Google analytics page tracking - google-analytics

I have a question about google analytics page tracking. I have a website and the main domain is Now I want the following. All pages hanging under Should get a separate Google Analytics. What is the best way to do this?
Thank you!

Using a default GA tag would do the job unless you specifically want to completely independently track the cisco subdirectory. in which case 2 separate tags are required, and you should check outthe following

From what I understand, you want to show data under in a separate GA account.
You may choose to create a new filter against your directory.
You may create a different GA Account altogether and
then change the property ID on the new section.
You may choose to create a new sub-domain


How do I Add 2 GA4 instances to a website

I have a domain that has several sites sitting underneath it.
I have created new GA4 properties under a central account for each site. The GA4 is applied to the relevant pages via tag manager and the inbuilt GA4 tag, the trigger was the specific url of the page and everything is currently tracking as expected without issue.
I would like however to add an overriding GA4 account to collect the events for all pages.
Is this as simple as me adding another GA4 property to all pages or is there anything I need to mindful about.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
You dont have to create seperate property for each site. You can add one property(or configuration) to each site.

GA Cross Domain Tracking for subfolders with different UA-ID

Our site is broken down into 4 main subfolders lets say,, and
Each of those subfolders has a different Google Analytics tracking account because we treat those subfolders as different divisions.
We want to be able to track clicks from to
Because they have different tracking codes the clicks between divisions don't carry over between GA accounts. So when the page has stats the referrer is {not set} and the previous page path is set to {entrance}, even though they should be
It was suggested, during the creation of our GA accounts to put our domain in the Referral Exclusion List to avoid new sessions being created but I'm wondering if this is what is causing the clicks to not detect the previous page or referrer page, because we are excluding it.
Can anyone help me figure out how I am going to track these stats?
Is using cross domain tracking an option, even though we're not changing domains?
Any help on this will be a big help. TIA
The exclusion from the referral is certainly what makes the direct traffic result, however it is correct that it is set like this. The main problem is that track the same site by dividing the sections into 4 different Analytics Properties is not a good practice.
Cross-domain tracking will not work because they are different Properties (unless you have GA360).
However you can get what you need by using the UTMs parameters on the links, for example for a link from site A to site B you will have to write the URL of the link like this:
In reports you will see these values ​​in referral channel with the defined source instead of direct traffic.

Can you add two Google Analytics tracking codes to the same webpage?

I am looking to add two Google Analytics tracking codes to the same web page. Specifically one through Google Tag Manager and one hardcoded on the page. Is this possible to do with one being in GTM? I read you have to set two tracking objects, but how do I implement that if both codes aren't hardcoded on the page?
Thank you.
You can add a tracking code in GTM and another in page.
They will work independently as long as you don't do something strange with tacker names.

Google Tag Manager: adding Multiple Universal Analytics tracking IDs & auto-event tracking

I have not been able to find clear answers to the following:
for a client with several country sites (subdomains) I want to use a Google Analytics account per site, plus a roll-up account to collect data of all country sites into one account. I want to use Google Tag Manager to add the analytics to the sites.
To add 2 Universal Analytics tracking IDs in one container for a site, is it needed to change a name somewhere? As you have to do when adding analytics code manually to a site when using an extra roll-up account.
If so, what exactly?
subsequently I want to use autoevent tracking. To track for instance PDF downloads - which are in this case on outbound links. Which is explained in this Justine Cutroni post:
But instead of using the standard macro for url path, I would rather see the url title or the linktext, as the url path is indecipherable in this case (a bunch of numbers and letters).
How can that be achieved? Given that the downloads are from dynamic catalogue pages (and thousands of them).
Why multiple accounts ? This would just work as well with profiles/views. That could potentially save you a bit of headache (if you have multiple trackers you need to push events etc. to all of them - for multiple view you just need a filter in your view settings).
Having said that, you find the settings for the tracker name under "advanced configuration" in the analytics tag template in the Google Tag Manager (both for ga.js and Universal Analytics). Tick the checkbox with the label "Tracker name" and enter the name (you need to rename at least one the trackers).

How to exclude self-traffic in google code from google analytics reports?

I'm currently using Google Analytics to get reports for my project hosted on
I'd like to exclude the traffic generated by myself. I know that Google Analytics basically offers two way to filter my traffic: by IP address and by cookies.
The ISP gives me a dynamic IP address so I can't filter by IP address. I should then use the cookies method.
I read I should add some javascript code to my site to set the cookie.
My question is: how can I add into the wiki pages of google code the javascript I need? Is there another way to achieve my goal?
Thanks. contains a solution that seems valid:
Setting the cookie:
Create a new page on your domain, containing the following code:
body onLoad="javascript:__utmSetVar('no_report')"
Visit this page from all computers that you would like to exclude from
your reports, to set the cookie on each machine.
Creating the filter:
You'll need to create an Exclude filter to remove data from visitors
with this cookie.
Filter Type: Custom filter > Exclude
Filter Field: User Defined
Filter Pattern: no_report
Case Sensitive: No
How to create a filter?
Use this together with this wiki article to create a gadget containing the script that you may include on your page.
Several chrome and firefox extensions are available that allow you to block google analytics tracking on a per-site basis. I have found this is the easiest way to achieve this functionality.
You can try the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, though it will disable tracking on all sites altogether.
how about using the campaign tracking feature to create a specific urm URL you send out to any person you wish to exclude from reports?
Then add a campaign filter, how's that?
not sure how long the campaign cookie will be stored, may need everyone to click that camapaign URL every few weeks?
