttpHandler to redirect to a different route that is managed by ServiceStack.
My current work in progress, a plugin to serve the default page to all 'not found' routes without changing the url in the browser, includes most of what you'll need to handle a global wildcard route. Use it to get you started.
To understand what this code is doing, it helps to understand ServiceStack's routing priority, and how CatchAllHandlers fit into the process. ServiceStack calls ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandler to get the handler for the current route.
ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandler returns:
A matching RawHttpHandler, if any.
If the domain root, the handler returned by GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(...), if any.
If the route matches a metadata uri (I'm skipping over the exact logic here, as it's not important for your question), the relevant handler, if any.
The handler returned by ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandlerForPathInfo if any.
ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandlerForPathInfo returns:
If the url matches a valid REST route, a new RestHandler.
If the url matches an existing file or directory, it returns
the handler returned by GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(...), if any.
If it's a supported filetype, a StaticFileHandler,
If it's not a supported filetype, the ForbiddenHttpHandler.
The handler returned by GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(...), if any.
The CatchAllHandlers array contains functions that evaluate the url and either return a handler, or null. The functions in the array are called in sequence and the first one that doesn't return null handles the route. Let me highlight some key elements:
First, the plugin adds a CatchAllHandler to the appHost.CatchAllHandlers array when registered.
public void Register(IAppHost appHost)
appHost.CatchAllHandlers.Add((string method, string pathInfo, string filepath) =>
Factory(method, pathInfo, filepath));
Second, the CatchAllHandler. As described above, the function may be called for the domain root, an existing file or directory, or any other unmatched route. Your method should return a handler, if your criteria are met, or return null.
private static Html5ModeFeature Factory(String method, String pathInfo, String filepath)
var Html5ModeHandler = Html5ModeFeature.Instance;
List<string> WebHostRootFileNames = RootFiles();
// handle domain root
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathInfo) || pathInfo == "/")
return Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle 'mode' urls
var mode = EndpointHost.Config.ServiceStackHandlerFactoryPath;
if (mode != null && pathInfo.EndsWith(mode))
return null;
var pathParts = pathInfo.TrimStart('/').Split('/');
var existingFile = pathParts[0].ToLower();
var catchAllHandler = new Object();
if (WebHostRootFileNames.Contains(existingFile))
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filepath);
var isFileRequest = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt);
// don't handle directories or files that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// don't handle existing files under any event
return isFileRequest ? null : Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle non-physical urls that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// handle anything else
return Html5ModeHandler;
In the case of the wildcard at the root domain, you may not want to hijack routes that can be handled by another CatchAllHandler. If so, to avoid infinite recursion, you'll need a custom GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny method.
// local copy of ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny, prevents infinite recursion
private static IHttpHandler GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(string httpMethod, string pathInfo, string filePath)
if (EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers != null)
foreach (var httpHandlerResolver in EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers)
if (httpHandlerResolver == Html5ModeFeature.Factory) continue; // avoid infinite recursion
var httpHandler = httpHandlerResolver(httpMethod, pathInfo, filePath);
if (httpHandler != null)
return httpHandler;
return null;
Here's the complete, and completely untested, plugin. It compiles. It carries no warranty of fitness for any specific purpose.
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.Common.Web;
using ServiceStack.Razor;
using ServiceStack.ServiceHost;
using ServiceStack.Text;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Formats;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.Markdown;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace MyProject.Support
public enum DefaultFileFormat
public class Html5ModeFeature : EndpointHandlerBase, IPlugin
private FileInfo fi { get; set; }
private DefaultFileFormat FileFormat { get; set; }
private DateTime FileModified { get; set; }
private byte[] FileContents { get; set; }
public MarkdownHandler Markdown { get; set; }
public RazorHandler Razor { get; set; }
public object Model { get; set; }
private static Dictionary<string, string> allDirs;
public string PathInfo { get; set; }
public void Register(IAppHost appHost)
appHost.CatchAllHandlers.Add((string method, string pathInfo, string filepath) =>
Factory(method, pathInfo, filepath));
private Html5ModeFeature()
foreach (var defaultDoc in EndpointHost.Config.DefaultDocuments)
if (PathInfo == null)
var defaultFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), defaultDoc);
if (!File.Exists(defaultFileName)) continue;
PathInfo = (String)defaultDoc; // use first default document found.
