I have a table containing entries with date and time. I try to create a NamedQuery which only compares the date part.
#NamedQuery(name = "Vote.findForDate", query = "SELECT v FROM Vote v WHERE v.createdAt = :date")
createNamedQuery("Vote.findForDate").setParameter("date", date, TemporalType.DATE).getResultList();
But it seems that it always tries to compare the whole datetime.
Is there no way without using date() function in SQL?
I try to be independent from the database. For example h2 has no date() function.
One possible solution is the usage of date as column type and reduce the information.
#Column(name = "voteDate")
#Temporal(value = TemporalType.DATE)
private Date voteDate;
I am trying to update one date attribute of an item in dynamodb by following piece of code:
AttributeUpdate attributeUpdates = new AttributeUpdate("workDate");
Date workDate = finalMap.get(tID);
PrimaryKey primaryKey = new PrimaryKey("tID", tID);
UpdateItemOutcome outcome = table.updateItem(primaryKey, attributeUpdates);
Last line, where I am calling table.updateItem, is giving UnSupportedOperationException as follows.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: value type: class java.util.Date
Does anyone have any clue regarding how to do that. Thanks.
DynamoDB does not accept dates as a data type. You will need to convert that date into a string, then do the update.
To facilitate easy date-handling, try saving the long integer millisecond time represented by the Date object:
Date workDate = finalMap.get(tID);
This can be easily and unambiguously translated back to a Date object when you load the record, by using
new Date(long Date)
In my SQL database, I have a column formatted as DateTime and when I retrieve data from that column in ASP.NET, I catch it on the Date variable, than pass the value to textbox:
Dim Y As Date = dt.Rows(0)("SCH_DATE")
txtSchedDate.Text = Y.Date.ToString
but when I debug my website, the txtSchedDate.Text still gives me the full DateTime value:
7/17/2013 12:00:00 AM
is it possible to eliminate the time value here and just return the date?
Have you tried using something like
txtSchedDate.Text = Y.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
or which ever format you wish to display.
Have a look at
DateTime.ToString Method (String)
Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent
string representation using the specified format.
Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Standard Date and Time Format Strings
you can get date by txtSchedDate.Text = Y.Date.ToShortDateString()
Besides answers above, you can try converting it in SQL server
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(15), GETDATE(), 11)
Keep in mind after converting it's VARCHAR(15) instead of DATETIME.
Once you have a Date object, you can get the constituent pieces if you wish as well, like this:
Dim Y As Date = dt.Rows(0)("SCH_DATE")
txtSchedDate.Text = Y.Date.Year & "-" & Y.Date.Month & "-" & Y.Date.Day
Or you can use the custom and standard date and time format strings mentioned by others.
I want to create a table in SQLite in which one of the field is for date, in which date and time of current instance should save. Which data type should I use?
I'm planning to use 'timestamp'. How to insert current timestamp value to the field? Also how to write content values for this date field?
SQLite supports the standard SQL variables CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP:
The default data type for dates/times in SQLite is TEXT.
ContentValues do not allow to use generic SQL expressions, only fixed values, so you have to read the current time in Java:
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));
INSERT INTO Date (LastModifiedTime) VALUES(DateTime('now'))
Use this site for further reference.
To get the current local(system) time, add the 'localtime' option:
select datetime('now', 'localtime');
I'm using timestamps a lot in my app. For me the best way to keep the timestamp is to convert it in milliseconds. After that it is easy to convert it to any locale.
If you need the current time use System.currentTimeMillis().
Content values are easy to use, you just and field and value, like:
ContentValues ins_reminder = new ContentValues();
ins_reminder.put("REMIND_TIMESTAMP", System.currentTimeMillis());
Since SQLite 3.38.0, there is a unixepoch() function that returns UNIX timestamp in integer. Does the same thing as strftime('%s').
release log draft
In my case i wanted to have a timestamp with fractions of a second.
The keyword CURRENT_TIMESTAMP has only a precision of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (see docs DEFAULT clause).
