How to set Default CSS for all Buttons in JAVAFx - javafx

I have over 100 Buttons in my JAVAfx application and I want to give a DEFAULT styling[given below] to all buttons in the programme. Please help ! :)
-fx-text-fill: black;
-fx-font-size: 14px;
-fx-padding: 3 30 3 30;

Create a new CSS file.
Attach the CSS file to your Scene.
Put your button styles to .button {}.

It's easy to set default Style for all JavaFX Button in an application.
Just give a id to the style sheet which you want to set as default for all button.And then set this id for all button of your application.
Button button =new Button("Button");
Button button1 =new Button("Button");
String style= getClass().getResource("New.css").toExternalForm();
Create buttons
apply id to them (for css as we apply in the html) using setId().
Define CSS for this ID
Finally add CSS file to the Scene Thats it.
And CSS file :
-fx-background-radius: 10px;
Learn more about JavaFX Button CSS

To apply a default style in an fxml file add a '.button' class to your css file and include it in the Anchor pane
Add this to your css file e.g. app.css
.button {
-fx-background-radius: 10px;
Update your AnchorPane tag to include the stylesheet:
<AnchorPane prefHeight="700.0" prefWidth="500.0" stylesheets="#../app.css" >
This will change all buttons to use your style for within the fxml file


JavaFX CSS Styling from Java

I want to assign a style class to an element.
I have a css:
-fx-background-color: #333333;
-fx-background-insets: 0 -1 -1 -1, 0 0 0 0, 0 -1 3 -1;
-fx-text-fill: white;
-fx-prompt-text-fill: white;
-fx-font-family: Trebuchet MS;
-fx-font-size: 14px;
-fx-focus-color: white;
-fx-prompt-text-fill: white;
-fx-highlight-fill: grey ;
And the java code I´m using:
JFXTextField textField = new JFXTextField();
The problem I´m having is that the ":focused" style is not being applied to this element.
What am I doing wrong?
Already tested it using directly scenebuilder in the element and it seems that the setting in "Focus Color" and "UnFocus Color" options override the text-field:focused style.
As the JFXTextField is created in runtime it seems the default Focus Color overrides the css text-field:focused style.
How can this be solved?
You replace all the style classes of the node with a single style class: text-field.
Take a look at modena.css to see that the style of TextFields is defined in rules for style class text-input.
These rules are also the only place where the CSS variable -fx-focus-color is used for TextFields. Since you make sure those rules are no longer applied you don't see any visible effect when modifying the -fx-focus-color variable.
If you do want to keep the parts of the old style you should not remove the style classes that are added when creating the node and modify properties that don't suit your needs in your own style. If you clear the style classes you're responsible for rebuilding the look from scratch.
Change focused to hover
like this:
.text-field:hover {

JavaFX Subclass pseudoclass

I wan to make 2 different styles of button in one css. So when creating the second button i added class to it using:
so now i can reference this button in css by:
But now i dont know how to reference pseudoclasses of button when using the .close-button class.
I tried accessing it by
Nor of these seems to work. Is there any way how to do it? Or do i have to create my own pseudoclasses for the .close-button class and add and remove them in listeners of the btton in code?
I am creating the button using:
Button close = new Button("X");
close.setOnAction((event) -> {
Than i am adding it to the layout:
HBox hbox = new HBox(rbSelect, label, pane, close);
my css looks like:
.button {
.button.close-button {
-fx-background-color: #E81123;
.button:selected.close-button {
-fx-background-color: greenyellow;
The button looks like this:
When i click on it:
Seems like nothing happens, when i would expect the button to change color to greenyellow
I'm not 100% sure this is necessary, but by convention the pseudo class selector is added after the class selectors:
.button.close-button:selected {
-fx-background-color: greenyellow;
However there is no selected pseudo class for Button. It's available for CheckBox and ToggleButton, but not for regular Buttons. Pseudoclasses that are available are :pressed and :hover, see css reference.
You could of course add the pseudoclass yourself, assuming you're using JavaFX 8:
PseudoClass selected = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("selected");
close.setOnAction((event) -> {
close.pseudoClassStateChanged(selected, true);

How to refer to an anchor pane in css?