private static Html5ModeFeature instance;
public static Html5ModeFeature Instance
get { return instance ?? (instance = new Html5ModeFeature()); }
public void SetFile()
if (PathInfo.EndsWith(MarkdownFormat.MarkdownExt) || PathInfo.EndsWith(MarkdownFormat.TemplateExt))
Markdown = new MarkdownHandler(PathInfo);
FileFormat = DefaultFileFormat.Markdown;
if (PathInfo.EndsWith(Razor.RazorFormat.RazorFileExtension)) {
Razor = new RazorHandler(PathInfo);
FileFormat = DefaultFileFormat.Razor;
FileContents = File.ReadAllBytes(PathInfo);
FileModified = File.GetLastWriteTime(PathInfo);
FileFormat = DefaultFileFormat.Static;
// ignore request.PathInfo, return default page, extracted from StaticFileHandler.ProcessResponse
public void ProcessStaticPage(IHttpRequest request, IHttpResponse response, string operationName)
response.EndHttpHandlerRequest(skipClose: true, afterBody: r =>
TimeSpan maxAge;
if (r.ContentType != null && EndpointHost.Config.AddMaxAgeForStaticMimeTypes.TryGetValue(r.ContentType, out maxAge))
r.AddHeader(HttpHeaders.CacheControl, "max-age=" + maxAge.TotalSeconds);
if (request.HasNotModifiedSince(fi.LastWriteTime))
r.ContentType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(PathInfo);
r.StatusCode = 304;
r.ContentType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(PathInfo);
if (fi.LastWriteTime > this.FileModified)
SetFile(); //reload
r.OutputStream.Write(this.FileContents, 0, this.FileContents.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new HttpException(403, "Forbidden.");
private void ProcessServerError(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, string operationName)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(" \"ErrorCode\":{0},\n", 500);
sb.AppendFormat(" \"Message\": HTML5ModeHandler could not serve file {0}.\n", PathInfo.EncodeJson());
httpRes.EndHttpHandlerRequest(skipClose: true, afterBody: r =>
r.StatusCode = 500;
r.ContentType = ContentType.Json;
var sbBytes = sb.ToString().ToUtf8Bytes();
r.OutputStream.Write(sbBytes, 0, sbBytes.Length);
private static List<string> RootFiles()
var WebHostPhysicalPath = EndpointHost.Config.WebHostPhysicalPath;
List<string> WebHostRootFileNames = new List<string>();
foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(WebHostPhysicalPath))
var fileNameLower = Path.GetFileName(filePath).ToLower();
foreach (var dirName in Directory.GetDirectories(WebHostPhysicalPath))
var dirNameLower = Path.GetFileName(dirName).ToLower();
return WebHostRootFileNames;
private static Html5ModeFeature Factory(String method, String pathInfo, String filepath)
var Html5ModeHandler = Html5ModeFeature.Instance;
List<string> WebHostRootFileNames = RootFiles();
// handle domain root
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathInfo) || pathInfo == "/")
return Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle 'mode' urls
var mode = EndpointHost.Config.ServiceStackHandlerFactoryPath;
if (mode != null && pathInfo.EndsWith(mode))
return null;
var pathParts = pathInfo.TrimStart('/').Split('/');
var existingFile = pathParts[0].ToLower();
var catchAllHandler = new Object();
if (WebHostRootFileNames.Contains(existingFile))
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filepath);
var isFileRequest = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt);
// don't handle directories or files that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// don't handle existing files under any event
return isFileRequest ? null : Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle non-physical urls that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// handle anything else
return Html5ModeHandler;
// Local copy of private StaticFileHandler.DirectoryExists
public static bool DirectoryExists(string dirPath, string appFilePath)
if (dirPath == null) return false;
if (!ServiceStack.Text.Env.IsMono)
return Directory.Exists(dirPath);
return false;
if (allDirs == null)
allDirs = CreateDirIndex(appFilePath);
var foundDir = allDirs.ContainsKey(dirPath.ToLower());
//log.DebugFormat("Found dirPath {0} in Mono: ", dirPath, foundDir);
return foundDir;
// Local copy of private StaticFileHandler.CreateDirIndex
static Dictionary<string, string> CreateDirIndex(string appFilePath)
var indexDirs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var dir in GetDirs(appFilePath))
indexDirs[dir.ToLower()] = dir;
return indexDirs;
// Local copy of private StaticFileHandler.GetDirs
static List<string> GetDirs(string path)
var queue = new Queue<string>();
var results = new List<string>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
path = queue.Dequeue();
foreach (string subDir in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
catch (Exception ex)
return results;
// local copy of ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny, prevents infinite recursion
private static IHttpHandler GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(string httpMethod, string pathInfo, string filePath)
if (EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers != null)
foreach (var httpHandlerResolver in EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers)
if (httpHandlerResolver == Html5ModeFeature.Factory) continue; // avoid infinite recursion
var httpHandler = httpHandlerResolver(httpMethod, pathInfo, filePath);
if (httpHandler != null)
return httpHandler;
return null;
public override void ProcessRequest(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, string operationName)
switch (FileFormat)
case DefaultFileFormat.Markdown:
Markdown.ProcessRequest(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
case DefaultFileFormat.Razor:
Razor.ProcessRequest(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
case DefaultFileFormat.Static:
if (fi.Exists) ProcessStaticPage(httpReq, httpRes, operationName); else ProcessServerError(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
ProcessServerError(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
public override object CreateRequest(IHttpRequest request, string operationName)
return null;
public override object GetResponse(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, object request)
return null;

Huge amount of packet drops and latency faced in netty

I am using netty 3.5.11 with Jdk 1.7 on Ubuntu to receive a large amount of updates of stocks rates at a very high frequency. The message format being sent is JSON. The data is subscribed from topic on a redis server. There is a Subscriber for each symbol. The channel object is passed to multiple Subscribers and on receiving the data it is written to the client.
Now the amount of data received is around 25,000 records in 2 minutes. Each record size is on an average around 500 bytes long.
During test runs around 7500/8000 records were dropped because the channel was not writable.
How do i avoid this. ?
I also noticed that the latency increases systematically leading to updates being received after a long period. This happened when i I used Bufferedwritehandler to avoid packet drops.
Here are the options that i set on bootstrap.
executionHandler = new ExecutionHandler(
new OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2, 1000000, 10000000, 100,
serverBootStrap.setPipelineFactory(new ChannelPipelineFactory()
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception
return Channels.pipeline(new PortUnificationServerHandler(getConfiguration(), executionHandler));
serverBootStrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);
serverBootStrap.setOption("tcpNoDelay", true);
serverBootStrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true);
serverBootStrap.setOption("child.reuseAddress", true);
//setting buffer size can improve I/O
serverBootStrap.setOption("child.sendBufferSize", 16777216);
serverBootStrap.setOption("receiveBufferSize", 16777216);//1048576);
// better to have an receive buffer predictor
serverBootStrap.setOption("receiveBufferSizePredictorFactory", new AdaptiveReceiveBufferSizePredictorFactory(1024, 1024 * 16, 16777216));//1048576));
//if the server is sending 1000 messages per sec, optimum write buffer water marks will
//prevent unnecessary throttling, Check NioSocketChannelConfig doc
serverBootStrap.setOption("backlog", 1000);
serverBootStrap.setOption("sendBufferSize", 16777216);//1048576);
serverBootStrap.setOption("writeBufferLowWaterMark", 1024 * 1024 * 25);
serverBootStrap.setOption("writeBufferHighWaterMark", 1024 * 1024 * 50);
The pipeline and handlers class
public class PortUnificationServerHandler extends FrameDecoder
private AppConfiguration appConfiguration;
private final ExecutionHandler executionHandler;
public PortUnificationServerHandler(AppConfiguration pAppConfiguration, ExecutionHandler pExecutionHandler)
appConfiguration = pAppConfiguration;
this.executionHandler = pExecutionHandler;
protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Channel channel, ChannelBuffer buffer) throws Exception
String lRequest = buffer.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
if (ConnectionServiceHelper.isValidJSON(lRequest))
ObjectMapper lObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
StringReader lStringReader = new StringReader(lRequest);
JsonNode lNode = lObjectMapper.readTree(lStringReader);
if (lNode.get(Constants.REQUEST_TYPE).asText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.LOGIN_REQUEST))
JsonNode lDataNode1 = lNode.get(Constants.REQUEST_DATA);
LoginRequest lLogin = lObjectMapper.treeToValue(lDataNode1, LoginRequest.class);
if (lLogin.getCompress() != null)
if (lLogin.getCompress().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.COMPRESS_FLAG_TRUE))
// Forward the current read buffer as is to the new handlers.
