Installing Xen without an O.S. - xen

Is it possible to install Xen Hypervisor directly on bare metal, without a host O.S.
Xen is ssaid to be a bare metal hypervisor but ,I'vent found any image files regarding Xen.

It is absolutely possible as Xen is bear metal hyper-visor.
I am also working on Xen and i have done it smoothly.
You can find an ISO image at below link


How can I install NebulaGraph on Windows?

I want to install the Nebula Graph database on Windows, but I didn't find any references. I tried install on my own, but failed in the end.
I viewed NebulaGraph-related docs, but I didn't find what I want to.
How can I install NebulaGraph on Windows?
The situation for Windows is similar to macOS as explained here.
We could either leverage hypervisors(WSL2, VirtualBox, VMware player, etc)/or WSL1 to spawn a Linux machine to deploy it in the VM or go with Docker Desktop + Nebula-Docker-Compose.

Preparing I.MX 8 Nano for development using Debian with QT UI / dotnet core for communication

I am trying to get the above development system working, I am starting with a Varicsite NANO compute module. I am trying to get QT 5 setup to develop. I have been unable to find a good Debian guide on how to do that. I would eventually want the QT application to run in kiosk mode without the Weston desktop.
I have Debian built using their instructions of building Debian for the IMX8 board. It runs fine Weston comes up on boot.
I have installed the following packages on the target device.
I have attempted to follow their guide on getting QT to work for YOCTO(not Debian) and have not gotten it to work. QT is installed but their Debian build does not come with a full sdk. Nor do they detail all of the packages that need to be installed.
I have also tried following this guide, but it was written for an RPI and X11 not wayland/Weston so some of the steps seem wrong especially in all of the packages it wants you to install.
Is there a good guide on how to do this, I was thinking of trying to combine the two guides by using his lines to set up rsync and such but I still do not have a full SDK without the right qmake.
My host system is UBUNTU 16.04

Install net-snmp on RHEL without yum (or any other package managing software)

Currently I'm working on installing the net-snmp package on bunch of RHEL servers (versions vary from 5.x ~ 6.x).
To be specific, I need net-snmp.x86_64 and net-snmp-utils.x86_64 to create /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file.
In normal cases, I'd just use yum to simply install them but the servers I'm working on has a firewall blocking all connections except the ones specified in the firewall.
I'm also not allowed to configure the firewall to enable yum to download the packages online due to security reasons (not sure why, though).
So I downloaded the net-snmp-5.8.tar.gz file to my PC and SCP'd it to the servers and tried to manually install it there.
But since I'm no expert on this, I just couldn't get them installed with the information online.
The files seem to be running but it doesn't create the snmpd.conf file that I need, or any other SNMP configs.
Is there a guide to installing these packages properly using the tar.gz file? Or is there something wrong here?
Thanks in advance :)
Have you run the snmpconf script? If I remember correctly it should have been installed along with net-snmp and it will generate an snmpd.conf file that is at least a good starting point if not the final one you'll want.

android-x86 on vmware ext4-fs corrupt

I've installed Android-x86 7.1-RC1 Nougat VM image for VMWARE but I often get this error and so I have to restore the original image of the vm from scratch.
Is there a command I can use to solve this problem and continue booting the system?
I had the same issue when installing Android-x86 8.1-RC2 on my physical laptop.
I'm not so sure if it's a bug or something but it looks like for some reason the system has been shut down uncleanly and the filesystem is corrupted.
I had to run sudo fsck.ext4 -vy /dev/sdaX from a linux live cd each time I had this error.
I know it's tedious and umpratical. I hope somebody will come up with a better solution.

Deploy jar on openstack cirros instance

It sounds very basic but I haven't found clear instructions on how to do this. I'm new on openstack. I have setted up devstack on my laptop, I have created an instance from a cirros image and now I would like this image to run a jar. I was expecting this to work in a similar way as Amazon EMR for instance, but obviously it doesn't. Any help or hints for straightforward tutorials will be appreciated.
The cirros image doesn't include Java nor does it include a facility for installing additional packages. You should boot using a full distribution of some sort (e.g., Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc), and then proceed to install Java following instruction appropriate for that distribution.
Once you have Java installed, you can install and run your jar file.
