Web Application taking long time to execute - spring-mvc

Hi I am writing a web application and it connects to 700 Databases and executes a basic SELECT query.
For example:
There is a button to retrieve Managers of each branch.
There are 700 branches of a company and each of the branch details are stored in separate databases.
Select query retrieves 1 record from each of the database and returns the Manager of that branch.
So executing this code takes a long time.
I cannot make the user wait till such time (30 minutes)
Due to memory constraints I cannot use multi threading.
Note: This web application uses Spring MVC. Server Tomcat7.
Any workaround possible?

With that many databases to query, the only possible solutions I can see is caching. If real time is not a concern (note that 30 minutes of execution will push you out of real time anyway), then you might explore the following possibilities, all of which require centralizing data into a single, logical or physical database:
Clustering: put the database servers in a huge cluster, which is configured for performance hence uses caching internally. Depending upon licence costs, this solution might be too impractical or even too expensive.
Push data to a central database: all of the 700 database servers would push the data you need to a central database that your application will use. You can use database servers' replication features (such as in MSSQL or PostgreSQL) or scheduled data transfers. This method requires administrative access to the database servers to either configure replication or drop scripts to run on a scheduled basis.
Pull data from a central database host: have a centralized host fetch the required data into a local database, the tables of which are updated through scheduled data transfers. This is the simplest method. Its drawback is that real time querying is impossible.
It is key to transfer only the data you need. Make your select statements as narrow as possible to limit execution time.
The central database could be your web application server or a distinct machine if your resource constraints are tight. I've found PostgreSQL, with little effort, has an excellent compatibility with MSSQL. Without further information it's difficult to be more accurate.


Possible to create pipeline that writes an SQL database to MongoDB daily?

TL:DR I'd like to combine the power of BigQuery with my MERN-stack application. Is it better to (a) use nodejs-biquery to write a Node/Express API directly with BigQuery, or (b) create a daily job that writes my (entire) BigQuery DB over to MongoDB, and then use mongoose to write a Node/Express API with MongoDB?
I need to determine the best approach for combining a data ETL workflow that creates a BigQuery database, with a react/node web application. The data ETL uses Airflow to create a workflow that (a) backs up daily data into GCS, (b) writes that data to BigQuery database, and (c) runs a bunch of SQL to create additional tables in BigQuery. It seems to me that my only two options are to:
Do a daily write/convert/transfer/migrate (whatever the correct verb is) from BigQuery database to MongoDB. I already have a node/express API written using mongoose, connected to a MongoDB cluster, and this approach would allow me to keep that API.
Use the nodejs-biquery library to create a node API that is directly connected to BigQuery. My app would change from MERN stack (BQ)ERN stack. I would have to re-write the node/express API to work with BigQuery, but I would no longer need the MongoDB (nor have to transfer data daily from BigQuery to Mongo). However, BigQuery can be a very slow database if I am looking for a single entry, a since its not meant to be used as Mongo or a SQL Database (it has no index, one row retrieve query run slow as full table scan). Most of my APIs calls are for very little data from the database.
I am not sure which approach is best. I don't know if having 2 databases for 1 web application is a bad practice. I don't know if it's possible to do (1) with the daily transfers from one db to the other, and I don't know how slow BigQuery will be if I use it directly with my API. I think if it is easy to add (1) to my data engineering workflow, that this is preferred, but again, I am not sure.
I am going with (1). It shouldn't be too much work to write a python script that queries tables from BigQuery, transforms, and writes collections to Mongo. There are some things to handle (incremental changes, etc.), however this is much easier to handle than writing a whole new node/bigquery API.
FWIW in a past life, I worked on a web ecommerce site that had 4 different DB back ends. ( Mongo, MySql, Redis, ElasticSearch) so more than 1 is not an issue at all, but you need to consider one as the DB of record, IE if anything does not match between them, one is the sourch of truth, the other is suspect. For my example, Redis and ElasticSearch were nearly ephemeral - Blow them away and they get recreated from the unerlying mysql and mongo sources. Now mySql and Mongo at the same time was a bit odd and that we were dong a slow roll migration. This means various record types were being transitioned from MySql over to mongo. This process looked a bit like:
- ORM layer writes to both mysql and mongo, reads still come from MySql.
- data is regularly compared.
- a few months elapse with no irregularities and writes to MySql are turned off and reads are moved to Mongo.
The end goal was no more MySql, everything was Mongo. I ran down that tangent because it seems like you could do similar - write to both DB's in whatever DB abstraction layer you used ( ORM, DAO, other things I don't keep up to date with etc.) and eventually move the reads as appropriate to wherever they need to go. If you need large batches for writes, you could buffer at that abstraction layer until a threshold of your choosing was reached before sending it.
With all that said, depending on your data complexity, a nightly ETL job would be completely doable as well, but you do run into the extra complexity of managing and monitoring that additional process. Another potential downside is the data is always stale by a day.

