"Login Forbidden" when using Meteor's Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(func) - meteor

I have a basic Meteor method that I am trying to call whenever the user attempts to sign in.
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function (options) {
Meteor.call('method', true, function (error, result) {
// do nothing
However, whenever I try to sign in, I receive "Login Forbidden" as an error. The same happens upon sign up. I am guessing I need to be returning something for the function, but do not know what. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

From the docs http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/accounts_validateloginattempt
A validate login callback must return a truthy value for the login to proceed. 
In the block do some validations like if user is verified or not and return true or false to complete the login process.


Firebase user.delete() method works but with error

I am using angular, and have an application that stores user details, and login info. When trying to delete a user, I am first deleting all the user related information. Then asking the user to re-authenticate themselves, after authentication, user gets logged out, and their basic details fetched to show profile id deleted followed by their sign-in info using user.delete().
All this works as expected, but at the end I am getting an error. Why am I am getting this error even when I have already logged out the user of the application.
Error Message: {code: "auth/user-token-expired", message: "The user's credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in again.", a: null}
My code -
var userToDelete = firebase.auth().currentUser;
this.store.dispatch(UI.StartAppLoad({status:'Deleting User Details...'}));
this.uiService.showSnackbar('User Account Deleted',null,3000);
logout() {
where, HandleError is used to display the Error Message in a snackbar.
deleteAccount() is called after the user successfully authenticates themselves.
Instead of getting the error message displayed, I want to display the message 'User Account Deleted'.
Entire Flow -
const confirmResult = this.uiService.showConfirm({
title:'Delete Account?',
content:'All your user account data will be permamnently deleted.'+
' You will need to create a new account later. Are you sure you want to continue?',
confirmResult.subscribe(async isDelete=>{
this.store.dispatch(UI.StartAppLoad({status:'Deleting Excercise Data...'}));
const isResetDone = await this.trainingService.resetPastExercise();
this.store.dispatch(UI.StartAppLoad({status:'Deleting Follow list...'}));
Authenticate Page's submit() method:
reauthenticate(authdata: AuthData) {
var credential = firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(
this.afAuth.currentUser.then((user) => {
this.prevPwd = authdata.password;
And then the above method deleteAccount()
Please suggest.
As explained in the doc, this happens because:
delete() is a security-sensitive operation that requires the user to
have recently signed in.
The doc also indicates that:
If this requirement isn't met, ask the user
to authenticate again and then call firebase.User.reauthenticateWithCredential.
So, you need to handle this specific error and do as indicated by the doc, i.e. "ask the user to authenticate again and then call reauthenticateWithCredential."

What am I doing wrong in my Accounts.createUser() configuration?

I cant seem to get beyond the Accounts.createUser() line in my code. What's wrong?
I have:
Router.route('/', {
template: 'info',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('userData');
I am able to correctly see the results of Meteor.user().services.google.email in the browser console, which is my own email address since am logged in. Am also able to see the correct results for Meteor.user().services.google.accessToken.
And now for the code in subject:
Accounts.createUser({email: Meteor.user().services.google.email, password: Meteor.user().services.google.accessToken},
function( error ){
console.log(error.reason, 'Stranger Danger!');
} else {
var userId = Meteor.userId();
console.log('Welcome!', 'success');
Meteor.call( "initApiKey", userId );
I cant seem to get beyond the Accounts.createUser() line. This is because, I fail to see any error messages, neither do I see the results of the console.log() which are the following functions/callbacks right in/after Accounts.createUser().
I don't understand exactly what you want to do with that code.
It seams that you are trying to create an user account with an account that already exists.
With the code: "email: Meteor.user().services.google.email, password: Meteor.user().services.google.accessToken" seams like you logged in with a google account and you created the email and password. And as you said, you are already logged in with that account, so why would you want to create another acount based in an already existed one ??
If you could explain just a little bit further what you want to accomplish and post any errors or messages from the server-side console, i think would be esier to get what is going on. But I think that even if you get the code right, the Accounts.createUser() will not allow you to create two accounts with the same email and password.

