Validation in different Tabs of windows form using ErrorProviders -

I am working on a windows Forms Application and trying to validate few textboxes using errorproviders but the problem is when I am clicking on a button present in Tab 1, all the textboxes even present on a different tabs gets validated. I want the validation to occur for textboxes present on the current tab and not on any control present on any other tab. How can I achieve this? Please help. Below is the code related to validation in the click event.
private void btnCreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Enabled))
// Some Code here
Below is code used for validating and validated event for one textbox. I am using similar code for other textboxes as well present on other tabs.
private void txtFirstNm_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
bool cancel = false;
if (txtFirstNm.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
cancel = true;
errorProvider1.SetError(txtFirstNm,"Please enter First Name");
cancel = false;
errorProvider1.SetError(txtFirstNm, "");
e.Cancel = cancel;
private void txtFirstNm_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)

The Scenario that is given in my question can be handled by using below code. We can use the ValidationConstraint as Visible and this will make sure that Validation occurs on the Current visible Controls.
private void btnCreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Visible))
// Some Code here


How to update CheckBoxes on the client side after making changes on the server side?

I have a DropDownList and a CheckBox on my web form. After the DropDownList is clicked and this event is posted back to the server. DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged event is called on the server side. Inside that event handler, I have CheckBox.Checked = true, But I couldn't make the page on the client side to reflect this change (CheckBox.Checked = true). How do I achieve this? Or am I in the wrong direction to use the DropDownList's event handler to update the CheckBox because the page firstly reloads and then DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged is called?
Page load method:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
DropDownList selected index changed event handler:
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var selected = this.DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text;
CheckBox checkBox = GetCheckBoxToBeSetByText(selected);
checkBox.Checked = true;
OK. Found the issue. Actually there is nothing wrong with the code in my original post. But to make a smallest sample when I posted, I removed some "extra" code. The below is the "complete" code (OK, fine, I still removed some code). As you can see, I put the CheckBox into a static Dictionary. Each time the SelectedIndexChanged event handler is called, it's modifying the CheckBox in that static Dictionary, which means it's modifying the CheckBox object created from the last session? (still not clear here) Looks like each time when a postback message is received, a new set of CheckBox objects are created. Bear with me if this is known to everybody here already because I only have two days of experience on this web development thing up to today.
private static Dictionary<Environment, CheckBox> EnvironmentsCheckBoxes;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes = new Dictionary<Environment,CheckBox>();
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.Dev1, this.Dev1_CheckBox);
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.Dev2, this.Dev2_CheckBox);
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.QA, this.QA_CheckBox);
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.QA2, this.QA2_CheckBox);
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.Demo, this.Demo_CheckBox);
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.Prod, this.Prod_CheckBox);
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes.Add(Environment.UAT, this.UAT_CheckBox);
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var selected = this.DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text;
if (selected == "Dev1")
EnvironmentsCheckBoxes[Environment.Dev1].Checked = true;
else if (selected == "Dev2")

Custom Cell Appearance in GridView change event

I am disabling a checkbox column in a XtraGrid GridView with the following code (works as expected). Got the code from this post
private void GridViewWeeklyPlan_CustomDrawCell(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName == "Ignore")
CheckEditViewInfo viewInfo = ((GridCellInfo)e.Cell).ViewInfo as CheckEditViewInfo;
viewInfo.CheckInfo.State = DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.ObjectState.Disabled;
I want to enable the checkbox again when a certain column changes and has a value. This is where I am stuck and I thought I can change it in the GridView's CellValueChanged event, but I do not know how to reference the cell/column for the row:
private void GridViewWeeklyPlan_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName != "Reason") return;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Value.ToString()))
//Make sure the checkbox is disabled again
//Enable the checkbox to allow user to select it
You need to refresh a cell in the Ignore column. You can do this by calling the GridView.RefreshRowCell method. To identify a row that you need to refresh, the CellValueChanged event provides the e.RowHandle parameter.
private void GridViewWeeklyPlan_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName != "Reason") return;
GridView view = (GridView)sender;
view.RefreshRowCell(e.RowHandle, view.Columns["Ignore"]);
The CustomDrawCell event will be raised again to update the cell appearance.

How to make a button that just cleans up text boxes data?

