I have a simple web socket application that uses stomp. when a user visits a page it will automatically make a stomp connection to the server. The user is authenticated via spring security. When the user closes the browser i want the user to automatically logout. To do this I create a listener to listen for SessionDisconnectEvent. The problem is I don't have a handle to the httpSession associated with the websocket session? Is there a want to get the httpsession from the websocket session?
here's my code:
<websocket:message-broker application-destination-prefix="/test">
<websocket:stomp-endpoint path="/sbapp">
<bean class="com.sample.HttpSessionIdHandshakeInterceptor"></bean>
<websocket:sockjs />
<websocket:stomp-broker-relay prefix="/topic,/queue,/user" relay-host="localhost" relay-port="61613"/>
here's my websocket session listener:
public class StompDisconnectListener implements ApplicationListener<SessionDisconnectEvent>{
public void onApplicationEvent(SessionDisconnectEvent event) {
System.out.println("Stomp disconnect: " + event.getSessionId());
I need a way such that when i get get a disconnect event I get the corresponding HttpSession then manually logout the HttpSession. Is this possible?
Now Spring Session supports WebSockets. Follow this guide to add it to your project. Then, in your SessionDisconnectEvent listener, you can get your HttpSessionID this way:
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessageHeaderAccessor;
import org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.SessionDisconnectEvent;
public class WebSocketDisconnectHandler<S>
implements ApplicationListener<SessionDisconnectEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(SessionDisconnectEvent event) {
String session = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getSessionAttributes(event.getMessage().getHeaders()).get("HTTP.SESSION.ID").toString();
(Other headers values you can access:)
headers {simpMessageType=CONNECT, stompCommand=CONNECT, nativeHeaders={X-XSRF-TOKEN=[cb73273e-bff3-4eb7-965d-4c696e22c25a], accept-version=[1.1,1.0], heart-beat=[10000,10000]}, simpSessionAttributes={HTTP.SESSION.ID=6dd63204-d5ec-4362-8f37-29af5605298d, org.springframework.security.web.csrf.HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository.CSRF_TOKEN=org.springframework.security.web.csrf.DefaultCsrfToken#10b64145, org.springframework.security.web.csrf.CsrfToken=org.springframework.security.web.csrf.DefaultCsrfToken#10b64145}, simpHeartbeat=[J#3955ead4, simpSessionId=3x25c1e5}
Be sure to register this as a bean in a WebSocket config file that extends ExpiringSession:
import your.package.WebSocketDisconnectHandler;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.session.ExpiringSession;
public class WebSocketHandlersConfig<S extends ExpiringSession> {
public WebSocketDisconnectHandler<S> webSocketDisconnectHandler() {
return new WebSocketDisconnectHandler<S>();
I think you need a interceptor, you will get empty sessionAttributes without it.
You need to add HttpSessionHandshakeInterceptor in the dispatcher-servlet.xml:
<websocket:stomp-endpoint path="/sbapp">
<bean class="org.springframework.web.socket.server.support.HttpSessionHandshakeInterceptor"/>
<websocket:sockjs session-cookie-needed="true" />
<websocket:simple-broker prefix="/topic, /message" />
And then you will be able to get session in the controller:
public Message authorizationAction(
SimpMessageHeaderAccessor headerAccessor, Message message) {
String sessionId = headerAccessor.getSessionId();
Map<String, Object> sessionAttributes = headerAccessor.getSessionAttributes();
// Do something with session
return new Message(...);
This worked for me.
Take a look at the below post.
I got an app and I wanna create a connection to my rest-api.
Each user will get a "token" which will automatically be refreshed by google and co. In my requests, I will send the token and if it can be resolved to the user, the request should be answered, else if it is not up to date, I just wanna drop the request and return an error.
Are there still some possibilities?
Thanks for your help!
Current starting:
You need to implement custom authentication in spring. I did the same thing but I had a db like:
fb_email_address | user_id | other_fields...
You must create these classes:
class TokenAuthenticationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) {
String theToken = request.getParameter('theToken');
TokenAuthentication tokenAuth = new TokenAuthentication(theToken)
You need to add the authentication provider to spring's security system:
class WebConfigHolder extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implements WebMvcConfigurer {
#Autowired private TokenAuthenticationProvider tokenAuthenticationProvider
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
Implement authentication provider which actually checks to see if the token is valid.
class TokenAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
//called by provider manager at some point during execution of security filters, I think
//it's the security api's job to call this
//the fbauthentication we create in our fbauthenticationfilter gets passed into this
Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) {
TokenAuthentication tokenAuthentication = (TokenAuthentication) auth;
String theToken = auth.getThetoken();
boolean theTokenIsInDB = ///CHECK TO SEE IF TOKEN IS IN DB
if(theTokenIsInDB) {
TokenAuthentication t = new TokenAuthentication();
return t;
} else {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Could not find user");
boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
boolean ret = TokenAuthentication.isAssignableFrom(authentication)
return TokenAuthentication.isAssignableFrom(authentication)
You need a simple Authentication Class that is just the object that's used to store the credentials while spring is waiting for the thread to get to the spring security filter; once it gets to that filter it passes authentication objects to the providers that support them. This allows you to have multiple authentication methods like FB, Google, custom tokens, etc... In my app I use FB tokens and in my provider, I check to see if the FB token corresponds to an authorized email address on my whitelist of email addresses. If it does, the user gets access to my app.
public class TokenAuthentication extends Authentication{
String token;
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
public TokenAuthentication(String theToken) { this.token = theToken;}
//getters and setters
What this code all does is, whenever someone accesses your API such as /api/person/get?theToken=132x8591dkkad8FjajamM9
The filter you created is run on every request. It checks to see if theToken was passed in and adds the TokenAuthentication to spring security.
