To convert (213AFE)H to BCD, first it has to be converted to binary which gives (2177790)D. Now each digit is converted to its BCD code which gives (0010 0001 0111 0111 0111 1001 0000)BCD.
Another way is to convert the hex value to binary which gives (0010 0001 0011 1010 1111 1110)B and then do BCD adjust by adding 6 to each digit greater than 9 as follows:
0010 0001 0011 1010 1111 1110
+ 0110 0110 0110
0010 0001 0100 0001 0110 0100 -> 35092368D
The final result in the processes above are different. Is the second method wrong? Why?
Ascii_Hex: ;procedure to convert Ascii to Hex
mov rax,0
mov rcx,4
mov rsi,hex
mov rbx,0
rol bx,4
mov al,[rsi]
cmp al,'9'
jbe sub30h
sub al,7h
sub al,30h
add bx,ax
inc rsi
loop loop1
HtB: ;procedure to convert HEX to BCD
io 1,1,msg,msglen
io 0,0,hex,5
call Ascii_Hex ;call to procedure to convert ascii to hex
mov rcx,5
mov ax,bx
mov bx,0Ah
mov rdx,0
Div bx
push dx
loop loop2
mov rsi,hex
mov rcx,5
pop dx
add dl,30h
inc rsi
loop loop3
io 1,1,hex,5
io 1,1,newline,1
I use this code for 1byte conversion from hex to BCD in the C language
and it works only for 0-99d.
If you need 2byte, word, procedure are similar.
For example, it converts 78d(0x4E) => 0x78
uint8 convert2BCD(uint8 hexData)
uint8 bcdHI=hexData/10;
uint8 bcdLO=hexData%10;
uint8 bcdData= (bcdHI<<4)+bcdLO;
return bcdData;
here is a C function to convert uint32 to BCD and store it in array so
respectively in decimal format. Note that defined 'len' is maximum
length of data type in decimal format therefore uint32 full value
represent 4,294,967,295 that make 10 digit
#define len 10
void BCD(uint32_t value, uint8_t bcd[len])
uint32_t factor;
uint32_t decimal = len;
uint32_t remains = value;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < decimal; ++i)
factor = 1;
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < (decimal - i - 1); ++j)
factor *= 10;
bcd[decimal - i - 1] = remains / factor;
remains = remains % factor;
The Second method is not WRONG but it is actually part of the main method for conversion i.e. the number greater than 9 should always be adjusted by BCD adjust method (by adding 6) the answer that you get from it is a valid BCD !
I have 27 combinations of 3 values from -1 to 1 of type:
... up to
I need to convert them to and from a 8-bit sbyte / byte array.
One solution is to say the first digit, of the 256 = X the second digit is Y and the third is Z...
Vector3(-1,1,1) becomes 022,
Vector3(1,-1,-1) becomes 200,
Vector3(1,0,1) becomes 212...
I'd prefer to encode it in a more compact way, perhaps using bytes (which I am clueless about), because the above solution uses a lot of multiplications and round functions to decode, do you have some suggestions please? the other option is to write 27 if conditions to write the Vector3 combination to an array, it seems inefficient.
Thanks to Evil Tak for the guidance, i changed the code a bit to add 0-1 values to the first bit, and to adapt it for unity3d:
function Pack4(x:int,y:int,z:int,w:int):sbyte {
var b: sbyte = 0;
b |= (x + 1) << 6;
b |= (y + 1) << 4;
b |= (z + 1) << 2;
b |= (w + 1);
return b;
function unPack4(b:sbyte):Vector4 {
var v : Vector4;
v.x = ((b & 0xC0) >> 6) - 1; //0xC0 == 1100 0000
v.y = ((b & 0x30) >> 4) - 1; // 0x30 == 0011 0000
v.z = ((b & 0xC) >> 2) - 1; // 0xC == 0000 1100
v.w = (b & 0x3) - 1; // 0x3 == 0000 0011
return v;
I assume your values are float not integer
so bit operations will not improve speed too much in comparison to conversion to integer type. So my bet using full range will be better. I would do this for 3D case:
8 bit -> 256 values
3D -> pow(256,1/3) = ~ 6.349 values per dimension
6^3 = 216 < 256
So packing of (x,y,z) looks like this:
p =floor((x+1.0)*3.0);
The idea is convert <-1,+1> to range <0,1> hence the +1.0 and *3.0 instead of *6.0 and then just multiply to the correct place in final BYTE.
and unpacking of p looks like this:
x=p%6; x=(x/3.0)-1.0; p/=6;
y=p%6; y=(y/3.0)-1.0; p/=6;
z=p%6; z=(z/3.0)-1.0;
This way you use 216 from 256 values which is much better then just 2 bits (4 values). Your 4D case would look similar just use instead 3.0,6.0 different constant floor(pow(256,1/4))=4 so use 2.0,4.0 but beware case when p=256 or use 2 bits per dimension and bit approach like the accepted answer does.
