ACF - Options page Hook (Wordpress) - wordpress

I am really making a huge use of ACF's options pages and repeater fields.
In order to reduce the amount of queries (from about 500 to 80) I'm caching some field outputs with the help of Wordpress Transient API.
I know the hook for ACF options pages is:
add_action( 'acf/save_post', 'reference_function') );
But the problem for me is, that I have multiple options pages. And I don't want all my functions to run when any options page is saved…
These are my current options pages
add_filter('acf/options_page/settings', 'my_acf_options_page_settings');
if(function_exists("register_options_page")) {
register_options_page('SCHWALBE arena TV');
Is there a way to filter the action so that my transients are only created when the related options page is saved?

Luckily I was able to solve my problem!
Have a look at my code in the plugins’ support forum:
function clear_advert_main_transient() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if (strpos($screen->id, "acf-options-adverts") == true) {
add_action('acf/save_post', 'clear_advert_main_transient', 20);


How to hide a content on WordPress after receiving a certain number of views

How can I hide content in a post or page after it has received a certain amount of views I have set using a shortcode in WordPress?
Let's say I make a post. I enclose some content in the shortcode. I set the content to be shown for just 500 views. Then once the post reaches 500 views, the content should disappear from the post or page.
I have tried so many other plugins but couldn't find any solutions to this. wp-limit-post-views plugin also didn't solve my problem. I need help on this.
You could try something like that:
function hide_contents_function($atts, $content) {
$attributes = shortcode_atts(
'count' => 500
// Get the max counts for the current post from the DB.
// You could use either an options if the counter is global, or the post meta.
// For this example I am using options, but it's up to you the implementation
$total_count = get_option('total_count', 0);
// Alternative way using post meta to get the counter per page/post
$total_count = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'post_view_count', true);
if ( ! $total_count ) {
$total_count = 0;
// If the count loaded from the DB is bigger than the count
// property value then return nothing.
if ( $total_count > (int)$attributes['count'] ) {
return '';
return do_shortcode($content);
add_shortcode('hide_contents', 'hide_contents_function');
The above code, will register a short code that accepts an attribute allowing you to control how many views you want to have before you hide the contents.
In this example I used a single value from options table, but you are free to use any method you like to count the total views of a single post.
To use this short code you can do something like that:
[hide_contents count="345"]I will be hidden after 345 views.[/hide_contents]
Note that if you have installed any cache system, your content will not be hidden if the page is cached! That's not a problem of the short code, but the problem will occur because of the cache.
Finally, remember to update the counter of the views on each post refresh :)

Wordpress is single undefined

I'm creating a new wordpress plugin, which only be displayed in posts, but to detect it's a post, I'm trying to use is_single(), but it does not work.
class myplugin{
//my plugin code here
function load_plugin($plugin_class, $priority = 10) {
if (class_exists($plugin_class)) {
create_function('', "global \$$plugin_class; \$$plugin_class = new $plugin_class();"),
if(is_single()){ // witout this, the plugin is displayed everywhere, but whit it it's not displayed at all
I even tried to see the output of is_single
i get "undefined"
edit // witout the is_single and just loading my plugin, my plugin works on every page of wordpress.
Conditional tags, like is_single, are not available until the the wp hook has fired. You're trying to use it too early, which is why it returns undefined.
Add your function to a hook after that and do the is_single test there. There is very little overhead in this so don't worry about performance issues.

Wordpress: Plugin for simple user profile pages

In WordPress, I am aware that exists for authors, but I am looking for a public user profile page for non-authors. I want to setup a simplistic "favorite's list" for members on my site. Users will create an account, and add posts they like. They don't need access to wp-admin.
I'm looking for something simple like -- not /user/?uid=1. Nice and "pretty". Just like how WordPress handles /author/admin, or /author/username.
I would also like to keep /authors preserved so that's accessible too.
I have tried many plugins like WordPress-Users, but it's not a "pretty" URL, also have tried complicated plugins like Members, profile-builder, wp-user-frontend.
I found the answer to this from #bybloggers answer found here.
I modified his code very slightly to tailor it to my needs, but this is the code that worked for me and was exactly what I was looking for:
// Create the query var so that WP catches the custom /member/username url
function userpage_rewrite_add_var( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'member';
return $vars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'userpage_rewrite_add_var' );
// Create the rewrites
function userpage_rewrite_rule() {
add_rewrite_tag( '%member%', '([^&]+)' );
// Catch the URL and redirect it to a template file
function userpage_rewrite_catch() {
global $wp_query;
if ( array_key_exists( 'member', $wp_query->query_vars ) ) {
include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/user-profile.php');
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'userpage_rewrite_catch' );
After this was in my functions.php file, I had to re-save my Permalinks.
Sometimes re-saving the permalinks didn't finish the job 100% and browsing to would 404, so I had to manually flush the rules by putting this into my functions.php and loading my site once. Then removing it so I don't run it every time the site loads, since that's unnecessary overhead.
// Code needed to finish the member page setup
function memberpage_rewrite() {
global $wp_rewrite;
I don't know if you will find this one, at least not for free. Have you checked out WPMU? I started writing a membership plugin a few months ago but never completed it and am now doing it in Symfony. Most WordPress membership plugins are either too complex to use or don't provide the features you need.
You should spec out what you need an get a local dveloper to build it for you, you might even be able to sell it if you do a good job.

Wordpress, filter pages in Admin edit screen

Is it possible to 'filter' which pages are shown in the 'edit' screen for pages ( ) in Wordpress? I have looked in the action / hook section of Wordpress for plugin developers but I could not find any.
What I am trying to accomplish is is that certain users can edit certain pages (and child pages) and other persons cannot edit those pages but might be able to edit other pages.
I have allready written a plugin which makes it possible to put different users in differtent groups, which now just needs to have different rights, which user is member of which group is stored in the user_meta table.
However if there is 'any' filter hook / method for this, can someone point this out, I think I will be able to go further from there.
Kind regards.
You can use a posts_where filter to add a condition to the SQL query to filter out some pages. A load-{filename} action can be used to ensure the filter is only applied when managing pages.
add_action('load-edit.php', 'my_load_edit_php_action');
function my_load_edit_php_action() {
if ($_GET['post_type'] !== 'page') return;
add_filter('posts_where', 'my_posts_where_filter');
function my_posts_where_filter($sql) {
if (current_user_can('your_capability')) {
global $wpdb;
$sql = " AND $wpdb->posts.ID NOT IN (1,2,3)" . $sql;
return $sql;

Adding a function to wordpress theme to bypass/replace premalinks

Looking at
when you hover over a item you can see the "Views" function I'm assuming they are using a plugin that links with the post views but when clicked the item redirects not to the post but to a website/site used
This plugin gives you the post views. To filter a link you can hook into certain filters, such as post_link or the_permalink.
Here are some docs:
Plugin API usage
Filter reference
The usage would be something like this:
add_action('post_link', 'do_custom_link');
function do_custom_link($url, $post) {
$external_url = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'external_url', true);
if($external_url) {
return $external_url;
return $url;
This would get the external url from a meta field stored with the post, called external_url. You would define that meta field using the custom fields UI when you create the post through the admin pages.