return buffer.readBytes(buffer.readableBytes());
private void enableJSON(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.getPipeline();
boolean lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("bufferedwriter") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addFirst("bufferedwriter", new MyBufferedWriteHandler()); // 80960
boolean lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("framer") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addLast("framer", new DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(65535,
new ChannelBuffer[]
new byte[]
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("decoder") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addLast("decoder", new StringDecoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("encoder") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addLast("encoder", new StringEncoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("executor") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addLast("executor", executionHandler);
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("handler") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addLast("handler", new ConnectionServiceUpStreamHandler(appConfiguration));
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("unite") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addLast("unite", new PortUnificationServerHandler(appConfiguration, executionHandler));
private void enableGzip(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.getPipeline();
//pipeline.addLast("decoder", new MyStringDecoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8, true));
//pipeline.addLast("compress", new CompressionHandler(80, "gzipdeflater"));
boolean lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("encoder") != null;
if (lHandlerExists)
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("gzipdeflater") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addBefore("executor", "gzipdeflater", new ZlibEncoder(ZlibWrapper.GZIP));
lHandlerExists = pipeline.getContext("lengthprepender") != null;
if (!lHandlerExists)
pipeline.addAfter("gzipdeflater", "lengthprepender", new LengthFieldPrepender(4));
The BufferedWriterHandler
public class MyBufferedWriteHandler extends BufferedWriteHandler
private final AtomicLong bufferSize = new AtomicLong();
final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public MyBufferedWriteHandler() {
// Enable consolidation by default.
public void writeRequested(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception
ChannelBuffer data = (ChannelBuffer) e.getMessage();
if (e.getChannel().isWritable())
long newBufferSize = bufferSize.get();
// Flush the queue if it gets larger than 8KiB.
if (newBufferSize > 0)
logger.warn( "Buffering data for : " + e.getChannel().getRemoteAddress() );
super.writeRequested(ctx, e);
public void channelInterestChanged(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception
if (e.getChannel().isWritable())
The function used in the Subscriber class to write data
public void writeToClient(Channel pClientChannel, String pMessage) throws IOException
String lMessage = pMessage;
if (pClientChannel.isWritable())
lMessage += Constants.RESPONSE_DELIMITER;
logger.warn(DroppedCounter++ + " droppped : " + pMessage);
I have implemented some of the suggestions that i read on stackoverflow and other sites. But i have not been successfull in resolving this issue.
Kindly suggest or advice as to what am i missing ?

How to import an xquery module using Saxon

I am having some troubles running an Xquery with Saxon9HE, which has a reference to an external module.
I would like Saxon to resolve the module with a relative path rather absolute.
