Place ads before last paragraph in wordpress - wordpress

Here is the code for place ads after 1st, 2nd, 3d paragraph. but i want to place ad just before last paragraph of my wordpress post. is there any way to do this ?
add_filter( 'the_content', 'prefix_insert_post_ads' );
function prefix_insert_post_ads( $content ) {
$ad_code = '<div>Ads code goes here</div>';
if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 1, $content );
return $content;
// Parent Function that makes the magic happen
function prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $insertion, $paragraph_id, $content ) {
$closing_p = '</p>';
$paragraphs = explode( $closing_p, $content );
foreach ($paragraphs as $index => $paragraph) {
if ( trim( $paragraph ) ) {
$paragraphs[$index] .= $closing_p;
if ( $paragraph_id == $index + 1 ) {
$paragraphs[$index] .= $insertion;
return implode( '', $paragraphs );

add_filter('the_content', 'ad_signal');
function ad_signal($content)
if (!is_single()) return $content;
$tent = get_the_content();
$content = explode("</p>", $content);
$ss = count($content);
$ns = $ss-1; //**before last paragraph in wordpress **
$new_content = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($content); $i++) {
if ($i == $ns ) {
$new_content.= ' <div style="text-align:center;">';
$new_content.= '<h1> Your ads Here ! </h1>';
$new_content.= '</div>';
$new_content.= $content[$i] . "</p>";
return $new_content;

I have set Adsense code by this Code in my sites named All BD Results and etunescafe. You just add this code in your sites functions.php N.B. Before adding the code please replace your or add your adsense code. It will be good enough to go through this post. How to Set Adsense Ads Right Before The Last Paragraph
function ads_added_above_last_p($text) {
if( is_single() ) :
$ads_text = '<div class="a" style="text-align: center;">Your Adsense Code</div>';
if($pos1 = strrpos($text, '<p>')){
$text1 = substr($text, 0, $pos1);
$text2 = substr($text, $pos1);
$text = $text1 . $ads_text . $text2;
return $text;
add_filter('the_content', 'ads_added_above_last_p');

Hey guys so I ran into the same problem and managed to solve it incorporating your answers into one.
The function that does all the processing is changed so that is counts all the paragraphs created by the explode method. Then another if statement is added to evaluate when you are at the desired location.
function prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $insertion, $paragraph_id, $content ) {
$closing_p = '</p>';
$paragraphs = explode( $closing_p, $content );
$last_paragraph_index = count($paragraphs);
foreach ($paragraphs as $index => $paragraph) {
if ( trim( $paragraph ) ) {
$paragraphs[$index] .= $closing_p;
if ( $paragraph_id == $index + 1 ) {
$paragraphs[$index] .= $insertion;
else if( $last_paragraph_index + $paragraph_id == $index + 1){
$paragraphs[$index] .= $insertion;
return implode( '', $paragraphs );
in order to use the new functionality you must call it with a negative number.
Think of the function this way, if you want to go from the top of the content you use a positive number, if you want to go from the bottom of the content you use a negative number.
Remember that even though the evaluation is for your decided spot such as before the last paragraph the condition that adds to the array uses the index which we all know is zero based.
This just means that to get after paragraph 1 you must use the number 2 when calling the function and to get to before the last paragraph you have to use -2 and so on.
Here is my example to add the a read the next post if it exists to the article
add_filter( 'the_content', 'prefix_insert_next_article_banner' );
function prefix_insert_next_article_banner( $content ) {
if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() && get_next_post_link() ) {
$next_banner = '<div class="next-banner"> <span> Read Next </span>';
$next_banner .= ' ' . get_the_title(get_adjacent_post(false,'',false)) .' ';
$next_banner .= '</div>';
return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $next_banner, -2, $content );
return $content;


