Inform7: Working with properties of rooms - runtime-error

I'm very, very new to this language, and wrapping my head around "how to do things with stuff" is proving to be a very frustrating endeavor.
My goal here is to create a mechanic where certain rooms are dangerous, and become more dangerous the longer the player stays in them. If the player stays in a dangerous room for too long, a death scene is triggered.
I've got code that looks like this:
[The "danger rule"]
A room has a number called danger level. The danger level of a room is usually 0.
Definition: A room is dangerous if its danger level is 1 or more.
Definition: A room is deadly if its danger level is 9 or more.
Every turn (this is the increasing danger rule):
If the player is in a dangerous room:
Increase danger level by 1.
Every turn (this is the death by danger rule):
If the room is deadly:
do nothing.[Later...]
Every turn (this is the danger explanation rule):
say danger level.
[further down]
The Feeding Chamber is south of the dungeon."You enter a large, dimly lit room with straw on the floor, surrounded by various cages embedded in the wall.[line break]Blood spatters are all over the floor, and it looks as if there's been a fight recently". After going to the feeding chamber for the first time:
try looking;
say "It smells like grues around here. I would be careful if I were you..";
The Feeding Chamber has danger level 5.
I can't seem to figure out how to properly work with the "danger level of a room". The explanation rule I defined causes a runtime error when entering a dangerous room:
`*** Run-time problem P31: Attempt to use a property of the 'nothing' non-object: property danger level`
..And attempts to re-word the rule to something like the danger level of the room or the danger level of this room lead to perplexing compilation messages such as:
`In the sentence 'say the danger level of the room' , it looks as if you intend 'danger level of the room' to be a property, but 'a room' is not specific enough about who or what the owner is.`
What is the "right" way to reference properties of objects in this way?

The magic words here were "of the location". If we pretend that that this was another programming language for a moment, the way I was writing this was as if I was referring to a class "the room" rather than an instance of the class currently being referenced "the location".
The working rule is as follows:
Every turn while the player is in a dangerous room:
Increase danger level of the location by 1.
The trick is to give Inform enough information to know which particular thing you're referring to. The problematic sentence in the original question is perfectly valid english that a human could parse, but the computer needs a bit more help in determining what room we mean when we say "the room".


What is the proper method to apply auras to players in raids?

I am scaling my server to 5 player raids so I am trying to apply auras to all players in a raid that give players all of the raid buffs/debuffs they would normally have if all classes/specs with each buff were present in the raid. This would effectively make it so that players always have the full array of buffs to their class regardless of group composition.
For one of the buffs and all of the debuffs, I made custom spells that applied a spell to the players that would give them an aura that applied the debuffs to mobs within 40 yards of the players. I then added these spells to Spell_Area for a raid zone and associated them in Spell_Group with the actual spell to prevent stacking. I had two issues by doing this.
1st, None of the custom buff/debuff spells were visible on the players(buffs) or enemy creatures (debuffs). I confirmed via GM command that the auras were being applied and with players attacking it was apparent that the effects were in fact being applied so just a visual error.
2nd, Shortly after beginning a raid, there would be massive server lag. The longer the players were inside the raid, the worse the lag would get. I was able to ascertain that it appears like the spells are being constantly reapplied to the players which shouldn't be happening because it should just apply the spell when they enter the area.
The visual issue is something I'm not really too concerned about since the intended effect is at least happening but the server lag makes raids unplayable. Is there a way to apply these auras without getting the lag or is there a better method of giving all the players their associated buffs/debuffs?
I cannot say if this would reduce the lag as I don't have the possibility to try this.
But what you could do is for the spellscript that applies the aura for the creature is to first check if the creature has the aura on it and if not, then add it.
As for applying the aura to the player I found that it is possible to do it within
void OnPlayerAreaUpdate(Player* player, uint32 /*oldArea*/, uint32 newArea) override
in instance_icecrown_citadel.cpp by adding this check
if (!(player->isDead()) && !(player->HasAura(47889)))
player->AddAura(47889, player);
This way it will not add the aura in case the player has the aura and is not dead.
It will also add the aura if the player has been dead and is revived.

