Function to find Negative binomial distribution in Julia - r

I am using below code to find Negative binomial distribution in R
dnbinom(n11, size=p[1], prob=p[2]/(p[2]+E))
where dnbinom is the function used for finding Negative binomial distribution
n11 & E are vector of integer.
Now i want to run the same code in Julia, which function should i have to use inplace of dnbinom
The function must have arguments as (x,size,prob)
where x = vector of probabilities.
size = target for number of successful trials, or dispersion parameter (the shape parameter of the gamma mixing distribution). Must be strictly positive, need not be integer.
prob = probability of success in each trial. 0 < prob <= 1.
Below is My full Code(Updated as per answers given, but still not working)
using Distributions
data = query("Select count_a,EXP_COUNT from SM_STAT_ALGO_LOCALTRADE_SOC;")
function f(x::Vector,n11,E)
return sum(-log(x[5] * pdf(NegativeBinomial(x[1], x[2]/(x[2]+E), n11)) + (1-x[5]) * pdf(NegativeBinomial(x[3], x[4]/(x[4]+E),n11))))

Assuming that you want the probabilities of a vector of outcomes, you can do
using Distributions
function dnbinom(x, size, prob)
dist = NegativeBinomial(size,prob)
map(y->pdf(dist,y), x)
#show dnbinom([3,5], 10, 0.1)

To get the equivilaent of dbinom in R
dnbinom(1, 1, 0.5)
# [1] 0.25
you can use
using Distributions
pdf(NegativeBinomial(), 1)
# 0.25000000000000006
in julia.


Comparing the exact and an approximation of the CDF function with R command ecdf

I want to compute the exact and an approximation of the Cumulative Distribution Function for the following density :
f(x)= U(x;-1,2)/2 + U(x;0,1)/2
where U(.;a,b) is the uniform density function on the interval [a,b].
I know how to compute the exact expression of the CDF.
My problem is that I do not understand why my approximation provided by the R function ecdf is a very bad approximation of the exact CDF (see code below).
#density function
f = function(x){dunif(x,-1,2)/2+dunif(x)/2}
xis = runif(1000000,-1,2)/2+runif(1000000)/2
Ffapp = ecdf(xis)
zs = seq(-1.2, 2.2, by=0.01)
Ffs = Ffapp(zs)
#exact expression
Ffexact = function(t){(t <= -1) * 0 +
(t>-1 & t<=0) * (t+1)/6 +
(t>0 & t<=1) * ((t+1)/6 + t/2) +
(t>1 & t<=2) * ((t+1)/6 + 1/2) +
(t>2) * 1}
legend(-1, 0.9, legend=c("Fapp", "Fexact"),col=c("red", "black"), lty=1:1)
How to explain the bad approximation of the CDF obtained with the ecdf command ?
EDIT: here is the plot.
We can see that the approximation is quite far from the exact expression. But more importantly I say it's a bad approximation because we do not have convergence of the red curve to the black curve when the size of the sample (argument of runif) tends to plus infinity. Mathematically we should have pointwise convergence of the two CDF.
The problem is in the way you generate your random sample xis. If we look at its histogram, we can see that the distribution doesn't follow your density. hist(xis):
xis are just random values, you don't want to divide them by 2 (this shrinks the distribution) and instead of summing, you need to concatenate the two vectors:
xis <- c(runif(1000000, -1, 2), runif(1000000))
Now the approximation fits perfectly:

Trying to plot loglikelihood of Cauchy distribution for different values of theta in R

