Tableau Wildcard filter error: Function lower may give a 128010-octet result; the limit is 65000 octets error - wildcard

When creating a wildcard filter in Tableau with connection to a Vertica DB, I get the following error:
Function lower may give a 128010-octet result; the limit is 65000 octets error.
It seems like a problem on Vertica side but 65000 is the max size of varchar data type in Vertica.
I checked that the wildcard filter works fine with a usual Excel spreadsheet.

Verify that the data is in UTF-8 format. There may be special characters in the string.
You can verify that all of the string-based data in the table is in UTF-8 format by using the ISUTF8 function.

I was facing the same problem, I only wanted the first few characters so this worked for me:
select upper(substring(columnname, 0, 10)) from tablename;
it is not a solution if you want the whole value, you need to figure something out, as the length of some value of the result might be exceeding the limit.


Duckdb_read_csv struggling with with auto detecting column data types in R

I have some very large CSV files (~183mio. rows by 8 columns) that I want to load into a database using R. I use duckdb for this and it its built-in function duckdb_read_csv, which is supposed to auto-detect datatypes for each column. If I enter the following code:
con = dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir="testdata.duckdb", read_only = FALSE)
duckdb_read_csv(con, "d15072021","mydata.csv",
header = TRUE)
It produces this error:
Error: rapi_execute: Failed to run query
Error: Invalid Input Error: Could not convert string '2' to BOOL between line 12492801 and 12493825 in column 9. Parser options: DELIMITER=',', QUOTE='"', ESCAPE='"' (default), HEADER=1, SAMPLE_SIZE=10240, IGNORE_ERRORS=0, ALL_VARCHAR=0
I've looked at the rows in question and I can't find any irregularities in column 9. Unfortunately, I cannot post the dataset because it's confidential. But the entire column is filled with either FALSE or TRUE.
If I set the parameter nrow.check to something larger than 12493825 it doesn't produce the same error but takes very long and simply converts the column to VARCHAR instead of a logical. Setting nrow.check to -1 (meaning it checks every row for a pattern) crashes R and my PC completely.
The weird thing: This isn't consistent. Earlier I imported the dataset whilst keeping the default value for nrow.check at 500 and it read the file with no issue (though still converting column 9 to VARCHAR). I have to read a lot of files that are the same pattern so I need to have a reliable way of reading them. Anyone know how duckdb_read_csv actually works and why I might get this error?
Note that reading the files into memory and then into a database isn't an option because I run out of memory instantly.
the way the sniffer works is by sampling nrow.check rows to figure out the data type, so the result can differ from runs if you get unlucky, increasing it will reduce the chances of failing it, mainly because the sniffer looks at more rows.
If increasing the number of rows is not possible due to performance issues, you can of course first define the schema of the CSV file. But then you must know the schema beforehand.
As an example of how you can define the schema and turn off the sniffer:
select * from
SELECT * FROM read_csv('test.csv', COLUMNS=STRUCT_PACK(a := 'INTEGER', b := 'INTEGER'), auto_detect='false')

Is it possible to remove the binary values that prefix the output of teradata fexp?

I am trying to run teradata fexp with a simple sql script.
The select output column is a string expression and as such results in 2 extra length indicator bytes at the start of each row output.
I have searched for solutions online to the problem. I would like to avoid having to post-process if possible.
There is a thread suggesting the possibility of using an OUTMOD. I don't know what that is.
And yet another thread suggests casting to a fixed width string type but this would result in padding which I'd like to avoid.
The desired output is actually a delimited plain text file. Is there a way to do it?

Maximum Length of Value in R Data Frame, RODBC

I am trying to do a simple query of a DB2 database using the RODBC package in R (myQuery<-sqlQuery(channel,paste0("..."))) One of the columns is a Varchar of length 3000. The resulting data frame shows a "NA" in that column when there should be text. Exporting it to csv also only shows "NA". A query in Access shows an odd character encoding (only after clicking on the cell). Is there a maximum length of a value in a R data frame or a maximum length of a field that can be pulled using RODBC? Or is it the encoding of the field that causes the "NA" to appear?
I did an end to end test on DB2 (LUW 9.7) and R (3.2.2 Windows) and it worked fine for me.
SQL code:
create table test (foo varchar(3000));
--actual insert is 3000 chars
insert into test values ('aaaaaa .... a');
--this select worked fine in my normal SQL client
select * from test
R code:
long = sqlQuery(connection, "select * from test");
#Displays the 3000 character value.
My guess is the problem is for some other reason than simply the size of the field:
Character encoding issues. If you are seeing something funny in Access, perhaps the content of the field is something not acceptable in the character encoding R is using, so it is being discarded. (I'm not familiar with character encoding in R in particular, but it is in general a thorny issue for software development).
Overall size of the results. Maybe the problem is due to the overall length of a row rather than the length of a single field. Is the query also returning lots of other stuff? Have you tried a simple test of just this field?
Problem in another version. Maybe you are using a different version than I was, and there is indeed a problem with your version. If you think so, update your question with more information.