the module declaration
module namespace common = "http://my-xquery-utils";
from the main xquery
import module namespace common = "http://my-xquery-utils" at "/home/myself/common.xquery";
from my java code
public class SaxonInvocator {
private static Processor proc = null;
private static XQueryEvaluator xqe = null;
private static DocumentBuilder db = null;
private static StaticQueryContext ctx = null;
* Utility for debug, should not be called outside your IDE
* #param args xml, xqFile, xqParameter
public static void main(String[] args) {
XmlObject instance = null;
try {
instance = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(args[0]));
} catch (XmlException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SaxonInvocator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (IOException ex){
Logger.getLogger(SaxonInvocator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.print(transform(instance, args[1], args[2]));
public static String transform(XmlObject input, String xqFile, String xqParameter) {
String result = null;
try {
proc = new Processor(false);
ctx = proc.getUnderlyingConfiguration().newStaticQueryContext();
ctx.setModuleURIResolver(new ModuleURIResolver() {
public StreamSource[] resolve(String moduleURI, String baseURI, String[] locations) throws XPathException {
StreamSource[] modules = new StreamSource[locations.length];
for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
modules[i] = new StreamSource(getResourceAsStream(locations[i]));
return modules;
db = proc.newDocumentBuilder();
XQueryCompiler comp = proc.newXQueryCompiler();
XQueryExecutable exp = comp.compile(getResourceAsStream(xqFile));
xqe = exp.load();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.xmlText().getBytes("UTF-8"));
StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(bais);
XdmNode node =;
new QName(xqParameter), node);
result = xqe.evaluate().toString();
} catch (SaxonApiException e) {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return result;
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) {
InputStream stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + resource);
if (stream == null) {
stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream(resource);
if (stream == null) {
stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream("my/project/" + resource);
if (stream == null) {
stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream("/my/project/" + resource);
return stream;
If a change it into a relative path like
import module namespace common = "http://my-xquery-utils" at "common.xquery";
I get
Error on line 22 column 1
I am not sure how the ModuleURIResolver should be used.
Saxon questions are best asked on the Saxon forum at - questions asked here will probably be noticed eventually but sometimes, like this time, they aren't our first priority.
The basic answer is that for the relative URI to resolve, the base URI needs to be known, which means that you need to ensure that the baseURI property in the XQueryCompiler is set. This happens automatically if you compile the query from a File, but not if you compile it from an InputStream.
If you don't know a suitable base URI to set, the alternative is to write a ModuleURIResolver, which could for example fetch the module by making another call on getResourceAsStream().

Create Multimedia component with Metadata fields.using core service

I am creating Multimedia components using core service and everything is working fine. But when Metadata schema fields are defined on the Multimedia schema using which I am creating my Multimedia components then I am getting following error:-
Unable to find
This message is displayed when I have given Default Multimedia schema's TCM ID for Multimedia component. As metadata fields are saved in Tridion Database so I first have to retrieve these fields from broker or what is the best solution for this, please suggest. Below is the sample code. Please modify it if someone have any idea for providing default value for metadatafields and how to retrieve them (with/without querying broker DB):-
public static string UploadMultiMediaComponent(string folderUri, string title, string schemaID)
core_service.ServiceReference1.SessionAwareCoreService2010Client client = new SessionAwareCoreService2010Client();
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "myUserName";
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "myPassword"; client.Open();
ComponentData multimediaComponent = (ComponentData)client.GetDefaultData(
ItemType.Component, folderUri);
multimediaComponent.Title = title;
multimediaComponent.ComponentType = ComponentType.Multimedia;
multimediaComponent.Schema.IdRef =schemaID;
//multimediaComponent.Metadata = "";
StreamUpload2010Client streamClient = new StreamUpload2010Client();
FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(#"\My Documents\images.jpg",
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
string tempLocation = streamClient.UploadBinaryContent("images.jpg",
BinaryContentData binaryContent = new BinaryContentData();
binaryContent.UploadFromFile = tempLocation;
binaryContent.Filename = "images.jpg";
binaryContent.MultimediaType = new LinkToMultimediaTypeData()
// for jpg file
IdRef = "tcm:0-2-65544"
multimediaComponent.BinaryContent = binaryContent;