I am trying to plot the log-likelihood function of the Cauchy distribution for varying values of theta (location parameter). These are my observations:
Here is my log-likelihood function:
logl<- -n*log(pi)-sum(log(1+(x_values-theta)^2))
and Ive tried making a plot by using this code:
for (i in x){
The graph does not look right and for some reason the length of x and theta_null differs.
I am assuming that theta is your location parameter (the scale is set to 1 in my example). You should obtain the same result using a t-distribution with 1 df and shifting the observations by theta. I left some comments in the code as guidance.
obs = c(1.77,-0.23,2.76,3.80,3.47,56.75,-1.34,4.24,3.29,3.71,-2.40,4.53,-0.07,-1.05,-13.87,-2.53,-1.74,0.27,43.21)
ll_c=function(theta, obs)
# Compute log-lik for obs and a value of thet (location)
logl= sum(dcauchy(obs, location = theta, scale = 1, log = T))
# Loop for possible values of theta(obs given)
x = seq(from=-10,to=10,by=0.1)
ll = NULL
for (i in x)
ll = c(ll, ll_c(i, obs))
# Plot log-lik vs possible value of theta
plot(x, ll)
It is hard to say exactly what you are experiencing without more info. But I'll make an educated guess.
First of all, we can simplify this a lot by using the *t family of functions for the t distribution, as the cauchy distribution is just the t distribution with df = 1. So your calculations could've been done using
for(i in ncp)
theta_null <- c(theta_null, sum(dt(values, 1, i, log = TRUE)))
Note that multiplying by n doesn't actually matter for any practical purposes. We are usually interested in minimizing/maximizing the likelihood in which case all constants are irrelevant.
Now if we use this approach, we can quite quickly notice something by printing the values:
[1] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf
So I am assuming what you are experiencing is that many of your values are "almost" negative infinity, and maybe these are not stored correctly in your outcome vector. I can't see that this should be the case from your code, but this would be my initial guess.

Spatial Autoregressive Maximum Likelihood in Julia: Multiple Parameters

I have the following code that evaluates the likelihood function for a spatial autoregressive model in Julia, like so:
function like_sar2(betas,rho,sige,y,x,W)
n = length(y)
A = speye(n) - rho*W
e = y-x*betas-rho*sparse(W)*y
epe = e'*e
tmp2 = 1/(2*sige)
llike = -(n/2)*log(pi) - (n/2)*log(sige) + log(det(A)) - tmp2*epe
I am trying to maximize this function but I'm not sure how to pass the different sized function inputs so that the Optim.jl package will accept it. I have tried the following:
In the first case, the matrix in brackets does not conform due to dimension mismatch and in the second, the Optim package doesn't allow tuples.
I'd like to try and maximize this likelihood function so that it can return the numerical Hessian matrix (using the Optim options) so that I can compute t-statistics for the parameters.
If there is any easier way to obtain the numerical Hessian for such a function I'd use that but it appears that packages like FowardDiff only accept single inputs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Not 100% sure I correctly understand how your function works, but it seems to me like you're using the likelihood to estimate the coefficient vector beta, with the other input variables fixed. The way to do this would be to amend the function as follows:
using Optim
# Initialize some parameters
coeffs = rand(10)
rho = 0.1
ys = rand(10)
xs = rand(10,10)
Wmat = rand(10,10)
# Construct likelihood with parameters fixed at pre-defined values
function like_sar2(β::Vector{Float64},ρ=rho,σε=sige,y=ys,x=xs,W=Wmat)
n = length(y)
A = speye(n) - ρ*W
ε = y-x*β-ρ*sparse(W)*y
epe = ε'*ε
tmp2 = 1/(2*σε)
llike = -(n/2)*log(π) - (n/2)*log(σε) + log(det(A)) - tmp2*epe
# Optimize, with starting value zero for all beta coefficients
optimize(like_sar2, zeros(10), NelderMead())
If you need to optimize more than your beta parameters (in the general autoregressive models I've used often the autocorrelation parameter was estimated jointly with other coefficients), you could do this by chugging it in with the beta vector and unpacking within the functions like so:
function like_sar3(coeffs::Vector{Float64},σε=sige,y=ys,x=xs,W=Wmat)
β = coeffs[1:10]; ρ = coeffs[11]
n = length(y)
A = speye(n) - ρ*W
ε = y-x*β-ρ*sparse(W)*y
epe = ε'*ε
tmp2 = 1/(2*σε)
llike = -(n/2)*log(π) - (n/2)*log(σε) + log(det(A)) - tmp2*epe
The key is that you end up with one vector of inputs to pass into your function.

