KendoUI Embedded External Links - iframe

I am using Telerik's KendoUI framework for an HTML5/JS mobile app. When I have views I want to link to inside my app, I do a standard link such as Link which is of course as basic as it gets. The question I have is whether there is a way to make that path an external link, but have the page load inside the content area of the app (such as in an iFrame)? I'm not finding any examples of that online and when I make the link external, my whole app disappears if you click it. The end goal is keeping the link's site content (already mobile friendly) in between the header/footer of my app so they can still navigate it.

After working through Telerik support, this wasn't natively possible with their framework. I ended up doing a Kendo view and utilized the data-init option to dynamically build an <iframe /> via jQuery and put the link in there so it loaded appropriately. Some might say that's a security concern, however in our case the link is something we put in for them so it's something that will always be trusted.


Prism detecting if page is modal programmatically and go back

I am implementing a feature using "connectivity" from essentials that when the app goes "offline" no wifi etc.. it navigates to a specific page.
It works in most cases however if I set the phone on "Airplane Mode" when I am on a modal page it does not navigate to my page.
In Prism is there a way to detect if the current page "IsModal" and either goback or kill it so that I can navigate to my specific Page?
You'd have to write some crazy lookup logic to figure it out. Unfortunately the helper for that doesn't currently exist. However the latest Prism 7.2 preview has some enhancements that specifically attempt to eliminate the need to figure out whether you require Modal Navigation and automatically use the proper type of Navigation. I would encourage you to try the preview. If you come up with a scenario where GoBack isn't working correctly please open an issue.

Xpages Mobile CSS: iOS7

I have an Xpages app and I want to surface some pages from that app into my iPhone App. I want the Xpages pages to look like iOS7 so the users have the same experience in the app and don't know they are not in a native app.
IBM has not updated their mobile CSS yet.
But there is some CSS that goes a long way to fixing this:
I was able to make script library in my app and then I was able to get the CSS into a page, all using the instructions on the site.
What I don't get is how to make my app use the css theme? When I view the page on my iPhone some of the page is rendered like ios7, but much is not. Do I have to match up each individual element on the page to the class in the custom css?
It depends on your page I guess. Not every control has a "mobile renderer". DataView does for instance but viewPanel does not. So that could be why you're seeing it fine for some things but not others.
I believe in 9.01 with the latest extension pack it's easier to override the mobile them. It had been pretty difficult before. I think that's why your linked article mentions that the iOS7 theme can't be in the Head tag.
You might need to override styles for anything that doesn't look like iOS7.

Is there any way to programmatically fix DOM/CSS on-the-fly in web browser?

For example, opening the front page of, it contains a lot of banners. But by the Developer Tools in Chrome it's possible to go through the page and tweak CSS in-place (mostly adding 'display: none') and eventually the page looks this way:
So, a question: is there any APIs or existing extensions for Chrome allowing programmatically change DOM/CSS on the page? I saw similar Chrome extensions allowing to tweak Gmail and Google Reader, but it was specifically for those websites.
You can do this using Stylebot.

How to Take screenShot or image of web page part

I Am working on facebook application.
Now I want to add a feature That user can post Image of application.
I have done everything earlier means i have code for posting and for application.
But I am not able to take image of that application.
Application is working on within the IFame in facebook.
So may main concern to get Image that html page that is showing in Iframe.
I have tried out lot of code snippet Nothing is working for me.
Please suggest me that how can i take image of any specific part of web page.
You could try wkhtmltoimage, which looks like it has some Windows support. Once its installed, you just run wkhtmltoimage site.screenshot.png.

Vitual Studio Design view working with CSS

I using an external CSS to control the display of my controls. and It looks messy when I am viewing the page in th Design View of VS2008.
So whenever i change a value in my CSS, instead of examining it in design view, i am forced to run the web page, launch my browser just in order to view the changes I made.
Personally I'd try editing your Css using Firebug with your application running. Saving back only the changes you're happy with to you stylesheet. Make sense? Wouldn't have to be in debug mode either.