IdentifiableObjectData savedComponent = client.Save(multimediaComponent,
new ReadOptions());
client.CheckIn(savedComponent.Id, null);
I don't know why your code not working but following code is working for me
public static ComponentData GenerateMultiMediaComponent(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, XmlData newsArticle, string componentName)
Dictionary<string, object> dicTridion = Common.GetTridionObject(tridionGeneration.client, ItemType.Component, tridionGeneration.Settings.ComponentFolderUri, componentName);
int objectCount = (int)dicTridion["count"];
SchemaFieldsData schemaFields = tridionGeneration.client.ReadSchemaFields(tridionGeneration.Settings.SchemaUri, true, new ReadOptions());
ComponentData componentData = (ComponentData)tridionGeneration.client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.Component, tridionGeneration.Settings.ComponentFolderUri);
if (schemaFields.Fields != null)
var fields = Fields.ForContentOf(schemaFields);
Helper.FillSchemaFields(tridionGeneration, fields);
componentData.Content = fields.ToString();
if (schemaFields.MetadataFields != null)
var metafields = Fields.ForMetadataOf(schemaFields, componentData);
Helper.FillSchemaFields(tridionGeneration, metafields);
componentData.Metadata = metafields.ToString();
componentData.Title = (objectCount == 0) ? componentName : componentName + " " + (objectCount + 1).ToString();
componentData.ComponentType = ComponentType.Multimedia;
StreamUpload2010Client streamClient = new StreamUpload2010Client();
FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(#"[IMAGE_PATH]", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
string tempLocation = streamClient.UploadBinaryContent("images.jpg", objfilestream);
BinaryContentData binaryContent = new BinaryContentData();
binaryContent.UploadFromFile = tempLocation;
binaryContent.Filename = "[IMAGE_NAME]";
componentData.BinaryContent = binaryContent;
binaryContent.MultimediaType = new LinkToMultimediaTypeData()
IdRef = "tcm:0-2-65544"
componentData = (ComponentData)tridionGeneration.client.Create(componentData, new ReadOptions());
return componentData;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Here is the Helper class:
public static class Helper
public static void FillSchemaFields(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, Fields fields)
List<XmlData> data = XmlHelper.xmlData;
var ofield = fields.GetEnumerator();
while (ofield.MoveNext())
Field f = ofield.Current;
FillFieldValue(tridionGeneration, fields, f, data[0]);
private static void FillFieldValue(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, Fields fields, Field f, XmlData data)
if (f.Type == typeof(MultimediaLinkFieldDefinitionData))
fields[f.Name].Value = tridionGeneration.Settings.DefaultImageUri;
else if (f.Type != typeof(EmbeddedSchemaFieldDefinitionData))
foreach (XmlData fieldvalue in data.Attributes)
if (f.Type == typeof(DateFieldDefinitionData))
if (fieldvalue.text.ToLower() == f.Name.ToLower())
fields[f.Name].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(fieldvalue.value).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
string val = FindSchemaValue(tridionGeneration, fieldvalue.Attributes, f.Name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
fields[f.Name].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(val).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
if (fieldvalue.text.ToLower() == f.Name.ToLower())
fields[f.Name].Value = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(fieldvalue.value);
string val = FindSchemaValue(tridionGeneration, fieldvalue.Attributes, f.Name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
fields[f.Name].Value = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(val);
Fields fs = f.GetSubFields();
var ofield = fs.GetEnumerator();
while (ofield.MoveNext())
Field ff = ofield.Current;
FillFieldValue(tridionGeneration, fs, ff, data);
private static string FindSchemaValue(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, List<XmlData> data, string fieldname)
foreach (XmlData fieldvalue in data)
if (fieldvalue.text.ToLower() == fieldname.ToLower())
return fieldvalue.value;
FindSchemaValue(tridionGeneration, fieldvalue.Attributes, fieldname);
return "";
and the Fields class:
public class Fields
private ItemFieldDefinitionData[] definitions;
private XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager;
private XmlElement root; // the root element under which these fields live
// at any point EITHER data OR parent has a value
private SchemaFieldsData data; // the schema fields data as retrieved from the core service
private Fields parent; // the parent fields (so we're an embedded schema), where we can find the data
public Fields(SchemaFieldsData _data, ItemFieldDefinitionData[] _definitions, string _content = null, string _rootElementName = null)
data = _data;
definitions = _definitions;
var content = new XmlDocument();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_content))
content.AppendChild(content.CreateElement(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_rootElementName) ? _data.RootElementName : _rootElementName, _data.NamespaceUri));
root = content.DocumentElement;
namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(content.NameTable);
