HLSL Reflection - how to get the members of a tbuffer? - reflection

I can use GetConstantBufferByIndex to get a pointer to an ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer which will allow me to enumerate the members of a cbuffer, but for a tbuffer, I can't find any corresponding function in the D3D Reflection APIs.
Am I missing something or does the reflection system not have a way to enumerate these?

GetConstantBufferByIndex returns both cbuffers and tbuffers. In D3D's terminology they are both "constant buffers".


Ada: Convert an access to constant to access to variable

What is the proper way to convert an access to constant to access to
variable? (Yes, I know that then I need to be careful not to modify this
Maybe Unchecked_Conversion?
Is Unchecked_Conversion guaranteed by the standard to work well in this
Is there a simpler way than Unchecked_Conversion?
Unchecked_Conversion is not guaranteed to work in that case, as Ada doesn't give you any guarantees about the memory layout of access types. Supposedly Ada intentionally allows the compiler to have unique memory layouts and meanings for each access type.
If you add a Convention => C aspect to your access types, you may get the common memory layout you want, as C considers all pointers to operate on the same address space.
Ok, what's going on is [likely] that there's a mismatch in parameter modes (and maybe type-definitions) somewhere.
Let's say there's a few types:
Type Window(<>) is tagged private;
Type Constant_Reference is not null constant access Window'Class;
Type Reference is not null access Window'Class;
Type Handle is access Window'Class;
Given Function Get_Handle ( Object : in out aliased Window'Class ) what can we say about Object'Access? Well, it's an access to Window'Class which is not constant -- so it is compatible with both Handle and Reference but not Constant_Reference.
On the other hand, if we had Function Get_Handle ( Object : aliased Window'Class ) then Object'Access would yield an anonymous access which is compatible with Constant_Reference due to the constant nature of the in-parameter.
So, check your parameters and your design, and see if that's what's causing your issues.

Kotlin: How are a Delegate's get- and setValue Methods accessed?

I've been wondering how delegated properties ("by"-Keyword) work under-the-hood. I get that by contract the delegate (right side of "by") has to implement a get and setValue(...) method, but how can that be ensured by the compiler and how can those methods be accessed at runtime? My initial thought was that obviously the delegates must me implementing some sort of "SuperDelegate"-Interface, but it appears that is not the case. So the only option left (that I am aware of) would be to use Reflection to access those methods, possibly implemented at a low level inside the language itself. I find that to be somewhat weird, since by my understanding that would be rather inefficient. Also the Reflection API is not even part of the stdlib, which makes it even weirder.
I am assuming that the latter is already (part of) the answer. So let me furthermore ask you the following: Why is there no SuperDelegate-Interface that declare the getter and setter methods that we are forced to use anyway? Wouldn't that be much cleaner?
The following is not essential to the question
The described Interface(s) are even already defined in ReadOnlyProperty and ReadWriteProperty. To decide which one to use could then be made dependable on whether we have a val/var. Or even omit that since calling the setValue Method on val's is being prevented by the compiler and only use the ReadWriteProperty-Interface as the SuperDelegate.
Arguably when requiring a delegate to implement a certain interface the construct would be less flexible. Though that would be assuming that the Class used as a Delegate is possibly unaware of being used as such, which I find to be unlikely given the specific requirements for the necessary methods. And if you still insist, here's a crazy thought: Why not even go as far as to make that class implement the required interface via Extension (I'm aware that's not possible as of now, but heck, why not? Probably there's a good 'why not', please let me know as a side-note).
The delegates convention (getValue + setValue) is implemented at the compiler side and basically none of its resolution logic is executed at runtime: the calls to the corresponding methods of a delegate object are placed directly in the generated bytecode.
Let's take a look at the bytecode generated for a class with a delegated property (you can do that with the bytecode viewing tool built into IntelliJ IDEA):
class C {
val x by lazy { 123 }
We can find the following in the generated bytecode:
This is the field of the class C that stores the reference to the delegate object:
// access flags 0x12
private final Lkotlin/Lazy; x$delegate
This is the part of the constructor (<init>) that initialized the delegate field, passing the function to the Lazy constructor:
CHECKCAST kotlin/jvm/functions/Function0
INVOKESTATIC kotlin/LazyKt.lazy (Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function0;)Lkotlin/Lazy;
PUTFIELD C.x$delegate : Lkotlin/Lazy;
And this is the code of getX():
GETFIELD C.x$delegate : Lkotlin/Lazy;
GETSTATIC C.$$delegatedProperties : [Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty;
INVOKEINTERFACE kotlin/Lazy.getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object;
CHECKCAST java/lang/Number
INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Number.intValue ()I
You can see the call to the getValue method of Lazy that is placed directly in the bytecode. In fact, the compiler resolves the method with the correct signature for the delegate convention and generates the getter that calls that method.
This convention is not the only one implemented at the compiler side: there are also iterator, compareTo, invoke and the other operators that can be overloaded -- all of them are similar, but the code generation logic for them is simpler than that of delegates.
Note, however, that none of them requires an interface to be implemented: the compareTo operator can be defined for a type not implementing Comparable<T>, and iterator() does not require the type to be an implementation of Iterable<T>, they are anyway resolved at compile-time.
While the interfaces approach could be cleaner than the operators convention, it would allow less flexibility: for example, extension functions could not be used because they cannot be compiled into methods overriding those of an interface.
If you look at the generated Kotlin bytecode, you'll see that a private field is created in the class holding the delegate you're using, and the get and set method for the property just call the corresponding method on that delegate field.
As the class of the delegate is known at compile time, no reflection has to happen, just simple method calls.

