How can I find duplicate classes amongst dependencies with SBT [closed] - sbt

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm migrating a project from Apache Maven to sbt.
My project has lots of dependencies (over 200), and sometimes, a class can be duplicated that can lead to strange effects.
In Maven I've been using maven-duplicate-finder-plugin for detecting such cases.
The only solution I can see is to generate a big jar with sbt-assembly plugin, and configure to complain about duplicated classes. I haven't tried it yet.
How can I do it with SBT?
List of SBT plugins
SBT assembly plugin documentation.

I don't know of a plugin which finds duplicate classes, but there is sbt-dependency-graph which will list out all dependencies including transitive ones. This way you can analyze version conflicts and such. Hopefully this will help with your use case.


Where to host Qt based translation files [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have several Qt based application that I want to open translation permission to other people, but I don't know if there's website that can do that ?
Or what do you suggest for situation like this, I think the maintainer shouldn't maintain translation files by emails.
You could manage your translation files in a repository like Subversion or Git and host them on pages like Sourceforge or GitHub.

Deployment of Continuous Integration Infrastructure [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to implement CI for my project, but I've never done this before. Could anyone advice me on a great tutorial with step by step instructions on how to deploy a CI infrastructure?
Project: ASP.NET MVC based solution, source control could by either Subversion or Git
It's not a tutorial but this might be a good place to start:
Another good place to start

Open source tools for generating code [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In some crucial projects I relelized that time is one of the biggest concern while developing a project, specially a web application.
Specifically about ASP.NET, does any Open Source tools exists for generating code for helping developers [like codesmith] to work smarter rather than work harder?
I think T4 templates is what you need.
Check this out:
I'm not sure if your problem is that you want a code generator or something to help you generate automated tests to be run in different browsers. Since codesmith does .NET I'll assume you wanted automated tests for various browsers.
Check out selenium

Where is the developer documentation for Microsoft.ApplicationHost.WritableAdminManager? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to manage an IIS7 website during an application installation. I have been using WiX and PowerShell. However I have recently come across a few postings that make me think WiX with VBScript and Microsoft.ApplicationHost.WritableAdminManager might be a better option.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any developer documentation on WritableAdminManager. I do not know what properties and methods are supported. All I can find are various examples on
Where is the developer documentation for Microsoft.ApplicationHost.WritableAdminManager?
It's called the Application Host Administration Interfaces, and you can find the documentation for the interfaces on MSDN.

Go network programming libs [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've decided to rewrite most of my distributed server programs in Go to replace the existing c# based ones.
Can someone point me to a Go TCP libs or a Go general network programming lib.
Edi: ... and how do i complile this code is visual stuido 2008? Thanks
Here's the official API docs for the net package.
Regarding how to compile: See the installation guide. As of yet there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to compile in VS:
The Go tool chain is written in C. To
build it, you need to have GCC, the
standard C libraries, the parser
generator Bison, and the text editor
ed installed.
So in order to develop on Windows, the easiest route would be to use cygwin.
Depending on the needs of your distributed software, you may also want to check out the rpc package which makes it quite easy to register an object's public methods and call them remotely.
