WooCommerce Force SSL Creates 404 - wordpress

So, I've read a few articles/blogs on this issue, but here's mine:
When I activate "Force SSL" in Woocommerce settings, I get a 404 on any pages that have HTTPS.
I have a dedicated SSL certificate on my domain, and that is no problem. It is not caused by plugins, I have tested that.
I've heard that you need to modify the "default-ssl" file on your server. You apparently need to modify your htaccess file to match the settings of your "default-ssl" file. If this is not accessible on a shared hosting server, then this is not a viable solution for anyone who doesn't have a VPS or access to root level SSH.
I've also been told that you need to reset your WP permalink settings to default. This is bad for SEO and quite frankly, an "I failed" non-solution.
If there is a way to get around this problem that can be fixed by having access only to cPanel and FTP, then answer this question. If it is definitely not possible via these means, please tell me why.

I'm not sure whether this is something that is going to benefit others, but if you're on shared hosting, testing on a subdomain is a bad idea. Rather test on "www.yourdomain.com/testing/", as opposed to "testing.yourdomain.com". Don't ask me why, the nerdy reasons I will leave to the back-end guys who answer my questions with grammatically unintelligible questions and down-votes.
You can have custom domains on your Woocommerce site after all. Don't test on a subdomain.


Multiple sites on same server and issues with SSL

A number of months ago I created the site cascocc.com. All is well. I then created another site coloradospringshomebuilders.com. All was well, I started development.
I then got an SSL for cascocc.com and installed it, all was well. Some items were not being delivered using SSL so I used the plug in force SSL to get the fancy green bar to show up.
Now coloradospringshomebuilders.com redirects to cascocc.com and I can not figure out how to fix it. I have reverted all my htacess files to the most basic possible. Am I missing one or what am I missing?
Any ideas?
EDIT: I deleted ALL .htaccess files on the entire server. The second site is still redirecting to the first and trying to use the firsts site SSL cert. I do not understand how this is happening
1st sites .htaccess file
2nd sites .htaccess file
This problem sounds like your Virtual hosts are not setup correctly. The SSL setting is overriding any other setting and redirecting to the page that is setup with SSL.
That can only be solved in the server settings (in this case most likely the virtual host). Depending on where you host your sites you might not have access to this, so I would advise to direct this question to your hosting provider.
This whole "redirect" is happening before the server reads the .htaccess files, that's why you can't solve this problem there.

Site not appearing with prefix www

I installed a wordpress site. The visitors can only see the site without the prefix WWW. If someone types the website name with www, there is a "site not installed page". I am with OVH hosting and they are blaming the wordpress but I am sure that someone without good knowledge answered as the problem was the same even before the wp installation took place. If I change wp url location in the backend to www.mysite.com there is a backend lockout till I edit the database directly with the url without www.
My questions:
1> How to make my website accessible with both versions of the url (www+no www)? I want the www to appear in the address bar.
2> I do not want SEO rank loss due to duplicate content.
Please help as the customer care sucks and for 2 weeks they cant solve this problem. I am sure someone out here can please provide a few steps which I can follow and implement what I want. Thanks a lot in advance.
You may want to check with your hosting provider. I think technically, they are different URLs. Your host should be able to link both I would imagine.

How can I solve the OpenShift Wordpress installation certificate and hence the https permalink issues?