Display multiple ads Between post

For multiple ads on post
I have implemented first code and it perfectly work. But iam not good at coding so can you tell me how to show multiple ads? This second code how to implement it properly can you help me with it?
Also for multiple ads do i need to create second in article ads code? Or i can use the same ads code twice?
//Insert ads after third paragraph of post content.
add_filter( 'the_content', 'insert_post_ads' );
function insert_post_ads( $content ) {
$ad_code = '<div>Insert your Ads code here</div>';
if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 3, $content );
return $content;
// Parent Function
function prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $insertion, $paragraph_id, $content )
$closing_p = '</p>';
$paragraphs = explode( $closing_p, $content );
foreach ($paragraphs as $index => $paragraph) {
if ( trim( $paragraph ) ) {
$paragraphs[$index] .= $closing_p;
if ( $paragraph_id == $index + 1 ) {
$paragraphs[$index] .= $insertion;
return implode( '', $paragraphs );
And this second code:
$first_ad_code = ‘Ads code goes here’;
$second_ad_code = $first_ad_code;
if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
$content = prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $first_ad_code, 3, $content );
$content = prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $second_ad_code, 6, $content );
return $content;
return $content;
I have collected this two code from this blog:
i have astra child theme. these code will be pasted on child theme function.php
Please just edit these code as a one pls.

Functions.php to set all external links with rel:="nofollow"

when i use the code:
add_filter('the_content', 'my_nofollow');
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'my_nofollow');
function my_nofollow($content) {
return preg_replace_callback('/<a[^>]+/', 'my_nofollow_callback', $content);
function my_nofollow_callback($matches) {
$link = $matches[0];
$site_link = get_bloginfo('url');
if (strpos($link, 'rel') === false) {
$link = preg_replace("%(href=\S(?!$site_link))%i", 'rel="nofollow" $1', $link);
} elseif (preg_match("%href=\S(?!$site_link)%i", $link)) {
$link = preg_replace('/rel=\S(?!nofollow)\S*/i', 'rel="nofollow"', $link);
return $link;
only in the_content and the_excerpt the links get a nofollow attribute. How i can edit the code, that the whole wordpress site use this functions (footer, sidebar...)
Thank you
a good script which allows to add nofollow automatically and to keep the other attributes
function nofollow(string $html, string $baseUrl = null) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'#<a([^>]*)>(.+)</a>#isU', function ($mach) use ($baseUrl) {
list ($a, $attr, $text) = $mach;
if (preg_match('#href=["\']([^"\']*)["\']#', $attr, $url)) {
$url = $url[1];
if (is_null($baseUrl) || !str_starts_with($url, $baseUrl)) {
if (preg_match('#rel=["\']([^"\']*)["\']#', $attr, $rel)) {
$relAttr = $rel[0];
$rel = $rel[1];
$rel = 'rel="' . ($rel ? (strpos($rel, 'nofollow') ? $rel : $rel . ' nofollow') : 'nofollow') . '"';
$attr = isset($relAttr) ? str_replace($relAttr, $rel, $attr) : $attr . ' ' . $rel;
$a = '<a ' . $attr . '>' . $text . '</a>';
return $a;
The idea is to add your action in the full html buffer, once everything is loaded and filtered, not only in the 'content' area.
BE VERRY CAREFULL WITH THIS !!!! This action is verry RAW and low-level... You can really mess up everything with theses buffer actions. But it's also very nice to know ;-)
It works like this :
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'buffer_start' ); function buffer_start() { ob_start( "textdomain_nofollow" ); }
add_action( 'shutdown', 'buffer_end' ); function buffer_end() { ob_end_flush(); }
Then do the replace action and setup the callback :
Juste imagine the $buffer variable as your full site in HTML, as it will load.
function textdomain_nofollow( $buffer ) {
return preg_replace_callback( '/<a[^>]+/', 'textdomain_nofollow_callback', $buffer );
Here is how I do the href checking (read my comments) :
function textdomain_nofollow_callback( $matches ) {
$link = $matches[0];
// if you need some specific external domains to exclude, just use :
//$exclude = '('. home_url() .'|(http|https)://([^.]+\.)?(||/)';
// By default, just exclude your own domain, and your relative urls that starts by a '/' (if you use relatives urls)
$exclude = '('. home_url() .'|/)';
if ( preg_match( '#href=\S('. $exclude .')#i', $link ) )
return $link;
if ( strpos( $link, 'rel=' ) === false ) {
$link = preg_replace( '/(?<=<a\s)/', 'rel="nofollow" ', $link );
} elseif ( preg_match( '#rel=\S(?!nofollow)#i', $link ) ) {
$link = preg_replace( '#(?<=rel=.)#', 'nofollow ', $link );
return $link;
It works well in my experience...

