Is there any free TI tool is available for reprogramming the CC2541 Bluetooth Low Energy chip...? [closed] - bluetooth-lowenergy

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have beacon which has Texas Instrument's BLE cc2541 chip in it. I want to reprogram its advertising packets. Is there any free TI tool available to reprogram it. I saw on there website and full packages are available, which is too costly rather i want only developement software to reprogram my beacon. Any help?

In order to reprogram the microcontroller of the SensorTag (cc2541), you need to download the TI BLE Stack from this link:
The "Project" folder in the stack includes a "SensorTag" project folder. There is a project file in this folder named "SensorTag.eww", where you can program the microcontroller in the way you want.
You need an IDE named IAR Embedded Workbench to open the project file and perform the embedded programming. Unfortunately, it is not open source, but you have 30-days free trial:


Compiler does not support microcontroller [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a basic question. For microcontroller project , we need a compiler which support that specific microcontroller. But if compiler does not support a specific microcontroller then what does it mean? In other words ''Compiler support this microcontroller '' what it means? Any detailed description will be appreciated.
The compiler transforms high level source code into lower level assembly instructions. Different families of CPU cores use different assembly instruction sets. For example, the Intel x86 instruction set is different from the ARM instruction set. A compiler that doesn't support a specific microcontroller cannot transform source code into that microcontroller's assembly instruction set.

Wifi-direct(P2P) with Arduino Uno [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Recently I just started learning Arduino and now I'm starting a learning project on which I'd connect more than 2 Arduino Uno powered devices via WiFi-direct(no access point, rather P2P group) and make serial communication over those devices.
After searching for a while I wasn't able to find any suggestion for WiFi-direct(P2P) implementation with Arduino. Any guideline or help content would be highly appreciated.
Thanks :)
wifi-direct can only make connections to the access point.
A device can only connect to one access point at time.
Anyway you can have an arduino to provide wifi-direct and then use that arduino to command other microcontrollers trough SoftwareSerial library and bluetooth.

Gestural Recognition Using an IMU and Processing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am using an Arduino Uno running a 9 Degrees of Freedom Sensor Stick with a BlueSmirf Silver bluetooth module to wirelessly send the gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer data to a processing sketch.
I would like to record and detect gestures so that I can send OSC messages to control various audio and video software. (I already know how to send OSC)
Are there any existing libraries that can take my data and analyze it against recorded gestures? I have looked into the ezGestures library however it seems it is only applicable to basic mouse movements.
Thank you!
For those of you who are interested I found a piece of software that handles this exactly.
Great for those of us who aren't computer learning experts.
Seeed Studio also made this gesture detection library available for free use.

VXML visualizer (free/open-source) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to visualize a VXML file, and have been searching for hours for a free and if possible open-source application, that would run on Windows, despite my intensive search I could not find any application.
Does anyone know a VXML visualizer?
Take a look at the Eclipse Voice Tools Project. This open source tool lets you visually develop a voice application that runs on any VoiceXML 2.1 compatible system. The only problem with this tool, and any other VoiceXML tool, is they store the information as meta-data that is translated to VoiceXML either at deployment or at run-time. This will lock you into a tool vendor since it will not be portable from one tool to another. There are not any tools, open source or commercial, that can take straight VoiceXML and visually represent a higher level abstraction of the voice application.

Any opensource network monitoring system? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need have a networking monitoring system that have these feature.
opensourced (must)
written by c/c++. (must)
async io mode (like io, must)
support ping, http, snmp, mysql, redis... protocal
The System must run with epoll mode so that run many test as there can, no blocking at all.
Is there any avaliable one?
I don't know if you looked on sourceforge for open source software, they have many rated network monitoring systems written in C and C++. Pandora is good but look around maybe you might find what you looking for there.>>> Link<<<