compute the integration in R

I compute the cumulative distribution function whose result should lie in [0,1]. The equation for computing the CDF is:
F= \int_{\hat{a}}^{x}\frac{2}{\hat{b}-\hat{a}} ~\sum \nolimits_{k=0}^{' N-1} C_{k}~\text{cos} \bigg( \big(y - \hat{a} \big) \frac{k \pi}{\hat{b} - \hat{a}}\bigg) ~dy
Ck is a vector
cos term is a vector
length(ck) = length(cos term) = N.
I am sure the equation is correct, but I am afraid my code is incorrect.
Here is my code:
f <- function(x){integrand(x,myCk)}
# define a vectorized version of this function
fv <- Vectorize(f,"x")
res<-integrate(fv,upper = r,lower = hat.a, subdivisions = 2000)$value
resreturns the cumulative distribution function, and the result can be larger than 1.
myCkis a vector generated by another function.
hat.ais the lower bound for integration, and it is negative.
ukis a vector generated by a function. The length of ukequals the length of myCk.
I appreciate your advice!

Conducting MLE for multivariate case (bivariate normal) in R

The case is that I am trying to construct an MLE algortihm for a bivariate normal case. Yet, I stuck somewhere that seems there is no error, but when I run the script it ends up with a warning.
I have a sample of size n (a fixed constant, trained with 100, but can be anything else) from a bivariate normal distribution with mean vector = (0,0) and covariance matrix = matrix(c(2.2,1.8,1.8,3),2,2)
I've tried several optimization functions (including nlm(), mle(), spg() and optim()) to maximize the likelihood function (,or minimize neg-likelihood), but there are warnings or errors.
I've defined the first likelihood function as follows;
bvrt_ll = function(mu,sigma,rho,sample)
n = nrow(sample)
mu_hat = c(mu[1],mu[2])
p = length(mu)
if(sigma[1]>0 && sigma[2]>0)
if(rho<=1 && rho>=-1)
sigma_hat = matrix(c(sigma[1]^2
neg_likelihood = (n*p/2)*log(2*pi) + (n/2)*log(det(sigma_hat)) + 0.5*sum(((sample-mu_hat)%*%solve(sigma_hat)%*%t(sample-mu_hat)))
else NA
I prefered this one since I could set the constraints for sigmas and rho, but when I use mle()
> mle(minuslogl = bvrt_ll ,start = list(mu = mu_est,sigma=sigma_est,rho =
+ ,method = "BFGS")
Error in optim(start, f, method = method, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
(list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
I also tried nlm and spg in package BB, but they did not help as well. I tried the same function without defining constraints (inside the likelihood, not in optimization function), I could have some results but with warnings, like in nlm and spg both said the process was failed due to covariance matrix being not positive definite while it was, I think that was due to iteration, when iterating covariance matrix might not have been positive definite, and the fact that I did not define the constraints.
Thus, as a result I need to construct an mle algorithm for bivariate normal, where do I do the mistake?
NOTE: I also tried the optimization functions with the following, (I am not sure I did it correct);
neg_likelihood = function(mu,sigma,rho)
if(rho>=-1 && rho<=1)
,sigma = matrix(c(sigma[1]^2
,sigma[2]^2),2,2),log = T))
else NA
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT : mu is a vector of length 2 specifying the population means, sigma is a vector of length 2 (specifying population standard deviations of the random variables), and rho is a scalar as correlation coefficient between the bivariate r.v s.
You can do it in closed form so there is no need for numeric optimization. See wiki. Just use colMeans and cov and take note of the method argument in help("cov") and this comment
The denominator n - 1 is used which gives an unbiased estimator of the
(co)variance for i.i.d. observations. These functions return NA when
there is only one observation (whereas S-PLUS has been returning NaN),
and fail if x has length zero.