Remove Yoast Breadcrumb Last Item On Single Pages Only

i got this code from researching and trying to modify it but no luck. I want the last item in yoast breamcrumbs not to appear on single pages only
if ( is_single() ) {
/*Remove Last item in Yoast SEO Breadcrumb */
function adjust_single_breadcrumb( $link_output) {
if(strpos( $link_output, 'breadcrumb_last' ) !== false ) {
$link_output = '';
return $link_output;
add_filter('wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link', 'adjust_single_breadcrumb' );
I tried adding if is single in between the function and also this
if(strpos( $link_output, 'breadcrumb_last' ) !== false && is_single) {
unfortunately, the whole breadcrumb disappears.
with this code, you can remove post title in single page.
add_filter('wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link_info', 'remove_post_title_wpseo_breadcrumb', 10, 3);
function remove_post_title_wpseo_breadcrumb($link_info, $index, $crumbs)
if (is_singular() && isset($link_info['id']))
return [];
return $link_info;
Updated: In the latest version above code does not work perfectly.
for this reason, I removed the last item with regex:
function getBreadcrumb() {
if ( function_exists( 'yoast_breadcrumb' ) ) {
yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumb" class="meta-info">', '</p>' );
$breadcrumb = trim( ob_get_clean() );
if ( is_singular() )
$breadcrumb = trim( preg_replace( '/ ' . WPSEO_Options::get( 'breadcrumbs-sep' ) . ' <span class="breadcrumb_last" aria-current="page">(.*)<\/span>/i', '',
$breadcrumb ) );
echo $breadcrumb;
And call the function anywhere you want:
<?php getBreadcrumb() ?>

multiple excerpt length in wordpress

I'm using the following function for an excerpt in Wordpress.
// Excerpt - end of sentence
function custom_wp_trim_excerpt($text) {
$raw_excerpt = $text;
if ('' == $text) {
// Retrieve the post content.
$text = get_the_content('');
// Delete all shortcode tags from the content.
$text = strip_shortcodes($text);
$text = apply_filters('the_content', $text);
$text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text);
$allowed_tags = '<i>,<strong>';
$text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags);
$excerpt_word_count = 40;
$excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', $excerpt_word_count);
$excerpt_end = '...' . '<div class="read-more"><a class="button" href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . 'Read More' . '</a></div>';
$excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', ' ' . $excerpt_end);
$words = preg_split("/[\n\r\t ]+/", $text, $excerpt_length + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) {
$text = implode(' ', $words);
$text = $text . $excerpt_more;
else {
$text = implode(' ', $words);
return apply_filters('wp_trim_excerpt', $text, $raw_excerpt);
remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt');
add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'custom_wp_trim_excerpt');
I want to add a second word count to use on the blog page. The above word count is being used on the front page. Advice, please? Thanks.
Try this piece of code
function custom_wp_trim_excerpt($text) {
if ( is_front_page() || is_home() ) {
// Excerpt for front page or home page
} else {
// Excerpt for rest of the site
remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt');
add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'custom_wp_trim_excerpt');
By using this piece of code you have more control over the excerpt that is outputted on different pages.
If that worked mark your question as solved.

Wordpress + Divi theme: control excerpt length based on category?