If you need real speed you can optimize this to force float representation holding result of packet BYTE to specific exponent and extract mantissa bits as your packed BYTE directly. As the result will be <0,216> you can add any bigger number to it. see IEEE 754-1985 for details but you want the mantissa to align with your BYTE so if you add to p number like 2^23 then the lowest 8 bit of float should be your packed value directly (as MSB 1 is not present in mantissa) so no expensive conversion is needed.
In case you got just {-1,0,+1} instead of <-1,+1>
then of coarse you should use integer approach like bit packing with 2 bits per dimension or use LUT table of all 3^3 = 27 possibilities and pack entire vector in 5 bits.
The encoding would look like this:
int enc[3][3][3] = { 0,1,2, ... 24,25,26 };
And decoding:
int dec[27][3] = { {-1,-1,-1},.....,{+1,+1,+1} };
Which should be fast enough and if you got many vectors you can pack the p into each 5 bits ... to save even more memory space
One way is to store the component of each vector in every 2 bits of a byte.
Converting a vector component value to and from the 2 bit stored form is as simple as adding and subtracting one, respectively.
-1 (1111 1111 as a signed byte) <-> 00 (in binary)
0 (0000 0000 in binary) <-> 01 (in binary)
1 (0000 0001 in binary) <-> 10 (in binary)
The packed 2 bit values can be stored in a byte in any order of your preference. I will use the following format: 00XXYYZZ where XX is the converted (packed) value of the X component, and so on. The 0s at the start aren't going to be used.
A vector will then be packed in a byte as follows:
byte Pack(Vector3<int> vector) {
byte b = 0;
b |= (vector.x + 1) << 4;
b |= (vector.y + 1) << 2;
b |= (vector.z + 1);
return b;
Unpacking a vector from its byte form will be as follows:
Vector3<int> Unpack(byte b) {
Vector3<int> v = new Vector<int>();
v.x = ((b & 0x30) >> 4) - 1; // 0x30 == 0011 0000
v.y = ((b & 0xC) >> 2) - 1; // 0xC == 0000 1100
v.z = (b & 0x3) - 1; // 0x3 == 0000 0011
return v;
Both the above methods assume that the input is valid, i.e. All components of vector in Pack are either -1, 0 or 1 and that all two-bit sections of b in Unpack have a (binary) value of either 00, 01 or 10.
Since this method uses bitwise operators, it is fast and efficient. If you wish to compress the data further, you could try using the 2 unused bits too, and convert every 3 two-bit elements processed to a vector.
The most compact way is by writing a 27 digits number in base 3 (using a shift -1 -> 0, 0 -> 1, 1 -> 2).
The value of this number will range from 0 to 3^27-1 = 7625597484987, which takes 43 bits to be encoded, i.e. 6 bytes (and 5 spare bits).
This is a little saving compared to a packed representation with 4 two-bit numbers packed in a byte (hence 7 bytes/56 bits in total).
An interesting variant is to group the base 3 digits five by five in bytes (hence numbers 0 to 242). You will still require 6 bytes (and no spare bits), but the decoding of the bytes can easily be hard-coded as a table of 243 entries.
Hello I'm making a base 10 calculator in assembler that can take number with max length of 5 dig... so there is two numbers after the input was taken one of the five dig number is stored in ax and bl for example
AX - 23 45
BX - 00 01
So the value of the input is 12345 And the other is for example is 23243 and it's stored on CX and DX with the same idea of the first number (that stored in AX and BX...) Now, I have made the addition code, but I can't figure out how making the Subtraction code with all the neg problem...
So what I thought to do is to, for example, take bh (that I'm not using because the number can't be longer than 6 digs...) and if the number is negative Ill put 1 and if its positive I'll put 0 so this problem is solved, Now the problem is that I dont know how to make the code work like with all the sub part and the carry and every thing ...(in the addition i used commands like adc,daa...)
last example:
value is: 12345 and its positive
AX - 23 45
BX - 00 01
(if Bh is 0 the number is positive if 1 its negative...)
Now the value is : 23243 and its positive
CX - 32 43
DX - 00 02
12345-23243(= -10898)
lets say the answer goes to CX AND DX
so it will look like that:
CX - 08 98
DX - 01 01
answer: (-10898)
Can someone please help me/give me an example code that I'll know how to do it ?