is there a possibility to refer to an anchor pane in css?
If the anchor pane happens to be the root, than it's ok:
-fx-background-image: url("xxx.yy");
It works. But if not, then how to do this? I tried .anchor-pane{}, it didn't work. Then I read, that anchor pane has everything that Pane has. So I tried .pane{} too... It didn't work.
How can I set the background to a none root anchor pane?
Thank you!
You can always assign a css class and add it to the AnchorPane explicitly
In your css :
-fx-background-image: url("xxx.yy");
You can perform the same by adding a css id
In you css :
-fx-background-image: url("xxx.yy");
This answer is the same as Itachi's I just wrote it at the same time..
You use CSS selectors in a CSS stylesheet to select nodes.
A pane is a node. A node can have a css id set on it node.setId("xyzzy-id"), or it can have style classes set on it node.getStyleClass().add("xyzzy-class").
For the provided examples you could select the pane in either of these ways:
Select by ID:
#xyzzy-id {
-fx-background-color: palegreen;
Select by Class:
.xyzzy-class {
-fx-background-color: papayawhip;
You can also set FXML attributes on the node for the id and style class (rather than doing this in code as explained above). SceneBuilder has fields for this, so if you are writing FXML using SceneBuilder, just fill in the appropriate fields and it will add the required attributes to your FXML file.

Styling default JavaFX Dialogs

I'm looking for a way to style the default JavaFX Dialog (javafx.scene.control.Dialog).
I tried to get the DialogPane and add a stylesheet, but it covers only a small piece of the dialog. I would prefer to style only with an external css file and without to add styleClasses over the code. This would look messy (header, content, own content on the content and more..)
I googled already alot and only found examples for ControlsFX, but since jdk8_40 JavaFX has it's own Dialogs i use them now.
Any suggestions?
Since José Pereda posted the solution i created my own dialog.css.
I'll post it here because it covers the whole dialog and maybe someone want's to copy&paste it. Note .dialog-pane is already a given styleClass name so you don't need to apply your own. Of course, Josés is more fine detailed.
.dialog-pane {
-fx-background-color: black;
.dialog-pane .label {
-fx-text-fill: white;
.dialog-pane:header .header-panel {
-fx-background-color: black;
.dialog-pane:header .header-panel .label {
-fx-font-style: italic;
-fx-font-size: 2em;
You can style your dialogs with your own css file, but for that you need to take into consideration that the dialog is in fact a new stage, with a new scene, and the root node is a DialogPane instance.
So once you create some dialog instance:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
alert.setTitle("Confirmation Dialog");
alert.setHeaderText("This is a Custom Confirmation Dialog");
alert.setContentText("We override the style classes of the dialog");
you can access to its dialog pane and add your own style sheet and your own class selector:
DialogPane dialogPane = alert.getDialogPane();
Now the trick is knowing all the rules a Dialog style sheet has implemented by default.
And that's a difficult task... since they are not in the modena.css file, as for all the regular controls. On the contrary, they are found in the modena.bss file, a binary file located in the jfxrt.jar under private packages.
After some digging I've managed to get those rules, so your custom myDialogs.css file will look something like this:
-fx-background-color: #f9d900;
.myDialog > *.button-bar > *.container{
-fx-background-color: #a9e200;
.myDialog > *.label.content{
-fx-font-size: 14px;
-fx-font-weight: bold;
.myDialog:header *.header-panel{
-fx-background-color: #a59c31;
.myDialog:header *.header-panel *.label{
-fx-font-size: 18px;
-fx-font-style: italic;
-fx-fill: #292929;
And you will have your styled dialog:
Note that being a bss file under private packages, these selectors can change without notice in future releases.
I've just found that the .dialog-pane selector is already part of modena.css in the last 8u40 early versions, so you can find all the selectors and rules applied to the dialog pane there.

javaFX css styling for an array of text not working

I have a CSS file that styles my application MusicPlayer. I'm trying to style my array of javafx.scene.text.Text named sliderText. However nothing works. even when i use .text it styles the text of everything else EXCEPT my array of sliderText. any ideas how to get this working?
heres my declaration of slider text =
public static javafx.scene.text.Text[] sliderText = new Text[10];
also general question, how do i use .setID() in both javafx and CSS?
I've tried doing the following:
.text {
-fx-font-size: 32px;
-fx-font-family: "Arial Black";
-fx-fill: #818181;
-fx-effect: innershadow( three-pass-box , rgba(0,0,0,0.7) , 6, 0.0 , 0 , 2 );
And that changes literally everything except what i want it to
By default, Text objects have no style class attached to them. (Only Controls have default style classes set.) So your rule (which applies to the style class "text"), won't apply to your text objects.
The basic CSS tutorial for JavaFX covers all this, but briefly you need to do something like
for (Text text : sliderText) {
either in the constructor or in the start() method or an initialization method (you haven't shown enough context for your code for me to know how your application is set up).
For your question:
how do i use .setID() in both javafx and CSS?
you can do
and then in CSS
#specialNode {
/* style rules for specialNode here.... */
Ids should be unique to a single node within any scene graph.