How can i make a button work such that it clears up all text boxes of pop up at a same time ...
Is there a single line of code which can perform the above function?
I tried this
protected void AddNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AccountNumber.Text = null;
AccountTitle.Text = null;
PinNumber.Text = null;
CreationDate.Text = null;
AccountTitle.Text = null;
But is there a better way to Get all text boxes blank ??
this works if you want ALL textboxes on your page to be cleared on the click of a button:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (TextBox i in this.Page.Form.Controls.OfType<TextBox>().ToList())
i.Text = null;
i'd be careful with this tho, as it will clear every textbox that is located on your page. But apart from that, this does what you asked for.
Find the form it's in and call reset() function on it in JavaScript onclick of button.

Store and transfer values in a ascx control

I have a problem that I have been struggling with for some time, and it is regarding transfering values from one control to another.
Basically I have two .ascx controls. On control1: I have an email textbox called txtEmail. The txtEmail is used to save the email in the SQL table, and on update button click, I load Control2 that has a email textbox as well. I need the emailtext box from control1 to be available on email textbox on control2.
I have tried all kinds of different ways but to no avail. I even tried using delegates and events but I can't make it work.
Does anyone know how I can do this.
Please find below the code:
public event EventHandler Notify;
public string Email
get { return txtEmail.Text; }
set {Email= value ; }
//button that will handle the update
protected void btnUpdateDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var email = txtEmail.Text.ToString();
public BaseClass.BAL.MBAL m = new BaseClass.BAL.MBAL();
var s = new BaseClass.Controllers.m();;
if(!=0) txtMsave.Text="Saved....";
//second control
public void notifyEmailChange(object sender,EventArgs e)
txtUsername.Text = member1.Email;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
member1.Notify += new EventHandler(notifyEmailChange);
public string email {
set { txtUsers.Text = value; }}
Maybe I am trivializing the problem, but if you are wanting to be able to read/write to the text box on each of the custom controls, just make a public property that reads and writes to the textbox on each of the two controls.
public string EmailAddress {
get {
return txtEmailAddress.Text;
set {
txtEmailAddress.Text = value;
Now the page that contains the two controls can read the email address from the first control and write it into the email address text box in the second control.
If I am misunderstanding the problem, let me know.
The way that I have done this in the past is to have
UserControl1 have a custom event called (for instance) Notify.
The containing control wires Notify to an EventHandler
When notify fires (on the update) the consuming event handler fires and this event handler updates the email on UserControl2
Might seem overengineered but because UserControl2 can't "see" UserControl1 I think this is the way to go
In UserControl1
public event EventHandler Notify;
and within the update button click event handler
if(Notify != null)
Notify(this, new EventArgs());
In parent control
in Page_Load
ucUserControl2.Notify += new EventHandler(NotifyUserControl);
and to set the message
protected void NotifyUserControl(object sender, EventArgs args)
ucUserControl2.Email = ucUserControl1.Email;
You obviously need public properties in UserControls to expose the Email text page - user control communication

I have a page Product.aspx,there I have a user control ProductDisplay.ascx which has been created by drag and drop.
Now when a button is clicked in ProductDisplay.ascx,I want a logging function to be called which is in Product.aspx.
To achieve this I have used delegates
on ProductDisplay.ascx
public delegate void LogUserActivity(ProductService objService);
public event LogUserActivity ActivityLog;
on Product.aspx
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ProductDisp.ActivityLog += new User_UserControl_ProductDisplayBox.LogUserActivity(LogProduct);
Now button click event of ProductDisplay.ascx
protected void imgBtnBuyNow_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
if (ActivityLog != null)
My problem is that whenever i click this button ActivityLog is null.Why is it null?
My idea is that once i click this button,page posts back and its previous state is lost.
Please help me out with a reason and solution.
Secondly,I want to do away with null checking
**if (ActivityLog != null)**
I saw some code which instantiates a delegate with a default value the moment it is declared,but i was not able to find it.Please help.
I have found solution to first problem
if (!IsPostBack)
ProductDisp.ActivityLog += new User_UserControl_ProductDisplayBox.LogUserActivity(LogProduct);
This was causing the issue.Move this line
ProductDisp.ActivityLog += new User_UserControl_ProductDisplayBox.LogUserActivity(LogProduct);
out of if (!IsPostBack)
