I need to subset my data by a date range, below is the code.
I read in two .csv (data2010, data2), I changed the date format to exclude the timestamp, rename the headers so they are the same for both files, then merge(data2011).
The files seem to actually merge but when I subset by the date range, no observations are created.
However, the date is grouped like 01/01/10 01/01/11 01/02/10 01/02/11 =
so same month/same day/different year pairing.
data2010 <- read.csv(file="2010final.csv")
data2 <- read.csv(file="2011final.csv")
#change format of timestamp to date with mm/dd/yyyy for 2011
data2$newdate <-strptime(as.character(data2$Date), "%m/%d/%y")
data2$Date <- format(data2$newdate, "%m/%d/%y")
data2$newdate <- NULL
#rename and format 2010
names(data2010) <- c("Region", "District", "Age", "Gender", "Marital Status", "Date", "Reason")
data2010$newdate <-strptime(as.character(data2010$Date), "%m/%d/%y %H")
data2010$Date <- format(data2010$newdate, "%m/%d/%y")
data2010$newdate <- NULL
data2011 <- rbind(data2010, data2)
#I see from the above commands that the files have merged
jan6Before <- subset(data2011, Date >= "12/22/10" & Date <= "01/06/11")
#But this does not produce any observations
I suspect it's because your Date variable is a character, not date, being compared to another character constant i.e. "12/22/10".
I suggest you have a look at the package lubridate. You can then easily convert character (in this case month-date-year) to compare, e.g. mdy(Date) >= mdy("12/22/10") .
Merge on your variable newDate, and use that for subsetting also.
I have a large dataset that I'm importing from a txt file that has multiple date variables that are being formatted as number values 20190101, is there a way to assign a date format as part of import? There is no header in the file and I'm assigning names and lengths sample code below.
df <- read_fwf("file name",
fwf_cols(id = 8,
update_date = 8,
name = 35),
skip = 0)
Or is there a way to convert multiple values in one statement vs one at a time?
df$update_date <- as.Date(as.character(df$update_date), "%Y%m%d")
Here is a way to convert multiple values in one statement into Dates
(assuming yyyy mm dd). Here we target all columns that end with "date" in their name.
df <- data.frame(update_date = c(20190101, 20190102, 20190103),
end_date = c(20200101, 20200102, 20200103))
df %>% mutate_at(vars(ends_with("date")), ~as.Date(as.character(.x),format="%Y%m%d"))
You might similarly use
mutate_at(vars(c(update_date, end_date)
I downloaded stock market data from Yahoo (code below) - for context, at first I tried with getSymbols(^DJI) but I got error messages possibly related to Yahoo... different issue.
The point is that once downloaded, and imported into R, I massaged it into a format close enough to a time series to be able to run chartSeries(DJI):
x <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RInterested/datasets/gh-pages/%5EDJI.csv")
DJI <- read.csv(text = x, sep =",")
DJI$Date <- as.Date(DJI$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y") # Formatting Date as.Date
rownames(DJI) <- DJI$Date # Assigning Date to row names
DJI$Date <- NULL # Removing the Date column
chartSeries(DJI, type="auto", theme=chartTheme('white'))
even if the dataset is not really a time series:
> is.ts(DJI)
The problem comes about when I try to find out the date of, for instance, the minimum closing value of the Dow. I can do something like
> DJI[DJI$Close == min(DJI$Close),]
Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
1985-05-01 1257.18 1262.81 1239.07 1242.05 1242.05 10050000
yielding the entire row, including the row name (1985-05-01), which is the only part I want. However, if I insist on just getting the actual date, I have to juggle a second dataset containing the dates in one of the columns:
x <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RInterested/datasets/gh-pages/%5EDJI.csv")
DJI <- read.csv(text = x, sep =",")
DJI$Date <- as.Date(DJI$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y") # Formatting Date as.Date
rownames(DJI) <- DJI$Date # Assigning Date to row names
DJI.raw <- DJI # Second dataset for future subsetting
DJI$Date <- NULL # Removing the Date column
which does allow me to run
> DJI.raw$Date[DJI.raw$Close == min(DJI.raw$Close)]
[1] "1985-05-01"
Further, I don't think that turning the dataset into an .xts file would help.
I'm not clear what you want but it sounds like you just want the date? You mention xts is not an option (which would have been runnable)
time(as.xts(DJI))[which.min(DJI$Close)] # POSIXct format
# [1] "1985-05-01 EDT"
Otherwise a simple rownames + which.min would get the date for you?
as.Date(rownames(DJI)[which.min(DJI$Close)]) # Date format
# [1] "1985-05-01"
I have a csv file containing financial data (i.e. dates with corresponding prices). My goal is to load these data in R and convert the dates from character data to dates. I tried the following:
as.Date(Date,format="%Y-%b-%d") #'Date' is the column containing the dates
Unfortunately, this only leads to NAs in Date. Things that were proposed in other threads on this issue but did not help me:
reading in the csv file with 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE'
formatting the dates in Excel as dates
Here is a sample of my csv file:
Date;Open;High;Low;Close;Volume;Adj Close
Your format argument was incorrect, which is usually the cause of NAs when coercing strings to Date objects. You can use this instead:
R> as.Date(Df$Date, format = "%d.%m.%Y")
#[1] "2015-10-30" "2015-10-29" "2015-10-28" "2015-10-27" "2015-10-26"
#[6] "2015-10-23" "2015-10-22" "2015-10-21" "2015-10-20"
Instead of attach, you can use alternatives such as within to avoid qualifying your column names. For example,
Df <- within(Df, {
Date <- as.Date(Date, format = "%d.%m.%Y")
R> class(Df$Date)
#[1] "Date"
Df <- read.table(
text = "Date;Open;High;Low;Close;Volume;Adj Close
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = ";")
I am trying to run code on a data frame up to a certain date. I have individual game statistics, the second column is Date in order. I thought this is how to do this however I get an error:
Error in `[.data.frame`(dfmess, dfmess$Date <= Standingdate) :
undefined columns selected
Here is my code:
dfmess <- read.csv("http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1516/E0.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Standingdate <- as.Date("09/14/15", format = "%m/%d/%y")
dfmess[dfmess$Date <= Standingdate] -> dfmess
You probably want to convert dfmess$Date to as.Date first prior to comparing. In addition, per #Roland's comment, you require an additional comma ,:
dfmess <- read.csv("http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1516/E0.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dfmess$Date <- as.Date(dfmess$Date, "%m/%d/%y")
Standingdate <- as.Date("09/14/15", format = "%m/%d/%y")
dfmess[dfmess$Date <= Standingdate, ]
Ok so I'm trying to subset this data for the months of June, July and August respectively. I converted the dates to class "Date" by using the as.Date function.
BG.data$Date <- as.Date(BG.data$TIMESTAMP, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
Next I try to subset the data by selecting the start and end dates in the month of July.
July <- selectByDate(BG.data$Date, start = "1/7/2014", end = "31/7/2014")
And I keep getting this error message.
Error in as.Date.default(date) :
do not know how to convert 'date' to class “Date”
Why??!!!? I have what I'm trying to subset in the class Date so I don't know why it won't work!
To keep things simple, try saving the month as a new column and using that:
BG.data$month <- factor(format(data.new$timestamp, "%B"),
levels = month.name)
Then you can use this in for loops:
for (month in unique(BG.data$month)){
# get the subset
BG.subset <- BG.data[,BG.data$month == month]
# now do something with that subset
You can also use it in aggregate:
aggregate(something ~ month,
data = BG.data,
FUN = function(x){ # custom function })
and so-on.