Trouble returning a valid result while integrating Stripe API into my Meteor app

Here's the rundown:
I'm trying to run Stripe API on my Meteor app asynchronously
Long story short, everything works (i.e. subscription and charge is/are created normally and shows up in my Stripe dashboard)
When errors occur, the errors throw normally and show on client via user friendly alerts
I have a problem when there is a success and customer subscription is created, the result is not present in client and instead always returns as an error, despite it being a successful process
Here's what my method looks like on the server:
createCustomer: function(token, email, plan){
let createCustomer = Meteor.wrapAsync(stripe.customers.create);
let result = createCustomer({
source: token,
email: email,
plan: plan
let subscription = {
customer: result.id,
sub: result.subscriptions.data[0].id,
plan: result.subscriptions.data[0].plan.name
Meteor.users.update({_id: Meteor.userId()}, {$set: subscription});
} catch(error){
if(error.code === "incorrect_cvc"){
throw new Meteor.Error("incorrect_cvc", error.message);
// More of such errors follows
Here's what it looks like on the client:
number: number,
cvc: cvc,
exp_month: exp,
exp_year: exp_year,
address_zip: zip,
address_country: country
}, function(status, response){
console.log("Make sure all fields are filled before submitting order.");
} else{
let token = response.id;
Meteor.call("createCustomer", token, email, plan, function(error, result){
console.log("Congratulations, everything worked!");
} else{
if(error.error === "incorrect_cvc"){
console.log("oops, the CSV is incorrect");
// More of such errors follow..
So, everything works in terms of when there is a real error, it throws fine on server + client. When user uses card, the charges are created and subscription is always created. HOWEVER, when there is a success and everything clicking fine, I still receive an error on client via callback and the result is never true or triggered. No idea why.
Not 100% up on Meteor, but it looks to me like your createCustomer method doesn't actually return anything, so the result from your (err, result) might never have anything in it?
As was mentioned in the comments, you might want to separate out the steps and wrap each in its own try-catch set so you can better isolate the issue.
Also, I feel like you could probably generalize your server-side error code to something like:
throw new Meteor.Error(error.error, error.message);
And I might even be tempted to do something like this, at least during testing/development - that way you can actually console.log() the original error in the browser:
throw new Meteor.Error(error.error, error.message, JSON.stringify(error));

Meteor.loginWithPassword: Amend verification

I'm using accounts-password and Meteor.loginWithPassword to authenticate a user. I want to prevent the user from being able to login unless the email address is verified.
Currently I do this using a Meteor.method and a callback. The callback will only trigger the call to Meteor.loginWithPassword() if the relevant user has a verified email address and trigger the current form to display a validation error. if not. However a tech-savvy user can still trigger Meteor.loginWithPassword() directly in the console. Is there a best practice way to prevent this?
You can prevent logins for users with an email address which has not been verified by using accountsServer.validateLoginAttempt(func), for example:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(attempt) {
var user = attempt.user;
if (!user.emails[0].verified) throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'E-Mail address not verified.');
return true;
If you return false or throw an exception, the login will be aborted.

Meteor: Resend email verification link

I want to be able to resend an email verification link to users of my Meteor application in case they accidentally delete their email verification email.
I have a link with the id "resentEmailVerificationLink"
I have the following code in my client for when the link is click (alerts are just there to show myself how far the function gets before an error):
'click #resentEmailVerificationLink' : function(event) {
var id = Meteor.userId();
alert('clicked: ' + id);
alert('Verification Email resent');
return false; // Stops page from reloading
I know the sendVerificationEmail is a server function but I have no idea how to call this function in the server upon clicking the verify email link (I'm a bit of a Meteor newbie).
Any idea of how to accomplish this, because currently it doesn't work with the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Accounts.sendVerificationEmail is not a function
Note: Meteor.Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(id); doesn't work either (it does however produce a different error.
You can try with server side method just create one pass the attrs and call http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/accounts_sendverificationemail on the server. More about meteor methods: http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/meteor_methods
