Create in MS Word for Sharepoint Wiki -

Actually I was searching for a RTE which has the below features :
change tracking.
Easy Copy from MS Word
Copy from word feature is available in most of the RTE's in the market but none of them are perfect, I like to have the feature as in sharepoint blog where you can create a blog post in word then add it in sharepoint.
Is there a alternative or set of tools/steps I can use to achieve this,

Get in touch with Native Documents. They've been working on a web-based RTE with exactly the features you describe.
Disclosure: I have an interest in this.


How to add schema in a Wordpress site for Google knowledge graph?

I'm confused to add schema in my Wordpress site for Google knowledge graph. I would like to show my knowledge graph in Google like - Royal Caribbean and ASOS etc. I'm not a brand like that as well as don't have Wikipedia Page too. But, I would like to add this information - my company name, founder, founded year, content, social media links etc.
Someone suggest me for this.
An easy way to add microdata to your WordPress site is using a plugin, you can find some interesting plugins for this purpose here:
Another option to add structured data markup is adding the snippets "by hand" on a contact page or in a text widget.
For more information have a look at and at
The best option is to use the de facto standard concept schema:LocalBusiness and its properties from On the bottom of this page, there are examples for implementing organizational data as structured data in serializations such as HTML5 Microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD.
Once you implemented the code, you can test it at to make sure that it contains no errors and it is ready to be indexed by Google.
Install it in the usual way by going to Plugins > Add New and searching for Schema. Click Install and then Activate. Once the plugin is installed and activated, go to Schema > Settings to start adding Schema markup to your site.
You can validate your schema markups by Google's Structured Data Markup Validation Tool.

WYSWYG web editor for Sharepoint

Is there any approach to have a simple WYSWYG free web editor (preferably drag'n'drop widgets -based) embedded or integrated into Sharepoint 2010?
I am shocked because this answer seems to not exist... So far I've found...
Plugins for integrating Sharepoint into Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress, but I want the opposite, using those interfaces to create content stored in Sharepoint, without having to export HTMLs and adapting them to SP arquitecture and metadata. If not, I cannot even find any way to export a Wordpress/Drupal site into Sharepoint.
Web content rich editor: Am I doing something wrong is this just an html loader that does not edit a thing?
Webparts: all seem to be costly, and I am not sure there even exists a nice one for that concrete task
Could somebody point me to the most optimal solution for non-tech users using this feature? Thank you
By the way, is there any public web part repository from microsoft. Even searching that in google does not throw any interesting info..
Most public, open source projects for Microsoft can be found at
Regarding your requirement, if I understand correctly, you want to have a way to store content in SharePoint for display in a drupal or other CMS. The content should be in HTML format. If I understand you correctly, the easiest way to do this is to create a basic SharePoint list, add a multiline column and set the type of text to Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks). When you add an item to the list, the form will include a form element that has a WYSWYG editor.
I've integrated SharePoint with Linux before using Curl. It's not easy, but can be done.

Embed editable MS Word document on web page

I need to present Word and PDF documents in a read-only preview, via an ASPX/HTML page to my internal users. In a related requirement, I need to present editable Word documents, via ab ASPX/HTML page, to parties outside of our network - effectively the public.
We cannot rely upon Word or Adobe-type PDF plugins being available on the destination PC.
Can anyone suggest a way to do this?
Edit - For clarity, the document/data would ideally stay on our own servers.
What about using Google Docs API? You could use either their word-like doc or a form to get the data you need, and then present that internally.
Not sure if this meets all of your requirements, or is an available option.
For our company, we have a few tools that utilize Google Docs. We upload data dynamically to them for specific needs.
Based on your requirements, maybe it's best to just write your own. I haven't created a Rich Text Editor. But it looks like there are quite a few tutorials online. Here is a basic tutorial for a rich text editor. It's using javascript, HTML, & CSS. If you prefer to not use js, then you may need to look for other tutorials.
This isn't the most glamorous solution, as it looks like the users view would be HTML. I'd think you could have it updating dynamically off to the side with an actual rich text view (similar to how Stack Overflow has theirs below an answer or question being written).
Over the weekend I was exploring HTML5's contenteditable attribute, I came across an editor that builds off of that called Aloha Editor. It's a WYSIWYG type editor. But if that's something that you desire for your clients, than this would probably be a pretty simple integration. I have yet to use it, but it seems like it would be a great fit - if you decide to go the route of building your own editor.
You could use the Zoho API or, if you need to keep all data on your own servers and validated clients at all times, you could try the Aspose components.
If you're interested to provide documents in a view-only way then you can try GroupDocs as well: They offer viewers for different file types which you can add to your website very easily:
Since you need to keep data on your own server, aceoffix can be one of your alternative. It is a plugin installed on your own server and save all data on your server too.

Realtime Web Based Rich Text Editor

Does anybody know of a web based Rich Text Editor like TinyMCE or FCKEditor which supports realtime collaboration? I know of systems like EtherPad, but I'm interested in finding something I can embed into another application, rather than something that works standalone.
Ideally something open source, and works on the .NET platform would be great.
There are
beweevee, using .NET, but it is not open source.
While there are several all in one solutions they often tend to be a bit lacking in features. I believe this to be because building a great editor and a great collaboration infrastructure are both very difficult and require different skill sets. It's very hard to do both very well. On the other hand if you find one that meets your needs it might be the simplest approach. ProseMirror comes to mind as a good example that does it pretty well.
I prefer to take a great editor with a great API and pair it up with some real time collaboration technology. Currently Quill and CKEditor 5 are great editors that have sufficient API's to enable real time collaboration. Both of them were built with collaboration in mind. You can pair them up with a realtime back end like the Google Drive Realtime API by Google or Convergence offered by Convergence Labs (full disclosure, I am a founder at Convergence Labs). Or if you are looking for an open source alternative you can look at Together JS or ShareDB.
For a fully javascript based solution try etherpad!
There is a .NET Client example on HTTP API and a page on other examples
Also refer this jQuery demo that can be embedded into your existing solution on the .NET Platform

how to implement internal website search in

I did lot of R & D to implement website internal search in
I have found a good article in code project
It has some limitations
Search with special characters is not working.
Pdf and word documents are not searching.
Not able to high light the searched text.
If I am implementing this in master page then child title is not displayed in result page.
I need to implement search result should be like this
In description the search text must be highlighted.
Note: I need to implement this with coding not any 3rd party tool (I know lots of 3rd party website which do free hosting but they will post there adds and logo). Moreover i dont want to use any database for this internal searching
Please suggested and provide me some good links.
You could look at using Lucene.Net ( to index your site. This is a tool but it is open source and requires you to do some of the work so I'm not sure if this meets your criteria or not.
For an example of how it works you can try searching on their site:)
Given your requirements there aren't too many options.
The only one I can think of is using Microsoft Indexing Service. Here is an example for using that to search a website in .net
If you have content in a database you could use Microsoft Full Text Indexing to create a search table and go from there.
