yo angular install bootstrap files all fine. The index.html file looks like this at the moment:
<!-- Place favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png in the root directory -->
<!-- build:css(.) styles/vendor.css -->
<!-- bower:css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" />
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
<!-- build:css(.tmp) styles/main.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
<!-- endbuild -->
This doesn't include bootstrap.theme.css file.
What is the recommended way of adding this? Do I manually go in there and add it?
The correct way to do it is override you bower.json file to load bootstrap dependencies, and then run grunt wiredep
The bower.json would look like this:
"name": "frontend",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"angular": "^1.3.0",
"json3": "^3.3.0",
"es5-shim": "^4.0.0",
"bootstrap": "^3.2.0",
"angular-cookies": "^1.3.0",
"angular-route": "^1.3.0",
"angular-local-storage": "~0.1.5",
"raty": "~2.7.0",
"kineticjs": "~5.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"angular-mocks": "~1.3.0",
"angular-scenario": "~1.3.0"
"appPath": "app",
"overrides": {
"bootstrap": {
"main": [
Source: https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular/issues/965#issuecomment-68548259
Do the following
bower install bootstrap-css --save
Add it manually below the other .css include if it's locally available on your system (e.g. in bower_components/).
If the file is not locally available I'd add it right above the <!-- Place favicon.ico ... --> otherwise it might break your grunt build and/or grunt serve because of bower trying to minify the file.
The same goes with Google Font imports, place them above the <!-- Place favicon.ico ... --> otherwise bower will try to minify it (under htmlmin options in Gruntfile.js).
Here you can read some more about the subject.
I am new to angular2 and need help. I am working on an angular2 app whose backend is written in Java Spring. The app worked perfectly before. I did not change any code but now when I load it in chrome , it is stuck at loading... I inspected the console but there is no error. If i try to open it in firefox or safari it loads perfectly but in firefox i am unable to submit a form (maybe compatibility issues?).
The app was written in "angular2": "2.0beta.0-.14" . As Angular2 RC5 has been released so is the code outdated?
Should i have to make changes in the code?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<base href="/">
<!-- Angular JS -->
<!-- 1. Load libraries -->
<!-- IE required polyfills, in this exact order -->
<script src="node_modules/es6-shim/es6-shim.min.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system-polyfills.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular2/es6/dev/src/testing/shims_for_IE.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/rxjs/bundles/Rx.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/angular2.dev.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/http.dev.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/router.dev.js"></script>
<!-- 2. Configure SystemJS -->
packages: {
app: {
format: 'register',
defaultExtension: 'js',
map: {
"angular2-jwt": "node_modules/angular2-jwt/angular2-jwt.js"
.then(null, console.error.bind(console));
<!-- Angular JS -->
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="assets/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<!-- Timeline css -->
<link href="assets/css/timeline.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- Timeline css -->
<!-- Navigation -->
<link href="assets/css/navbar.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="assets/js/navbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Navigation -->
<!-- Font Awesome -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<!-- Font Awesome -->
"name": "abcd",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"start": "concurrently \"npm run tsc:w\" \"npm run lite\" ",
"tsc": "tsc",
"tsc:w": "tsc -w",
"lite": "lite-server",
"typings": "typings",
"postinstall": "typings install"
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"angular2": "2.0beta.0-.14",
"es6-promise": "^3.0.2",
"es6-shim": "^0.35.0",
"ng2-radio-group": "0.0.2",
"reflect-metadata": "0.1.2",
"rxjs": "5.0.0-beta.2",
"systemjs": "0.19.24",
"zone.js": "0.6.10"
"devDependencies": {
"concurrently": "^2.0.0",
"lite-server": "^2.1.0",
"typescript": "^1.8.9",
"typings": "^0.7.9"
You have to follow the upgrade path. First step will be to check the upgrade path to RC1:
Upgrading shouldn't be a problem if you don't have routing
Next thing will be upgrade to RC5. The main breaking changes is bootstrapping using NgModules. Check https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/rc4-to-rc5.html for exact steps.
In my gruntfile.js I am using bower install to create the necessary script tags in my index.html for all my js libraries. My grunt file entry looks like this:
bowerInstall: {
target: {
src: ['wwwroot/index.html'],
cwd: '',
dependencies: true,
devDependencies: true,
exclude: [],
fileTypes: {},
ignorePath: '',
overrides: {}
My index.html gets correctly updated from my index.html.tpl as seen here:
<!-- bower:js -->
<script src="../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="../bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="../bower_components/underscore/underscore.js"></script>
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- bower:css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" />
<!-- endbower -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="wwwroot/app/styles/style.css" />
What I want to happen is to copy all js library files to a specific lib directory, and then link them from there. Can this be accomplished with bower install or is there another grunt plug-in I should be using? The bower-install plugin seems popular but I can't find much documentation for it.
