You have requested a non-existent service "projet_rating.manager.rating" - symfony

I am getting the following error message: "You have requested a non-existent service "projet_rating.manager.rating" - Help please.

Two possibilities come to mind:
1) Somewhere in your application you have a controller that includes $this->container->get("projet_rating.manager.rating")
2) Somewhere in a config file you create a service that includes as an argument %"projet_rating.manager.rating"%.
If you're using an IDE that allows searching multiple files for a string, try searching for "projet_rating.manager.rating" in ...src/ or


How to use the resource_owner grant within Microsoft365R

I'm trying to implement an unattended script accessing files within OneDrive using Microsoft365R.
I've setup everything like in the docs using the default app registration.
The interactive flow with auth_type="device_code" works without issues:
odb <- Microsoft365R::get_business_onedrive(auth_type="device_code")
But when trying auth_type="resource_owner" like shown in the docs here, I get the following error:
odb <- Microsoft365R::get_business_onedrive(tenant=tenant, app=app, username=user, password=getPass(), auth_type="resource_owner")
Error in process_aad_response(res) :
Bad Request (HTTP 400). Failed to obtain Azure Active Directory token. Message:
AADSTS50126: Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password.
My guess is, that the default app is missing some privileges to use the "resource_owner" flow.
Can someone point me to the right direction on how to get the resource_owner flow working?
(Using Service Principles is not a solution for my setup, but I did also try it with a dedicated service account and it was not working either)

Web Api 2 Self Host with identity individual account

I have been trying to create a web api 2 that is secure with individual account.
So I can easily create WebApi2 with individual account, see link below
And Self hosting is easy to do.
But I cannot figure out how to combine the solutions.
Far as I got was adding a console app to a webapi2. Which seems to run. But whenever I try and get the access token it returns
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll
Additional information: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
If anyone knows of a solution that would be great. Thanks
This post is way old, but to anyone else who is having this issue and finds this question, I was able to get past the 500 Error by adding app.UseWebApi(config); after setting up config, as mentioned in this post:
HOWEVER, I'm now getting a 401, unauthorized request for all of my requests, even though I have a valid token and I'm sending it the same way I did that worked in the non-self-hosted WebApi2 app. but I'm one step closer anyways.

Alfresco CMIS Web Scripts API for 'getContent' by path is not working

I have a file in my Alfresco (4.1.5) repository of which I want to read the content through the Alfresco services REST API.
For the lookup, I want to use the file path, not the UUID. However, the lookup by path does not work, only the lookup by UUID works. I cannot find the mistake.
This is the file path:
DisplayPath & File Name:
/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Cleaner Configs/
Lookup by UUID works with the following REST API url:
However, lookup by path only does not work. Neither with the primary path nor the display path:
I am getting a 404 error in both cases:
Message: 10080001 Unable to find ObjectPathReference[storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore,path=/app:company_home/app:company_home/app:dictionary/cm:Cleaner_x0020_Configs/]
Exception: org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptException - 10080001 Unable to find ObjectPathReference[storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore,path=/app:company_home/app:company_home/app:dictionary/cm:Cleaner_x0020_Configs/]
Gets the content stream for the specified document, or gets a
rendition stream for a specified rendition of a document.
GET /alfresco/service/cmis/p{path}/content{property}?a={attach?}
I found the problem, thanks to #Gagravarr for the hint:
I have to use the display path, but leave out /Company%20Home/ in the path, because the path used in the request url is taken as relative to the /Company%20Home node.
This works:

Webservice Error from remote system

Could any one help me in finding the solution for this error.
I have a normal web service which is working fine in intranet, when when the vendors try to access the same from internet, they get this below error.
There was an error downloading
The remote name could not be resolved:
Metadata contains a reference that
cannot be resolved:
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address
or SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
The remote name could not be resolved:
If the service is defined in the
current solution, try building the
solution and adding the service
reference again.
Does any one know the solution for this.
It seems like domain "" (website) is not accessible from outside office network because error says "The remote name could not be resolved: ''". Please make sure your domain is public and can be accessible from outside. If it is not public, you have ask your vendor to put ipaddress mapping in host file.


In my ASP.NET website I am trying to comsume a webserice and I and getting the following error:
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load external entity ""
Any idea on how to resolve it.
The certificate for the host is for If you change your soap call to point at your call should work.
Is it because there is an HTTPS error on the WSDL?
