Does Ardunino serial need a common ground - arduino

I have a device running off a different power supply, that I'm trying to talk to serially, it has TX and RX lines, GND and 2.7+ line, its quite grunty so It has its own PS.
I'm getting some odd results at the moment, so wondering if I need to use a common GND between the Arduino GND and the PS GND and the device GND.
Does serial require a common voltage reference point?
Its a mega 2560 R3

All signals require a reference voltage. Ground is what provides this reference for single-ended signals such as those used by a UART.

UART signals are composed of low-level and high-level signals.
The receptor, at the other end, to be able to understand your UART signal, must be aware of what is that low-level and high-level signals.
So you must put your UART GND to the GND of the receptor, and the high-level voltage must correspond to the TTL input level of your receptor.
For example, if the high-level of your UART is 2.7v, and your receptor input-level is 5v, you could encounter bad level detections sometime, because 2.7v could be detected as a low-level input.
For the low-level inputs, this is no problem because 0v is always 0v.

Sorry but... didn't you break your 2.7V device? Besides using a common ground, like Ignacio pointed out, when you have to interface something to something else you should ALWAYS check what are the correct voltage levels expected.
So did you check that the high voltage levels and low voltage levels are fulfilled? I think not. Because:
Arduino Uno (i just have the 328P datasheet on hand, so i'll use this) has an Atmega328P powered at 5V. The datasheet says that the Vih parameter (the minimum voltage sensed as a "high" value) is 0.6Vcc, which means 3V. So if you send him a 2.7V signal.... You are doing something wrong.
The 2.7V device has probably an absolute maximum voltage allowed on any pin of Vcc+0.3V. This means that the maximum voltage for each pin is 3V; if you go above this current starts flowing through the protection diode and... you blow your device. Now you are giving it 5V, so.... Puff...
If the above criteria are not fulfilled you have to put between the two circuits something. Which is
a resistor divider if you have to make the voltage lower (just two resistors) and a couple of transistors to make it higher
Opto-isolators (and you can keep the grounds separated)
Voltage translators (such as TXS0102)


How many amp can arduino take

Im currently trying to get an electric signal from arduino, its 5v and 1amp that i get from a powersupply.
I want to input that signal into an arduino pin, lets say pin 4.
The main powersource from my arduino is via usb, but the 5v signal is from an external device.
I just want to know the number of time that signal became active, like a switch.
As far as i know arduino can take only .04amp from 5v.
Is there anyway i can reduce the current?
Anyway to obtain the value of a resistor to make it less dangerous for my arduino?
Your question is a very common application for Arduino!
You can give your Arduino some additional protection by placing a 10kOhm resistor between the Arduino analog pin you wish to use and the positive voltage output of the power supply.
If you're worried that the voltage could increase above 5V, you can protect your arduino with a simple voltage divider using two resistors. There's a detailed tutorial for this approach here: Here's a simplified circuit diagram with a voltage divider that reduces voltage 11 fold - making voltages up to 55V safe to measure (where the battery could be replaced by your power supply):
For your code, you can use analogread() to read the voltage of the pin. If you wired it correctly, it should return near 0 when the powersupply is at 0, and 1026 or thereabouts if it is at 5v (or whatever the maximum value your voltage divider is designed for). Here is an example to get you started :
If you need any support with your code to count the number of times the voltage goes high, post that as a separate question along with the code you have so far.

On NodeMCU or Arduino, what is the best rest state for a GPIO pin?

If a pin is unused, what should be its rest state?
I'm thinking gpio.INPUT makes sense, or maybe gpio.OUT set to gpio.LO, grounding the pin.
Is there a customary or preferred setting for unused pins?
For unconnected pins INPUT_PULLUP or OUTPUT. Using Pull-Up is better if there is any possibility that board layout will chance and someone connects this pin to ground/Vcc directly. It's better to sink small current to ground than short output pin to different logic level.
For connected pins INPUT (connection should be connected to LOW or HIGH level)

