I have tried to installed Curation suite plugin in wordpress but while installed curation suite plugin which show me Error. The Error is "Ioncube not Installed".Is Ioncube loader needed for Curation suite?
Although I cannot find any information to pinpoint the dependency of the ionCube Loader to the Curation suite, something in your setup needs the ionCube Loader.
You can simply download the Loader Wizard from here. If you put extract this and put the files on your server, it should guide you through the installation.
Otherwise, you can download the appropriate Loaders from here , put them onto your webserver, and add the following entry to your php.ini:
zend_extension = /path/to/loader/file
If you encounter any problems, ionCube also offers free support at their helpdesk
Disclaimer: I'm affiliated with ionCube.
I am looking to integrate version control into my Wordpress development workflow. I have experience with Git in rails application development, so that seemed like a good option. However, I haven't found any holistic information that pertains to my needs and is in my knowledge level.
I would like to be able to accomplish the following:
develop site locally(I would only be touching the theme files for the most part, so I would want to look to the production environment for the rest of the files to avoid redundancy)
have Wordpress look for theme information in my repository (most likely will be on Bitbucket, but am open to server hosting solutions)
I hope that I am describing this clear enough for someone to have insight. If not I am glad to go into more depth of my goals.
You can refer to "WordPress + Composer + GIT"
It uses (in addition of Git) Composer (a dependencies managing tool for PHP), and WordPress Packagist (a repositories site that automatically packages the plugins and themes available in WordPress site in the format required for working with composer)
That way, you keep a declarative approach where you declare ion a composer.json what you need: this is easier to version in a Git repo.
I have integrated a Service Worker for receiving Push Notifications in my TYPO3 Extension.
Now I want so send Messages form backend to the clients web-push-php Library.
But how it is possible to integrate the library and its dependencies to TYPO3?
If you set up your project with composer you can just require minishlink/web-push and start using class Minishlink\WebPush\WebPush.
In case you‘re running in "legacy" mode (i.e. classic install without composer) or want to support both you‘ll need a different approach. IMO best practice is bundling composer requirements in .phar files - this way you can keep your IDE clean and your VCS footprint small. There‘s a blog post with a detailed description about phar bundling in TYPO3 extensions.
This method works for most composer requirements following PSR-0 or PSR-4 and should be viable in your case as minishlink/web-push seems to follow PSR-4.
You can even advance this by using scripts you can launch by running composer run <script> in your extension‘s root folder. TYPO3 extension typo3_console holds a composer.json defining such scripts.
If you need to run your extension in a TYPO3 6.2 environment you‘ll need to remove composer.json from extension folder as 6.2 fails coping with "real composer requirements" (i.e. non-TYPO3-extension packages).
Probably a silly question, but I cannot find any good advice on the internet so far, so hopefully you guys have some good advice. I would like to use GIT for version control and use it to deploy changes to my websites to the server(s). It's easy when I use NodeJS, but a bit more complicated when using a CMS system, to my opinion.
When I use NodeJS
When I use NodeJS it's quite easy to have a node_modules folder which contains all the external libraries which I will install on deployment. The rest(my own files) will be saved on Github and deployed to my server if changed. Obviously I will not store the node_modules folder on my Github account or send it to my server (node modules will be installed on the server, on deployment). So it's pretty easy to keep those two (third-party an my own files) seperated.
When I use Wordpress, Magento or something similar
Now it gets complicated. Mostly because CMS systems like Wordpress have a folder structure like wp_content/themes/theme_name/, so your own theme files are more or less entangled with the core structure, instead of separated like NodeJS. And it doesn't seem right to commit all my core files to my Github account as well or send all those core files to my server on every deploy (I would prefer to install them using composer or something, serverside), because I'll never touch the core files, obviously.
So is there any advice? Is there a better whey to handle this? Maybe change a configuration file with the path to my theme folder or something?
The best way to do this is to move your wp-content folder outside of your standard installation. I tend to have a folder called "wp" with the basic WordPress installation in it and a folder called "wp-content" at the same level for my content files. You can then tell WordPress that your content folder is elsewhere with the following:
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/content');
That goes into wp-content.php which you can also take out of the main WordPress install (and thus add to git) and place at the same level as your folders.
To make things even better consider looking at composer https://getcomposer.org/ and using that to bring in WordPress core and plugins https://wpackagist.org/ is your friend here. This guide got me started on using composer with WordPress and its a good start https://roots.io/using-composer-with-wordpress/ you can pull in your theme from git as well via composer which is great for when you deploy etc... Capistrano for example can run composer on a server :)
I had like to install a bundle in Symfony : FOSUserBundle
All search end up using composer.
I'm working in a company behind a proxy with authentication.
I can't write down my password in a config file as it would be on a shared files server.
So, i'd like to install a Bundle without using composer. What is the best way to achieve that task ?
Thank you for reading my poor english and spending time answering me.
You can deploy the same project on your local machine, install all vendors using composer, and when it is set and done - upload all project files to the shared file server.
i dont know why you have to store your password in a config file. If you working behind a proxy, you have to type your password only in installation. If you don't want to use composer you have to download the bundle and add it to AppKernel.php. but the problem is that if your bundle depend of other library you will have some noise.
I developed a website in wordpress and used several plugins. One of the plugin was http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/background-manager/
Every thing was working fine on my machine. But as i get uploaded it to client server. the whole site stuck due to lower version of PHP. This plugin requires PHP 5.3 and on server we have PHP 5.2. Since its a shared server, we can't upgrade its PHP.
Then i look into the code of this plugin it was using PHP 5.3 feature namespaces. Is there any way to downgrade this plugin that it will work with PHP 5.2?
This is a really tricky problem, and of course, it's really, really bad practice to use old code for plugins as they may have fixed security vulnerabilities or other serious problems. It would be better for you to move the site to a server with more up to date PHP.
Having given that important warning, you can, however, browse to the tags directory in the plugin repository and extract the files you want for the previous version. Plugin history is public and always maintained.
For instance, for the plugin you mentioned, you can visit the SVN part of the plugin repository at:
You'll find the previous versions there under the "tags" folder, named after their versions.