Returning a date with time, when passed utc_date and timezone as input - oracle11g

I have an Oracle table which has a date column ( say its name is start_date) that has stored date as UTC date. I have another column that stores a timezone (like 'America/Los_Angeles'). My requirement is I need to display the date column with timestamp corresponding to the timezone stored in the timezone column.
I initially wrote a function that accepts utc_date and the timezone and returns the date as below:
return utc_date + (SUBSTR (TZ_OFFSET (timezone), 1, 1) || '1')
'0 '
|| SUBSTR (TZ_OFFSET (timezone), 2, 5)
|| ':00');
but I realized a flaw. It calculates offset based on current time. So it now returns -00 08:00:00.000000 for Los_Angeles. But if the date stored in the utc_date was a date when daylight was enforced, the tz_offset value is not valid anymore. Can someone provide me some pointers how can I approach this problem?

I found a solution to my problem. Instead of relying on TZ_OFFSET, I decided to do the following
return cast(from_tz(cast(utc_date as timestamp),'UTC') at time zone timezone as date);
This is returning me the desired date. If anyone see a flaw let me know


Neo4j: Converting string to datetime

I have my data loaded on Neo4j instance where, for each node, I recorded the temporal information in a property key (.time) following the format:
example: time: 1937-01-01
These are all strings, that I would like to convert into datetime as to use them in Neo4j Bloom and various time-based queries. I tried to use the following formula (as well as various variations of it):
MATCH (p:Image)
SET p.time = datetime({ epochMillis:, 's', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') })
without success. I always get the error
Failed to invoke function ``: Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "1891-01-01"
Any idea what I am doing wrong and how to transform date as string to datetime ?
I read some previous posts on the subject but I couldn't find a satisfying answer...
Your data format and the format you specified in the apoc function don't match. Also, you might wanna parse milliseconds, rather than seconds, since you are using epochMillis field.
Try this:
MATCH (p:Image)
WHERE p.time IS NOT NULL AND p.time <> ""
SET p.time = datetime({ epochMillis: + " 00:00:00", 'ms', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') })
Ok, then for your error you will have to use your previous format, and convert your date into your format. The error basically meant that millisecond component is not present.
You can use function date() if you have only date part without time. You can call date('2015-07-21') directly.

extract date time then compare with previous datetime

I want to make sure the date time stored in database table is not more than 2 minutes than previous captured date time.
the result returned from Database table is in this format.
[[col1:2020-05-28 04:02:21.34]]
my codes
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
//capture current date time
def date = new Date()
println date.format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SS',TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
//wait 2 minutes then capture DB table date time
PostgresdbQuery = /SELECT col1 FROM table1.test/
List resultsafter = CustomKeywords.'test.database.getPostgresSQLResults'(GlobalVariable.testPostgresdbConnString , GlobalVariable.testPostgresdbUsername , GlobalVariable.testPostgresdbPassword ,GlobalVariable.testPostgresdbDriver ,PostgresdbQuery )
assert resultsafter < date, 'Execute time is within 2 minutes'
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Cannot compare java.util.ArrayList with value '[{col1=2020-05-28 04:02:21.34}]' and java.util.Date with value '5/28/20 1:49 PM'
The result is a list of maps. To make that check work, you would have to write it as:
assert resultsAfter.first().col1 < date
This will only work for the very first result and only if there is one. Assuming, you want to assert that for all elements, you can use every or loop the results and do the asserts for each row.
Yet, at this point i'd just let the DB do the work: select all items, that dont't match the criteria and make sure, no results are found.

