Overlap image plot on a Google Map background in R - r

I'm trying to add this plot of a function defined on Veneto (italian region)
obtained by an image and contour:
image(X,Y,evalmati,col=heat.colors(100), xlab="", ylab="", asp=1,zlim=zlimits,main=title)
(here you can find objects: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47720440/bounty.RData)
on a Google Map background.
I tried two ways:
I downloaded the map mbackground
MapVeneto<-GetMap.bbox(lonR=c(10.53,13.18),latR=c(44.7,46.76),size = c(640,640),MINIMUMSIZE=TRUE)
but i don't know the commands useful to add the plot defined by image and contour to the map
I tried this way:
for (i in 1:nx)
for (j in 1:ny)
GoogleMap(z.loa ~ lat.loa*lon.loa,col.regions=c("red","yellow"),labels=TRUE,contour=TRUE,alpha.regions=list(alpha=.5, alpha=.5),panel=panel.contourplot)
but the plot wasn't like the first one:
in the legend of this plot I have 7 colors, and the plot use only these values. image plot is more accurate.
How can I add image plot to GoogleMaps background?

If the use of a GoogleMap map is not mandatory (e.g. if you only need to visualize the coastline + some depth/altitude information on the map), you could use the package marmap to do what you want. Please note that you will need to install the latest development version of marmap available on github to use readGEBCO.bathy() since the format of the files generated when downloading GEBCO files has been altered recently. The data from the NOAA servers is fine but not very accurate in your region of interest (only one minute resolution vs half a minute for GEBCO). Here is the data from GEBCO I used to produce the map : GEBCO file
# Get hypsometric and bathymetric data from either NOAA or GEBCO servers
# bath <- getNOAA.bathy(lon1=10, lon2=14, lat1=44, lat2=47, res=1, keep=TRUE)
bath <- readGEBCO.bathy("GEBCO_2014_2D_10.0_44.0_14.0_47.0.nc")
# Create color palettes for sea and land
blues <- c("lightsteelblue4", "lightsteelblue3", "lightsteelblue2", "lightsteelblue1")
greys <- c(grey(0.6), grey(0.93), grey(0.99))
# Plot the hypsometric/bathymetric map
plot(bath, land=T, im=T, lwd=.03, bpal = list(c(0, max(bath), greys), c(min(bath), 0, blues)))
plot(bath, n=1, add=T, lwd=.5) # Add coastline
# Transform your data into a bathy object
rownames(evalmati) <- X
colnames(evalmati) <- Y
class(evalmati) <- "bathy"
# Overlay evalmati on the map
plot(evalmati, land=T, im=T, lwd=.1, bpal=col2alpha(heat.colors(100),.7), add=T, drawlabels=TRUE) # use deep= shallow= step= to adjust contour lines
plot(outline.buffer(evalmati),add=TRUE, n=1) # Outline of the data
# Add cities locations and names
map.cities(country="Italy", label=T, minpop=50000)
Since your evalmati data is now a bathy object, you can adjust its appearance on the map like you would for the map background (adjust the number and width of contour lines, adjust the color gradient, etc). plot.bath() uses both image() and contour() so you should be able to get the same results as when you plot with image(). Please take a look at the help for plot.bathy() and the package vignettes for more examples.

I am not realy inside the subject, but Lovelace, R. "Introduction to visualising spatial data in R" might help you
https://github.com/Robinlovelace/Creating-maps-in-R/raw/master/intro-spatial-rl.pdf From section "Adding base maps to ggplot2 with ggmap" with small changes and data from https://github.com/Robinlovelace/Creating-maps-in-R/archive/master.zip
lnd_sport_wgs84 <- readOGR(dsn = "./Creating-maps-in-R-master/data",
layer = "london_sport") %>%
lnd_wgs84_f <- lnd_sport_wgs84 %>%
fortify(region = "ons_label") %>%
by = c("id" = "ons_label"))
ggmap(get_map(location = bbox(lnd_sport_wgs84) )) +
geom_polygon(data = lnd_wgs84_f,
aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = Partic_Per),
alpha = 0.5)


Add latitud/longitud dot to my map is not working (R STUDIO)

I ploted an Argentina map and then I took the region I am interested in. But the problem is, I can not plot specific dots in specific latitudes and longitudes. It does not work.
And I want to plot different dots with values all over the map!!
This is the website where I took the data to plot the map: https://gadm.org/download_country_v3.html (I only downloaded a file, that was all).
gadm <- readRDS("gadm36_ARG_1_sf.rds")
mapaposta= plot(gadm, col = 'lightgrey', border = 'black',ylim = c(-40,-27),xlim=c(-68,-55))
This is the plot I am getting with no dots on it!!
You need to set the coordinate reference system of the spatial polygons data frame.
# download data from https://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm3.6/Rsp/gadm36_ARG_1_sp.rds
gadm <- readRDS("gadm36_ARG_1_sp.rds")
proj4string(gadm)=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
plot(gadm, col = 'lightgrey', border = 'black',ylim = c(-40,-27),xlim=c(-68,-55))

