Dynamic CRm 2013-Service Calender add custom field to Activity Tooltip - crm

Currently the service calender shows the Activity status, Subject and Date fields when we hover on the service activity scheduled.
Is there any way we can add any other field?

On some projects, I have used a third party addon called group calendar (http://www.mscrm-addons.com/Products/AddonsforMSCRM2011/GroupCalendar/tabid/171/Default.aspx)
This is effectively a separate ASP.NET application which is linked to from the sitemap which gives you a much richer set of views.
It costs money, but does address some of the functional limitations of the service calendar, so may fit your use case.
I don't believe it is possible to do this easily using the native service calendar.


Intranet with custom Workflows in OpenAtrium/Drupal

I've been reading about building an intranet site with different frameworks and I've found Open Atrium to be a great alternative since it's naturally oriented to that use.
I'd love to add some custom workflows associated with personnel management, for example, each team member gets a reminder every Friday to fill out a form with the hours of the week dedicated to each project. Once submitted, the role 'administrator' gets notification of all the forms received and of those not received, the details of each one and the sum of hours per
project. Any insight on how to proceed with this implementation would be greatly appreciated.
I've searched but haven't found a module that has this kind of workflow. How would this be implemented with cck, views or fields?
I would use the Rules module to create the first part: emailing users to remind them to fill in their forms. The rules module has a 'Send mail to all users of a role' action which you can use.
I would use the Views module to create a new view of the filled in forms (which I assume will just be nodes of a certain content type) and make that view accessible only to the administrator in the view's 'Access' section. Views are quite powerful, and you'll probably be able to do most all of what you require with them, but it's hard to be more specific without knowing which version of Drupal you're using and any more details about the problem (such as, will this form users are filling out really be just a node or a webform?). As an example of a views feature: if you go to add a field to your view, you should be able to see a ' Global: Math expression' field, where you can do things like add previous fields together, etc.
On the other hand, if you use the Webform module to build the form users have to fill out, that can send an email automatically each time it's submitted and the responses can be downloaded into an excel file by the administrator to manipulate further.
Hope some of those ideas help!

Workflow dynamically pulling data from InfoPath form control fields

When a user fills out my form, they're to choose who their manager and advisor is from a dropdown list. At the end of the form, two textfields are autopopulated with that same manager and advisor. When the form is submitted, the specified manager and advisor are to be notified in succession to open the form and choose an approval status (Pending, Approved, Rejected), and re-save the form.
What I'm trying to achieve: I'd like the workflow to pull the specified manager and advisor and use that information within the workflow. Is there a way to dynamically have the workflow interact with form field values?
I'm using Visio to first graphically design my workflow, then I was going to add the logic to it once imported to SharePoint designer. So, firstly, shouldn't I need to add the correct Workflow symbols together within Visio? If so, which symbols do I need to grab the user-selected approver from the form field?
Yes there is - you can just publish the InfoPath form fields to your SharePoint library, then the values of the fields would be available for your workflow:
Of course you will still need to code some logic to convert your text-based field to a real user who can be notified.
I'm pretty sure Visio doesn't support those kind of workflow operations. It's more about designing a high-level workflow. Download sharepoint designer 2010 - it's free, and it is a far more powerful tool for designing workflows and it will let you do what #moontear suggests.
Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-bit)

Asp.Net - how to build and customize a calendar?

I was commissioned to build the following:
Web app to be accessed by all mobile devices - so no Flash/SilverLight/HTML5...
Main page will contain a calendar of current month (ability to navigate to other months is not required)
Each day should display one or more jobs (I am thinking 2 lines of text for each job), and each of these jobs may have a different color, depending on the time.
Database is SQL Server, hosted on GoDaddy, on the same hosting account as the page will live.
I am a newbie in web development and I would like to get some guidance of the best/easiest approach to implement this. Since I am a .Net Windows developer ASP.Net (or MVC) would be the preferred technology (unless you recommend a different one for this problem). I would really appreciate specific help on things like what control to use? Should I create a grid/table manually? How to customize each day's content, so it shows multiple jobs, each job being a couple of lines of text, but with specific color according to the job type?
(in WPF I would use templates, converters for color and everything data-bound. Do these things exist in Asp.Net?)
Thank you so much for your help!
Those links might help you:
Some javascript/JQuery calendar: http://www.webdesignbooth.com/9-useful-jquery-calendar-and-date-picker-plugins-for-web-designers/
A databound templated calendar control for Asp.Net: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/webforms/MellDataCalendar.aspx
You might look at jquery UI calendar or Telerik extension for MVC. It's not "fancy" but javascript.

Need help in design principles to implement a wizard interface then checkout

Well, I am trying to implement a wizard interface to help the user to choose the right service then add it to the shopping cart then possible checkout or discard.
This is similar to the concept of the t-mobile / att. Where we select the type of plan then the services we want ( minutes , data plan, mobile phone device then checkout) . The UI should be very web 2.0 like there would be help text , suggestions.. etc.
The technology is asp.net 4.0 (mvp - codebehind model)
I did a lot of research, looked around using state design pattern , commander pattern.
My thinking is like a pattern where we have a Wizard controller which controls the wizard steps then once done hands over to the checkout process the end user can always go back and change any options during the wizard. Incase if its a existing customer then we have to skip few steps as we already few details.
Its all custom UI, I was thinking to use asp.net mutliview and each view loads based on current and next step.
In Brief I am confused and need some directions
Be aware that the multiview actually loads all details behind the scenes, one reason I don't like using it.
You could easily just have several ajax update panels. Each is the step of the wizard and when you post each item, you hide that panel and show the next step and potentially update and step indicator you have on your screen.
You have several choices -
1. jQuery and ajax calls to load details into divs
2. update panels (as described above - my choice here)
3. wizard and multiviews - Im not a fan of using them. Certain customization issues exist with these built in controls at times and you need to be wary of certain details - like multiview actually processing all data for hidden items (if they contain queries this could significantly impact your system when you don't expect them to run and they do even though the view is hidden)

How do I add order information from Google Checkout into my database?

I have implemented Google Checkout sandbox for testing buy button which successfully allows user to place their orders. I want to add order of Google Checkout sandbox to my database by using asp.net.
Can anyone tell me how can I implement this scenario?
There are multiple interfaces to Google Checkout . By far the easiest is a buy now button, which is what it sounds like you've implemented. Now the limitation with that method is that it places one item into a cart at Google and that's the end of the interaction. So you need to process the order in the Merchant center. Nice and simple for small sites processing few orders. But doesn't sound like what you want. At the other end of the spectrum, you can do a custom cart using the html or xml interfaces. Using the xml interface, you have complete control of the order. Google will then do call backs on complete order to post the cart back to your site. Taken to the extreme, you can automate pretty much anything that could be done in the merchant center: canceling orders, issuing refunds, etc.
It's all a question of trading off integration effort with control. They offer a number of different integration patterns. There's a nice comparison on in the developer docs. But with the buy now buttons, I don't believe that anything ever comes back to your system, and it sounds like you want the order details back on your system/site. You may also want to take a look at Ways to integrate with Google Checkout and pick the integration pattern that makes the most sense for you.
I don't have ASP.Net code to hand you, but I'm sure it's doable and there are examples in the developer docs.
See this site for Checkout Client Libraries & Sample Code (including .NET and Classic ASP):