I have a category called 'News'. The category ID is '20'. I am using the Divi (Divi child) theme + Wordpress and want to shorten the excerpt for the News category.
I typically would use the 'add_filter' function like this:
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'news_excerpt_length');
function news_excerpt_length($length) {
if(in_category(20)) {
return 30;
} else {
return 60;
But that ain't workin'. I found the excerpt control in the 'main-modules.php' and figure to add my filter here? Has anyone done this?
I added the 'main-module.php' to the root of my child theme and then added this to my child 'functions.php'
if ( ! function_exists( 'et_builder_add_main_elements' ) ) :
function et_builder_add_main_elements() {
require ET_BUILDER_DIR . 'main-structure-elements.php';
require 'main-modules.php';
do_action( 'et_builder_ready' );
It didn't break the theme, but it didn't work either. Does anyone have any experience with this particular issue?
To override the post_excerpt lengh, you can find in custom_functions.php the function truncate_post()
if ( ! function_exists( 'truncate_post' ) ) {
function truncate_post( $amount, $echo = true, $post = '', $strip_shortcodes = false ) {
global $shortname;
if ( '' == $post ) global $post;
$post_excerpt = '';
$post_excerpt = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $post->post_excerpt );
if ( 'on' == et_get_option( $shortname . '_use_excerpt' ) && '' != $post_excerpt ) {
if ( $echo ) echo $post_excerpt;
else return $post_excerpt;
} else {
// get the post content
$truncate = $post->post_content;
// remove caption shortcode from the post content
$truncate = preg_replace( '#\[caption[^\]]*?\].*?\[\/caption]#si', '', $truncate );
// remove post nav shortcode from the post content
$truncate = preg_replace( '#\[et_pb_post_nav[^\]]*?\].*?\[\/et_pb_post_nav]#si', '', $truncate );
// Remove audio shortcode from post content to prevent unwanted audio file on the excerpt
// due to unparsed audio shortcode
$truncate = preg_replace( '#\[audio[^\]]*?\].*?\[\/audio]#si', '', $truncate );
if ( $strip_shortcodes ) {
$truncate = et_strip_shortcodes( $truncate );
} else {
// apply content filters
$truncate = apply_filters( 'the_content', $truncate );
// decide if we need to append dots at the end of the string
if ( strlen( $truncate ) <= $amount ) {
$echo_out = '';
} else {
$echo_out = '...';
// $amount = $amount - 3;
// trim text to a certain number of characters, also remove spaces from the end of a string ( space counts as a character )
$truncate = rtrim( et_wp_trim_words( $truncate, $amount, '' ) );
// remove the last word to make sure we display all words correctly
if ( '' != $echo_out ) {
$new_words_array = (array) explode( ' ', $truncate );
array_pop( $new_words_array );
$truncate = implode( ' ', $new_words_array );
// append dots to the end of the string
$truncate .= $echo_out;
if ( $echo ) echo $truncate;
else return $truncate;
You don't need to put if ( ! function_exists( 'truncate_post' ) ) { to make it work just create your function with the same name in functions.php
If you are using a child theme (I really hope so with a theme like this), copy/paste index.php and paste these lines, line 54
if(in_category(20)) {
truncate_post( 30 );
} else {
truncate_post( 60 );
It can be easier
Hope it helps
I ended up doing it ( although I don't know which solution is better ) by putting this in my 'main-module.php' starting on line 12319
// do not display the content if it contains Blog, Post Slider, Fullwidth Post Slider, or Portfolio modules to avoid infinite loops
if ( ! has_shortcode( $post_content, 'et_pb_blog' ) && ! has_shortcode( $post_content, 'et_pb_portfolio' ) && ! has_shortcode( $post_content, 'et_pb_post_slider' ) && ! has_shortcode( $post_content, 'et_pb_fullwidth_post_slider' ) ) {
if ( 'on' === $show_content ) {
global $more;
// page builder doesn't support more tag, so display the_content() in case of post made with page builder
if ( et_pb_is_pagebuilder_used( get_the_ID() ) ) {
$more = 1;
} else {
$more = null;
the_content( esc_html__( 'read more...', 'et_builder' ) );
} else {
if ( has_excerpt() ) {
} else {
if(in_category(20)) {
echo wpautop( truncate_post( 70, false ) );
} else {
echo wpautop( truncate_post( 370, false ) );
} else if ( has_excerpt() ) {