Invalid format string in timestamp

I am trying to cast a value to timestamp(0) and insert into a table. The column Port_Out_END_Dttm is timestamp(0). It's giving me invalid format string.
,MAX(coalesce(SRC.Port_Out_END_Dttm,cast('31/12/9999 00:00:00' as timestamp FORMAT 'dd/mm/yyyyBhh:mi:ss(0)') ))as Port_Out_END_Dttm
The entire query is like:
,case when Port_Out_Ver_Phase_END_Dttm in cast ('12/31/9999' as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY') then null else Port_Out_Ver_Phase_END_Dttm end as Port_Out_Ver_Phase_END_Dttm
,MAX(coalesce(SRC.Port_Out_END_Dttm,cast('31/12/9999 00:00:00' as timestamp FORMAT 'dd/mm/yyyyBhh:mi:ss(0)') ))as Port_Out_END_Dttm
from table
First i need to coalesce the nulls to a high end date and then again take that date as null
What's wrong over here?
Thanks for your help.
There's no need to CAST a hard-coded string to a Date/Time/Timestamp, better use a Standard SQL Date/Time/Timestamp Literal instead:
TIMESTAMP '9999-12-31 00:00:00'
DATE '9999-12-31'
TIME '00:00:00'
MAX(COALESCE(SRC.Port_Out_END_Dttm, TIMESTAMP '9999-12-31 00:00:00'))
Btw, you might need to add a time zone to the literal, otherwise it might be based on your session time zone:
TIMESTAMP '9999-12-31 00:00:00+00:00'
Your syntax looks slightly off to me. Try this version:
CAST('31/12/9999 00:00:00' AS timestamp(0) FORMAT 'DD/MM/YYYYbhh:mi:ss')))

Lazarus SQLite date entry displays improperly

UPDATE: Issue was solved by #whosrdaddy. See comments below this question.
I am trying to resolve the following peculiar case: In a friend's Lazarus project, he tries to query an entry in SQLite. The asString()-method (in the procedure for displaying appointments) returns the proper date on Windows 64 Bit. On a 32 Bit operating system, however, only the first two digits are displayed ('16' instead of '28.02.2016'). What could be the reason?
This is the source code for initialising the form:
// Initialise Form
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// Create Table "tblTermine"
SQLQuery1.SQL.text := 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tblKalender (Datum DATETIME, Termin VARCHAR(10))';
There are two further procedures:
// Display Appointments
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
SQLQuery1.SQL.text:='SELECT * FROM tblKalender';
while not SQLQuery1.Eof do
// Should return ''
ListBox1.Items.add(SQLQuery1.Fields[0].AsString+ ': ' + SQLQuery1.Fields[1].AsString);
// Save Appointment
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
var Termin: string;
Datum: TDate;
if calendardialog1.execute then
SqlQuery1.SQL.text:= 'Insert into tblKalender Values (:Datum, :Termin)';
SqlQuery1.ParamByName('Datum').AsDate:= Datum;
SqlQuery1.ParamByName('Termin').AsString:= Termin;
Edit1.Text := '';
The intended output into the TListBox would be something like this.
you should convert first the DateTime to a Julian Date
function DateTimeToJulianDate(const Datum: TDateTime): Double;
SqlQuery1.SQL.text:= 'Insert into tblKalender Values (:Datum, :Termin)';
SqlQuery1.ParamByName('Datum').AsFloat := DateTimeToJulianDate(Datum);
to test and get the value use :
function TryJulianDateToDateTime(const AValue: Double; ADateTime: TDateTime):Boolean;
if TryJulianDateToDateTime(SQLQuery1.Fields[0].AsFloat,myDate)
ListBox1.Items.add(DateTimeToStr(myDate)+ ': ' + .....
ShowMessage('Not a valid Julian date');
SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic
Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Double Test
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
Datum : TDate;
myDate : TDateTime;
JulianDouble : Double;
// uses ....,DateUtils
Datum := StrToDate('01.01.2013'); //German Culture settings
Memo1.Lines.Add('01/01/2013 = '+DateTimeToStr(Datum)+ ' TDate as Text');
Memo1.Lines.Add('01/01/2013 = '+FloatToStr(Datum) + ' TDate Double');
JulianDouble := DateTimeToJulianDate(Datum);
Memo1.Lines.Add('01/01/2013 = '+FloatToStr(JulianDouble) + ' Julian Double');
if TryJulianDateToDateTime(JulianDouble,myDate)
Memo1.Lines.Add('01/01/2013 = '+DateTimeToStr(myDate)+ ' TDate as Text')
ShowMessage('Not a valid Julian date');
Output :
01/01/2013 = 01.01.2013 TDate as Text
01/01/2013 = 41275 TDate Double
01/01/2013 = 2456293,5 Julian Double
01/01/2013 = 01.01.2013 TDate as Text
Update-2 :
To write Delphi TDate Double to a SQLite Date field is wrong
Your comment shows me that you do not know the problems.
Of course you can directly write a Delphi Double value into a database field. And read it back to a TDateTime.
This will quickly lead to problems.
These functions only work for dates between 0000-01-01 00:00:00 and
9999-12-31 23:59:59 (julidan day numbers 1721059.5 through 5373484.5).
For dates outside that range, the results of these functions are
41275 Delphi TDate Double for 2013/01/01 is outside of above range !!
SQLite's own date functions can no longer be used.
Compute the current date.
SELECT date('now');
Compute the last day of the current month.
SELECT date('now','start of month','+1 month','-1 day');
Compute the date and time given a unix timestamp 1092941466.
SELECT datetime(1092941466, 'unixepoch');
Compute the date and time given a unix timestamp 1092941466, and compensate for your local timezone
SELECT datetime(1092941466, 'unixepoch', 'localtime');
Compute the number of days since the signing of the US Declaration of Independence.
SELECT julianday('now') - julianday('1776-07-04');
etc. etc.
Changing the date value with above functions will give you a double 2456293,5 for a Date 2013/01/01
If you now use unproved and pass it to a Delphi TDateTime it will be 3387/11/26).
This is not far from the maximum value of a TDateTimePicker.
which is 2958465.5 and means 9999/12/31
DateTimePicker1.DateTime := 2958465.5;
DateTimePicker1 9999/12/31
If one already know that it is wrong one should not use it up to a crash.
SQLite uses something called manifest typing which means that if you store values of (Delphi) type TDateTime, SQLite will store the underlying floating point value without warning or message, and offer you the value back so you won't notice that SQLite doesn't treat this as a date-time-value, unless you're trying to manipulate the value from SQL.
To counteract this, I use this bit of SQL code to convert Delphi TDateTime values to an actual SQL datetime:
datetime('1900-01-01','+'||(myDateField-2)||' day')
(see also here)