DisjointSet in Inform 7

A DisjointSet is a kind of Object.
A DisjointSet is a part of every DisjointSet.
Trying to start a DisjointSet Object in Inform 7, but even though I know it could cause a infinite loop, I want to do it anyway for the obvious reason that it is part of the algorithm.
Here is the error
You wrote 'A DisjointSet is a part of every DisjointSet' : but this
generalisation would be too dangerous, because it would lead to
infinite regress in the assembly process. Sometimes this happens if
you have set up matters with text like 'A container is in every
I suppose it would be easier to do something like this in Inform 6, but I don't have any knowledge of it so I am trying to avoid it. But will accept help in Inform 6 too.
Edit following #jeroen-mostert advice:
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but maybe some sample code might help.
A DisjointSet is a kind of Container.
A DisjointSet always contains a DisjointSet called the Parent.
The First Decl is a DisjointSet.
The Second Decl is a DisjointSet.
The Parent of the First Decl is the Second Decl. [This line doesn't work.]
The sentence 'The Parent of the First Decl is the Second Decl'
appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'Parent of the
First Decl' and 'Second Decl' as two different things, and therefore
it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it would be like
saying that 'St Peter is St Paul'. It would be all right if the second
thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance
'Pearly Gates is a lighted room' says that something called Pearly
Gates exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know about,
combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
I'll give two answers. First, the question you asked:
Linked lists in Inform 7
The problem is that contains and is a part of indicate physical concepts. When you use those words, Inform thinks you're talking about matter in the fictional universe, as if you said, "every bucket contains a bucket".
Instead, define your own property that has nothing to do with Inform's physical world model:
Every DisjointSet has a DisjointSet called the Parent.
With this change, your code works.
Now on to the question you didn't ask:
Relations in groups
If what you want is a bunch of sets of objects, where the sets are all disjoint, use an equivalence relation:
Friendship relates people to each other in groups.
This defines a relation called "friendship" that divides all animals into disjoint sets, such that an animal is friends with the other animals in that set, and not friends with any other animal.
Then you must teach Inform a bit of vocabulary:
The verb to be friends with means the friendship relation.
After that, the phrase "X is friends with Y" means that X and Y are in the same friendship set. You can say things like "Now the badger is friends with the giant squid" to update the sets.
See "Relations in groups" in the manual.

How do I restrict pushing specific items through specific doors in Inform 7

I have a number of things I want to restrict from fitting through specific doors. So the chair is too big/heavy to carry but can be pushed through room to room in most cases. Except if the door is narrow. I can probably write specific code successfully to handle a specific case, but I want to handle this generically so I can have a number of bulky things and narrow doors.
The follow code functionally works, however the second noun ends up "nothing". I would like to use the name of the door in the direction of travel to respond to "push chair s" with the message "The chair is way too bulky to fit through the crack". Any ideas what I am doing wrong or another way of doing this?
A thing can be bulky. A thing is usually not bulky.
A bulky thing is usually pushable between rooms.
A door can be narrow. A door is usually not narrow.
A bulky, enterable supporter called the chair is in room1.
There is a narrow door called the crack. It is south of room1.
Before going with a bulky thing through a narrow door:
say "[The noun] is way too bulky to fit through [the second noun]." instead;
You can name the things in the rule preamble and use those names to print them in the rule.
Before going with a bulky thing (called the cargo) through a narrow door (called the obstacle):
say "[The cargo] is way too bulky to fit through [the obstacle]." instead.

Unable to understand sentence in the book of operating system

"The events depicted are artificial in that processes do not always experience them, but they illustrate various state transitions."
I am unable to understand the perfect meaning of this sentence. I assume this is because of I am not native English speaker or I don't have much experience about processes and their states. What the above sentence tries to convey? Is it saying that The process which is first time experiencing the state will consider it as artificial or some thing more. Kindly guide me so that I am able to clear what is the meaning of this sentence. Following is the some more information about the line. Following will help you to find the line in book if you want to read the other sentences with this sentences.
Name of the Book: "The Design of the UNIX operating system"
Author : "M.J.Bach"
Chapter : " 6 - The Structure of Processes"
Page number : "147"
Topic : "6.1 - Process states and transitions"
paragraph number : "2 from the beginning of the page"
Line number related to paragraph : "2 line in paragraph."
I don't have my copy of Bach handy at the moment, so I may be a bit off base on what I remember, but I think what it is trying to say is that it may help conceptually to think of a process going from state A to state B and then to state C, but a real-world OS may choose to go directly from A to C and just perform the steps for both transitions at once, because there may not be any real reason to actually have a state B and allow processes to live in that state.

UPPAAL: Invariants violated but none have been explicitly set - how to resolve deadlock?

I'd like to learn more about Timed Automata to verify real-time systems. Currently, I'm trying to get myself familiar with a tool called UPPAAL.
I drew some simple graphs and added different properties. The entire model is supposed to represent a production cell system where different mechanical units pass a block to each other.
I've modelled the block (BlockCycle), 2 mechanical units (Feeder, FeederBelt) and 2 sensors which sense the arrival of the block.
Even though I thought my system would make sense, it gets deadlocked:
The target states of this transition violate the invariants. This is not a problem, as long as you intended your model to behave like this.
(No I didn't. ;P)
I can't seem to find the reason for the deadlock, though. The tool points me to the BlockCycle model but I didn't specify any invariant there. In fact, all the transition requirements are fulfilled so the transition (from Pos7 to Pos8) should definitely be taken.
Below you'll see how the systems evolves and finally gets stuck (error message pops up).
green : property check (e.g. FB_Running means FB_Running == true )
dark blue: property updates/assignments
dark red: locations (e.g. Pos7 or Pos8)
The BlockCycle model with the respective transition in question:
My Question: Why does the system deadlock even though there are still transaction which could be taken.
Edit1: When I remove the invariant property of Sensor7's location Active (called BlockAtPos[7]) the deadlock is resolved. So I guess, since there is no synchronization between Sensor7 and BlockCycle for the last transition before it deadlocks, that would cause to a contradiction (BlockAtPos[7] becoming false while the sensor has not yet the chance to take the InActive transition) and thus violating the invariant.
Note: You can find my UPPAAL code/file here: pcs.xml.
