Multiple UI Projects in one solution to share master page -

I have searched under different keywords but am not sure if I have found one that is exactly what I'm looking for, even though I have to think it's been asked before. We have say 4 seperate projects today that we would like to combine into one master solution to share the same master page/ header control. We would have a tab control in the master page, each tab would point to a seperate project. We would need to pass information between projects. An example would be an account list selection from project 1 would need to be retained for project 2 when the user clicks on the project 2 tab. I have to think there is a way to implement this outside of something like iframes. Appreciate any thoughts/insight in advance. Thanks!

Sounds like a good candidate for MVC (model-view-controller). Multiple projects can be loaded into one solution, and shared. If you want to eliminate duplicate views, you could use Razor to render partial or shared views, or a layout page. Ref for more info.
You mentioned iframes. If you're looking for a synchronized solution, you could try multiple views per controller. For an asynchronous solution, AJAX through jQuery etc could work (


When creating web pages, what is the recommended approach for Add/Edit?

Lets say you are developing an web app that requires that you are able to Add/Edit items. The item form contains several input control. Would you separate the add/edit pages or use the page for add/edit and control via querystring (i.e. ItemAddEdit.aspx?isEdit=1)
The advantage I see in separating is that it is easier for the (non-technical) user to type the page and to determine whether it is add or edit. Also, when there would be specific changes to each page (if ever), it would be easier to change.
For the single page, well, you reuse code which eliminates some duplicate code and avoid possible problems.
And no, I can't use routing.
This is generally something which could be a subjective thing, because there's as many ways of doing things as there are coders, and a lot of it can be depending on how your system is set up generally.
But, if I were to recommend, I'd say the way you should do it if working with web-forms is to make two web pages (add/ edit) and then you use a user-control on those to group up the shared logic between the two pages. After all - that's why we have user controls.
In this way you can have both of your situations, by keeping logic in one file/class, but still have two entry points.
This would also mirror more how MVC does it, which could be considered a plus.
That being said - if your administration functionality is behind login etc, there's nothing to hinder for actually doing it in one and separate with the query string approach, and then just load the data if editing or display "empty"/base data when creating.
You shouldn't have the user type the addresses anyway, but click through the links to follow your flow, so the query string should be a minimal issue.
But for the sake of keeping your functionality clean and divided, I'd personally recommend going for two page / usercontrol approach.

Having a UI layer and presentation layer

Let's say I'm on a list page and I
page to, say, page 10. Then I select
a record on that page and redirect to detail
page. After that, I click on the edit
to redirect to the edit page.
After I update the record I'm redirected back to
the detail page. I, then, press back
to go back list to continue my browsing from
where I left off. The key here is
where I left off in the list which is
page 10.
What is the best way to handle this?
Initially, I put a hidden field called page number in each of the webforms and pass it along with the querystring back and forth. Seemed like a lot or a bit redundant checking the querystring on each page and passing it.
I was wondering if there are some other ways. for instance, I've been reading about a separation between the UI and the presentation layer is a good idea (for larger scale apps). To me I understand it as all click handler events will yield control over to the presentation layer which is just a plain class?
Is this correct? Also, is the presentation layer suppose to implement something particular? I know this could probably be saved in session but could someone humor me and show me how to use a presentation layer to handle this (I know it would be overkill but is it possible?)
I don't think there is THE best way. Everything depends of what you achieve to do, ie. the requirements of the whole project.
After all, according to the description, I don't even understand why are you having three pages to do a single thing. By the way, ASP.NET data controls handle mostly everything for you, so you don't even have to ask yourself how to do this (except if you have serious reasons to avoid ASP.NET controls).
For example, a simple <asp:ListView /> will let you list items page per page and show details when a single item is selected. Edition of an element is also quite easy.
What you are asking for is well... large and could span multiple blog posts to give a complete understanding of UI Design Patterns.
I have a small example of MVP with Asp.Net here: What is the best way to reuse pages from one website in another?
However, it is not exhaustive. If you really want information on this you should do some looking into a framework such as WebForms MVP, or ASP.Net MVC.
Check out ASP.NET MVC. It is a framework which goes on top of ASP.NET to do the separation between the presentation layer and business layer.
For simplicity, what you are describing is a very good example of the perfect place to use Asp.Net Dynamic Data.
It's incredibly easy and powerful, and easy to modify once you dig into it a bit. I'd start with the videos here:
I've been using this more and more on every project, for at least the simple CRUD portion of it. I really can't express how much I love this tool now that I'm used to it.

Embedding usercontrols in an assembly

Does anyone know a good way to embed user controls inside an assenbly so they can be reused across projects. I am not looking to create custom web controls. I have ascx files from different projects which I want to centrally use.
was the best one I found so far...
See the question here: Best way to share ASP.NET .ascx controls across different website applications?
One person suggested following this tutorial: Creating and Using User Control Libraries

Web Parts with a markup file?

I'm an ASP.NET web part novice. I've built a few simple ones using only a class that derived from WebPart and overriding the CreateChildControls method, but nothing really very substantial. My question is whether it's possible to have a web part that also takes advantage of a separate html/ markup file that will help provide some structure to the web part's output. In the past I just created server controls and added them to the controls collection, but this seems like a silly way to try to create a non-trivial layout. Can I do this? Do I have to use an ascx user control or can I bypass that step? There are a lot of hello world tutorials on web parts out there, but none seem to go past the CreateChildControls override. Thanks!
Yes, there is. Go here to learn about templated web parts, and go here to see all of the info he has on WebParts. I used this technique back in 2004/2005 and it worked very well.
The links in the above answer are no longer working, but here is an alternative one:
In VS 2010 we also have visual web parts, that I think do pretty much the same trick but it's wrapped in a project item. I've only seen this in the context of SharePoint so not sure how it works for ASP.NET projects. Here is an example:

user controls and mvc

Here is one trivial question, that I am not sure how to handle.
I need to display list of categories on every page, and to be able to choose items from a specific category to be displayed. I use MVC, and have chosen to create a user control that will display categories. My question is: what is the best approach to pass data to a user control. I already found some information in these blog posts:
I would like also to hear your opinion.
PS. I'd like to hear Jeff's opinion, especially because of his experience with UC's on Stackoverflow
I'm using mvc components, which replaced ascx user controls in preview 4.
So, you call components action from View, which then choose View to render. You can pass data in this call also.
it is the mvc futures project. i will probably try this I need to render menu with categories.
