Scala Slick and SQLite - sqlite

I'm trying to create a database using Scala and SQLite. I'm using Slick as the library for the SQLite.
I've been googling around for hours and still can't figure out how to get this working. I have eclipse project with Slick installed. I'm trying to instanciate the database with
val db = Database.forUrl("url",driver = "org.SQLite.Driver")
I have no idea what to put in the url. I'm not very sure about the driver part either. Should I use that one or does "scala.slick.driver.SQLiteDriver" work too? Or does it even matter?
I'm really confused about all this.Any help is appreciated

JDBC relies on drivers that implement the JDBC API, and provide access to the low-level functionality of working with particular databases.
URLs are how you tell a JDBC driver which database you want to connect to. The first part of the URL is always jdbc:<driverId>:, where driverId is the specific name that the driver expects to see (e.g. postgresql, mysql or, in your case sqlite.) The format of the URL after the driver ID is specific to the particular driver implementation. With mysql and postgres, where you typically connect over TCP to the database server, you'll see a format like this:
But, since SQLite is an in-process, local database, the part of the URL after the driver ID is just a filesystem path, like so:


Is there a way to connect ODBC datasource in Knexjs

I have my windows 10 pc with ODBC datasource as my_odbc
This will connect to my remote informix server.
So for I am using this odbc for my local as well as php website development.
I want to use Adonis Js which uses knex.
How to give database connection properties, as to that of mysql, pg, mssql etc.
using odbc data source.
my connection is "DSN=my_odbc;UID=vijayan;PWD=vijayan;"
But you can write your own ODBC client. There was some initial work done for it, but nowadays all new dialects should be added as separate npm modules like described in
(I'm not going to copy-paste that boilerplate code here, because it is more probable that knex changes and that linked document changes in compared to knex github getting offline)
Initial work that was done for the support is found here:

ODBC from OpenEdge without DataDirect?

In which way can I access another database (not OpenEdge) via ODBC from OpenEdge without using DataDirect?
The use case is data migration from one system to another, so performance cannot be neglected completely but it's a one time thing that is allowed to take a little longer.
Why without DataDirect? Extra cost. Our client doesn't have the license.
Why not dump and load (via CSV f.e.)? The client doesn't want to do the mapping between the systems this way but with database views.
As far as I know there is no way to directly access other database if you're not using DataDirect or something like DataServer for Oracle etc.
However, you could call a third party ODBC library as external functions, and write your handle your queries to the foreign database by accessing. This wouldn't allow you to use OpenEdge constructs like FOR EACH, buffers etc, but it would allow you to retrieve the data and process it using custom functions, and then insert into the OpenEdge tables etc.
See the following KB for accessing external library functions:
Another approach you could use, assuming your tables are in OpenEdge already, is to use the OpenEdge SQL92 ODBC driver from another language (C/VB/Java/whatever works for you), and read the data from the source database and insert into OpenEdge via SQL92 ODBC.
Looking at the website there are downloadable ODBC drivers for most platforms:

How to connect Dart to SQLite?

My old application used web2py with SQLite as the database. Now I want to try porting this app to Dart and again use SQLite as the database.
I can't find any documentation on how to use it. I just found out how to use MySQL with sqljocky.
I've tried to read the web_sql and indexed_db APIs, but I can't find a way to connect to SQLite. How can I use SQLite from Dart?
As far as I can tell, dart-sqlite is the only public attempt at SQLite bindings for Dart, but it's out of date. My guess is that it would actually be pretty easy to update the code and get it up-and-running.
web_sql and indexed_db are both for use in the browser, which, as far as I can tell from your question, isn't what you're looking for.
Update: I updated dart-sqlite so that all the tests now pass, at least on my machine. You're definitely venturing into uncharted territory if you use it, but it's a start.

How to map a SQLite database to another?

I need to export the data of a SQLite database and import this data to another SQLite database. But the two databases have different schemas.
Does exist an open source tool that can help me doing that job?
The only opensource tool that i know is opendbcopy that i'm using for migrate from a database server to another and also for a similar kind of job that you want to do with SQLite but i've done it with PostgreSQL.
However opendbcopy is JDBC compliant and can connect to every database that have a JDBC driver, so you can try, also if the schema is not the same you can use the column mapping feature :
In addition i know also a good commercial alternative (that is easier to use) that is ESF Database Migration Toolkit .

Is there a way to connect to an ASA database with Powerbuilder without deploying the ODBC or OLEDB drivers?

What I want is a Powerbuilder application that runs on Windows that runs from a CD (or some other external disk) that can read from an ASA database whose file is located on the same disk. But I want to do so without deploying the ODBC or OLEDB drivers. That is, I do not want to have to copy the driver files to the client's hard disk or add any registry entries. Is this possible?
In the Powerbuilder and ASA documentation they mention something about "embedded database connections" and supposedly you can specify the executable for the database server in the connection string. But that was no help.
When you attempt to connect to a database and "ODBC" is specified for the DBMS property of the transaction object, PowerBuilder is going to want to start loading drivers and looking to an ODBC datasource for the driver's info.
The only thing I can think to try, is to create all the registry entries at run time and point them to the driver files and the .db file on the CD. You might be able to make things easier with a file based datasource on the CD already, but you'll still need to create registry entries to setup the driver details. Then you can remove all those entries when you disconnect/close the application. I don't think you can do this completely without registry entries.
You do have to deploy the ODBC driver, that's how PB talks to SQL Anywhere. You dont have to create a DNS entry though, you can usr a DNSless connection.
Since you aren't getting much feedback I thought I'd offer this. I've done this with MS Access, but MS Access is much easier to connect to and most Windows PC's are able to connect via File based DSN.
You definitely want to avoid ODBC if at all possible look for File based DSN in ASA, but because it is more of a full database engine I doubt it is possible without ODBC and setting up ODBC via Registry Entries is possible but no fun at all especially if your clients are running different versions of Windows.
Here is the connect string I used for something similar but MS Access. I choose Access for this exact reason, it was for a RPG program and I wanted a database but didn't want to mess with ODBC.
"Connectstring='Driver={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)};UID=abc;PWD=123; Dbq=C:\Program Files\Mafia Manager\mm.mdb;
