Email Tracking for Crm Application - crm

I'm working on a CRM application and need to track email of clients. How can i implement emal sync functionality ?
I'll initially use it for google apps marketplace.

There are several ways to implement this.
You could use a Gmail Contextual Gadget - which inserts a configurable gadget into Gmail. You can design the gadget to access your CRM.
You could use the Gmail API to connect Gmail to your CRM. Build a synchronisation process that checks for a "CRM" label for example in the users inbox. When labelled the email can be added to the CRM.
You could build a Chrome Extension that extends Gmail and allows for CRM access. The extension can manipulate the Gmail dom. Example of this is Gmail.js


Firebase Cloud Functions: Send Email via Authentication System

Firebase Authentication has a built in email service. Is it possible to fire an auth based email via Cloud Functions (admin js sdk)?
Seems like I should be able to trigger an email from with a custom oob code which I could then use to drive my (client-side) application.
My use case would be, when a new order .collection("orders").doc(uid) has its stage field updated/changed to 'submitted' I would like to notify a user via email that a new order is submitted. Maybe even use the oob code to mark as 'processed'?
...just trying to avoid using a 3rd party email service altogether.
you can use MailChimp to do what you are asking, since like Miles says, you will need to do a workaround in order to fix this.
I have been using MailChimp my self to send emails to each user registered in my app , i have setup a couple of emails in mailchimp and i just add to the list all the users that register to my app, so the first message will be the welcome message, then after 2 days another email and so on, you can trigger an email whenever you want, since the doc is not that clear i have made a tutorial on how to integrate it with Android.
you can find that tutorial HERE , the only thing is that is in spanish, sorry.
The idea is simple, just get your users email throught FirebaseAuth , pass that email to the mailchimp query , and then setup an email from the mailchimp website
Unfortunately, their API does not appear to support emailing users in your project. However, they have sample code for cloudfunctions to email users you can easily tweak for your needs:

Is it possible to integrate google analytics dashboard to our own website?

I want to show google analytics dashboard to my users. It is not possible to give access of "google analytics dashboard" to all users. So I want to integrate it on my own website. Will it be possible to integrate google analytics dashboard on a particular website?
This question gets asked quite a bit. It is important to understand the security model for the API. All Google APIs use OAuth2.0 to authenticate the user. This is designed to make it easy to use the API to access the Users's data on behalf of the user. In contrast you will need to do work to show Your data to your users.
With that said, an example of what you are looking for is the Server side Auth example provided by the Analytics API team.
The simplest answer is to query the API on the server side, with a service account and serve that data as you serve any other data to your users. Read the scenarios in detail, and pick one that best suits your end goals. Understand how the API views the following entities.
A User uses an application.
A Developer develops Application.
An Application has a project id and its associated credentials.
A user authorizes an application to access their data via the API.
You are breaking this paradigm because you are the user and developer from the API's perspective. You want to share your data with people who are not authorized to view it, so you will need to use a service account to access that data and share it directly with your users.
Also remember to add the service account to Analytics View you wish it to access.
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics if you prefer not to get bogged down learning oAuth2, the CoreReporting API, and lastly a charting tool. We simplify the process. All you do is create your chart and embed a snippet of code in your site where you want the chart/dashboard to show.

How to write to our own calendar via the Google Calendar API (v3)

I need to write to a Google Calendar from data in our datastore (App Engine app).
I want to access via OAuth 2.
Reading is no problem - the calendar is public and I just use the simple API access method.
Writing is a "problem" - obviously I need to authenticate. However, the calendar is owned by the app administrators, and we want to write to the calendar as a background task - no user interaction is required.
I have gone through all Google's documentation, but I feel none the wiser - how can I do a one -time setup for permanent write access to a Google Calendar, via the V3 API?
To make calls on behalf of your App Engine app without user interaction you should make use of the App Identity module:
If you are using the Google API Client Libraries, using the AppAssertionCredentials object will do this automatically for you:
Note the following:
You will probably still need to supply the simple key in order to attribute quota usage to the right project.
The App Identity module won't work during local App Engine development - you will need to deploy into production in order to obtain valid credentials.
You will need to share the calendar you are writing to with the email address associated with the service account for the App Engine app. To find this email address go to the App Engine Administration Console -> "Application settings" and look for the service account email.
Finally, I'm not 100% sure that the Calendar API allows service accounts direct access, but you should give this a try. If that doesn't work for you an alternative may be to generate a refresh token for a real user that has access to the calendar, and look at embedding that into your application - the service account method is preferable, so I would try that first.

How to connect Facebook, Twitter & Google accounts in Java (Spring MVC)

I'm going through the features of social auth ( & wondering if this is the best thing for my requirement. Please guide.
My web application currently has it's own login mechanism(native). But I'm planning to do the following:
Login through Facebook(F), Twitter(T) and Google(G) options
After login (either through F,T,G or native login), I want to give user the option of selecting F friends, T followers or G contacts (in a textbox with autosuggest facility)
So my doubt is: (social auth says that "..currently Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn do not provide email addresses. UPDATE: Hotmail has stopped providing email addresses.")
So although I'll have a list of followers, friends or contacts will I be able to notify them once my user selects and submits his form?
Will it be through F,T or G respectively(through status updates, tweets or email?)
Moreover, I've one more scenario:
E.g. the user has logged in using Facebook. Now I want the user to be able to link her Twitter and Google account too. Can socialauth provide that?
If yes, how would I handle multiple profile objects of the same user?
Please guide or suggest any other library.
My application is in Spring MVC.
Or shall I use Spring Social?
Since your application uses Spring-MVC you should try Spring Social. It would be best for your application.
You can also use socialauth library. It also has spring version to connect with FB, twitter and others provider. Link for the same is as given below:-
Spring Social is best option for your requirement and in can be easily integrated with
There are 2 proven ways which can be used for this
Using Spring-security-oauth2
Using Spring Social
However, if you are using just Spring Social based on the facebook example, provided on the Spring Website then be mindful of these issues
It doesn't work for more than 1 user
Spring-social doesn't support Google either.
It is also difficult to change the redirect flow unless you override the methods
But the good thing is there are workarounds to fix them and they are quite simple.
Here is how to fix FB one user per application problem
For connecting/authenticating with Google
For Changing the default redirect flow
The Complete tutorial with step by step instructions can be found here
Having explored both oauth2 and Spring Social. I would suggest Spring-social as its lot more simpler and custom built for social logins only.

Access contacts from various email sites

How can i access various contacts associated with my any of gmail/yahoo/rediff account Or can i load inbox from there to my website. Just like gmail imports contacts from others sites or loading emails from other sites. I gone through thread How to import email contacts from various email service providers in a website? but could not find way to use this API.
Just download the general API here. Assuming you have some basic php understanding you simply use the classes within the API to get the list of emails. check out the documentation for gmail here.
Hope this helps,