Sorry if I'm little bit Confused...
here is the addition code that you ask for:
proc Add_two_numbers;2 values useing stack...
pop [150]
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add al,cl
mov cl,al
mov al,ah
adc al,ch
mov ch,al
mov al,bl
adc al,dl
mov dl,al
push cx
push dx
push [150]
endp Add_two_numbers
2nd edit:
I figure out how making it Negative so I just need algorithms that sub 2 number it does not need to work with numbers like 1000-2000 please make it work only on positive values like 2000-1000
Answering your comment, this is one way you can convert from decimal and back using C as an example. I leave you to code it in asm!
#include <conio.h>
#define MAX 100000000
// input a signed decimal number
int inp_num(void) {
int number=0, neg=0, key;
while (number < MAX) {
key = _getche();
if (key == '-') {
if (number==0)
neg = 1; // else ignore
else if (key >= '0' && key <= '9')
number = number * 10 + key - '0';
if (neg)
number = -number;
return number;
// output a signed number as decimal
void out_num(int number) {
int digit, suppress0, d;
suppress0 = 1; // zero-suppression on
if (number < 0) {
number =-number;
for (d=MAX; d>0; d/=10) {
digit = number / d;
if (digit) // if non-0
suppress0 = 0; // cancel zero-suppression
if (!suppress0)
_putch('0' + digit);
number -= digit * d;
int main(void) {
int number;
number = inp_num();
return 0;
Im looking for a way to modify a binary byte value on Arduino.
Because of the Hardware, its neccesarry, to split a two digit number into 2 4-bit.
the code to set output is wire.write(byte, 0xFF) which sets all outputs on High.
0xFF = binary 1111 1111
the formula should be convert a value like this:
e.g nr 35 is binary 0010 0011
but for my use it should displayed as 0011 0101 which would be refer to 53 in reality.
The first 4 bits are for a BCD-Input IC which displays the 5 from 35, the second 4 bits are for a BCD-Input IC which displays the 3 from 35.
Does anybody has a idea how to convert this by code, or like a mathematical formula?
Possible numbers are from 00 to 59.
Thank you for your help
To convert a value n between 0 and 99 to BCD:
((n / 10) * 16) + (n % 10)
assuming n is an integer and thus / is doing integer division; also assumes this will be stored in an unsigned byte.
(If this is not producing the desired result, please either explain how it is incorrect for the example given, or provide a different example for which it is incorrect.)
#include <string.h>
int num = // Any number from 0 to 59
int tens = num/10;
int units = num-(tens*10);
// Make string array for binary
string tensbinary;
int quotient = tens;
char buffer[1];
// Convert numbers
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
quotientint = quotientint % 2;
sprintf(buffer, 1, "%d", quotientint);
// Repeat above for the units
// Now join the two together
I don't know if this will work, but still, you might be able to extrapolate based on the available information in my code.
The last thing you need to do is convert the string to binary.
How do hig-performance native big-integer libraries on x86-64 represent a big integer in memory? (or does it vary? Is there a most common way?)
Naively I was thinking about storing them as 0-terminated strings of numbers in base 264.
For example suppose X is in memory as:
[8 bytes] Dn
[8 bytes] D2
[8 bytes] D1
[8 bytes] D0
[8 bytes] 0
Let B = 264
X = Dn * Bn + ... + D2 * B2 + D1 * B1 + D0
The empty string (i.e. 8 bytes of zero) means zero.
Is this a reasonable way? What are the pros and cons of this way? Is there a better way?
How would you handle signedness? Does 2's complement work with this variable length value?
(Found this: Whats a limb?)
I would think it would be as an array lowest value to highest. I implemented addition of arbitrary sized numbers in assembler. The CPU provides the carry flag that allows you to easily perform these sorts of operations. You write a loop that performs the operation in byte size chunks. The carry flag is included in the next operation using the "Add with carry" instruction (ADC opcode).
Here I have some examples of processing Big Integers.