SQL Server Filtering by DateTime column, when TIME portion is provided sometimes

In an SSRS report, the user searches based on start date and end date.
The challenge is, as I discovered recently, he sometimes, not always, provides the time component while searching.
Currently, the filter is done like this:
if #pEndDate is null
SET #pEndDate = getdate()
SET #PEndDate = DateAdd(dd,1,#PEndDate)
SELECT ........
FROM .....
WHERE ( Createdon >= #PStartDate AND Createdon < #PEndDate)
This is fine when he searches without time (example - #PStartDate = 2/23/2015 and #PEndDate = 2/24/2015)
How should I structure the query to deal with the time portion when he provides it? (example - #PStartDate = 2/23/2015 15:00 and #PEndDate = 2/24/2015 15:00)
If this is answered elsewhere, please point me to it. Thank you.
If you just want to match the date part then there are lot options.
1) You can use the Date type for the parameter PEndDate and PStartDate to nullify the time part
2) You can use the Convert method to get only date part of the parameter while matching.CONVERT (DATE, #PEndDate) OR CONVERT(varchar,#PEndDate,103)
3) Get Date Part only from DateTime using DateTime functions
ATEADD(dd, 0,
DATEDIFF(dd, 0, #PEndDate))
4) Get Date Part only from DateTime using FLOOR and CAST functions
CAST( -- Convert the integer to DATE
FLOOR(-- Get largest Integer less than or equal to the decimal value
AS DATETIME) 'Date Part Only'
5) Get Date Part only from DateTime using DATEPART and CONVERT functions
'Date Part Only'
Use whichever method suits you and you find fancy.
As you mentioned you need to get the time part to 00:00 with date so you can try as,
SELECT CAST( convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),112) AS DATETIME)
--This will give you 2015-02-27 00:00:00.000
--This will give you end of days time 2015-02-27 23:59:59.997
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar,getdate(),103) + ' 12:59:59 PM'
--This will give you custom time 27/02/2015 12:59:59 PM