Exporting a contoured Kernel density estimation plot to raster or shapefile format

I'm trying to perform Kernel density estimation in R using some GPS data that I have. My aim is to create a contoured output with each line representing 10% of the KDE. From here i want to import the output (as a shapefile or raster) into either QGIS or arcmap so I can overlay the output on top of existing environmental layers.
So far i have used AdehabitatHR to create the following output using the below code:
kud<-kernelUD(locs1[,1], h="href")
vud <- estUDm2spixdf(vud)
xyzv <- as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(vud)
contoured<-contour(xyzv, add=TRUE)
Aside from being able to remove the colour, this is how i wish the output to appear (or near to). However i am struggling to figure out how i can export this as either a shapefile or raster? Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
With the amt package this should be relatively straightforward:
relocs <- puechabonsp$relocs
hr <- as.data.frame(relocs) %>% make_track(X, Y, name = Name) %>%
hr_kde(trast = raster(amt::bbox(., buffer = 2000), res = 50)) %>%
hr_isopleths(level = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.1))
# Use the sf package to write a shape file, or any other supported format
st_write(hr, "~/tmp/home_ranges.shp")
Note, it is also relatively easy to plot
ggplot(hr) + geom_sf(fill = NA, aes(col = level))

Trying to plot in tmap shapefile with attribute

I am trying to work with municipality data in Norway, and I'm totally new to QGIS, shapefiles and plotting this in R. I download the municipalities from here:
Administrative enheter kommuner / Administrative units municipalities
Reproducible files are here:
Joanna's github
I have downloaded QGIS, so I can open the GEOJson file there and convert it to a shapefile. I am able to do this, and read the data into R:
I have on my own given the different municipalities different values/ranks that I call faktor, and I have stored this classification in a dataframe that I call df_new. I wish to merge this "classification" on to my "test" object above, and wish to plot the map with the classification attribute onto the map:
test33=merge(test, df_new[,c("Kommunekode_str","faktor")],
by=c("Kommunekode_str"), all.x=TRUE)
This works, but when I am to plot this with tmap,
tm_shape(test33) +
tm_fill(col="faktor", alpha=0.6, n=20, palette=c("wheat3","red3")) +
tm_borders(col="#000000", lwd=0.2)
it throws this error:
Error in object[-omit, , drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of
If I just use base plot,
I get the picture:
You see I get three plots. Does this has something to do with my error above?
I think the main issue here is that the shapes you are trying to plot are too complex so tmap is struggling to load all of this data. ggplot also fails to load the polygons.
You probably don't need so much accuracy in your polygons if you are making a choropleth map so I would suggest first simplifying your polygons. In my experience the best way to do this is using the package rmapshaper:
# keep = 0.02 will keep just 2% of the points in your polygons.
test_33_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(test33, keep = 0.02)
I can now use your code to produce the following:
tm_shape(test_33_simple) +
tm_fill(col="faktor", alpha=0.6, n=20, palette=c("wheat3","red3")) +
tm_borders(col="#000000", lwd=0.2)
This produces an interactive map and the colour scheme is not ideal to tell differences between municipalities.
static version
Since you say in the comments that you are not sure if you want an interactive map or a static one, I will give an example with a static map and some example colour schemes.
The below uses the classInt package to set up breaks for your map. A popular break scheme is 'fisher' which uses the fisher-jenks algorithm. Make sure you research the various different options to pick one that suits your scenario:
breaks <- classIntervals(test_33_simple$faktor, n = 6, style = 'fisher')
#label breaks
lab_vec <- vector(length = length(breaks$brks)-1)
rounded_breaks <- round(breaks$brks,2)
lab_vec[1] <- paste0('[', rounded_breaks[1],' - ', rounded_breaks[2],']')
for(i in 2:(length(breaks$brks) - 1)){
lab_vec[i] <- paste0('(',rounded_breaks[i], ' - ', rounded_breaks[i+1], ']')
test_33_simple <- test_33_simple %>%
mutate(faktor_class = factor(cut(faktor, breaks$brks, include.lowest = T), labels = lab_vec))
# map
ggplot(test_33_simple) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = faktor_class), size= 0.2) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +

