Inject parameters to entity - symfony

I encounter this issue a lot of times, but only until now do I want to learn the best way to do it.
Say I have an Image entity, it has a 'path' property, which stores the relative path to the image file. For example, an image has its 'path' as '20141129/123456789.jpg'.
In parameters.yml, I set the absolute path to the directory that stores image files. Like this:
image_dir: %user_static%/images/galery/
I want to add the method 'getFullPath()' to Image entity, inside which the 'image_dir' parameter will be concatenated with 'path' property. I don't want to do the concatenation in controllers because I will be using it a lot. Also I don't want to insert image dir into Image's 'path' property, because I may change the image dir path later (which means I'll have to update the 'path' of all images in database).
So how can I inject the parameter into Image entity, so that getFullPath() can use it? Since Image entities will be fetched by repository methods instead of creating a new instance of Image, passing variables to construction method won't work.
Or is there a more elegant approach? I just want Image entities to have getFullPath() method, and I will be fetching images via both repository methods (find, findBy...) and query builder.

You could listen to the doctrine postLoad event and set the image directory in that so that when you later call getFullPath() it can return the concatenated string of the image directory and the path.
postLoad listener
namespace Acme\ImageBundle\Doctrine\EventSubscriber;
use Acme\ImageBundle\Model\ImageInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
use Doctrine\ORM\Events;
class ImageDirectorySubscriber implements EventSubscriber
protected $imageDirectory;
public function __construct($imageDirectory)
$this->imageDirectory = $imageDirectory;
public function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
public function postLoad(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$image = $args->getEntity();
if (!$image instanceof ImageInterface) {
class: %acme_image.subscriber.doctrine.image_directory.class%
- %acme_image.image_directory%
- { name: doctrine.event_subscriber }
Image Model
class Image implements ImageInterface
protected $path;
protected $imageDirectory;
.. getter and setter for path..
public function setImageDirectory($imageDirectory)
// Remove trailing slash if exists
$this->imageDirectory = rtrim($imageDirectory, '/');
return $this;
public function getFullPath()
return sprintf('%s/%s', $this->imageDirectory, $this->path);

An alternative to #Qoop's approach is to make an image manager service and do the path stuff in it. The code will be a bit simpler.
class ImageManager
public function __construct($imageDirectory)
$this->imageDirectory = $imageDirectory;
public function getFullPath($image)
return $this->imageDirectory . $image->getPath();
// Controller
$imageManager = $this->get('image_manager');
echo $imageManager->getFullPath($image);
It's a trade off. Explicitly managing images vs using "behind the scenes" events.


Decorate all services that implement the same interface by default?

I have a growing number of service classes that share a common interface (let's say BarService and BazService, that implement FooInterface).
All of these need to be decorated with the same decorator. Reading the docs, I know that I can do:
# overrides the App\BarService service
decorates: App\BarService
Since I have to use the same decorator for different services I guess I would need to do:
class: App\BarDecorator
# overrides the App\BarService service
decorates: App\BarService
class: App\BarDecorator
# overrides the App\BazService service
decorates: App\BazService
Problem is: this gets repetitive, quickly. And every time a new implementation of FooInterface is created, another set needs to be added to the configuration.
How can I declare that I want to decorate all services that implement FooInterface automatically, without having to declare each one individually?
A compiler pass allows to modify the container programmatically, to alter service definitions or add new ones.
First you'll need a way to locate all implementations of FooInterface. You can do this with the help of autoconfigure:
tags: ['app.bar_decorated']
Then you'll need to create the compiler pass that collects all FooServices and creates a new decorated definition:
// src/DependencyInjection/Compiler/FooInterfaceDecoratorPass.php
namespace App\DependencyInjection\Compiler;
use App\BarDecorator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
class FooInterfaceDecoratorPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
if (!$container->has(BarDecorator::class)) {
// If the decorator isn't registered in the container you could register it here
$taggedServices = $container->findTaggedServiceIds('app.bar_decorated');
foreach ($taggedServices as $id => $tags) {
// skip the decorator, we do it's not self-decorated
if ($id === BarDecorator::class) {
$decoratedServiceId = $this->generateAliasName($id);
// Add the new decorated service.
$container->register($decoratedServiceId, BarDecorator::class)
* Generate a snake_case service name from the service class name
private function generateAliasName($serviceName)
if (false !== strpos($serviceName, '\\')) {
$parts = explode('\\', $serviceName);
$className = end($parts);
$alias = strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_\\0', lcfirst($className)));
} else {
$alias = $serviceName;
return $alias . '_decorator';
Finally, register the compiler pass in the kernel:
// src/Kernel.php
use App\DependencyInjection\Compiler\FooInterfaceDecoratorPass;
class Kernel extends BaseKernel
// ...
protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->addCompilerPass(new FooInterfaceDecoratorPass());
Interesting! I think that's going to be tricky... but maybe with some hints here you might come up with a solution that fits your needs
find all Decorators... not sure if there's an easier way in that case but I use tags for that. So create a DecoratorInterface add auto tag it...
loop through the definitions and and modify and set the decorated service
e. g. in your Kernel or AcmeAwesomeBundle do
protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$decoratorIds = $container->findTaggedServiceIds('my.decorator.tag');
foreach ($decoratorIds as $decoratorId) {
$definition = $container->getDefinition($decoratorId);
$decoratedServiceId = $this->getDecoratedServiceId($definition);
private function getDecoratedServiceId(Definition $decoratorDefinition): string
// todo
// maybe u can use the arguments here
// e.g. the first arg is always the decoratedService
// might not work because the arguments are not resolved yet?
$arg1 = $decoratorDefinition->getArgument(0);
// or use a static function in your DecoratorInterface like
// public static function getDecoratedServiceId():string;
$class = $decoratorDefinition->getClass();
$decoratedServiceId = $class::getDecoratedServiceId();
return 'myDecoratedServiceId';
I'm pretty sure this is not complete yet but let us know how you solved it

