Get Client Host name on Azure ASP App -

Trying to get the local machine name for an Azure hosted ASP application.
returns as does HOST_ADDRESS
In fact I can't find anything in Request.Server variables that reflects the local hostname.
will not work as this is a server side lookup, so all you get is the public gateway name not the actual end-user machine name.
Any ideas?
I am stumped and just feel this should be so simple!??!

As you're potentially behind a load balancer when you deploy to azure try using


ASP.NET cannot resolve user hostname in azure

I have written an website that gets the machine name from the person browsing the website using
sName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(Request.UserHostAddress).HostName.ToString
If I publish this to a web server on our local network, it works fine.
We also have an Azure server and I want to publish it to that server, but it does not return the machine name. We have the Azure server connected to our local network via a permanent tunnel.
I'm assuming that the code can't resolve the name as it can access the DNS on the network. Is there a way around this?
AFAIK, Our app will not work with Azure DNS Private Zones automatically. To work with Azure DNS Private Zones we need to add the below in app settings:
For more information please refer this MS Q&A as suggested by # didier3001
And this for use Dns.GetHostEntry Method

How to "host" SQL Server when deploying an ASP.Net site on the web

I'm about to deploy an ASP.NET web application for testing in production. Essentially, this is just a table that is linked to a SQL Server table/view that is obviously dynamic when the data in the tables are updated.
I have a hosting plan with a site that I'll be pushing the files to, which includes a SQL Server database in the hosting plan. I also host a SQL Server instance on the network.
My question is, what is the standard way of dealing with SQL Server in this deployment? I think I have the options below, but as someone who has only ever developed applications offline, this is new to me, so please excuse my novice ignorance.
Have the application connect via IP address in the connection string to my SQL Server instance, as specifying the server name (SQLDEVSRV01 for example) won't be on the "network" when it's sitting in the site's FTP. Am I to assume my connection string will only work on the network, and once deployed to a website, will cease to function unless connecting via TCP/IP?
Host the server on the web in the same site host location. So upload the site files to my website host and setup the SQL server there. Would I be able to just specify the Server name (SQLDEVSRV01 for example) in the connection string there, as whilst it wouldn't work in development as it wouldn't be on the same network, it would then work once deployed on the web?
Embed a SQL Server instance within the app using localdB or something similar to hold the background data. If this is the case, can the data be accessed from the backend, either using SSMS or some other method?
Essentially, my aim here is to have the web app retrieve the data live from a view/table hosted in SQL server, where the backend data can be amended, manipulated and updated independently of the app, so the app can just pull the data when refreshed.
The standard way of doing this is to deploy your database to the hosting providers SQL Server instance and then connect your app to it using a connection string with their details. As it is normally a shared instance you do not have to normally worry about having the SQL instance machine patched etc.
Personally I would not be installing SQL Server myself unless I decided there was benefit to having an instance I wanted the control over nor would I be changing the structure or implementation of my application to suit a hosting providers setup.

Access publicly accessible service on host from Dokku guest

We are converting to Dokku, and as a part of this process the database (PostgreSQL) will remain running directly on the host for the time being.
The database is used by serveral servers spread around the Internet and accessible using its public IP.
I can psql to it from any server, including the server where it's hosted.
However, from inside the Dokku guest running on the same server I get timeout. It would appear somewhere access to it is being blocked.
Any thoughts on why this is happening?

How to publish an website on work network?

I have been developing an ASP.NET application and I would like my work colleagues to give me feedback on it. I tried running it on IIS but because the database is located on a remote server, I am unable to host it properly?
Also, how can the colleagues access that site? my host name, etc
You can update your connection string to your remote server (providing the DB accepts external requests).
Something like (assuming SQL)
Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=myDataBase; User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
It's an ugly hack, but you can do an if else statement, detect the DomainName (Environment.UserDomainName()) and if matches the server then use one connection string, if it's your office's domain, then use that!
This means, you can still use your local IIS!
You can publish your web site on a local server which has IIS running on it. You can create your application on IIS and your colleagues can access your web site from the intranet via the name of the server easily.
Such as:
And also the local server should have internet access for the remote database.

azure connect between azure myWebRole and nonazure server not working

My webapplication hosted on windows azure, needs to communicate with TFS Server. When any one login to my web app using live id, I want the logged in user to use my Team foundation server(TFS) credentials -username,password and domain to programatically authenticate and connect to our TFS server and create some work items.
I configured my azure connect for the communication to happen between azure WebRole and TFS server (our TFS is non-azure ).I added both the WebRole and the TFS Server into single Connection Group
In my azureportal ,I can see mywebrole and my TFSServer as connected the machine endpoint is active, and that it refreshes since the last connected updates
.But when I try to run my web application from azure and when it tries to communicate with our TFS server ,its throwing error message saying Error message : Team Foundation services are not available from server eg.,http://xyz-abcxyx-01:8080/tfs/eas/. Technical information (for administrator): The remote name could not be resolved: 'xyz-abcxyx-01'
Any suggestions to resolve this issue ?
You should enable remote desktop on your WebRole and connect to one of your instances. Then, try to ping the IP of your TFS server (not the hostname xyz-abcxyx-01). Maybe this is simply a DNS issue (even though using hostnames works with Windows Azure Connect).
If pinging the IP works, but pinging the hostname doesn't work you have a few options left:
Use the IP instead of the hostname. This won't work if you configured your TFS to use host headers.
Create an elevated startup task to modify the hosts file and map the IP to the hostname. In your code you can keep working with the hostname.
Try to modify the DNS server configured in your WebRole to use the default DNS server + your internal DNS server. But to me this doesn't look like a clean solution.
Anyways, in each solution you'll want to store the IP/hostname in the ServiceConfiguration and make sure your code supports changes to the ServiceConfiguration. This will allow you to change the IP/hostname without having to redeploy.
You should check if TFS server is listening on all network interfaces, include the one created by Azure Connect (start with 2a01). Next try to connect to TFS from a machine on the local LAN, just to make sure it is configured correctly. You don't need to use IP for referring to TFS, DNS name is definitely supported out of box.