Where do I cache ASP.NET data to avoid Application state being reset?

I have an application that performs complex queries against what amounts to data organized in a "star schema". The gold-owner keeps adding new "axes" to perform searches on, with the result that performance becomes worse over time. Currently, the execution of a search operation, using a stored procedure to do all the work on the SQL server, takes about 2 seconds, which doesn't fit the gold-owner's desire to have the code be interactive (<0.1 sec response time). Looking at the SQL Server query analyzer, the search is IO-bound on 9 table scans of 100,000 records, and then doing brutal joins. Due to the nature of the queries I need to perform and the limitations of SQL, this cannot be improved.
In desperation, I've rewritten the query processor so that it sucks in the 100,000 records into a cache at application start, then perform the complex queries against the cached memory. Loading all the records from the database takes about 12 seconds. This expensive initial load is mitigated by my rewritten query processor. It now only needs to do a single scan through the records, and gives a response time of 0.02 seconds.
This good news is tainted by the gold-owner's discovery that the 12-second hit for populating the cache is being experienced every hour or so. I'm currently storing the data in the ASP.NET application state, as Application["FactTable"]. It seems the application state is being reset after the ASP.NET application is idle for longer than a dozen minutes or so.
If I move the 100,000 records into the ASP.NET application cache, will I be experiencing these evictions just as often, or can I rely on the data remaining in memory for the fast retrievals for longer periods of time? If the ASP.NET cache is also victim to application resets, what other mechanism should I use? A separate app domain hosting an instance of my database cache comes to mind, but I don't want to go down that route unless my other options are closed off.
I realise that you have a lot of data and processing and you must have tried a few things to speed this scenario up, but using Application State which is managed by IIS will be volatile...
Have you thought of running the your calculations etc in another process, ie, create a windows service that periodically runs the queries to organise your data and save that "flat" data to a database cache. When the user requests the data, they will just get the last DB cached results... and then further speed this up by holding those results in the Application state which can just refresh itself if that gets destroyed?

Rolling Deployment of a web application in a web farm

We have asp.net web application with sql server that is deployed on server farm with federated databases. We use stored procedures (as opposed to prepared sql statements) and inproc sessions. As part of the achieving high availability (at least for service packs with controlled set of changes), we intend to use rolling deployments on the farm which means we do this:
Shut down a group of servers
Deploy the application on these servers
Bring up these servers
Shut down another group. Repeat 1-3 for all the groups.
Though this would mean some users would be kicked off, the application is still available and maintainence page need not be put up.
The easy part is to deploy the web application, but the tougher part is if there are changes in the stored procedure (for e.g. a new parameter is added). There will be a point when the both the versions of stored procedure would be required (the existing one and the new one being deployed).
We have considered 4 options for the stored procedures:
Do not use rolling deployments in case a release has a stored procedure change
If rolling deployment is being used in a release, only new stored procedures would be allowed, even if it means code duplication
Introduce stored procedure versioning and some framework component in the app tier to automatically append the version number to the sproc being invoked.
Overwrite the existing stored procedure and allow some stored procedure calls to fail.
All the approaches have pros and cons and of these 3) is the most viable but also most complex.
Which one would you recommend? Are there any tricks in sql server to handle this scenario? Are there any other approaches?
If you want to cover any type of changes to your database, you might want to take a look at database mirroring and rolling upgrades.
Excerpt from link:
Improves the availability of the production database during upgrades.
To minimize downtime for a mirrored database, you can sequentially upgrade the instances of SQL Server that are participating in a database mirroring session. This will incur the downtime of only a single failover. This form of upgrade is known as a rolling upgrade.