Principle is pretty simple. You need to use CF (carry-flag) for any bigger overflow, with adc (add with carry) propagating that carry between chunks. Let's think about two 128-bit number addition.
num1_lo: dq 1<<63
num1_hi: dq 1<<63
num2_lo: dq 1<<63
num2_hi: dq 1<<62
;Result of addition should be 0xC0000000 0x000000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
mov eax, dword [num1_lo]
mov ebx, dword [num1_lo+4]
mov ecx, dword [num1_hi]
mov edx, dword [num1_hi+4]
add eax, dword [num2_lo]
adc ebx, dword [num2_lo+4]
adc ecx, dword [num2_hi]
adc edx, dword [num2_hi+4]
; 128-bit integer sum in EDX:ECX:EBX:EAX
jc .overflow ; detect wrapping if you want
You don't need all of it in registers at once; you could store a 32-bit chunk before loading the next, because mov doesn't affect FLAGS. (Looping is trickier, although dec/jnz is usable on modern CPUs which don't have partial-flag stalls for ADC reading CF after dec writes other FLAGS. See Problems with ADC/SBB and INC/DEC in tight loops on some CPUs)
Very similar to addition, although you CF is now called borrow.
mov eax, dword [num1_lo]
mov ebx, dword [num1_lo+4]
mov ecx, dword [num1_hi]
mov edx, dword [num1_hi+4]
sub eax, dword [num2_lo]
sbb ebx, dword [num2_lo+4]
sbb ecx, dword [num2_hi]
sbb edx, dword [num2_hi+4]
jb .overflow ;or jc
Is much more difficult. You need to multiply each part of first number with each part of second number and add the results. You don't have to multiply only two highest parts that will surely overflow. Pseudocode:
long long int /*128-bit*/ result = 0;
long long int n1 = ;
long long int n2 = ;
#define PART_WIDTH 32 //to be able to manipulate with numbers in 32-bit registers
int i_1 = 0; /*iteration index*/
for(each n-bit wide part of first number : n1_part) {
int i_2 = 0;
for(each n-bit wide part of second number : n2_part) {
result += (n1_part << (i_1*PART_WIDTH))*(n2_part << (i_2*PART_WIDTH));
is even more complicated. User Brendan on forum posted example pseudocode for division of n-bit integers. I'm pasting it here because principle is the same.
result = 0;
count = 0;
remainder = numerator;
while(highest_bit_of_divisor_not_set) {
divisor = divisor << 1;
while(remainder != 0) {
if(remainder >= divisor) {
remainder = remainder - divisor;
result = result | (1 << count);
if(count == 0) {
divisor = divisor >> 1;
Dividing a wide number by a 1-chunk (32 or 64-bit number) can use a sequence of div instructions, using the remainder of the high element as the high half of the dividend for the next lower chunk. See Why should EDX be 0 before using the DIV instruction? for an example of when div is useful with non-zero EDX.
But this doesn't generalize to N-chunk / N-chunk division, hence the above manual shift / subtract algorithm.
My CPU register contains a binary integer 0101, equal to the decimal number 5:
0101 ( 4 + 1 = 5 )
I want the register to contain instead the binary integer equal to decimal 10, as if the original binary number 0101 were ternary (base 3) and every digit happens to be either 0 or 1:
0101 ( 9 + 1 = 10 )
How can i do this on a contemporary CPU or GPU with 1. the fewest memory reads and 2. the fewest hardware instructions?
Use an accumulator. C-ish Pseudocode:
var accumulator = 0
foreach digit in string
accumulator = accumulator * 3 + (digit - '0')
return accumulator
To speed up the multiply by 3, you might use ((accumulator << 1) + accumulator), but a good compiler will be able to do that for you.
If a large percentage of your numbers are within a relatively small range, you can also pregenerate a lookup table to make the transformation from base2 to base3 instantaneous (using the base2 value as the index). You can also use the lookup table to accelerate lookup of the first N digits, so you only pay for the conversion of the remaining digits.
This C program will do it:
#include <stdio.h>
int binary = 5000; //Example
int ternary = 0;
int po3 = 1;
ternary += (binary & 1) * po3;
po3 *= 3;
while (binary >>= 1 != 0);
The loop compiles into this machine code on my 32-bit Intel machine:
ternary += (binary & 1) * po3;
0041BB33 mov eax,dword ptr [binary]
0041BB36 and eax,1
0041BB39 imul eax,dword ptr [po3]
0041BB3D add eax,dword ptr [ternary]
0041BB40 mov dword ptr [ternary],eax
po3 *= 3;
0041BB43 mov eax,dword ptr [po3]
0041BB46 imul eax,eax,3
0041BB49 mov dword ptr [po3],eax
while (binary >>= 1 != 0);
0041BB4C mov eax,dword ptr [binary]
0041BB4F sar eax,1
0041BB51 mov dword ptr [binary],eax
0041BB54 jne main+33h (41BB33h)
For the example value (decimal 5000 = binary 1001110001000), the ternary value it produces is 559899.