GND Servo and Arduino

I was working in a little project with Arduino and two Servomotors
Why is it necessary to putting the GND from external source (necessary to power the servomotor) and Arduino GND together?
Why is not able to work properly with separated GND?
Whenever you interface your Arduino to a separate device -- or several -- you must establish a common ground. Perhaps your servos run off their own power of a small breadboard, or you have a sensor or a bunch of LEDs... in all cases you'll need to make a common ground for all components of the circuit.
If I'm hooking up more than a single LED or single sensor to my Arduino, I prototype on a breadboard and the first thing I do is connect the power GND pin of the Arduino to the blue/black ground rail of the breadboard. That ensures a common ground, which is vitally important as a reference 0V in any circuit you build.
In many well-designed multi-layer circuit boards for example, often one layer of copper is devoted entirely to GND so that every component will be able to have a solid connection to GND. Then it's referred to as a "ground plane" and is a common goal in good circuit board design.
Current flows from + to - in a circuit, from the highest to the lowest reference point. See details here and here.
The GND is a reference point usually 0v.
With different GND (I'm guessing different positive input as well), you might end up with:
some short circuits
independent circuits
reflection phase change if you are working with alternating currents
Anyway in a circuit the GND should always the same (even though it can be in multiple places).

Checking arduino code with multimeter

When we upload the code on arduino ,sometimes we do not get the desired results.
I saw a friend of mine doing the test on arduino using a multimeter to make sure that the code is right.
He said that we can make sure the code is right by checking the voltages on carious i/o pins on arduino. Like if the voltage on i/o pins is less than 5 V then the code is having some error,and also if we chckt the voltage on RX and Tx pins it should be 0.29 V.
I know question posted by me is not clear, but this is something which worked but i was not able to understand it properly.
So if anybody can deduce what this means and how it is done so, please proide an answer?
There are two main things to test with your multimeter: the voltage of the power to the Arduino (between 5v and Gnd), and the voltage of the IO pins (between them and Gnd).
Voltage of the power supply simply tells you if the Arduino is powered up correctly, if its power management circuits or power supply have failed, you'll be able to pick it up here.
Voltage of the outputs should be either 5v or 0v, relative to ground. By testing the voltage on a pin you can tell whether it is being written high (5v) or low (0v) by the Arduino, hence seeing what the code is doing to the pins.
I should make it clear that there is no right or wrong way to tell if the code in general is working based on the voltage of the pins.

Arduino and External Peripherals

I am a CS guy getting started with Arduino. This is probably a very basic electronics question but from going over the arduino tutorials everything is connected to the arduino with a resistor.
Well since i am following the tutorials i know what type of resistor i should use but what i do not know is why i should use one? and What type of resistor to pick i am to do something which is not covered in a tutorial.
The resistor simply serves to limit the current into or out of a pin in case something goes awry. If your AVR decides to output high on a pin that something else wants low (or vice-versa), large, damaging currents can occur if not limited by some resistance. The current limit for AVRs is about 20 milliamps, and given that the voltages are usually 5V, something larger than 250 ohms "would work".
To give a margin of safety, 1-10k is a great choice; for digital signals it seldom matters unless you're into very high-speed applications (beyond the AVRs capability anyways). For analog inputs, a similar resistor would also be advisable, as the amount of current the ADC takes to sample is negligible when your resistor is in the few kilo-ohm range.
The underlying principle that you want to learn is Ohm's Law, which describes the relationship between voltage, resistance, and current in a circuit.
Resistors are used to
limit current,
devide voltage
protect against over voltage
pull-up, pull down
current to voltage conversion
etc ...
1) limit output current, the absolute max current per IO is 40mA, a typical LED works on ±2V 20mA.
the resistance value can by calculated by (5V - 2V)/(0.02A)=150Ω usually a 220Ω resistor is used, because: it consumes less power, there doesn't flow 20 milliamps, and there is no notable difference in emitted light.
2) if you have a analog voltage that variates between 0 and 10 Volts, you 'll need a voltage divider of 1/2. pick by example z2 10k and calculate z1 by 10k*(Vin,max/5V -1). take a value of resistance higher than the original calculated. and recalculate the new Vout.
3) place a resistor of 10k in series between the analog input of the arduino and the 'to measure voltage'
3) if you have to measure a analog current, you place a resistor to ground and the analog input, calculate the resistor by Z=5V/amps.
4) if you connect a button to the arduino, you 'll need to place a pull up or a pull down resistor. if you 're not using a resistor, the input is floating and can take any value (high or low). or you can enable the internal weak pull up. by pinMode(xx,INPUT); digitalWrite(xx,HIGH);. and disabeling by digitalWrite(xx,LOW); by default the pull-up is disabled.
