How to create a template helper pathFor path - meteor

Usually I just do {{pathFor 'dashboard'}}
But what if I get the path 'dashboard' from template helper as {{name}}
I can't do this{{pathFor '{{name}}'}} but I need to!
It's a submenu which looks like:
{{#each connectedChannels}}
{{> submenuChannel}}
<template name="submenuChannel">
<span class="sidebar-text">{{name}}</span>

It should work if you remove the quotes and braces around name:
<a href="{{pathFor name}}">


Adding a css class in a dynamically created handlebars template

I have a JSON object that I am looping through to dynamically create x amount of ULs then LIs. I need to create two {{#each}} to create the content. However when I add a CSS class to my handlebars template it does not come through onto the UL as it does in the second {{#each}} - how do I stop this? Here is the template:
<div class="{{panel-container__Css-class}} {{panel-menu__Css-class}}" data-component="panel">
{{#each sections}}
<ul id="{{id}}" class="{{panel-menu__Css-class}}">
{{#each list}}
Here is what i am passing in:
<nav data-component="navigation">
{{> nav-dropdown menu-button__Css-class="menu-button" menu-button__Css-class-nav="panel" target-id="panel-nav" }}
{{> nav-dropdown menu-button__Css-class="region-button" menu-button__Css-class-nav="region" target-id="panel-region" menu-button__copy=panel.copy}}
{{!--var links = [{"title": "Test","url": "/"}];--}}
{{> panel panel-menu__Css-class="navigation__menu-styles" panel-container__Css-class="navigation__menu-container" sections=navigation.sections links=navigation.sections.list }}
I think what you are looking for is the Handlebars path that will allow you to obtain the value of panel-menu__Css-class from within {{#each sections}}. You need to understand that when you are within {{#each sections}}, your this context is the currently iterated element of the sections array. You must step up a level to the parent context which has the panel-menu__Css-class property you are trying to access:
<ul id="{{id}}" class="{{../panel-menu__Css-class}}">

when to reference a property that is not a valid identifier, how can I use segment-literal notation?

In the document handlebars
{{#each articles.[10].[#comments]}}
but I want such use it
{{#each nav-list.value}}
<li class="nav-{{#index}}">
Obviously, it dons't work! How should I implement this...

How to create reusable UI with variable template?

I want to do something like this:
Component file:
<template name="drop_down">
<span class="dropdown">
{{> primary_element}} <--- load the template named button
<span class="dropdown-panel">
{{> panel_template}} <--- load the template named button_panel
{{> drop_down primary_element="button" panel_template="button_panel"}}
<template name="button"> some styled button </template>
<template name="button_panel"> panel content </template>
and then I can reuse it just like this
{{> drop_down primary_element="tmp_btn_2" panel_template="tmp_panel_2"}}
<template name="tmp_btn_2"> another button style </template>
<template name="tmp_panel_2"> other panel content </template>
You should be able to do this with dynamic templates. In blaze you can pass in the template to be used as a variable, as well as the data context itself. They are quite flexible.
For example:
{{> Template.dynamic template=whichTemplate data=myData }}
This would refer to the whichTemplate helper to figure out which template to use and would get the data context from the myData helper. i.e. both the choice of template and the choice of data come from variables.
In your case you are trying to use two dynamic templates in the context of your dropdown template. You can do:
<template name="drop_down">
{{#with myElements}}
<span class="dropdown">
{{> Template.dynamic template=this.primary}}
<span class="dropdown-panel">
{{> Template.dynamic template=this.panel}}
Then your myElements helper just needs to return the names of the templates to use as strings, ex:
myElements() {
let p1 = "button"; // compute these two based on your own logic
let p2 = "button_panel";
return {primary: p1, panel: p2 };

How to do recursive templates in Meteor?

rather a theoretical question - how can I render recursive templates in Meteor? For example, displaying a comment on comment with unlimited number of comment sub-levels so that HTML would be diplayed as the following?
some text
nested text
further nested text and sections
In my case I pass to the "tree" template a mongoDB document and this document can have unlimited number of sub-content levels. My example below doesn't work the way I want.
<template name="tree">
<div class="wrapper" style="border:1px solid red">
{{#each getStructure}}
{{#each content}}
<a class="item">{{text}}</a>
<!-- TODO: this stuff needs to be recursive.
{{#if sub_content}}
{{#each sub_content}}
<a class="item">{{text}}</a>
{{#if sub_content}}
A simplified example of recirsuve, say you had a post sample template of:
<template name="post">
{{#each comments}}
and a post helper of:{
comments: function() {
return CommentCollection.find({post_id: this._id, parent_id: {$exists: 0}});
I would create a template for the comment layout and provide a helper in that for sub-comments, depending on your data structure something like the following:
<template name="comment">
{{#each sub_comment}}
{{> comment}}
and then the helper along the lines of:
sub_comments: function() {
return CommentCollection.find({parent_id: this._id});
This would recursively produce the comments template for each sub-comment then roll back up the tree to the next #each and then print that comment and all of its sub-comments etc.

Pass parent of an item into a partial with Handlebars

I have a handlebars template like this:
{{#each items}}
<li id="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>
Now I want to split this template as I want to reuse the template for li
{{#each items}}
{{>child }}
<li id="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>
But unfortunattly the child template cant access ../route
You can pass in the parent context to the child partial like so:
{{#each items}}
{{>child this}}
You are also going to probably fix the route value to look like this
<li id="{{id}}">{{name}}</li>