The function strftime() can return fractions of a second
Example to use strftime() in an INSERT
INSERT INTO YourTable (TimeStamp)
VALUES (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%s'))
Comparison of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and strftime()
SELECT 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' as Timestamp_Command,
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as TimeStamp_Precision,
'only seconds' as Timestamp_Comment
SELECT 'strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%s)' as Timestamp_Command,
(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%s')) as TimeStamp_Precision,
'with fraction of a second' as Timestamp_Comment
Example to use it in c#
The following is based on bulk insert in sqlite with ado.net
public static void InsertBulk(SqliteConnection connection)
using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText =
#"INSERT INTO BulkInsertTable (CreatedOn, TimeStamp)
VALUES ($createdOn, strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%s'))";
var parameter3 = command.CreateParameter();
parameter3.ParameterName = "$createdOn";
// Insert a lot of data
// calling System.DateTime.Now outside the loop is faster
var universalTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 15_000; i++)
parameter3.Value = System.DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
// faster
// parameter3.Value = universalTime;
I'm using DateDiff() function of ASP to find the date difference between two dates.
The Function works fine and displays the exact date difference between two dates but when it comes to insert this value in the database it takes 9 as the value irrespect of any date difference.
Suppose difference between two dates is more than 15 or 20 days, in the database it takes "9".
I have used INT as the DATA TYPE for the column where it displaying the date difference.
Is DATA TYPE creating an issue here?
I even tried using session variable to store the value but no luck - here's my code below:
if request.Form("sub") <> "" then
sql = "Select * from emp_leave_details"
rs.open sql , con, 1, 2
dim diff
dim todate
dim fromdate
fromdate= rs("leave_from")
todate= rs("leave_to")
rs("emp_name") = request.Form("name")
rs("emp_no") = request.Form("number")
rs("address") = request.Form("address")
rs("contact_no") = request.Form("contact")
rs("mobile_no") = request.Form("mobile")
rs("contact_onleave") = request.Form("contact_details")
rs("leave_type") = request.Form("rad")
rs("other_leave_details") = request.Form("PS")
rs("leave_from") = request.Form("from")
rs("leave_to") = request.Form("to")
rs("applied_by") = request.Form("apply")
rs("accepted_by") = request.Form("accept")
rs("approved_by") = request.Form("approve")
rs("no_of_leave_taken")= session("date_diff")
response.Write("<script language='javascript'>{update();}</script>")
end if
The datatype has nothing to do with this. Storing the value in the session is not the solution. You can use a regular variable.
From your code it looks like you always use the same values for fromdate and todate. This is because you do not iterate the rows in the resultset.
if not rs.bof and not rs.eof then
do while not rs.eof
'' code to execute for each row
end if
In your current script rs will always return the results of the first row returned by the query.
The second problem your running into might be the Date datatype. Convert your value to a date using cDate and use this to calculate the difference.
Your problem is , you search for "Select * from emp_leave_details" which always gives all records from that table. You retrieve the values of the first record and do a diff of these, which results in always the same value, that is normal. From your question it is unclear what you really want to do. I suppose so want so select a record like
Select * from emp_leave_details where emp_name=<%=request.Form("name")%>
and based on that add a new record with a computed no_of_leave_taken.
Sorry guys my bad...
It was the database field name that I was calling instead of
fromdate= request.form("from")
todate= request.form("to")
I was calling this
fromdate= request.form("leave_from")
todate= request.form("leave_to")
Sorry again..but I really appreciate you all for providing me with all that possible solutions.
Using vs2008 I have a SQL Server database attached to my web app. I want to use a computed time column in the database, along the lines of :
timenow is 1 column
hoursleft is another column
timeend would be another column.
I want timeend to = timenow + hoursleft.
Is it possible to do that, and if so what would the formula be that I would enter into the computed column field, and, what datatype would the columns be, timenow and timeend I would expect to be time(7) and hoursleft an int. But is that correct? THanks for any help.
TimeNow is datatype datetime, populated with function GetUtcDate().
HoursLeft is an int, populated as required.
TimeEnd is a computed column of type datetime, computed as DateAdd(hh, HoursLeft, TimeNow).
You'd use this to calculate timeend from the 2 existing columns hoursleft and timenow
CAST(DATEADD(hour, hoursleft, timenow) AS time(7))
DATEADD return type is
The return data type is the data type of the date argument
So the explicit CAST probably isn't needed if timenow is time(7) as you mentioned
DATEADD(hour, hoursleft, timenow)