Can Wordpress handle more than 100 pages? - wordpress

I'm thinking of hosting over 100 pages on Wordpress and I'm worried about the performance. It's very easy to create a website with Wordpress, but is it able to handle it? What do you think?

It's true Wordpress doesn't handle Pages as good as Posts, but with 100 you should be fine.
This is mostly due to the fact that pages use a different mechanism to handle URL's and are hierarchical, as reported here that is enough to make a different impact on performance.
Wordpress has documentation about Performance but doesn't state exactly the amount it starts to lag, that is because it will depend on the hardware you're running your website on.
If by pages you mean posts, I recently worked with a site that had +21k posts and there were no problems on that end.

Hierarchical post types (like pages) can cause memory issues, here is the relevant Trac ticket. See also this blog post.

Wordpress can handle n number of pages.It is obvious that on every request by a user only one page is given in response and not all pages,hence you don't need to worry about website performance while considering number of pages...but If you do complex tasks in single page and user(or many users are) is accessing that page again and again than throughput will decrease and that will be for that page only,not for whole site.
Do not think about website performance on number of pages.


wordpress problem of slowing down and not showing the page well

I use METALOGIC THEME the problem is that the first page doesn't appear well to the user in addition to being slow
wordpress problem of slowing down and not showing the page well
There could be several reasons for this but my first instance is to ensure you don't have unnecessary plugins installed which can slow down your site.
Use Google PageSpeed Insights to analyse what could be wrong with your page. It will give you a good indication on what's affecting page load speed
Use a Good Caching plugin. W3 Total Cache is my personal favourite

How to decrease POST and GET queue in high load time?

I have created a wordpress website to collect student's attendance. To do so, I've installed a plugin and all data are sent to google sheet.
The problem is that when all students enter and tried to submit their attendance, around hundred users go live at one moment which leads to a very high load to my website, and mostly they get error 503 or sometimes 500.
To solve this problem, some solutions cross my mind:
Of course, I can upgrade my server and hardware resources. However, I'm using a shared hosting and it is very costly to do.
I installed another plugin, and tried to handle the situation with two different and separate plugins in one page, however, as I know, they both use one GET and POST function which is the core of wordpress and it does't matter if I use different plugin simultaneously, they need to wait. Am I right?
I created two mirror page for my attendance to direct users to each page randomly, hopefully it reduces the page load. However, for form submitting the scenario is still the same since the forms in different pages also use same POST and GET.
Please give me some advice if there is any other solution. For now, I just inserted a google form as an alternative. However, I guess there is maybe another possible solution to handle inside the site not using external form provider.
Here is the site: Attendance website
Can you use 'Disconnected' architecture?
Ideally, all the attendance should be sent to a high performance queue and then your app can read it at its own pace.

How to reduce the number of requests from Wordpress website

Actually I have done with the Wordpress website optimization through wp-optimize, Smush and wp-fastest-cache plugins and also optimizes images.
So my website speed reduced from 20+ seconds to 12-14 seconds almost.
But, I have checked with and pingdom tool, the number of requests from our website is still as it is (i.e. about 260+) and which is so harmful for SEO perspective.
I have to reduced those number of requests from our website and also increased speed from 14 seconds to 7 seconds.
So, what type of plugins or some custom activities I need to do for reducing number of requests from our website.
Please suggest.
Consider abandoning any use of plugins that perform these functions. Everything you are getting with compression plugins, is a simple job you can do yourself, lightening the processes and allowing Wordpress to be leaner and more secure.
As far as excessive requests are concerned, the same principle as stated above applies. The use of third-party plugins, involves a massive expenditure of useless resources and calls to scripts that are often redundant on all pages. The work to be done is to exclude all requests for various scripts in unnecessary pages.
Let's take a trivial example. By installing the Woocommerce plugin that everyone uses, they don't realize that the plugin in question preloads all the additional files it needs on each page and not on the pages that are strictly necessary. Like for example the js that allows the product gallery, it is also loaded into the homepage where it does not exist.
So be patient, check every additional request and exclude it if not necessary using the simple native Wordpress functions.
Forgive my bad English, but I hope I made myself understood.

best implementation for user group display differences

I am developing a site in Wordpress that offers functionality and content to companies.
Each company will have hundreds of users. All users of all companies get the same content.
However, the main header changes (it needs to include the companies own logo). They also will have their own sub-domain, at least fo the login page, preferably for all pages.
The content will change regularly, so I would prefer having only one copy of that.
So the requirements are:
Same content for all users at same relative url
Different header based on group of current user
Different base url per group
forwarding of user to the correct base url if they login under a wrong one
What is the best way to implement this?
Straight WP with a sub-theme that deals with the header. Mod-rewrite to deal with the urls
WP-MultiSite (how would the same content under different base urls work here?)
Several copies of the site and somehow sync the content (how would I do the sync?)
Use a different CMS
Which of these is the most future proof way to go, assuming I might have to deal with thousands of companies each with hundreds to thousands of users.
Also, If there is an easier way because I missed something in my research like an existing plugin, that would be great too.
Thanks for your help.
I would say that such a thing depends on a lot more than these requirements. For instance, how granular would you like to have your user management? And how much are the users allowed to do on the different groups? Is unique information allowed on the different domains, or is all the information shared?
Based on the information you are providing, I think youy would be best off using the multisite version of wordpress. You then could use a broadcast plugin to share the information on all sites, and create a template site from which to create new sites (using the NS cloner plugin for instance).
There are of course some problems with this approach, for instance search engine optimisation. You will get a lot of duplicate content that will hurt the google ranking of the individual sites.
It would also be possible to do this using a single site install, but then you'll run into problems with the multiple domain structure. It can be done, but the available caching plugins will not support it (at least not that I know off), whereas a multisite environment is supported out of the box. It is also more difficult to keep users from posting on different domains, as they are using a single install. A multisite environment also has as shared user base, but they can be added or removed from the different sites at will.
Using a multisite environment would also allow you greater flexibility template-wise.

When use a cache system with WordPress

(sorry if this is duplicated but I couldn't find anything related)
I have an WordPress 3.0.3 instalation with some custom coding and tried the W3 Total Cache plugin but had some I've decided to deactivated it.
And now I'm wondering that there are any average number of daily visits that becames necessary the use of a cache system.
I'm not saying with this that I don't want to use a cache system, but only managing priorities.
Thanks in advance!
And now I'm wondering that there are any average number of daily visits that becames necessary the use of a cache system.
You'll know when you need one. Believe me. :)
Seriously: If request times become unbearably long, or the server gets resource problems in peak times, you need caching. That said, it is my opinion that it is never too early to cache a Wordpress blog. Also, loading times can influence your blog's Google rankings which may be a reason to activate caching even though visitor numbers are still low, and not causing problems for the server.
Anything more detailed is really hard to tell because servers differ massively. Some can deal with a larger number of simultaneous Wordpress requests than others, depending on equipment and setup.