At some point in the filter chain, spring security filter will run, and it will see that a TokenAuthentication has been created, and will search for a provider that can perform authentication on that. That happens to be your TokenAuthenticationProvider.
TokenAuthenticationProvider does the actual authentication. If it returns an authentication object that has isAuthenticated set to true, then the user will be allowed to access that api call.
Once authenticated, a user doesn't need to pass theToken again until his cookies are cleared or you invalidate his session. So he can call /api/person without the query parameters for the rest of his interactions. That's because the authentication is stored as a session-scoped data in spring.
Hope that helps. Let me know if anything's missing.
I've got REST FeignClient defined in my application:
#FeignClient(name = "gateway", configuration = FeignAuthConfig.class)
public interface AccountsClient extends Accounts {
I share endpoint interface between server and client:
public interface Accounts {
#PostMapping(path = "/register",
ResponseEntity<?> registerAccount(#RequestBody ManagedPassUserVM managedUserDTO)
throws EmailAlreadyInUseException, UsernameAlreadyInUseException, URISyntaxException;
Everythng works fine except that my FeignClient definition in my client application also got registered as independent REST endpoint.
At the moment I try to prevent this behavior using filter which returns 404 status code for FeignClinet client mappings in my client application. However this workeraund seems very inelegant.
Is there another way how to prevent feign clients registering as separate REST endpoints?
It is a known limitation of Spring Cloud's feign support. By adding #RequestMapping to the interface, Spring MVC (not Spring Cloud) assumes you want as an endpoint. #RequestMapping on Feign interfaces is not currently supported.
I've used workaround for this faulty Spring Framework behavior:
public class FeignMappingDefaultConfiguration {
public WebMvcRegistrations feignWebRegistrations() {
return new WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter() {
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping getRequestMappingHandlerMapping() {
return new FeignFilterRequestMappingHandlerMapping();
private static class FeignFilterRequestMappingHandlerMapping extends RequestMappingHandlerMapping {
protected boolean isHandler(Class<?> beanType) {
return super.isHandler(beanType) && (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(beanType, FeignClient.class) == null);
I found it in SpringCloud issue
I am building a Spring Cloud project (Brixton.M4 with Spring Boot 1.3.1) with Eureka, Zuul and FeignClient where I am trying to add multi tenancy support (Tenants are identified by subdomain : tenant1.myservice.com). To do so, I would like to somehow pass the original subdomain along requests that are forwarded from a service to the other via Feign but I can't seem to be able to find the right way to do it.
What I have is a client that exposes a #RestController which calls a #FeignClient to communicate with my backend which exposes server operations to the client through its own #RestController.
The #FeignClient using same interface as my #RestController on the server :
#FeignClient(name = "product")
public interface ProductService extends IProductService {
What I am currently trying to do is set a header in a RequestInterceptor :
public class MultiTenancyRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
private CurrentTenantProvider currentTenantProvider;
public MultiTenancyRequestInterceptor(CurrentTenantProvider currentTenantProvider) {
this.currentTenantProvider = currentTenantProvider;
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
try {
template.header("TENANT", currentTenantProvider.getTenant());
} catch (Exception e) {
// "oops"
My provider class is a simple component where I'm trying to inject a request / session scope bean :
public class CurrentTenantProvider {
private CurrentTenant currentTenant;
The bean (I tried both session and request scope) :
#Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public CurrentTenant currentTenant() {
return new CurrentTenant();
On the server, I use Hibernate multitenant provider that is supposed to catch the header value and use it to define which DB to connect to :
private HttpServletRequest httpRequest;
public String resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier() {
return httpRequest.getHeader("TENANT");
It seems the Feign call to the server is done in another thread and out of the incoming request scope, so i'm not sure how to pass that value along.
It all works fine when I hardcode the tenant value in the RequestInterceptor so I know the rest is working properly.
I have also looked at many other posts about Zuul "X-Forwaded-For" header and cannot find it in the request received on the server. I have also tried adding a ZuulFilter to pass host name to next request but what I see is that original request to the Client is picked up by the ZuulFilter and I can add but not when the Feign request is sent to the backend service even if I map it in zuul (i guess that is intended ?).
I am not really sure what's the next step and would appreciate some suggestions.
Hope that it's of any use for you but we're doing sth similar in Spring-Cloud-Sleuth but we're using a ThreadLocal to pass span between different libraries and approaches (including Feign + Hystrix).
