BizTalk DB cluster Master DB get corrupted - biztalk

I have an issue that the DB cluster crashed and the master db is corrupted, the DB admin rebuild the master DB and restore the other databases and now the cluster is up and running, but the BizTalk configurations are lost. any idea how to retrieve them?

If only the master, or any other System Database, was corrupted, then the BizTalk Databases, BizTalkMbmetDb etc. should be ok, just not attached.
Your DB admin should have taken care to reattach all the databases to the new/repaired SQL instance.
If the SQL Server and Instance name are the same, BizTalk should just start up again.
If they names are different, then you will have to reconfigure the BizTalk Host Computers to point to the new SQL Server.


Flask SQLAlchemy Database with AWS Elastic Beanstalk - waste of time?

I have successfully deployed a Flask application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The application uses an SQLAlchemy database, and I am using Flask-Security to handle login/registration, etc. I am using Flask-Migrate to handle database migrations.
The problem here is that whenever I use git aws.push it will push my local database to AWS and overwrite the live one. I guess what I'd like to do is only ever "pull" the live one from AWS EB, and only push in rare circumstances.
Will I be able to access the SQLAlchemy database which I have pushed to AWS? Or, is this not possible? Perhaps there is some combination of .gitignore and .elasticbeanstalk settings which could work?
I am using SQLite.
Yes, your database needs to not be in version control, it should live on persistent storage (most likely the Elastic Block Storage service (EBS)), and you should handle schema changes (migrations) using something like Flask-Migrate.
The AWS help article on EBS should get you started, but at a high level, what you are going to do is:
Create an EBS volume
Attach the volume to a running instance
Mount the volume on the instance
Expose the volume to other instances using a Network File System (NFS)
Ensure that when new EBS instances launch, they mount the NFS
Alternatively, you can:
Wait until Elastic File System (EFS) is out of preview (or request access) and mount all of your EB-started instances on the EFS once EB supports EFS.
Switch to the Relational Database Service (RDS) (or run your own database server on EC2) and run an instance of (PostgreSQL|MySQL|Whatever you choose) locally for testing.
The key is hosting your database outside of your Elastic Beanstalk environment. If not, as the load increases different instances of your Flask app will be writing to their own local DB. There won't a "master" database that will contain all the commits.
The easiest solution is using the AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) to host your DB as an outside service. A good tutorial that walks through this exact scenario:
Deploying a Flask Application on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and RDS
SQLAlchemy/Flask/AWS is definitely not a waste of time! Good luck.

BizTalk service and SQL Server

I recently installed BizTalk Server Dev 2010.
As part of installation, new databases are created and some services are also added.
Because I am currently NOT working with BizTalk Server, I want to stop the service associated with it specially the one that connects to SQL Server.
I have already stopped these three BizTalk services:
BizTalk Service BizTalk Group
Enterprise Single Sign-On Service
Rule Engine Update Service
but not able to find the one that communicates with BizTalk SQL Server Databases.
I can still see BizTalk SQLs in profiler.
Any idea which other service I should stop?
Thank you!
There are also SQL Server Agent Jobs created to backup the database and keep the message box and tracking databases running. That is probably what you are seeing activity from.

Java Web application getting Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1776 for HADR configured on DB2

I have developed a web application where in i've configured two <Resource> with proper parameters in server.xml of Apache tomcat server, Using JNDI connection pool. Among two resource tags in server.xml, first tag is having details of primary server and another tag contains the details of standby server. My idea is if i dont get connection from primary for certain time, I'll switch the datasource to standby and run the query from servlet. But when I ran the code, It gave me the error Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1776, SQLSTATE= , SQLERRMC=1, DRIVER=3.57.82)
I googled lot but cant find any concrete answer about this, but one thing was common in all i.e. HADR(Hisgh Availability Disaster Recovery) configuration of DB2 server.
Please help me out.
Generally speaking, you cannot connect to the standby database unless it assumes the primary role after the take-over.
The correct way of setting up a DB2 HADR cluster is to configure a virtual IP address in your cluster management software that gets assigned to the new primary database after the take-over; while the change remains completely transparent for client applications.
You'll need to talk to your DBAs to learn how to configure the application.
In a HADR configuration, each time the database flips from primary to standby and the standby to primary, the Server will send ClientReroute Exception to each client connected to DB2 server, So I've caught it programtically and and tried the transaction again and it succeeded.