namespaceManager.AddNamespace("custom", _data.NamespaceUri);
public Fields(Fields _parent, ItemFieldDefinitionData[] _definitions, XmlElement _root)
definitions = _definitions;
parent = _parent;
root = _root;
public static Fields ForContentOf(SchemaFieldsData _data)
return new Fields(_data, _data.Fields);
public static Fields ForContentOf(SchemaFieldsData _data, ComponentData _component)
return new Fields(_data, _data.Fields, _component.Content);
public static Fields ForMetadataOf(SchemaFieldsData _data, RepositoryLocalObjectData _item)
return new Fields(_data, _data.MetadataFields, _item.Metadata, "Metadata");
public string NamespaceUri
get { return data != null ? data.NamespaceUri : parent.NamespaceUri; }
public XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager
get { return parent != null ? parent.namespaceManager : namespaceManager; }
internal IEnumerable<XmlElement> GetFieldElements(ItemFieldDefinitionData definition)
return root.SelectNodes("custom:" + definition.Name, NamespaceManager).OfType<XmlElement>();
internal XmlElement AddFieldElement(ItemFieldDefinitionData definition)
var newElement = root.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(definition.Name, NamespaceUri);
XmlNodeList nodes = root.SelectNodes("custom:" + definition.Name, NamespaceManager);
XmlElement referenceElement = null;
if (nodes.Count > 0)
referenceElement = (XmlElement)nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
// this is the first value for this field, find its position in the XML based on the field order in the schema
bool foundUs = false;
for (int i = definitions.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!foundUs)
if (definitions[i].Name == definition.Name)
foundUs = true;
var values = GetFieldElements(definitions[i]);
if (values.Count() > 0)
referenceElement = values.Last();
break; // from for loop
} // for every definition in reverse order
} // no existing values found
root.InsertAfter(newElement, referenceElement); // if referenceElement is null, will insert as first child
return newElement;
public IEnumerator<Field> GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator<Field>)new FieldEnumerator(this, definitions);
public Field this[string _name]
var definition = definitions.First<ItemFieldDefinitionData>(ifdd => ifdd.Name == _name);
if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unknown field '" + _name + "'");
return new Field(this, definition);
public override string ToString()
return root.OuterXml;
public class FieldEnumerator : IEnumerator<Field>
private Fields fields;
private ItemFieldDefinitionData[] definitions;
// Enumerators are positioned before the first element until the first MoveNext() call
int position = -1;
public FieldEnumerator(Fields _fields, ItemFieldDefinitionData[] _definitions)
fields = _fields;
definitions = _definitions;
public bool MoveNext()
return (position < definitions.Length);
public void Reset()
position = -1;
object IEnumerator.Current
return Current;
public Field Current
return new Field(fields, definitions[position]);
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void Dispose()
public class Field
private Fields fields;
private ItemFieldDefinitionData definition;
public Field(Fields _fields, ItemFieldDefinitionData _definition)
fields = _fields;
definition = _definition;
public string Name
get { return definition.Name; }
public Type Type
get { return definition.GetType(); }
public string Value
return Values.Count > 0 ? Values[0] : null;
if (Values.Count == 0) fields.AddFieldElement(definition);
Values[0] = value;
public ValueCollection Values
return new ValueCollection(fields, definition);
public void AddValue(string value = null)
XmlElement newElement = fields.AddFieldElement(definition);
if (value != null) newElement.InnerText = value;
public void RemoveValue(string value)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
foreach (var element in elements)
if (element.InnerText == value)
public void RemoveValue(int i)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition).ToArray();
public IEnumerable<Fields> SubFields
var embeddedFieldDefinition = definition as EmbeddedSchemaFieldDefinitionData;
if (embeddedFieldDefinition != null)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
foreach (var element in elements)
yield return new Fields(fields, embeddedFieldDefinition.EmbeddedFields, (XmlElement)element);
public Fields GetSubFields(int i = 0)
var embeddedFieldDefinition = definition as EmbeddedSchemaFieldDefinitionData;
if (embeddedFieldDefinition != null)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
if (i == 0 && !elements.Any())
// you can always set the first value of any field without calling AddValue, so same applies to embedded fields
elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
return new Fields(fields, embeddedFieldDefinition.EmbeddedFields, elements.ToArray()[i]);
throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only GetSubField on an EmbeddedSchemaField");
// The subfield with the given name of this field
public Field this[string name]
get { return GetSubFields()[name]; }
// The subfields of the given value of this field
public Fields this[int i]
get { return GetSubFields(i); }
Can you try this?
multimediaComponent.Metadata = "<Metadata/>";