Live Data Web Application Design

I'm about to begin designing the architecture of a personal project that has the following characteristics:
Essentially a "game" containing several concurrent users based on a sport.
Matches in this sport are simulated on a regular basis and their results stored in a database.
Users can view the details of a simulated match "live" when it is occurring as well as see results after they have occurred.
I developed a similar web application with a much smaller scope as the previous iteration of this project. In that case, however, I chose to go with SQLite as my DB provider since I also had a redistributable desktop application that could be used to manually simulate matches (and in fact that ran as a standalone simulator outside of the web application). My constraints have now shifted to be only a web application, so I don't have to worry about this additional level of complexity.
My main problem with my previous implementation was handling concurrent requests. I made the mistake of using one database (which was represented by a single file on disk) to power both the simulation aspect (which ran in a separate process on the server) and the web application. Hence, when users were accessing the website concurrently with a live simulation happening, there were all sorts of database access issues since it was getting locked by one process. I fixed this by implementing a cross-process mutex on database operations but this drastically slowed down the performance of the website.
The tools I will be using are:
ASP.NET for the web application.
SQL Server 2008 R2 for the database... probably with an NHibernate layer for object relational mapping.
My question is, how do I design this so I will achieve optimal efficiency as well as concurrent access? Obviously shifting to an actual DB server from a file will have it's positives, but do I need to have two redundant servers--one for the simulation process and one for the web server process?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
You should be fine doing both on the same database. Concurrent access is what modern database engines are designed for. Concurrent reads are usually no problem at all; concurrent writes lock the minimum possible amount of data (a table, or even just a number of rows), not the entire database.
A few things you should keep in mind though:
Use transactions wisely. On the one hand, a transaction is an important tool in making sure your database is always consistent - in short, a transaction either happens completely, or not at all. On the other hand, two concurrent transactions can cause deadlocks, and those buggers can be extremely hard to debug.
Normalize, and use constraints to protect your data integrity. Enforcing foreign keys can save the day, even though it often leads to more cumbersome administration.
Minimize the amount of time spent on data access: don't keep connections around when you don't need them, make absolutely sure you're not leaking any connections, don't fetch data you know don't need, do as much data-related processing (especially things that can be solved using joins, subqueries, groupings, views, etc.) in SQL instead of in code

How many is too many databases on SQL Server?

