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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to test functionality that's based upon rvest. Are there any websites that are explicitly designed for testing Web Scaping apps, i.e. websites whose structure does not change?
This question is a bit off-topic really, but I'll answer anyway. I just googled for a few things, found this:
which has its test pages here:
although I think this would make a nice project containing the test cases and the correct results in a form that could be used in any language's test framework...
I'm sure there's other things beyond the first google hit, which you should have done anyway.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Do anybody know about a github repo with a full well organized data science project? Preferable in Python. My hobby project often get mezzy with a mix of Python code and notesbook. A worked out project is the best way to learn some new tricks.
Data Science is regarded a bit differently by different people, so you might consider focusing on what exactly you wish to learn.
But, take a look at those:
The first one contains lots of relevant sources of information. The second is originally a competition site with varied different problems in ML, but also contains past competitions (and datasets). They added a cool feature called "kernels" which are just code files people publish and you could learn from those.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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right now I have a big project with legacy C/C++ source codes. There are many global variables spread in different functions. In order to analyze the code, I need a tool which can take a look into these functions, check what local/global variables are used and modified in this function, and then better show theses interfaces graphically.
Does anyone have experience with this kind of analysis and know accordingly the tool names? I've tried Understand from SciTools, but it cannot deliver this kind of report.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any components built with polymer that allow displaying of tabular data? I would like something that compares with current UI grids out there.
I am interested in infinite scrolling and 2 way binding to json data in particular.
One good place to look for such things is the Component Kitchen
Looking there I found aha-table. It doesn't appear to have infinite-scrolling, but it lists pagination as a feature.
Not a completely useful answer but here's what I'm aware of:
Seems that the team plans to add what you're looking for -
This might help you do something now -
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was given the task to create statistical reports and integrate them to an application (Webforms) connected to a MySQL DB.
I was looking at this question. However, the accepted answer is about SQL Reporting Services (I am using MySQL), and the most voted answer lists different tools (Crystal, ActiveReports, XtraReports Telerik, Versareports) but suggests they are all evolving and it was in 2009.
So, what options do I have at the present? Which one would you recommend me? Why?
If you want the quick and dirty, easy to use, and fairly flexible option, then ActiveReports still gets my vote. The most extensive is Crystal, but you have to really need the extra bang to warrant it's use, at least IMO. Telerik fits in between (if you are really familiar with their other UI controls, it is not a bad option, however, as the learning curve is greatly shortened).
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Closed 4 years ago.
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We are building a "configurator" application for conveyors. Basically user comes in and picks a model, then start picking the parts they want. Some components have dependencies on other components. E.g. if I pick Part A, then I am required to select 1 or more Part B's. It is somewhat similar to configuring a PC at The app will also provide suggestions on parts/components.
Based on this info, I am researching if there is an existing pattern(s) that would allow us to make this easy to maintain and design. Any thoughts, ideas? Are there any open source projects that have similar functionality I can borrow ideas/patterns?
I am mostly interested in how to define "rules" between components without hardcoding the rules/dependencies.
Thanks for any help.
Not that it should matter, but we are building this in .NetFramework 3.5/Asp.Net
Without a good reason to do otherwise, I'd keep it simple and each part would have a list of dependent parts.