Multiple connections on a single .mdf database ( SQL Server

I'm trying to place a .mdf database on a Computer A and access it simultaneously on Computer B but I'm having an error that says I cannot access the mdf file because it's being used by another process.
The setup is, the database is hosted on a Public folder in Computer A. I have Visual Studio running on both computers, and Computer B accesses the database on Computer A.
Computer A Connection path string:
Computer B Connection path string:
Is there some sort of setting that I do not know of to enable multiple access on a db? Or this is not possible?
Let me rephrase my question, sorry.
There are two computers connected via a network, and I want to access one Visual Studio solution/project website. I wanted to do this as a demonstration, is it possible?
You should have an instance of SQL Server (even express) running on the host machine.
All requests from the clients should use the standard mechanisms for connecting to that server instance. In other words, they won't run their own copy of SQL Server, instead they will connect to the instance running on the host machine.
Simultaneous or direct access to Database files under any DBMS control either a very bad practice or simply impossible.
Use proper DBMS tools to access the data.
And yes - its possible to access Web site project for demo.
Install SQL Server on the host machine (the one that you want to keep your database on).
Then in Visual Studio, use the "Server Explorer" to locate the remote instance of the database. From there, you can utilize the remote instance of SQL Server in your connection string, thus allowing you to connect multiple computers to a single database.
Using two instances of SQL Server to connect to the single .mdf file is a very bad practice.
Instead of specifying the MDF file in your connection string (which, I believe, uses a form of User Instancing), you should use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to attach the MDF. Then connect to SQL Server, rather than to the MDF.
You may need to move the MDF and LDF files to a place where the SQL Server identity can access them, rather than keeping them in your VS project.
Most projects keep scripts to create the DB in their VS project, but not the binary MDF itself.
When you deploy, the process is similar: use SSMS to attach the MDF on your server.
Yes, If 2 or More Computers are connected by networks like LAN You can access the Database Database1.mdf (say) from another SQL Server by entering its user name / Password /by Visual studio connection.
If more than 7~8 systems are accessing same Database same time System response slows down and Hangs up or may result error like connection pool exceeded or Device not responding..
In Big Companies they use Huge Multi-core & Multi-Processer based sever which will respond faster.
Overcome: while writing Applications Use Connection Open and Close Particularly while executing the SQL queries in other time it should be closed.
Best Programer uses Transaction instead of using normal methods. Transaction Makes Every User Access Database With valid and successful Execution of queries. These Queries (Transaction Queries) mainly executes on client machine and later updates the same over Main server when it got Time slot for it(synchronize).

How to replicate or synchronize when databases can't have a direct connection with each other?

I have a central webservice over the internet which gets different information from different softwares and stores them in a Sql server 2008R2 database.
In addition to webservice some windows applications exist in different cities which all of them have local databses.
Now I wanna have replication between these local databases and the central database. but there is no any direct connection as like as "VPN" between local databases and central database.
so how can I do something like replication or synchronization between local databases and central database over the internet.
I'm thinking about sending local databases via web service. what is your idea?
My local databases are Sql server 2000 version
How about log shipping? You can even use FTP (FTPS--FTP over SSL, for security) to send the logs to be later on applied to the central DB. Since you have SQL 2000, you'd have to restore data to a copy of the DB in "restore" mode and then merge with central DB using SQL.
Also, from personal experience--if setting VPN is costly, you can consider using SSH. Free implementations for Windows exist, and they do a good job for secure file copy, just like FTPS.
I wouldn't use a webservice for this purpose, especially if the amount of data is large.