You should try to use grunt-bower along with grunt-bower-install. You can configure bower to install copy files to specific folders. It will look like this:
bower: {
dev: {
dest: 'lib/',
js_dest: 'lib/js',
css_dest: 'lib/styles'
Then if you run the task:
grunt bower
You will have something like this in your lib folder:
Add a .bowerrc file next to your bower.json. If the file is already in there change its content from:
"directory": "bower_components"
"directory": "you/new/lib/path"
Re-install your Bower components:
bower install
Then call the Grunt task:
grunt bowerInstall
In my project I have included to jQuery UI.I am using Bower, Yeoman and Grunt.
I added jQuery UI: bower install jquery-ui --save .
but the jQuery UI theme was not included in Bower style components.
<!-- build:css(.) styles/vendor.css -->
<!-- bower:css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" />
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
<!-- build:css(.tmp) styles/main.css ->
Help me with this problem .
This is not issue with library . its in Grunt-wiredep which has problem in injecting dependencies which has file name like jquery-ui,socket-io,font-awesome. there is way to override it .
wiredep: {
target: {
src: '<%= jericho.client %>/index.html',
ignorePath: '<%= jericho.client %>/',
exclude: [/es5-shim.js/, /json3.js/ ,/bootstrap.css/, /font-awesome.css/ ],
overrides: {
'socket.io-client': {
main: 'socket.io.js'
'jqueryui-touch-punch': {
main: 'jquery.ui.touch-punch.js'
so add 'jquery-ui': { main: 'jquery-ui.js' } . in the grunt wiredep configuration.
Link: https://github.com/taptapship/wiredep/issues/86
Is there a way to combine and minify all bower installed libraries into 1 file automatically?
First I tried the most basic approach: combine all .js files from all subdirectories:
uglify: {
options: {compress: true},
my_target: { files: {
'vendor.js': ['bower_components/**/*.js'],
} } }
But this is obviously a bad approach. It also doesn't work because of too many errors.
I manually deleted all the files and kept only 1 (main) file that each library has, and it worked.
Is there a way to do this all automatically?
Also, is it advisable to do it? (i.e. combine all vendor libraries into 1 file)
I recommend the combination of 2 nice grunt libraries, Wiredep and Usemin:
Wiredep: Load all dependencies of bower identified in bower.json inside your html automatically
Usemin: Detect all src inside two comments tags and all that source are minified and concatenated in dist folder, below are a little example of a grunt files using this packages, is based on the generator of angular to yeoman this is only a brief of that grunt
wiredep: {
options: {
cwd: 'appFolder'
app: {
src: ['htmlCollections'],
ignorePath: /\.\.\//
useminPrepare: {
html: 'htmlCollections',
options: {
dest: 'distributionFolder',
flow: {
html: {
steps: {
js: ['concat', 'uglifyjs'],
css: ['cssmin']
post: {}
usemin: {
html: ['distributionFolder+HtmlFiles'],
css: ['distributionFolder+cssFiles'],
js: ['distributionFolder+javascriptFiles']
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="MobileDev" id="ng-app">
<!-- build:css(app) styles/vendor.css -->
<!-- bower:css -->
//This gonna be generated for the grunt by dependencies in bower
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
<!-- build:css(.tmp) styles/main.css -->
//All the script inside this gonna be concatened and minified in
//the dist folder by the name of main.css
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/app.css"/>
<!-- endbuild -->
<!-- build:js(app) scripts/vendor.js -->
<!-- bower:js -->
//This gonna be generated for the grunt by dependencies in bower
//And in distribution all bower components added gonna be minified by usemin in
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
<!-- build:js({.tmp,app}) scripts/scripts.js -->
//All the script inside this gonna be concatened and minified in the dist
//folder by the name of scripts.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/numero1"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/numero2"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->
Just needed wiredep
uglify: {
options: { compress: true },
my_target: {
files: { 'public/vendor.js': require('wiredep')().js
} } },
cssmin: {
minify: {
files: { 'public/vendor.css': require('wiredep')().css
} } },
I have created an AngularJS application using Yeoman. It also uses the cdnify task that shoud transform bower_components/angular/angular.js into //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.15/angular.min.js. The generated index.html contains the following code:
<!-- build:js scripts/vendor.js -->
<!-- bower:js -->
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js"></script>
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
There is also a task that combines, minifies and uglifies all the scripts, so these scripts are combined into a single vendor.js file. To avoid jquery.js and angular.js to be included in this process, I changed it into:
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<!-- build:js scripts/vendor.js -->
<!-- bower:js -->
<script src="bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js"></script>
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
When I run grunt serve:dist the cdnify task is ran and generates the following output:
Running "cdnify:dist" (cdnify) task
Going through dist/404.html, dist/index.html to update script refs
My bower.json looks like this:
"name": "myAmazingAngularApp",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~1.11.0",
"angular": "1.2.x",
"bootstrap": "~3.1.1",
"angular-bootstrap": "~0.10.0"
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I would think it should work out-of-the-box, so I suspect it's a bug...
There is also a .bowerrc file that has the following content:
"directory": "app/bower_components"
I tried changing this setting to "directory: bower_components" when running grunt cdnify, but it doesn't help.