Comparing pointers to structs for the purpose of Phobos' Binary Heap

I've written a struct called Node, and want to be able to use pointers to that struct as entries in a Phobos BinaryHeap. However, I am not sure how opEquals and opCmp are implemented for pointers to structs (or in fact, in general). I've not been able to find anything in the documentation to help me. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
If you have an array of these Node* you can do something like that:
Node*[] arr = ....;
auto heap = heapify!(yourCustomCompareFuncGoesHere)(arr);
If you can't use heapify for whatever reason you can create a BinaryHeap by:
BinaryHeap!(Node*[], yourCustomCompareFuncGoesHere) heap;
yourCustomCompareFuncGoesHere will be passed as an alias template parameter to the heap and used for the "is less comparison" for sorting. Compare to the struct signature of BinaryHeap in the phobos docs.

Storing pointers using QListWidgetItem::setData

I have a QListWidget of calendars. Each QListWidgetItem is logically associated with an instance of Calendar, which is a class that belongs to the Model side of the application.
Can I store this association in the form of a pointer using QListWidgetItem::setData? When I attempt to do this, I get the following error:
error: 'QVariant::QVariant(void*)' is private
There is another constructor for void*: QVariant::QVariant(int typeOrUserType, const void * copy) where you should pass an unique integer to represent the pointer type.
But as stated by the documentation, you could declare your pointer type with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Calendar*) and use QVariant::fromValue<Calendar*>(...) and QVariant::value<Calendar*>() to store and retrieve the value.
Or instead, because you are using a QListWidget instead of a regular model, you can just subclass QListWidgetItem, and add a Calendar* member variable with the required accessors, to avoid the overhead of using QVariant.
I would suggest looking at this solution as well, which I think is quite elegant:
(there are minor syntax errors, but you will spot them quickly or the compiler will issue an error)

VBScipt: Call builtin functions shadowed by global variables

VBScript on ASP Classic contains an "int" function. (It rounds numbers towards -∞.) Suppose that some excessively "clever" coder has created a global variable named "int". Is there any way to get at the original function? I've tried all manner of workarounds with scoping and dodgy execs, but no dice. I suspect that it is impossible, but I'm hoping that someone will know more about it than I do.
EDIT: Thanks for the responses. Since y'all asked, the global variable, called "Int" (though unfortunately, vbscript is not case-sensitive), is a factory for a class similar to Java's Integer. The default property is essentially a one-arg constructor; i.e. "Int(42)" yields a new IntClass object holding 42. The default property of IntClass in turn simply returns the raw number.
The creator was trying to work around the lack of proper namespaces and static methods, and the solution's actually pretty seamless. Pass in an IntClass where an int is expected and it will automatically trigger the default property. I'm trying to patch the last remaining seam: that external code calling "int" will not round properly (because the constructor uses CLng).
Not that I know of, getref only works on custom functions not on build-ins. I would suggest renaming the custom'int' function and update all references to this custom ones. You can use the search function visual studio (express) or any other tool of your liking for this. Shouldn't be to much work.
I didn't think reserved words would be allowed for function names or variables.
Duncanson's right. Do the pain and rename int. Chances are there are worse things going on than just this.
(why would someone make a global variable named int... that's going to take some thinking)
Or you can use CInt instead on Int
response.write trim(cint(3.14)) + "<br>"
See NobodyMan comments
