Run mysql command in background - paramiko

Is there any way to run mysql command in background or keep the connection alive for some time where in there can be queries executed on it.
Can nohup be used to achieve this? If yes, how?

Yes there are, you can do this with ajax
With Nohup you can do this
mysql -u [username] -p [database_name] -e "[sql_query]"
nohup mysql -u root -p somedb -e "select * from mytable" &


Can't see Elasticsearch daemon

I'm trying to run elasticsearch as a daemon on a server.
I have run this command:
./bin/elasticsearch -d -p somefilename
but I can't find any proof of the daemon actually running, since ps -e | grep elastic does not produce any output. How can I see the process?
Elasticsearch runs on JVM. to see the PID of elasticsearch, you can use "jps" command.
with "ps ef" , only you can see java related process.
if you insist on using ps you can try this:
ps axms |grep -i elasticsearch
"axms" option show the details of all process.

multiple sql queries using single script in isql

I am having few DDL queries written in multiple sql files named as 1.sql 2.sql etc 1000 f iles are there containg 2000+ create table statments
I have to use sybase isql using unix b ox.
I want to prepare single script which can call these scripts one by one.
How to do that
1.sql have create table command ends with go
Script master. sh
It contains
isql -S Server -D database password etc -i 1.sql
Same way upto 1000.sql
Please let me know how to run
In your try something on the following lines. The code assumes all the files exist and the files are named from 1 to 1000 and all the files exist in the same directory as your script. You can/must add additional sanity checks to check if your sql files exist or not.
for i in `seq 1 1000`
isql -S Server -D database password etc -i $i.sql
for (( i = 1; i <= 1000; ++i )); do
isql -S Server -D database password etc -i $i.sql
To avoid having a thousand invocations of isql, each setting up a network connection, authenticating etc. (which will take time):
for (( i = 1; i <= 1000; ++i )); do
cat $i.sql
done | isql -S Server -D database password etc
If the SQL in the various files is independent of each other (i.e. file 534.sql may run before 55.sql), you could even try
cat *.sql | isql -S Server -D database password etc
If you are not sure about the number of files, please move all of them to a single directory and make sure that they have the same extension (like '*.sql'). Then you can have a piece of code like below:
for fn in `ls -l *.sql | awk '{print $9}' `
isql -S ServeName -D DatabaseName -U UserName -P PassWord -i $fn

Run a service automatically in a docker container

I'm setting up a simple image: one that holds Riak (a NoSQL database). The image starts the Riak service with riak start as a CMD. Now, if I run it as a daemon with docker run -d quintenk/riak-dev, it does start the Riak process (I can see that in the logs). However, it closes automatically after a few seconds. If I run it using docker run -i -t quintenk/riak-dev /bin/bash the riak process is not started (UPDATE: see answers for an explanation for this). In fact, no services are running at all. I can start it manually using the terminal, but I would like Riak to start automatically. I figure this behavior would occur for other services as well, Riak is just an example.
So, running/restarting the container should automatically start Riak. What is the correct approach of setting this up?
For reference, here is the Dockerfile with which the image can be created (UPDATE: altered using the chosen answer):
FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server curl
RUN curl | apt-key add -
RUN bash -c "echo deb precise main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/basho.list"
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install riak
RUN perl -p -i -e 's/(?<=\{http,\s\[\s\{")127\.0\.0\.1/' /etc/riak/app.config
CMD /bin/riak start && tail -F /var/log/riak/erlang.log.1
EDIT: -f changed to -F in CMD in accordance to sesm his remark
After working with Docker for some time I picked up the habit of using supervisord to tun my processes. If you would like example code for that, check out I use my supervisor image as a base for all my other images. I blogged on using supervisor here.
To keep docker containers running, you need to keep a process active in the foreground.
So you could probably replace that last line in your Dockerfile with
CMD /bin/riak console
Or even
CMD /bin/riak start && tail -F /var/log/riak/erlang.log.1
Note that you can't have multiple lines of CMD statements, only the last one gets run.
Using tail to keep container alive is a hack. Also, note, that with -f option container will terminate when log rotation happens (this can be avoided by using -F instead).
A better solution is to use supervisor. Take a look at this tutorial about running Riak in a Docker container.
The explanation for:
If I run it using docker run -i -t quintenk/riak-dev /bin/bash the riak process is not started
is as follows. Using CMD in the Dockerfile is actually the same functionality as starting the container using docker run {image} {command}. As Gigablah remarked only the last CMD is used, so the one written in the Dockerfile is overwritten in this case.
By using CMD /bin/riak start && tail -f /var/log/riak/erlang.log.1 in the Buildfile, you can start the container as a background process using docker run -d {image}, which works like a charm.
"If I run it using docker run -i -t quintenk/riak-dev /bin/bash the riak process is not started"
It sounds like you only want to be able to monitor the log when you attach to the container. My use case is a little different in that I want commands started automatically, but I want to be able to attach to the container and be in a bash shell. I was able to solve both of our problems as follows:
In the image/container, add the commands you want automatically started to the end of the /etc/bash.bashrc file.
In your case just add the line /bin/riak start && tail -F /var/log/riak/erlang.log.1, or put /bin/riak start and tail -F /var/log/riak/erlang.log.1 on separate lines depending on the functionality desired.
Now commit your changes to your container, and run it again with: docker run -i -t quintenk/riak-dev /bin/bash. You'll find the commands you put in the bashrc are already running as you attach.
Because I want a clean way to have the process exit later I make the last command a call to the shell's read which causes that process to block until I later attach to it and hit enter.
arthur#macro:~/docker$ sudo docker run -d -t -i -v /raid:/raid -p 4040:4040 subsonic /bin/bash -c 'service subsonic start && read -p "waiting"'
WARNING: Docker detected local DNS server on resolv.conf. Using default external servers: []
arthur#macro:~/docker$ sudo docker ps
[sudo] password for arthur:
35f253bdf45a subsonic:latest /bin/bash -c service 2 days ago Up 2 days 4040->4040
arthur#macro:~/docker$ sudo docker attach 35f253bdf45a
arthur#macro:~/docker$ sudo docker ps
as you can see the container exits after you attach to it and unblock the read.
You can of course use a more sophisticated script than read -p if you need to do other clean up, such as stopping services and saving logs etc.
I use a simple trick whenever I start building a new docker container. To keep it alive, I use a ping in the entrypoint script.
So in the Dockerfile, when using debian, for instance, I make sure I can ping.
This is btw, always nice, to check what is accessible from within the container.
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y iputils-ping
And in the file
ping >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
I use this instead of CMD bash, as I always wind up using a startup file.