I've migrated my Wordpress blog to OpenShift recently. It works perfect until when you try to add a custom domain alias to your installation.
The OpenShift URL for my blog is blog-latifetunc.rhcloud.com
I added the following URL as alias: blog.latifetunc.com
(Sorry I couldn't attach images since I don't have enough reputation points. Instead I put links to images. This is my first question in StackOverflow.)
I successfully added the CNAME record for my domain to point blog.latifetunc.com to blog-latifetunc.rhcloud.com in GoDaddy
The problem pops up when I try to reach my blog with this alias. It says:
Safari can't verify the identity of the website "blog.latifetunc.com".
The certificate for this website is invalid. You might be connecting to a website that is pretending to be "blog.latifetunc.com", which could put your confidential information at risk. Would you like to connect to the website anyway?
(I can't even post more than two links without 10 reputation points :( So please put the above URL in front of below images as well.)
If you click "Continue" it works fine but this alert is very scary for many users. I searched for hours for a solution with no luck. I considered buying a security certificate as well but then I thought this blog was working with an alias in its previous installation too. However we never had such an alert in browser while visiting either via the main domain or the alias.
The previous installation was on IIS and the binding were as following:
Then when my brain was about to explode I found out that the alert is due to https. When I checked Settings from my Wordpress dashboard I realised that somehow OpenShift installs Wordpress on https and sets the permalinks to https.
In fact whatever you type that points to *.rhcloud.com is converted to https. I know that because I added the CNAME for www.latifetunc.net to point to blog-latifetunc.rhcloud.com as well but didn't add the alias in OpenShift Applications. So www.latifetunc.net resolves to blog-latifetunc.rhcloud.com but since there is no alias defined (hence there is no vhost entry in Apache) it gives error. But even that error is in port 443!
My main problem is to get rid of the certificate error while visiting my blog via my alias domain name. I really appreciate any help on that one.
My related question is that why on earth permalinks start with https on OpenShift Wordpress installation? If I can solve that, probably I'll solve my main problem as well.
Thanks a lot!
I checked blog.latifetunc.com on safari,chrome,firefox, and opera and I didn't get any warnings so you much have figured out a solution. However for others who may stumble across this I've provided some information:
By default OpenShift applications accept traffic on both http and https. So if you're wanting to have a custom domain but aren't worried about ssl than you can simply just use the http connection to your application (http://myapp.com). If you are wanting to apply a SSL certificate and you're on one of the plans that allow it (bronze or silver). The documentation to apply it, is in the SSL Section of the OpenShift Online User Guide.

Is it safe to switch to https on a Wordpress site?

I would like to get a SSL certificate for my WordPress site. Is it safe to switch from http to https? My host says it's an automatic install, but shouldn't I change all the URLs?
In my theme I have hard coded URLs, but also WordPress permalink PHP codes for example. The hard coded URLs can be changed, but how about the URLs in the Wordpress code itself and all the plugins? If I change that and there's an update it will all be lost I suppose.
I would like to have https all over the website. Will the site and all the plugins still work after I switch from http to https?
It is safe, but yes, you will have to change the hardcoded urls or establish redirections, the first option is better. There are plugins that help you with this, remember all internal linking in your posts has to change, too.
You can read here. This question is related.

The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site - Wordpress

I am using Word press that Hosted on Blue Host
after activate Jetpack and when click on "connect to wordpress.com" button, i see this error:
The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [HTTP 404]. Ask your web host if they allow connections from WordPress.com. If you need further assistance, contact Jetpack Support: http://jetpack.me/support/
I had this issue because I have installed iThemes Security plug-in. To solve the problem :
Disable it.
Connect JetPack
Enable it and look what exactly in the config is making the problem.
Probably other security plug-ins/firewalls will have the same effect.
The jetpack plugin error in wordpress is due to the ModSecurity is enabled in the cpanel and xmrpc rule is not added in the .htaccess file.
First diable the mod securty for the domain from cpanel.
Log into cPanel
Under Security choose ModSecurity
Under Configure Individual Domains, Switch affected On or Off (For all domains, ModSecurity is On by default)
Add xmlrpc.php requests rule in .htaccess
<Files "xmlrpc.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
And check xmlrpc is working or not
i deactivating all plugins and uninstall jetpack , after reinstall jetpack its work successfuly. thanks for all
In your case, a security plugin or your host may be blocking access to this file. As long as this is the case, you won't be able to use Jetpack, or any other app or plugin using the XML-RPC file.
### yourblog/wordpress/xmlrpc.php
Could you try to deactivate all security plugins, and if that doesn't help to contact your hosting provider and ask them if they block access top the URL above?
I have tried all types of work around and none has solved, even this above. At least with me.
What I found was, comparing with other running websites I have this one, which is a new installation had a strange folder within the same folder installation.
A folder called ".didb", I never heard of it and there was several text files within. Searched online to see if was something important to have on server, nothing clear found.
So guess what I did. Deleted the sweet folder and boom. Is working perfectly well now.
Sorry, I don't have the names of the files and folders within, and to be honest, I don't want to know, all I want to know if is the website is working with the files I want which is WordPress only.
So, you may have a similar situation, take a look under your high level folder via FTP or whichever other way you may want to and that could save the day. ;-)