symfony 4 : How to get "/public" from RootDir

I have an image under the public folder.
How can I get my image directory in symfony4 ?
In symfony 3, it's equivalent is :
$webPath = $this->get('kernel')->getRootDir() . '/../web/';
It is a bad practice to inject the whole container, just to access parameters, if you are not in a controller. Just auto wire the ParameterBagInterface like this,
protected $parameterBag;
public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag)
$this->parameterBag = $parameterBag;
and then access your parameter like this (in this case the project directory),
Hope someone will find this helpful.
You can use either
$webPath = $this->get('kernel')->getProjectDir() . '/public/';
Or the parameter %kernel.project_dir%
$container->getParameter('kernel.project_dir') . '/public/';
In Controller (also with inheriting AbstractController):
$projectDir = $this->getParameter('kernel.project_dir');
In config/services.yaml:
webDir: '%env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)%'
In your controller:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;
public function yourFunction(Parameterbag $parameterBag)
$webPath = $parameterBag->get('webDir')
If you need to access a directory within public, change the last line to the following:
$webPath = $parameterBag->get('webDir') . '/your/path/from/the/public/dir/'
You can inject KernelInterface to the service or whatever and then get the project directory with $kernel->getProjectDir():
namespace App\Service;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface;
class Foo
protected $projectDir;
public function __construct(KernelInterface $kernel)
$this->projectDir = $kernel->getProjectDir();
public function showProjectDir()
echo "This is the project directory: " . $this->projectDir;
Starting from Symfony 4.3 we can generate absolute (and relative) URLs for a given path by using the two methods getAbsoluteUrl() and getRelativePath() of the new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper class.
New in Symfony 4.3: URL Helper
public function someControllerAction(UrlHelper $urlHelper)
// ...
return [
'avatar' => $urlHelper->getAbsoluteUrl($user->avatar()->path()),
// ...
All above answers seems valid, but I think it's simplier if you configure it as parameter in services.yaml
If you need to use it in serveral services, you can bind it like this:
# services.yaml
autowire: true
autoconfigure: true
$publicDir: "%kernel.project_dir%/public"
# src/Services/MyService.php
class MyService
public function __construct(
private string $publicDir,
) {
// …
This way, this is configured at one place only, and if later you decide to change /public to something else, you will have to change it only in .yaml file.
If you don't need the root directory but a subdirectory, it might be better to define the final target path: This way you will be more flexible if you need later to move only that directory, like $imageDir or $imagePath (depends if you will use the full directory or only the public path).
Note also the default public path is defined in composer.json file, in the extra.public-dir key

