structured data for video sharing website - rich-snippets

I have added the following code to my website, is video sharing website
<div itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="name">{$video_data.video_title}</h1>
<meta itemprop="duration" content="{$video_data.iso8601_duration}" />
<meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="{$video_data.thumb_img_url}" />
<meta itemprop="contentURL" content="url/videos.php?vid={$video_data.uniq_id}"/>
<meta itemprop="embedURL" content="{$video_data.embed_href}" />
<meta itemprop="uploadDate" content="{$video_data.html5_datetime}" /> >
The problem that google has removed my website from organic search to video search.
Is change the video object to website the right decision ?

Seems like that's not exactly the wrong behavior, just undesired. My guess is that you'd be better off with it as a video (unless you've seen a noticeable hit already). That being said, changing it back to 'website' or something like that may or may not work.


LinkedIn article share looks good in preview, but image is missing in actual post

I am trying to share an article (or any article from this site) on LinkedIn, but the image that is specified as og:image never shows up in the post.
One of the articles I test this with is and I'm using the article share link based on
When you look at the preview, it all looks like it's going to work fine:
But after posting the article and looking at what has been posted, the image is missing:
I've read tons of reports of similar problems and tried all the remedies I could find, but it still doesn't work. What I've tried so far:
1) Made sure that all the required og: meta tags are present.
<meta prefix="og:" property="og:image"
content="" />
<meta prefix="og:" property="og:url"
content="" />
<meta prefix="og:" property="og:title"
content="Data Analytics | Ortec Finance" />
<meta prefix="og:" property="og:description"
content="removed content for readability" />
<meta prefix="og:" property="og:type"
content="article" />
2) Made sure that the image meets the LinkedIn requirements (less than 5MB, at least 1200x600 in dimensions).
3) Made sure the content-type of the image is set correctly in the response header.
4) Tried several other articles and they all show the same symptoms: image is displayed in preview, but not once the share is posted.
What am I missing here?
I am experiencing the same - think its a major LinkedIn bug and so far they havent been able to clarify...Our developer spent +40 hrs trying to figure it out, but now we realized that it must be a LI bug...hopefully they`ll fix it soon as it has been going on for almost a week...

Why won't my site's preview image show on a Facebook share?

I'm pulling my hair out on this one. I'm trying to share my ASP.Net Web Forms site on Facebook, but the preview doesn't show the Image or Description I have set up. I found this chunk of code that's supposed to do the trick. I put it in my MasterPage, but it just isn't working:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Your Website Title" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Your description" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
According to Facebook's Sharing Debugger,
The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value
can be inferred from other tags.
...but, hell if I know what that's supposed to mean. What's funny is, if I remove the meta tags out entirely, I get the same error. When I click on "See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL," I see the meta tags in the rendered code... I'm at a total loss. I can't find an article or an answer that was written in the past several years, so I have a feeling the information I'm getting is outdated. I just can't figure out the magic words...
Update Now, suddenly it works fine. I just clicked "Scraped Again" after I posted this, and it seems to be working. I don't really get it... :(
if you are using any cache plugin, make sure you clear all your caches. Also make sure the image you are using has the recommended facebook size: 1200(w) x 630(h) or 600 x 315. If not it will choose randomly some of your images in the website that are suiting the facebook needs. Read more here