Here is an example with the highlighted line where we retrieve the Span from the thread local: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/blob/master/spring-cloud-sleuth-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/sleuth/instrument/web/client/TraceFeignClientAutoConfiguration.java#L123
We're a Spring Boot shop and rely heavily on Spring MVC for our REST endpoints. We use Boot and embedded Tomcat to create a self-hosting JAR. Is it possible to replace Tomcat with Ratback while still keeping all my Spring MVC code in place? I am afraid that Spring MVC is tied into the servlet specification somehow and will not run without a servlet container. I am aware of dsyer/spring-boot-ratpack work but after skimming the code couldn't decide if Spring MVC would play well using the bridge. Is anyone aware of any work that will allow us to retain our investment in Spring MVC and have Spring Boot use Ratpack to manage HTTP traffic?
I suspect the crux of your question can be distilled to: "can we put our Spring controllers on top of Ratpack's non-blocking HTTP layer?" and the simplest answer to that question is no, for reason that the MVC programming model doesn't fit well into the reactive/NIO model very well.
However, if your application has followed some common model-view-controller-(and service) patterns, then your controllers should really just be performing data binding and parsing and delegating out to a service layer. If that's the case, then likely the code in your controller is already non-blocking, and you could easily translate it to Ratpack code.
As an example, consider the following #RestController in a Spring Boot app:
class UserController {
UserService userService
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
Long create(#RequestBody #Valid User user) {
User savedUser = userService.save(user)
return savedUser.id
Spring's data binding aspect is a computation process (ie isn't I/O bound), so we can easily translate this into a Ratpack handler:
import app.SpringConfig
import app.User
import app.UserService
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import ratpack.jackson.JacksonModule
import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import static ratpack.jackson.Jackson.fromJson
import static ratpack.jackson.Jackson.json
import static ratpack.spring.Spring.spring
ratpack {
bindings {
add(new JacksonModule())
bindInstance(ApplicationContext, SpringApplication.run(SpringConfig))
handlers { ApplicationContext ctx ->
prefix("user") {
handler { UserService userService ->
byMethod {
post {
def user = parse(fromJson(User))
blocking {
} then { User savedUser ->
Where SpringConfig looks like this:
package app
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
class SpringConfig {
UserService userService() {
new UserService()
And here's a functional test to prove it:
package app
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.ApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson
class FuncSpec extends Specification {
#Shared ApplicationUnderTest aut = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest()
#Shared ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
#Delegate TestHttpClient client = aut.httpClient
def "should parse and save user"() {
def user = new User(username: "dan", email: "danielpwoods#gmail.com")
requestSpec { spec ->
spec.body { b ->
def savedUser = mapper.readValue(response.body.text, User)
Hope this helps!
The Spring MVC programming model is not very heavily dependent on Servlet APIs, but it's not supported in any other containers (i.e. not in Ratpack). There is some async stuff there now and Servlet 3.1 enhances it some more, so if that's the part of Ratpack that attracts you, maybe just using that would be a better approach. You won't get all the way to reactive and non-blocking IO that way though.
I'm learning Spring 3.1.
My webapp name is "acme".
The url is roughly https://blah.blah.blah/acme
That URL is set up to display the login.jsp
I have a "/login" mapping in my controller that my login.jsp submits to
If something goes wrong it return the user to the login.jsp with this url in the browser:
The "/login" mapping is set up to handle POST requests, so I am concerned about users bookmarking
https://blah.blah.blah/acme/login, and getting the error message of "GET request not supported"
So, I thought I would put in a function to handle GET requests to /login to reroute through my general mapping handler for "/" and "/home":
package gov.noaa.acme.controller;
import java.security.Principal;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.validation.*;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.SessionAttributes;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class LoginController {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoginController.class);
public String home(ModelMap model,HttpSession session,HttpServletRequest request) {
// Do some stuff
return "login";
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String login_get(){
return "forward:home";
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String login(#ModelAttribute("laph") LAPH laph,
BindingResult bindingResult,
ModelMap model,
HttpSession session,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
#RequestParam(required=true) String last_usertype) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
logger.debug("Error returning home");
return "home";
logger.debug("Started ....");
// Do authentication
if (!isAuthenticated) {
model.put("status_message", error_message);
return "login";
// success, send newly authenticated user to a search page
nextView = "search";
return "redirect:" + nextView;
}// end class LoginController
My logs show that I am not even reaching the controller method for handling GET requests for /login, I'm still getting the error messages that GET is not supported for /login.
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
I am concerned about users bookmarking https:// blah.blah.blah/acme/login, and getting the error message of "GET request not supported".
Your method signatures are correct; with the annotations you have placed on login_get and login, Spring will not be confused and will invoke the correct methods for GET and POST requests.
Your method home is wrong; it returns the string "login", but I guess you do not have a view named login and that you would like it to invoke one of the login methods. In that case you should have returned "forward:login", but this solution is not much better.
My advice is:
/home should render the home view, by using file home.jsp or whatever view technology you're using.
Use a HandlerInterceptor to check whether a user is logged in, and if not, only then you redirect him to the login url.