I am working with an application where we store our client data in separate SQL databases for each client. So far this has worked great, there was even a case where some bad code selected the wrong customer ids from the database and since the only data in the database belonged to that client, the damage was not as bad as it could have been. My concerns are about the number of databases you realistically have on an SQL Server.
Is there any additional overhead for each new database you create? We we eventually hit a wall where we have just to many databases on one server? The SQL Server specs say you can have something like 32000 databases but is that possible, does anyone have a large number of database on one server and what are the problems you encounter.
The upper limits are
disk space
Rebuilding indexes for 32k databases? When?
If 10% of 32k databases each has a active set of 100MB data in memory at one time, you're already at 320GB target server memory
knowing what DB you're connected too
The effective limit depends on load, usage, database size etc.
Edit: And bandwidth as Wyatt Barnett mentioned.. I forgot about network, the bottleneck everyone forgets about...
The biggest problem with all the multiple databases is keeping them all in synch as you make schema changes. As far as realistic number of databases you can have and have the system work well, as usual it depends. It depends on how powerful the server is and how large the databases are. Likely you would want to have multiple servers at some point not just because it will be faster for your clients but because it will put fewer clients at risk at one time if something happens to the server. At what point that is, only your company can decide. Certainly if you start getting a lot of time-outs another server might be indicated (or fixing your poor queries might also do it). Big clients will often pay a premium to be on a separate server, so consider that in your pricing. We had one client so paranoid about their data we had to have a separate server that was not even co-located with the other servers. They paid big bucks for that as we had to rent extra space.
ISPs routinely have one database server that is shared by hundreds or thousands of databases.
Architecturally, this is the right call in general. You've seen the first huge advantage--oftentimes, damage can be limited to a single client and you have near zero risk of a client getting into another client's data. But you are missing the other big advantage--you don't have to keep all the clients on the same database server. When you do get big enough that your server is suffering, you can offload clients onto another box entirely with minimal effort.
I'd also bet you'll run out of bandwidth to manage the databases before your server runs out of steam to handle more databases . . .
What you are really asking about is Scalability; Though, ideally setting up 32,000 Databases on one Server is probably not advantageous it is possible (though, not recommended).
Read - http://www.sql-server-performance.com/articles/clustering/massive_scalability_p1.aspx
I know this is an old thread but it's the same structure we've had in place for the past 2 years and current run 1768 databases over 3 servers.
We have the following setup (not included mirrors and so on):
2 web farm servers and 4 content servers
SQL instance just for a master database of customers, which is queried when they access their webpage by the ID to get the server/instance and database name which their data resides on. This is then stored in the authentication ticket.
3 SQL servers to host customer databases on with load spread on creation based on current total number of learners that exist within all databases on each server (quickly calculated by license number field in master database).
On each SQL Server there is a smaller master database setup which contains shared static data that is used by all clients, therefore allowing smaller client databases and quicker updating of the content.
The biggest thing as mentioned above is keeping the database structures synchronises! For this I ended up programming a small .NET windows form that looks up all customers in the master database and you paste code in to execute and it'll loop through getting the database location and executing the SQL you past.
Creating new customers also caused some issues for us, so I ended up programming a management system for our sale people and it create a new database based on a backup of a inactive "blank" database, therefore we have the latest DB without need to re-script the entire database creation script. It then inserts the customer details inside the master database with location of where the database was created and migrates any old data from an old version of our software. All this is done on a separate instance before moving, therefore reducing any SQL locks.
We are now moving to a single database for our next version of the software as database redundancy is near impossible with so many databases! This is a huge thing to consider as SQL creates a couple of waiting tasks which mirror your data per database, once you start multiplying the databases it gets out of hand and the system almost solely is tasked with synchronising and can lock up due to the shear number of threads. See page 30 of Microsoft document below:
SQLCAT's Guide to High Availability Disaster Recovery.pdf
I do however have doubts about moving to a single database, due to some concerns as mentioned above, such as constantly checking in every single procedure that the current customer has access to only their data and also things along the lines of one little issue will now affect every single database, such as table indexing and so on. Also at the minute our customer are spaced over 3 servers, but the single database will mean yes we have redundancy, but if the error was within the database rather than server going down, then that's every single customer down, not just 1 customer database.
All in all, it depends what you're doing and if you are wanting the redundancy; for me, the redundancy is now key and everything else in a perfect world shouldn't happen (such as error which causes errors within the database for everyone). We only started off expecting a hundred or so to move to the system from the old self hosted software and that quickly turned into 200,500,1000,1500... We now have over 750,000 users use our system each year and in August/September we have over 15,000 concurrent users online (expecting to hit 20,000 this year).
Hope that this is of help to someone along the line :-)