PSEXEC not redirecting 7zip output

I'm trying to use PSEXEC to uncompress a self extracting file (a console exe created with 7zip) in a remote machine and view the results on my screen.
The remote command executes just fine, but I don't see it's output locally.
This is the command I'm using:
PSEXEC.exe \MACHINE_NAME -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD -w "\JCOLIN\TWClient" cmd /c "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe" -y
I also have tried:
PSEXEC.exe \MACHINE_NAME -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD -w "\JCOLIN\TWClient" cmd /c "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe" -y > "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe.log"
in order to save the results in a log file and then retrieve the contents using the TYPE command but even if the log file is create it is always empty
I also have tried:
PSEXEC.exe \MACHINE_NAME -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD -w "\JCOLIN\TWClient" cmd /c "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe" -y 2> "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe.log"
but in this case the PSEXEC output is saved to the file, not TW1.17.19.exe's output.
By the way, I also tried with a console SFX created with WinRAR with the same problem. I just do not understand why PSEXEC can redirect output from some programs and not others.
Do you have any idea on how to get the desired output on my screen?
Thank you in advance for any help.
You might try putting an escape character, "^", before the redirection symbol (^> instead of just >):
PSEXEC.exe \MACHINE_NAME -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD -w "\JCOLIN\TWClient" cmd /c "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe" -y ^> "\JCOLIN\TWClient\TW1.17.19.exe.log"
This should cause the redirection to occur on the remote machine, not the local machine.

Problem with plink output

I'm using plink to run a command on a Unix remote machine.
The command is:
ls -1trd testegrep.txt |tail -1 |xargs tail -f| grep 's';
The way I'm sending this command is by using a file with a set of commands like:
plink.exe -ssh -t -l user -pw pwd -m commands.out
When I run the command this way the plink does not receive any input. It seems that is waiting for input.
But if I run:
plink.exe -ssh -t -l user -pw pwd "ls -1trd testegrep.txt |tail -1 |xargs tail -f| grep 's';"
I get the expected result.
I'm not using the plink with a file with the command because I choose so. I'm using a test automation software that allows me to run tests on remote hosts and this is the way the tool works.
Any thoughts on what is going wrong?
I tested the command you provided and it worked without problems.
Maybe the problem is related to:
The server's host key is not cached in the registry.
The path to the file is not correct.
The file is empty.
include server hostkey
most importantly, you need to include the unix profile using the -m paramater
You can include all your commands in the same file where the profile is kept also.
$Output = ((plink.exe -hostkey hostkey -l UNAME -i SSHKEY -P 22 -ssh server -batch -m PROFILE) | ? {$_ -ne ""})
