Devexpress RespositoryLookUpEdit in grid , the value disaper - devexpress

I have a devexpressgridcontrol. I want to use in one column of the grid : repositoryLookUpEdit.
I fill repositoryLookUpEdit with database question.
This question return three columns : IdPerson , Name and IdCity. Colums : IdPerson and Name have data but IdCity I have to set in appication.
- in gridcontrol the column Idcity has fildename : IdCity, and columnEdit : repositoryLookUpEdit.
- repositoryLookUpEdit has DisplayValue : CityName, and ValueMember: IdCity.
And my question is:
When I choose in grid in one row value of city and I go to another row, the value from the first row disaper.
What am I doing wrong? Could you give me some advise?
I use Devexpress 9.2.
this.gvPerson = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView();
this.replueCity = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit();
this.replueCity.Columns.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo[] { new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("IdCity", "IdCity", 20, DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.None, "", false, DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Default), new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo("CityName", "CityName")});
this.replueCity.DisplayMember = "CityName";
this.replueCity.Name = "replueCity";
this.replueCity.NullText = "[Choose city]";
this.replueCity.TextEditStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.Standard;
this.replueOceny.ValueMember = "IdCity";
// CityColumn this.CityColumn.AppearanceCell.Options.UseTextOptions = true;
this.CityColumn.AppearanceCell.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center;
this.CityColumn.AppearanceCell.TextOptions.VAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.VertAlignment.Center;
this.CityColumn.Caption = "Ocena";
this.CityColumn.ColumnEdit = this.replueCity;
this.CityColumn.FieldName = "IdCity";
this.CityColumn.Name = "IdCityName";
this.CityColumn.Visible = true;

You have to set ValueMember for replueCity (which is the editor in the column). You set it only for replueOceny.
Check string IdCity in all three cases: it must be written exactly the same (mind the caps!).


C# devexpress lookupedit Colums get the value

Lookupedit editvaluechange event BirimFiyat Colums get the value ?
Lookeditup load
AnlasmaKalemleri.Properties.DataSource = WinTools.TabloParametre("SP_ANLASMA_COMBO", "#PROJEID",
PROJEIDLookUpEdit.EditValue.ToString(), FÄ°RMAIDLookUpEdit.EditValue.ToString());
AnlasmaKalemleri.Properties.DisplayMember = "TANIM";
AnlasmaKalemleri.Properties.ValueMember = "ID";
Birimfiyat get the value ?

How can I set the column properties(DisplayFormatString to be precise) of a aspx(devExpress) grid from code behind?

I have an aspx(devexpress) grid. Using which I generate columns dynamically from code behind.Below is the code from my grid_databinding event.
GridViewDataTextColumn bfield = new GridViewDataTextColumn();
if (TestString.YearSelectedNames.ToString().Length > 4)
{ string colName = string.Empty;
if (iCount % 2 == 0)
colName = TestString.YearSelectedNames.ToString().Substring(5, 4) + "-" + dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.ToString();
bfield.HeaderTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Header, typeof(Label), colName, iCount);
colName = TestString.YearSelectedNames.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "-" + dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.ToString().Replace('1', ' ');
bfield.HeaderTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Header, typeof(Label), colName, iCount);
bfield.HeaderTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Header, typeof(Label), dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.Trim(), iCount);
bfield.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
bfield.HeaderStyle.Wrap = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
bfield.Name = dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.Trim();
bfield.Width = Unit.Pixel(120);
bfield.VisibleIndex = iCount;
bfield.DataItemTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Item, typeof(Label), dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.Trim(), iCount);
bfield.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
bfield.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
Here the line of code
bfield.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
is where I am trying to set the property of the grids' column to display only two decimals after the decimal point.
This line of code doesn't seem to work in the first place.
I have even tried using "{0:0.00}" and "{0:N2}" but in vain
Possible reason being that I am writing this line of code in the grid's databinding event. But how else can I set the column properties from code behind
Try to change this code
bfield.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
this.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
i think this happen coz u loop the object(make a new object) and the properties would be overwrite.