PHP/Symfony - Parsing object properties from Request

We're building a REST API in Symfony and in many Controllers we're repeating the same code for parsing and settings properties of objects/entities such as this:
$title = $request->request->get('title');
if (isset($title)) {
$titleObj = $solution->getTitle();
$titleObj->setTranslation($language, $title);
I'm aware that Symfony forms provide this functionality, however, we've decided in the company that we want to move away from Symfony forms and want to use something simplier and more customisable instead.
Could anybody please provide any ideas or examples of libraries that might achieve property parsing and settings to an object/entity? Thank you!
It seems like a good use case for ParamConverter. Basically it allows you, by using #ParamConverter annotation to convert params which are coming into your controller into anything you want, so you might just create ParamConverter with code which is repeated in many controllers and have it in one place. Then, when using ParamConverter your controller will receive your entity/object as a parameter.
class ExampleParamConverter implements ParamConverterInterface
public function apply(Request $request, ParamConverter $configuration)
//put any code you want here
$title = $request->request->get('title');
if (isset($title)) {
$titleObj = $solution->getTitle();
$titleObj->setTranslation($language, $title);
//now you are setting object which will be injected into controller action
$request->attributes->set($configuration->getName(), $solution);
return true;
public function supports(ParamConverter $configuration)
return true;
And in controller:
* #ParamConverter("exampleParamConverter", converter="your_converter")
public function action(Entity $entity)
//you have your object available

how to use Symfony methods Action excluding the "Action" word

I am currently migrating an existent application to Symfony2 that has about 100 controllers with approximately 8 actions in each controller. All the current Actions are named as follow:
public function index(){}
However the default naming convention for Symfony is indexAction().
Is it possible to keep all my current actions and tell Symfony to use as it is without the "Action" word after the method name?
thank you.
Yes, this is possible. You should be able to define routes as normal, but you need to change the way the kernel finds the controller. The best way to do this is to replace/decorate/extends the service 'controller_name_converter'. This is a private service and is injected into the 'controller_resolver' service.
The source code of the class you want to replace is at 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerNameParser'.
Basically, the code runs like this. The 'bundle:controller:action' you specified when creating the route is saved in the cache. When a route is matched, that string is given back to the kernel, which in turn calls 'controller_resolver' which calls 'controller_name_resolver'. This class convert the string into a "namespace::method" notation.
Take a look at decorating services to get an idea of how to do it.
Here is an untested class you can work with
class ActionlessNameParser
protected $parser;
public function __construct(ControllerNameParser $parser)
$this->parser = $parser;
public function parse($controller)
if (3 === count($parts = explode(':', $controller))) {
list($bundle, $controller, $action) = $parts;
$controller = str_replace('/', '\\', $controller);
try {
// this throws an exception if there is no such bundle
$allBundles = $this->kernel->getBundle($bundle, false);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
return $this->parser->parse($controller);
foreach ($allBundles as $b) {
$try = $b->getNamespace().'\\Controller\\'.$controller.'Controller';
if (class_exists($try)) {
// You can also try testing if the action method exists.
return $try.'::'.$action;
return $this->parser->parse($controller);
public function build($controller)
return $this->parser->build($controller);
And replace the original service like:
public: false
class: My\Namespace\ActionlessNameParser
decorates: controller_name_converter
arguments: ["#actionless_name_parser.inner"]
Apparently the Action suffix is here to distinguish between internal methods and methods that are mapped to routes. (According to this question).
The best way to know for sure is to try.
// src/AppBundle/Controller/HelloController.php
namespace AppBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
class HelloController
* #Route("/hello/{name}", name="hello")
public function indexAction($name)
return new Response('<html><body>Hello '.$name.'!</body></html>');
Try to remove the Action from the method name and see what happens.

Get custom parameter inside AppKernel

I'm trying to include custom values for the cache and logs directories. The reason is to make it work fast with Vagrant.
This is the cache method with a static value (inside app/AppKernel.php):
public function getCacheDir()
if (in_array($this->environment, array('dev', 'test'))) {
return '/dev/shm/project/app/cache/' . $this->environment;
return parent::getCacheDir();
and I'd want to do something like:
public function getCacheDir()
if (in_array($this->environment, array('dev', 'test'))) {
return $this->getContainer()->getParameter('cache_dir') . $this->environment;
return parent::getCacheDir();
and then, in parameters.yml:
cache_dir: '/dev/shm/project/app/cache/'
But $this->getContainer() is returning null here. I've tried to get the container inside other kernel methods without success. Any idea if it's possible?
You could always try to define the class that allows you to get the cache directory as a service and then pass the service container into that class.
class: Acme\TestBundle\Services\CacheHelper
arguments: [#service_container]
