Image invisible in wordpress site after migration with same domain name - wordpress

I have recently transferred my wordpress site to hostgator. I have only changed the hosting, the domain name is still the same. After transferring my site all the images in the site are invisible even if i upload any new image its is not showing on site.
I have tried to upload the "UPLOAD" folder again and also changed the permissions but the result is still the same.
Please help me as this is a critical issue for me.
My site URL is

Put this in wp-config.php at root

I see a lot of javascript errors. That may be the problem.


WordPress Images not loading after migration

I'm facing a problem the last couple of days and I can't figure it out. We changed the hosting company and move our website (same domain name) to another hosting provider. After migration, images not loading, and I can see them broken in WordPress's Media Library.
I tried to change the permissions in the upload folder but that didn't worked. SSL is also working as expected. I disabled all the plugins and even changed the theme, but the problem still persists. I re-uploaded all the backup files again to make sure that I wasn't missing something, but the problem haven't been solved.
I also have the support team from the hosting provider that works on the website, but there's been 2 days now and they can't find a way to solve the issue.
In the browser's Search Console I do see the following errors:
I've also checked the DNS settings in CloudFlare to make sure that I have setup everything correctly.
Any help will be much appreciated!
I am no wordpress expert but I think I would first check whether image files in your backup files are not damaged/corrupted.
I would check both your backup files and image files in your new hosting server
(download image files from your new hosting server via FTP)
Sorry I couldn't help you much except where to look at first which you might already know.
From the image that you've provided, what I can tell the status is 404 like you know which means your image is not found. Something wrong with all your image URL. You need to make sure the URL is correct for each image you have.

I uploaded my wordpress site to the web and pages link to localhost

When i uploaded my WordPress site to the web. I clicked a page from the menu and it redirect to localhost.
And i uploaded my hole new site to the web and my theme does not change?
Any ideas?
You need to run a search/replace on your database to replace the local domain with the live domain. Until you do that, all links on the live domain will redirect to the local domain.
This is a tool that can do that:
To use this, unzip and upload the directory to your web hosting root, and then visit in a browser.
Back up your database before running this.
Delete this folder after you are finished as it is a major security issue if left there.
More detailed instructions are on that page.
More information on migrating a WP installation can be found in the codex:
I don't understand your question about the theme. You'll need to provide more details on that.

Wordpress site not displaying correctly after changing host

I have moved a WordPress site to a new host by copying the public_html folder and importing the database. I have updated the name-servers for the domain. The address is I have changed the wp-config and I generated a new .htaccess and my site now displays an older version of it and so losing part of the work I've done to it. I have flushed the dns and deleted the cache. I don't see where the problem is. Please help.
It fixed by itself aft6er a couple days. Seems it didn't have time to refresh

Wordpress + MAMP: always redirected to live site

When I install a backup of my Wordpress site on my local MAMP server, so i can work on it and test new features etc, and I visit ANY link or do anything (including logging in) it always throws me to the actual live website.
For example, if the local address for the site is "localhost/xyz" and I type that in, it takes me to it but anything after that throws me to the actual live site.
So on "localhost/xyz", if I click on log-in or any page etc, I end up at
This is being VERY problematic because I can't test any page or work on any page locally.
How can i go about fixing this?
If you go into your database (on MAMP) via phpmyadmin, and check the options table, make sure that the lines for siteurl and home are set to http://localhost/ and not the live site url.
My problem was solution with this
Check out these two videos that I made on transferring a WordPress site to MAMP. I think they will help you.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Hopefully they help. :)

WordPress and Windows IIS Server Problems

I am currently working on a WordPress project on a remote IIS server. I consider myself well versed in the use of WordPress, however, most of my previous projects have been on Apache servers and I am really running into problems on the IIS server.
I have contacted the host, and made sure that I have the correct file permissions. However, I cannot upload files or edit themes/plugins from the WordPress backend.
For example, when I use the WordPress theme editor panel, I make changes in the text, but when I click save there is no "Your changes have been saved message" and the file is just reverted to what it was before.
When I try to upload an image inside a post, I receive the following message:
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\xxx\wwwroot\\www\dev/wp-content\uploads.
I notice the slash to the right of dev is incorrect, but I cannot figure out how to change this. I have tried defining this in the wp-config file with several different variations with no luck. For example, I have tried adding define('UPLOADS', '\wp-content\uploads') and I have also tried using the absolute path.
Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? I need to get this squared away as soon as possible, but I am not sure where to go from here. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
I have tried altering the "upload_path" via wp-admin/options.php with no success, and the following results:
When I try the absolute path, C:\xxx\wwwroot\\www\dev\wp-content\uploads, I get the following
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\xxx\wwwroot\\www\dev\wp-content\uploads.
When I try wp-content\uploads in the "upload_path", I get the following
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\xxx\wwwroot\\www\dev/wp-content\uploads.
Chris's Blog » Wordpress upload permissions on IIS 7 Fix or Google for the IIS6 fix:
...You need to give the IUSR account Read/Write/Modify permission on
your wp-content folder.... and you need to give the IIS_IUSRS group
Read permissions on your “C:\Windows\Temp” folder.
See 10 Reasons Why Not to Host Your Wordpress Blog on a Windows/IIS Platform
you need to give php temp dir full permissions (iusr) (network service) c:\winnt\temp is the default upload dir before it moves to the wp site so this has to be set
in php admin (in iis applet) u can change the temp dir if your not liking the fact its in your NOS dir
next issue u will have is max_fileupload size also in php admin
iis works great best if your the admin of the server to quickly make the needed changes