Accessing SQL output in coding

I have a SQL output like
TotalLeave Status
---------- ------
3 PaidLeave
5 MedicalLave
and I need to show this value in my label controls like,
lblMedicalLeave.text = 5
lblPaidLeave.text = 3
for this I just created objects for my dataset in my code like,
StaffAttendanceStatusTableAdapters.StaffTypesTableAdapter staffAttendanceStatus =
new StaffAttendanceStatusTableAdapters.StaffTypesTableAdapter();
StaffAttendanceStatus.StaffTypesDataTable StaffDataTable =
if (StaffDataTable[0] != null)
StaffAttendanceStatus.StaffTypesRow StaffRow = StaffDataTable[0];
lblTotalMedicalLeave.Text = StaffRow.TotalLeave.ToString();
lblTotalPaidLeave.Text = StaffRow.TotalLeave.ToString();
its showing the same value(3), is it possible to get the TotalLeave value for corresponding Status? can anyone help me here
You are accessing the same row both times. Use StaffDataTable[1] to access the second row. Anyway you should check if there is a result before access any values!
using StaffAttendanceStatusTableAdapters;
StaffTypesTableAdapter staffAttendanceStatus = new StaffTypesTableAdapter();
StaffAttendanceStatus.StaffTypesDataTable StaffDataTable =
if (StaffDataTable != null && StaffDataTable.Count > 1)
lblTotalMedicalLeave.Text = StaffDataTable[0].TotalLeave.ToString();
lblTotalPaidLeave.Text = StaffDataTable[1].TotalLeave.ToString();
Since you need to get TotalLeave from two rows, you need to fetch data from two rows.
if (StaffDataTable != null && StaffDataTable.Rows.Count > 1)
StaffAttendanceStatus.StaffTypesRow StaffRow1 = StaffDataTable[0];
StaffAttendanceStatus.StaffTypesRow StaffRow2 = StaffDataTable[1];
lblTotalMedicalLeave.Text = StaffRow1.TotalLeave.ToString();
lblTotalPaidLeave.Text = StaffRow2.TotalLeave.ToString();
if there is no order of PaidLeave and MedicalLave status, just check row.Status and assign total value to corresponding label

C# datagrid each column width based on percent of total?

I have a DataGrid that's being populated with the code below, the code below makes the overall grid the size I want but it does set the column width. What I want to do is be able to say hey there is 'x' columns in a datatable and my tablewidth is 'xInt' divide xint by 'x' columns (which i've done, i'm just not sure have to set the column width...)
int tableWidth = 650;
int columnCount = dtTable.Columns.Count;
int columnWidth = Math.Abs(tableWidth / columnCount);
SupportContacts.ItemStyle.Wrap = true;
SupportContacts.Width = tableWidth;
SupportContacts.DataSource = dtTable;
You could try the following (although I'm not sure if it will let you when you are auto-generating your columns).
foreach( DataGridColumn c in SupportContacts.Columns)
c.ItemStyle.Width = Unit.Point(columnWidth);

Flex AS3 Arraycollection sorting based on Array of values

I have been working on sorting Arraycollection like ascending , descending the numeric list. Total length of my collection will go up to 100. Now I want to preform sort to nested data like this
Data Structure
Name : String
Categories : Array ["A","x or y or z","C"]
Categories array will have maximum 3 items , out of that three items the second item can have 3 different values either X or Y or Z. My result data looks like here
{"Mike" , ["A","x","C"]}
{"Tim" , ["A","y","C"]}
{"Bob" , ["A","x","C"]}
{"Mark" , ["A","z","C"]}
{"Peter" , ["A","z","C"]}
{"Sam" , ["A","y","C"]}
anyone please explain how to sort this type of data in a way showing all "x" first , "y" next and "z" at the last and vice a versa. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks Anandh. .
You can specify a compare function in your SortField like this:
var sortfield:SortField = new SortField("Categories");
sortfield.compareFunction = myCompare;
var sort:Sort = new Sort();
sort.fields = [sortfield];
yourCollection.sort = sort;
and your compare function:
function myCompare(a:Object, b:Object):int {
return -1, if a before b
return 1, if b before a
return 0, otherwise
or something like that.. and it's untested code :)
I have created a new property to the data structure called categoryOrder In the setter I did the following and Am using the categoryOrder for sorting - sortBy = categoryOrder;. I understand little hard coding is needed but still I believe this will reduce the number of comparisons when I use compareFunction. Anyone please valid this idea. Thanks!
public function set categories(data:ArrayCollection) :void
if(data != null)
_categories = data;
for each(var categorie:Object in data)
case "x":{categoryOrder = 1;break;}
case "y":{categoryOrder = 2;break;}
case "z":{categoryOrder = 3;break;}
Data Structure
Name : String
Categories : Array ["A","x or y or z","C"]
categoryOrder : Number
