How to change the xterm icon in xfce4? - icons

To clarify, I mean the icon that is displayed when the app is running (e.g. inside the dock).
With trial and error, I found out that it uses "/usr/share/pixmap/xfce4-terminal.xpm" as the icon (tested by replacing this file with some other icon).
I was unable to find where it maps the running xterm to this icon.
If I copy the xterm binary to a different name and run that one, it gets a different icon, which shows that there is a possibility to change it.
I already tried setting the "xterm*iconPixmap:" resource, but that appears to have no effect at all.

You could try using xseticon
usage: xseticon [options] path/to/icon.png
-name : apply icon to the window of the name supplied
-id : apply icon to the window id supplied
Sets the window icon to the specified .png image. The image is loaded from
the file at runtime and sent to the X server; thereafter the file does not
need to exist, and can be deleted/renamed/modified without the X server or
window manager noticing.
If no window selection option is specified, the window can be interactively
selected using the cursor.
Hints: xseticon -id "$WINDOWID" path/to/icon.png Will set the icon for an xterm.
********** EDIT **********
I think you need the imagemagick program installed to access the convert command. Then, find an icon that you like and convert it to an xbm file:
convert /path/to/icon/file /path/to/xterm.xbm
Create an ~/.Xresources file with the following content:
xterm*iconPixmap: /path/to/xterm.xbm
Then merge in the ~/Xresources file:
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
The update came from:

I finally managed to do by setting *iconHint on the xterm resource.
The value needs to be a path to an .xpm file WITHOUT the extension.
X resources that you want to be loaded at login time need to go into an ~/.Xdefaults file.
So a complete solution for an icon my-xterm.xpm would be:
mkdir ~/.icons
mv my-xterm.xpm ~/.icons/
echo 'xterm*iconHint: '$HOME'/.icons/my-xterm' >> ~/.Xdefaults
If you want your changed ~/.Xdefaults to become active without logging in, run xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
If you just want one xterm to have a different icon, you can start the xterm like this:
xterm -xrm 'xterm*iconHint: /full/path/to/icon' …

Not 100% sure that changing the .desktop file would help in XFCE. But it's a worth a shot.
Find the path to your local icons, here is in the sub path of
Then simply copy the .desktop file to you home dir eg:
cp /usr/share/applications/xterm-color.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
Then edit the .dekstop fil in an editor, there is a line like this:
Replace this with a icon name from your icons path and logout and back in and you should be good to go. (The icon should not have the file extention like .png or .svg).


Why plugin z of zsh is not active inside the .zshrc?

I installed oh my zsh and zsh auto suggestion. Then I read here ( about z zsh, an interesting plugin. And I really wanted to install it. So I put the plugin inside my .zshrc file. But the plugin feature is not active, it's not yellow like source command or alias (and those are properly working). I tried to change place of the plugin line (after / before source), but it didn't work. I did'nt understand the first line. My .zshrc, if someone could help...:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export ZSH="/home/yanalolux/.oh-my-zsh"
. /home/yanalolux/
source $ZSH/
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
In your .zshrc you have the following two lines:
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
The second line remove the z plugin. You should have only one line with:
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
According to the ZSH-z plugin Github homepage:
ZSH-z is a command line tool that allows you to jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently in the past, or recently -- but most often a combination of the two (a concept known as "frecency"). It works by keeping track of when you go to directories and how much time you spend in them. It is then in the position to guess where you want to go when you type a partial string, e.g. z src might take you to ~/src/zsh.

Customizing Powerleve10k prompt

I just added the Powerlevel10k theme to my zsh and i'm trying to configure certain parts.
It currently looks like this:
The ~/.p10k.zsh has a lot of configurations done and I've been trying to change certain things but i'm not there yet.
I don't want to print the whole path on the left prompt, just the directory. Also, not sure what those numbers indicate in the git section. And the right prompt is displaying my ruby version, although I haven't used Ruby in ages and want to change it to a different setting.
I've tried adding a PS1=... to .zshrc but it seems to be overriden by the P10K config file.
Any suggestions?
Display only the last directory segment
Open ~/.p10k.zsh.
Change the value of this parameter to truncate_to_last.
Alternatively, change the value of POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MAX_LENGTH to 1. This will maximally shorten current directory while keeping the transformation reversible. You can restore the original directory by copy-pasting the shortened directory to the command line and pressing TAB.
Ruby version
Powerlevel10k has several prompt segments that can display Ruby version. By default only those are enabled that display Ruby version when it has been manually overridden by some tool (e.g., rbenv or asdf).
To remove Ruby version from prompt:
Open ~/.p10k.zsh.
Remove or comment out the following elements: rbenv, rvm and asdf.
Alternatively (and perhaps preferably), find out which tool is overriding Ruby version for you and remove the override if you no longer need it.
shorten dir segment to show only deepest directory
To show only last n significant path segments, you can set following in your config .zshrc, e.g n=1 means show only last folder in present working directory:
explain Git symbols
The question/exclamation mark in Git segment (vcs segment, next to path) means the number of files untracked (?) and unstaged (!). For detailed description see What do different symbols in Git status mean?
change version segment
You can change the version segment (on the right of prompt) to reflect another tool. For example to replace shown ruby version by python version replace the element within right promt elements in your config .zshrc:

Changing directory color with zsh + Prezto

I am using Prezto + zsh as my shell. I would like to change the color of
directories when I ls my directory. For instance, here is what I currently
Obviously, this is no fun, as I’m hardly able to read my directories because the
blue is so dark. I’d like to change it to white or orange or something lighter.
This dark blue is specific only to directories. Files show up in a nice white
text. Where and what settings must I find to change this?
I've seen this answer still getting attention, so here's an update. Instead of messing with individual colours as below, simply adjust the Minimum Contrast within Preferences ... -> Profiles -> Colors. I set mine to 60.
Original answer
The easier way to do this is to change the colour scheme of your terminal. For example if you are using iTerm2 on a Mac then:
Launch iTerm2
type CMD+i
In the "Colors" tab, change the setting for "Blue" (and potentially the "Bright" equivalient)
In the "General" tab, click "Copy Current Settings to Selected Profile"
If you want to revert back to the defaults you can always select a value from the "Color presets..." dropdown in the "Colors" tab.
Do the equivalent in your favourite terminal if you don't use iTerm2 on a Mac.
The answer depends on your ls. BSD ls uses the environment variable LSCOLORS; coreutils ls uses LS_COLORS instead. See your man page.
The utility module of Prezto uses dircolors (if available) to customize the colors of coreutils ls, which also comes with coreutils. So if you have coreutils, then you can use dircolors to provide actually human-readable color definitions. Read the man page of dircolors for details. Prezto reads from $HOME/.dir_colors by default, otherwise it just use the default colors defined by dircolors. You can of course specify other locations by editing on top of Prezto.
For BSD ls, there's probably no utility comparable to dircolors, so one has to manually define LSCOLORS. See the ENVIRONMENT section of the man page on its format, which should be pretty clear. An example is LSCOLORS='exfxcxdxbxGxDxabagacad', used by Prezto by default. To have it take effect, put it in runcoms, after loading Prezto's utility module.
I may be late to the party but I found the answer here:
Run in the Terminal or add to your .zshrc file
export LSCOLORS="ExGxBxDxCxEgEdxbxgxcxd"

GNU screen command not showing status bar

I am new to GNU screen command. I created .screenrc file in my home directory and added below two lines(source) to display the status bar.
caption always
caption string "%{= bW}%3n %{y}%t %{-}%= %{m}%H%?%{-} -- %{c}%l%?%{-} -- %D %M %d %{y}%c"
but I am not seeing the status bar(after entering into screen mode).When I run source .screenrc, I am getting error "-bash: caption: command not found".
What am I missing here?
Problem was that, I already started screen and then added the file .screenrc in my home directory, but active screens are not recognizing the .screenrc file.
so I killed all active screen sessions and then stated new screen session (screen). Now I am able to see the status bar.
First, you cannot do soruce .screenrc, since that tries to run the file with bash (or whatever is in the first line if you have #!/some/shellorprogram).
I'm not sure why you are not seeing the status bar, but the source command is a red herring.
Can you try something simpler with the caption, and maybe even something static to see if the syntax is right and it's the format string that is breaking?
Something like
caption always
caption string "test caption"
On my Ubuntu server the test caption works, so it's probably your format string. Build it piece by piece to find the busted part.
The other one works, too. Where are you putting your screenrc file?
ls -al ~/.screenrc

Vim with R-plugin and LaTeX-Suite results in backslash in insert mode misbehaving

Here's what happens. I'm using Vim + LaTeX-Suite to edit TeX files in Vim. This could be in the Terminal or in MacVim.
I happily
Insert lots of $\LaTeX \commands$ etc. I love using the $\backslash$.
TeX works great. No problem.
Then I go and open up a .R file in the same window (different tab). R-Plugin for Vim uses the <Leader> key (mapped to \ as per usual) to execute commands, e.g. I type \sa to send the selection to R and execute and move the window down. Life is nice.
Problem: even though while editing an R file, Vim is nice enough not to bug me in insert mode when I type \, for some reason when I switch back to the tab to edit the TeX file, then type \ in insert mode, it moves the cursor left of the \ and pauses as though waiting for the rest of the command, before then re-moving to the right of the \ and moving on as I type.
Below shows what happens just from typing \ in insert mode; obviously I could reproduce this by moving the cursor to the left with the arrow keys, but that's not how this happened--the cursor just moves left for a split second as though waiting for the R command to finish being input.
So: how can I stop the annoying behavior in the TeX file insert mode, without sacrificing other functionality? Note, (a) I don't expect mapping <Leader> to a different key to help since then that key will just have the same left-cursor-move problem in TeX; (b), I like the leader as \ anyway so I don't want to change it.
Put this line in your vimrc (requires Vim-R-plugin >=
let g:vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds = 0
If the problem persists, you can do the following in Normal mode to know what are the keyboard shortcuts in Insert mode:
