I am using PhoneGap pushnotification for Android but in gWebView and gECB I am getting null:
if (gECB != null && gWebView != null) {
Log.v(TAG, "PushPlugin-sendJavascript: " + _d);
I am using gWebView = this.webView; to get the the current view.
Cordova 2.9
Android Version for debugging - 4.1.2
Plugin - PushPlugin
Sorry, I recently found that on Android 13, using MapSceneConfig to modify the language does not seem to work, can you please confirm?
I really need your help, Thank you!
I'm using the lite version.
I tried to change it to zh_tw to show Taiwanese streets.
MapSceneConfig mapSceneConfig = new MapSceneConfig();
mapSceneConfig.mainLanguageCode = LanguageCode.ZH_TW;
mapSceneConfig.fallbackLanguageCode = LanguageCode.ZH_TW;
mapView.getMapScene().loadScene(MapStyle.NORMAL_DAY, mapSceneConfig, new MapScene.LoadSceneCallback() {
public void onLoadScene(#Nullable MapScene.ErrorCode errorCode) {
if (errorCode == null) {
mapItemsExample = new MapItemsExample(MiniActivity.this, mapView);
mapObjectsExample = new MapObjectsExample(mapView);
mapOverlayExample = new MapOverlayExample(MiniActivity.this, mapView);
if (location != null) {
moveCamera(new GeoCoordinates(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()));
Log.e("location", "moveCameraonResume");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "onLoadScene failed: " + errorCode.toString());
I found that it works normally on Android 11, but not on Android 13.
We have a XamarinForms Mobile App for scanning and listing the Barcodes. We have implemented scanning using AV Foundation. The App has a UI in such a way that its has 1/4 screen UI for camera and a UI list below camera. Issue : After iOS 15 Beta update the scanning is not working properly and its not scanning the barcode on which camera focusing , instead its scanning another barcode which is above the intended barcode.
Please assist.
public async void DidOutputMetadataObjects(AVCaptureMetadataOutput captureOutput, AVMetadataObject[] metadataObjects, AVCaptureConnection connection)
if (shouldSendReadBarcodeToDelegate == true)
shouldSendReadBarcodeToDelegate = false;
prevObj.ScannedText = String.Empty;
foreach (var m in metadataObjects)
var avmmrcobj_readable = (AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject)m;
if (avmmrcobj_readable.StringValue != prevObj.ScannedText)
prevObj.ScannedText = avmmrcobj_readable.StringValue;
await Task.Run(async () =>
shouldSendReadBarcodeToDelegate = true;
I use the below code to search SQLite table. It works fine with Android 9. But I receive the below error in Android 10.
Where should I check or how can I make minimal change in the code so that it will work on Android 10 also.
Edit 1:
I'm using the following versions.
Xamarin.Forms v4.5.0.495
Xamarin.Essentials v1.3.1
sqlite-net-pcl v1.7.335
public SearchPage()
conn = DependencyService.Get<ISQLiteMyConnection>().GetConnection();
catch (Exception ex)
DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "Ok");
public void DisplayLines(string searchText)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText))
var details = (from x in conn.Table<QLines>() select x).ToList();
myLines.ItemsSource = details;
searchCount.Text = "";
var details1 = (from x in conn.Table<QLines>() where x.PartA.Contains(searchText) || x.PartB.Contains(searchText) select x).ToList();
myLines.ItemsSource = details1;
searchCount.Text = "Matches found : " + details1.Count.ToString();
private void SearchBar_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
Don't know how to read System.Char
I got the issue.
The nuget package SQLite.Net.Core-PCL is deprecated. This package is handling LINQ like query on SQLite db. Suggested alternative is sqlite-net-pcl. Might be, I need to revise the code.
Edit: I have updated the Xamarin Form to version 5. And revised the code ( I used query instead of LINQ)
I recently started working with javafx.
I changed the jdk from 8 to 11 and using JAVAFX 15 version in the project and there is a class that uses these method "isIgnoreText()" and "isIgnoreGraphic()" here am getting error like these
The method isIgnoreGraphic() from the type LabeledSkinBase<TableRow> is
not visible
- The method isIgnoreText() from the type LabeledSkinBase<TableRow> is not
private void updateShowColumns() {
boolean newValue = (isIgnoreText() && isIgnoreGraphic());
if (showColumns == newValue)
showColumns = newValue;
I am not able to understand what this method does and how to rewrite this code for JavaFX 15
Well, I did add the JSONKit classes (JSONKit.h & JSONKit.h) but in the .m file, I have a lot of warnings & compil's error's like:
NSError *error; //--> ARC forbids Objetive-C in structs or unions
id key, object; whit the same error
anObject = [anObject retain]; //---> ARC forbids explicit message send 'retain''
or many error's in this part code:
static void _JKArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(JKArray *array, id newObject, NSUInteger objectIndex) {
NSCParameterAssert((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (array->count <= array->capacity) && (objectIndex <= array->count) && (newObject != NULL));
if(!((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (objectIndex <= array->count) && (newObject != NULL))) { [newObject autorelease]; return; }
if((array->count + 1UL) >= array->capacity) {
id *newObjects = NULL;
if((newObjects = (id *)realloc(array->objects, sizeof(id) * (array->capacity + 16UL))) == NULL) { [NSException raise:NSMallocException format:#"Unable to resize objects array."]; }
array->objects = newObjects;
array->capacity += 16UL;
memset(&array->objects[array->count], 0, sizeof(id) * (array->capacity - array->count));
if((objectIndex + 1UL) < array->count) { memmove(&array->objects[objectIndex + 1UL], &array->objects[objectIndex], sizeof(id) * ((array->count - 1UL) - objectIndex)); array->objects[objectIndex] = NULL; }
array->objects[objectIndex] = newObject;
how can I use in the best way the JSONKit & JSON framework for xcode 4.6 iOS 6?
& thanks a lot!!! greetings from Bolivia!! Rock ON!!! XD
Trying to use another fork of JSONKit. With a simple search, I have find some fork which have correct this problem.
Maybe this one: https://github.com/Kelp404/JSONKit/network
The last commit of original JSONKit is up to 8 month at this day... it's bad !
For anyone interested, I just forked the original repo and added in the fixes (and a Podspec file) that looks like it works with iOS6. https://github.com/JoistApp/JSONKit