Please help identify multi-byte character encoding scheme on ASP Classic page

I'm working with a 3rd party ( payment processing system and one of the parameters being sent along with the processing result is a "signature" field. This is used to provide a SHA1 hash of the result message wrapped in an RSA encrypted envelope to provide both integrity and authenticity control. I have the API from Commidea but it doesn't give details of encoding and uses artificially created signatures derived from Base64 strings to illustrate the examples.
I'm struggling to work out what encoding is being used on this parameter and hoped someone might recognise the quite distinctive pattern. I initially thought it was UTF8 but having looked at the individual characters I am less sure.
Here is a short sample of the content which was created by the following code where I am looping through each "byte" in the string:
sig = Request.Form("signature")
For x = 1 To LenB(sig)
s = s & AscB(MidB(sig,x,1)) & ","
' Print s to a debug log file
When I look in the log I get something like this:
Note that every other value is a zero except occasionally where it is 32 (0x20). I'm familiar with UTF8 where it represents characters above 127 by using two bytes but if this was UTF8 encoding then I would expect the "32" value to be more like 194 (0xC2) or (0xC3) and the other value would be greater than 0x80.
Ultimately what I'm trying to do is convert this signature parameter into a hex encoded string (eg. "12ab0528...") which is then used by the RSA/SHA1 function to verify the message is intact. This part is already working but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the signature parameter decoded.
For historical reasons we are having to use classic ASP and the SHA1/RSA functions are javascript based.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Update: Tried looking into UTF-16 encoding on Wikipedia and other sites. Can't find anything to explain why I am seeing only 0x20 or 0x00 in the (assumed) high order byte positions. I don't think this is relevant any more as the example below shows other values in this high order position.
Tried adding some code to log the values using Asc instead of AscB (Len,Mid instead of LenB,MidB too). Got some surprising results. Here is a new stream of byte-wise characters followed by the equivalent stream of word-wise (if you know what I mean) characters.
And now the word-wise data stream:
Note the second pair of byte-wise characters (83,1) seem to be interpreted as 156 in the word-wise stream. We also see (34,33) as 153 and (120,1) as 159 and (220,2) as 152. Does this give any clues as the encoding? Why are these 15[2369] values apparently being treated differently from other values?
What I'm trying to figure out is whether I should use the byte-wise data and carry out some post-processing to get back to the intended values or if I should trust the word-wise data with whatever implicit decoding it is apparently performing. At the moment, neither seem to give me a match between data content and signature so I need to change something.
Quick observation tells me that you are likely dealing with UTF-16. Start from there.

How do I find the length (size) of a binary blob?

I have an SQLite table that contains a BLOB I need to do a size/length check on. How do I do that?
According to documentation length(blob) only works on texts and will stop counting after the first NULL. My tests confirmed this. I'm using SQLite 3.4.2.
I haven't had this problem, but you could try length(hex(glob))/2
Update (Aug-2012):
For SQLite 3.7.6 (released April 12, 2011) and later, length(blob_column) works as expected with both text and binary data.
for me length(blob) works just fine, gives the same results like the other.
As an additional answer, a common problem is that sqlite effectively ignores the column type of a table, so if you store a string in a blob column, it becomes a string column for that row. As length works different on strings, it will then only return the number of characters before the final 0 octet. It's easy to store strings in blob columns because you normally have to cast explicitly to insert a blob:
insert into table values ('xxxx'); // string insert
insert into table values(cast('xxxx' as blob)); // blob insert
to get the correct length for values stored as string, you can cast the length argument to blob:
select length(string-value-from-blob-column); // treast blob column as string
select length(cast(blob-column as blob)); // correctly returns blob length
The reason why length(hex(blob-column))/2 works is that hex doesn't stop at internal 0 octets, and the generated hex string doesn't contain 0 octets anymore, so length returns the correct (full) length.
Example of a select query that does this, getting the length of the blob in column myblob, in table mytable, in row 3:
select length(myblob) from mytable where rowid=3;
LENGTH() function in sqlite 3.7.13 on Debian 7 does not work, but LENGTH(HEX())/2 works fine.
# sqlite --version
3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22 f5b5a13f7394dc143aa136f1d4faba6839eaa6dc
# sqlite xxx.db "SELECT docid, LENGTH(doccontent), LENGTH(HEX(doccontent))/2 AS b FROM cr_doc LIMIT 10;"
