Generate apk file for meteor app - meteor

I have a project is working for android browser. Is there a way to generate the apk file?
Also, are there anything that I shoud know before generating the apk file?

There are a few steps to follow in order to generate the Android application file (.apk) from a meteor app:
meteor install-sdk android
Have the mobile-config.js file in your project root (mobile-config.js example)
meteor add-platform android
meteor build ~/your-output-dir
Then you will have your .apk file in ~/your-output-dir/android/unaligned.apk
If you want to proceed and submit to Google Play Store, here are the steps to follow:
Hope this helps!

You can build an APK file with meteor build command.
Read more about it in the docs: or by typing meteor help build in your terminal.

Starting with Meteor 1.2, the bundled Android tools have been removed and a system-wide install of the Android SDK is now required. This should make it easier to keep the development toolchain up to date and helps avoid some difficult to diagnose failures. The meteor install-sdk command no longer attempts to download and install the Android tools for you (it has been deprecated and just points you to these instructions).

like imslavko says, meteor build works pretty fine, also if you are looking for more information take a look on this Meteorpedia
It work for me

As of now playstore has started giving warning while uploading APK about unoptimised bundle and insisting for uploading Android app bundle.
Insted of generating APK why not generate .aab of your project and reduce size of the application.
For people wondering about how to generate .aab for your existing project can read my blog here:
My blog link


Crashlytics could not find the resource file generated by Google Services

Crashlytics could not find the resource file generated by Google Services.You may need to execute the :processGoogleServices Task
i read the solution from this qusetion Crashlytics could not find the resource file generated by Google Services. You may need to execute the :process<Variant>GoogleServices Task
but i didn't succeded to run this command in my unity project
./gradlew :app:processProdReleaseGoogleServices or ./gradlew :app:processDevReleaseGoogleServices
how can i run it?
A tricky bit with the Unity SDK is that because Firebase still supports versions of Unity that predate a total move to gradle (I believe 2019.4 is when Unity switched over entirely, the earliest supported version right now is 2017.4), many Android specific solutions (such as the one you linked) won't function. If you did want to try it, you can select "Export Project" in your build settings -- but I don't think this will help:
It sounds instead like you're missing Plugins/Android/FirebaseApp.androidlib or Plugins/Android/FirebaseCrashlytics.androidlib. These are generated by the Firebase plugins (obviously FirebaseCrashlytics.androidlib is specific to Crashlytics -- you won't see that one otherwise) as part of a processing step to simulate what the Play Services gradle plugin would do in a typical Android application or game.
Some things to try:
Make sure you're on a supported version of Unity (2017.4 or newer -- Firebase does not officially support alphas or betas).
Ensure that you have a valid google-services.json file added and that Crashlytics has been added to your backend (full instructions here to redownload).
Re-add FirebaseCrashlytics and ensure that you leave everything checked.
Ensure that you have the latest Crashlytics plugin (currently 7.1.0). You can download just Crashlytics now from this site, but make sure you don't mix and match versions with other Firebase plugins.
And if none of these work, sometimes small changes in build environments expose unexpected issues. Your best bet will be to file an issue here with everything you've tried.

Firebase Crashlytics NDK unstripped files

I have an SDK that uses C++ code. The SDK exports 4 different modules in a maven repo that I publish on either a local maven repo or on GitHub packages.
The apps that consume the SDK should be able to use Firebase Crashlytics and get reports of crashes in the native code as well.
The first problem I have is that I need to provide to the Firebase plugin the folders unstrippedNativeLibsDir and strippedNativeLibsDir:
firebaseCrashlytics {
nativeSymbolUploadEnabled true
unstrippedNativeLibsDir "???"
strippedNativeLibsDir "???"
If I go to the project where I build the SDK I can see: build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/release and build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs.
Are these the unstripped and stripped folder respectively?
Is there any documentation about what exactly those folders are supposed to contain?
Anyway if I configure the app firebaseCrashlytics to point to these folders I still need to fix another issue.
I get:
Crashlytics could not find NDK build tasks on which to depend. You many need to manually enforce task dependencies
It looks like since I'm building the libs that use the NDK in another project, then the Firebase plugin does not work.
What am I supposed to do?
Is it possible to get the Crashlytics NDK working even if I build the libraries independently with a separate project?
The only way I made it work was to build the libraries along with the app. The libraries were in separate repos anyway but I included them as sub-repositories in the app.
In this way, you solve the issue of not finding NDK build tasks on which to depend.
I know this is not the answer though

Google Play ask for deobfuscation txt file, Xamarin Forms

When I previously released my application it went well, but now I try to upload a new version of my application and Google Play says that it has some java/kotlin code in it and asks for me to upload an deobfuscation txt file. I have been looking for answers and the people mention a "mapping.txt" file which android studio creates when you are using proguard or R8 code shrinkers.
Does anyone know where I can generate such file or where it may be?
Note: I haven't added or upgraded any nuget packages since the last time I updated the application and I already looked in the bin/obj folders with no luck. Also I checked the archive folder that creates when I bundle the application.
The obfuscation step of ProGuard is disabled when building a Xamarin Android application. Therefore, there's no deobfuscation file generated and no need to upload one. You can ignore the warning.
From the Xamarin.Android documentation:
The Xamarin.Android ProGuard configuration does not obfuscate the APK. In fact, it is not possible to enable obfuscation through ProGuard (even through the use of custom configuration files).
Edit: There is currently an open PR in Xamarin.Android to have ProGuard generate the mapping.txt file. Note that this is only to silence the warning, though. In theory, it's not needed.

Configuring cordova-plugin-firebase

I have installed cordova-plugin-firebase.
In the root folder of my app I have zipped www folder, config.xml, google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist.
I use this file in phonegap build and it builds fine for ios.
I have installed the app in a iPhone 7, but when I run the app it crashes.
In the plugin page I can read (
This plugin uses a hook (after prepare) that copies the configuration
files to the right place, namely platforms/ios/\/Resources for ios and platforms/android for android.
Firebase SDK requires the configuration files to be present and valid,
otherwise your app will crash on boot or Firebase features won't work.
PhoneGap Build
Hooks does not work with PhoneGap Build. This means you will have to
manually make sure the configuration files are included. One way to do
that is to make a private fork of this plugin and replace the
placeholder config files (see src/ios and src/android) with your
actual ones, as well as hard coding your app id and api key in
So I think what is happening is that GoogleService-Info.plist and google-services.json are not placed in the right place.
But, how can I fix this? I don't understand the solution about making a private fork?!?
Any help?
I answer myself.
Because of hooks doesn't work in phonegap build I have installed Xcode and Android Studio.
Now the plugin is working in android, but not ios.
I will post a question for this.

Application development on meteor

I am working on a project in my office, for this i have downloaded meteor project code from github for customization, i don't know how it's run before? i have successfully developed demo app from meteor tutorial, but when i am trying that unzipped github code and using same command in terminal as for demo app, its giving me an error "project not in meteor directory". But when i am using intellij idea for importing that, so .meteor directory is automatically getting created there.
What should i do for this. Please help i am in trouble.
It's because your command line is not projected in your meteor project directory.
Probably this would solve your problem
Step 1. Create a meteor app with "meteor create appName"
Step 2. Delete all the files from the app you created in previous step.
Step 3. Unzip and save all the files in appName directory which is created while doing the first step.
Let me know if there is error again.
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