Facebook Open Graph Debugger response code 0

I have problems with my domain and Facebook Open Graph Debugger. It returns a Response Code 0 for this link which is completely accesible.
My HTML source code is valid, I tried hosting the same page in another domain and then Facebook Open Graph Debugger can read the content fine.
Any ideas about this problem? I was using CloudFlare in this domain, but I disabled it 30 hours ago and the problem is still there.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL" you'll get an empty page. This suggest that yes, the Facebook scraper is not able to view your page for some reason as you've observed. This is the heart of the problem, and you can safely ignore the other erroneous and inaccurate messages that Facebook debugger displays, including:
Inferred Property The 'og:image' property should be explicitly
provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Property The 'og:url' property should be explicitly provided, even if
a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property The
'og:title' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value
can be inferred from other tags.
Share App ID Missing The 'fb:app_id'
property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that
stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app.
Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.
After looking at your code, it seems that all of your Facebook meta tags are being set correctly.
If you view the link "Open Graph Object Debugger" at the bottom of the page, you will get much more helpful information:
The following will be treated as a redirect by the crawler:
A HTTP redirect
A <link rel="canonical" href=".." /> tag
A <meta property="og:url" content=".." /> tag
The final URL, which we tried to extract metadata from is highlighted in bold
I'm guessing that the Facebook bot is getting confused by one or the other of the following tags being added by the Yoast SEO plugin:
<meta name="robots" content="noodp"/>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
I'm not familiar with Yoast SEO plugin, but would suggest either tweaking the settings to remove the <link rel="..."> tag or by removing Yoast entirely and adding the following tags to your page manually:
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Cosmos. Reading the celestial ceiling" />
<meta property="og:description" content="I decided to switch off all GPS electronic devices. I step on the deck and look at my surroundings, in order to understand the workings of the stars." />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Eldorado experience" />
<meta property="article:author" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

Linkedin Share URL preview not showing correctly?

I need to share dynamically created URLs in website to Facebook and LinkedIn. I am sharing to Facebook properly and all needed og tags have been set. But for LinkedIn, it is not working.
This is my URL:
It is properly parsed in Facebook and preview is shown correctly.
But the same link is not working in LinkedIn.
Am I missing anything else?
All needed meta tags are set:
<meta property="og:title" content="Indian Media: Then.... Now... and Later" />
<meta content="Sensationalism has become synonymous with the Indian Media, especially Television. In 2008 dur..." name="description" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Sensationalism has become synonymous with the Indian Media, especially Television. In 2008 dur..." />
<meta content="Academic network" name="keywords" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<img src="" style="display: none !important;" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport" />
This is the ajax call going while I try to view a preview in LinkedIn update status bar text-area.
The reason to this problem could be the following:
"Unfortunately LinkedIn caches the data it retrieves the first time the link is previewed and keeps it cached for a week!"
and the solution:
"The only way to “clear” the sharing preview cache for LinkedIn is to trick LinkedIn into thinking your page is a different (and new) page.
This is done by adding a made-up parameter to the link. It doesn’t affect your webpage, but it does force the metadata to be re-fetched.
Original link:
"New" link:
LinkedIn has launched Post Inspector. You can now do the following to clear LinkedIn Preview cache:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Enter your url and click on Inspect, You will see the updated preview image
Step 3: Now try sharing your url on LinkedIn
It could be a caching issue, or it could be a misuse of the LinkedIn API.
If you think you have a caching problem, try...
Inspect your webpage at the LinkedIn Post Inspector.
Try sharing not just, but, Since the URL is different, it shouldn't hit the cache.
So, if that's it, then why isn't og:description showing???
Because the LinkedIn API supports two levels:
Level 1: If you supplied an image, show image with title/domain.
Level 2: If you supplied a description, but no image, show description with title/domain.
Is it possible to display: title, image, description, url? No, it is not. I gleaned this over two weeks of struggling with the LinkedIn support team (oh the humanity).

Custom facebook share button is not working properly

<meta property="og:url" content="http://localhost:8821/EventRegister.aspx" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Welcome and Share Test" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Hope it worked!!!!!!!" />
I am developing an project and wanted to put a facebook share button in it. I wrote that code in head /head part and then started the debug mode and tried the link:
But all I got is a empty share page with no title or description only just the localhost link in description.
How can I make it work? I want customizable title, image, description like in the above code. I have been looking for it for 2 days non-stop.
<a onClick="'[title]=sfgsfgsfg&p[summary]=sdgsdgsdg&p[url]=http://localhost:8821/EventRegister.aspx','sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=548,height=325');" href="javascript: void(0)">Click to share.</a>
did this and still same result :(
Yes it is working after I created a free host on :) Do not debug any facebook code on localhost as it won't work because facebook cannot access to your local machine unless you have some workarounds.