Add points (Lat-Lon) to a marmap plot

I would like to plot a series of lat-lon points of a seal track, each coloured according to an attribute, on to a map that shows the bathymetry (100m contours) and coastline. I learnt how to create a map to show the bathymetry+coastline using marmap and ggplot2. The code is here:
dat <- getNOAA.bathy(-58,-62.5,43,46.0,res=0, keep=TRUE)
plot(dat,image=TRUE,bpal = list(c(min(dat), 0, "darkblue", "blue","lightblue"), c(0, max(dat), "gray90","gray10")),drawlabels=TRUE,deep=c(-500,200,0),shallow=c(-500,100,0),step=c(500,100,0),lwd=c(1,1,1),lty=c(1,1,1),land=TRUE)+
scaleBathy(dat, deg=1.232, x="bottomleft", inset=5) #100km
This created a useful map. However, I am stalled over how to add the seal track on to this map.
I could do this in ggmap (using the code below) but I much prefer the marmap map
myLocation <- c(-62.5,43,-58,46)
scale_color_gradientn(colours=rainbow(6), breaks=seq(1,6,by=1))
Any guidance will be much appreciated
You should be able to add the bathymetric info from marmap as a contour layer on your plot after "fortifying" it. Without your data it's difficult to make sure that it works (and the NOAA server is down for me right now):
dat <- getNOAA.bathy(-58,-62.5,43,46.0,res=0, keep=TRUE)
dat <- fortify(dat)
ggmap(seal_map2) +
geom_contour(dat, aes(x = x, y = y, z = z)) +
geom_point(data=sealtrack,aes(color=category),size=0.5) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours=rainbow(6), breaks=seq(1,6,by=1))

How to add continuous color legend to an R map made with maps

I'm using the R code shown below, which loads libraries maps and RColorBrewer, to create a map of the world with countries color-coded by population rank. As you can see in the image below, I'm using a green palette in which the darker the green, the larger the population.
I'd like to add a continuous color legend showing the full palette to denote that light green = small population and dark green = large population, but I can't find a way to do it via maps. Could you tell me what is the easiest way to add a continuous color legend (or color key/color scale) to my map?
# Load libraries
# Load world data
# Calculate world population by country
world.pop = aggregate(x=world.cities$pop, by=list(world.cities$country.etc),
world.pop = setNames(world.pop, c('Country', 'Population'))
# Create a color palette
palette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n=9, name='Greens'))(nrow(world.pop))
# Sort the colors in the same order as the countries' populations
palette = palette[rank(-world.pop$Population)]
# Draw a map of the world
map(database='world', fill=T, col=palette, bg='light blue')
The world map in the maps package is about 30 years old (e.g., has USSR & Yugoslavia).
Plus you have a glitch in your code that causes the overpopulated Greenland that #Jealie noticed (and India is less populated than Antarctica).
You can create a continuousish legend with a modern world using rworldmap.
#get a coarse resolution map
sPDF <- getMap()
#using your green colours
mapDevice('x11') #create a map shaped device
numCats <- 100 #set number of categories to use
palette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n=9, name='Greens'))(numCats)
You can alter the legend adding more labels etc. by doing something like this :
mapParams <- mapCountryData(sPDF, nameColumnToPlot="POP_EST", catMethod="pretty", numCats=100, colourPalette=palette, addLegend=FALSE)
#add a modified legend using the same initial parameters as mapCountryData
do.call( addMapLegend, c( mapParams
, legendLabels="all"
, legendWidth=0.5
Just briefly to explore the glitch in your code. It occurs because you create a palette for the number of countries in world.cities (239) and then apply it to the number of polygons in the world database from maps (2026). So it probably gets recycled and the colours of your countries have no relation to population. The code below demonstrates the source of your problem.
#find the countries used in the maps world map
mapCountries <- unique( map('world',namesonly=TRUE) )
#[1] 2026
#exclude those containing ':' e.g. "USA:Alaska:Baranof Island"
mapCountries2 <- mapCountries[-grep(':',mapCountries)]
#[1] 186
#which don't match between the map and world.cities ?
#cityCountries <- unique( world.cities$country.etc )
cityCountries <- world.pop$Country
#[1] 239
#which countries are in the map but not in world.cities ?
mapCountries2[ is.na(match(mapCountries2,cityCountries)) ]
#includes USSR, Yugoslavia & Czechoslovakia
Within the library SDMTools there is the function legend.gradient
adding this code to the end of your code should give the desired result:
# Draw a map of the world
map(database='world', fill=T, col=palette, bg='light blue')
x = c(-20, -15, -15, -20)
y = c(0, 60, 60, 0)
legend.gradient(cbind(x = x - 150, y = y - 30),
cols = brewer.pal(n=9, name='Greens'), title = "TITLE", limits = "")
You will need to fiddle with the x & y coordinates to get the legend into the desired location however.
The x and y coordinates also adjust the shape of the box so I changed the code so that the box shape would not change if you only alter the numbers within the legend.gradient function. Below is what this code should produce
